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November 26, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-26-1924

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w - .....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _....- -, -.,-.

i~:r~~it ~ocry "' rung ex';ept Monday
1 h I Ut. . ityycr y the Board in
a a1 e ". , ea1 unewEitra

ment. This should not be regarded
by anyone, however, as being a final
stej'. Before Michigan can hope 40
haverthis "highest type of educator"
material increases in salaries of pres-
ent and future deserving members of
the faculty must be made. This will
only come as the result of continued,
effort on the part of the administration
and support from the alumni, faculty
and, students in the matter of adequate
publicity concerning the University's
needs in this respect.

Here we sit in the office of the
Michig-1n Chimes (with which is com-
bined- the office of the Michigan Gar-
goyle, 'retaining the best features of
each,') and we are getting out a col-
umn for the Michigan Daily. We offer
to review a Chimes if the editors will
present us with one; and they leap,



..___._._.r...._._........_._._ ,,,..... ..



Begin Your Christmas Shopping Now
. .-----

rias exclusively en-
t - ,>r epublication of all news
t or not otherwise
,r 4Od the local news pub-


Lntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Aichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
4 postage {ranted by Third Assistant Post-
'' atyr (;eneralmal
Sibscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
es n rbor Press Building, M4v-
. i Y + S t t
tliones dl':i, al =4I4 and 76-M, busi-
ess, 960,
relepho nes 2414 and 176--M

itor............John G. Garlinghouse
"yw dtor... . .'.... .Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
erge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
rhonas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Tral
Sunrday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Wourn's Editor..............Verena Moran
Miusk' and i'rama. ,kobert B. Henderson
eleraph f-ditor.. ...William J. Walthour
..ouise Barley Winfield H. Line
Varion SParlow Carl E. Ohimacher
Leslie- S. iennetr William C. Patterson
,nith Cady Jr. LIelcn S. Ramnsay
Willaid 12. Crosby Regina Reichmann
Valentine L. Davies %'arie Reed
James W. Fernamberg Edmarie Schrauder
ionph V. .Gartner Frederick H. Shillito
\1talning Houseworth C. Arthur Stevens
: izabeth S Kennedy Marjory Sweet
,,;zabthb Liebeimann Herman J. Wise
Telephone 060
Advertising......... .....E. L. b~unne
Advertising........-.......L.J. 3. Finn
Advertising......... . H. A. Marks
Add :rtising .................. H. M. Rockwell
counts......................Byron Parker
Circulation...................R. C.Winter
Publication...............John W. Conlin
' assistants
X:. Arn:>ld \ VL. Mullins
' - 1aA us K . 1Mast
,ordlonBi rrisi !-.~ niafln
:.De eitz Thomas Olmstead
' h ip I; eitz J. D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman greehling, Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
{ :Johnrson S.'H.. Sinclair
L. fl. Kramer E. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer

Once again the American Federa- up so willingly, so jovially, that we
tion of Labor has demonstrated its half regret our promise. We remon-1
better judgment by voting to adhere strate with them mildly for the open-
closely to its traditional non-partisan ing cartoon, a masterpiece display-
political policy, when the delegates to in6 the transcendent genius of lies
the national convention rejected with Krieger, and they explain that it was
a single dissenting vote two resolu- late but that wasn't their fault. The
tions which would have committed cartoon in point depicts the antics of
the membership to the support of a a Creature in a white robe, blowing
new.party. a bugle with one hand and waving
"Our nonpartisan political policy the other one. In front of her is a
does not imply that we shall ignore little fellow in a soldier suit, crawling
the existence or attitudes of political around in a cemetery.
parties," the committee on resolutions On the opposite page we find the
explained. "It does mean that labor leading editorial, in much the same
proposes to use all parties and be } jolly vein: "Belleau Wood today is
tised by none." Thus was the opposl- alpicture of peace. The gaunt splint-
tion to governmental invasion of the } ered stumps of the ' vished forest"
field of labor approved as a funda- (those bad Germans!) "are concealed
mental guiding policy for the fedora- 7inder the six year growth of shrubs
tion. and small trees."

A review, by Robert Ramsay.
Three sisters, -=iriam, delightfully i
sophisticated, Irene, regally dignified
and reserved, and- Phyllis, vivid, ex-
uberant, wide-eyed and youthful,
imake up the Ma- mein sisters. Vivid
I coloring, gorgeou costumes, brilliant
arrangement, 3atethe characteristics
of their performance.
It would, however, be impossible to N 0 V E M B E R, 1 9 2 4
Itake the sisters seriously it is so S M T W T F S
patent that 'they do not take them- - - -- -. -- 1
selves -eriously. It would be as idle 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8
to attempt to she anything really great 16 17 1 19 20 21 22
in what they did Tlst night as it would 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
be to try to :ig;out pearls of beauty 30
from any ljgh grade vaudeville act.-
The sistersi are certainly not artists.
Clever dancing, beauty, youth, all go
far in the make up of an artist andNotic
an artistic performance, but alone !__ _
they are inadequate. The Marmeins
lack the exquisite delicacy and grace We clean and reblnck hats and caps

, .




b n~u~rxraarm J


Baoth Ends of the Diagonal Walk

-- 'v

G\. er FInn

''se r vation fo
Mth St:ae St. Phone 1306-R


of Ruth S. Denis; they can never
hope to achieve the formal, but faut-
less technique which makes Anna
Pavlowa still the incomparable artist
of the dance; they axe lovely, healthy,
clever girls, but nothing more.
Comparistn may be odious, but to

and do it PLIGHT. You will appreciate
having your hat done over in a cleanj
and sanitary manner, free from odor
and made to fit your head.
617 LPackard St. Phone 1792
T T.. Stons atS e



Several months of work by the
Deans in Conference have cuhinated
in the report on academic qualifi-
cations for appointment and promo-
Lion to the faculty which was accept-
ed at the Monday meeting of the Uni-
versity Senate and will now be re-
ferred to the Board of Regents for
final action. Although the exact nature'
of the recommended changes has not
been made public, it is significant that
the Deans' report sugggests that'
"higher qualifications be required off
all candidates for faculty positions
and promotions." This is an essentiall
step forward toward President Bur-1
ton's ideal for Michigan-the highest
possible type of educator.
While it has been said by many
that the principal trouble with educa-
tion today lies with the student, not
the instructor, it is equally certain
that there has been too promiscous a
disposalof teaching positions among
persons hardly qualified to inspire
the mass of students now seeking a
higher education. Persons with no
previous experience in teaching, with
little besides a Bachelor of Arts de-
gree to qualify them have been in-
stalled to start freshmen off on their
rhetoric and other beginning subjects.
These so-called instructors have in
many cases latent possibilities as
teachers or scholars, but they are
tpermittedto start active "steward-
ship" before they have had time ade-
quately to prepare themselves.
Another travesty on our system of
University education and its recogni-
tion of scholarly achievement has
been the promotion of individuals to
the rank of associate and full pro-
fessorships before they had proved
themselves worthy. Men who have
done little or no 4cholarly work,
who have been in the teaching pro-
fession a comparatively short time
have been ranked with nationally
known scholars with years of ex-
perience.s'e eresult has been that
the title of professor has come to
mean little as an honor.,t
Tf i°, r'neolrragingf, then, to note thatI
! - :n" r l.n is one which will{
"', ,,her qualifications" for fu- I
'rcmbers of the faculty. It is
obvious that such qualifications
should take somewhat the following
treid: the title of full professor
should indicate that the holder has
done some sort of scholarly work
which is recognized as outstanding
in his field of endeavor; he should
in addition have proved himself to be'
a good teacher, cne who can impart
his l-nowledge to students and be an
inspiration to productive study; pros-
pective instructors should be consid-
cr;d only if they have been success-
ful as teachers and have beeen award-
ed at least a Master of Arts degree.

If for no other reason, the history Here is the lead in an article called j1the
hepera Different," by Paul E critic is necessary; and the
of the fall of the "Knights of Labor,""The perDfrMarmeins suffer badly when meas-
the forerunner of the American Fed- stein: "I was sitting in a little Russian ured according to the standards set
er.tion of Labor, should have warned 1astaurant in Detroit when the in- by the famous artists of the world.
the present labor leaders that they spiration came to me." This was Don It would be difficult to define just
were advancing into treacherouster- STnyder's answer when I asked him where they fail short. It may be
ritory when they considered entering the source of the germ idea for their, very youth which proves a
,, drawback. What can exuberant youth
the political arena under a searate at "Tickled to Death." drawbc atg cand eat youtha-
banner. In just this manner, the for- "Why Are We Here?" is by a person iown of tragedy and death, temta-
tion, the more morbid emotions? There
mer. labor organization started cn the who thought up the cagey nickname 1 was a lack of sincerity in what they
downward path and was soon lost of F. Fett to sign his story with. did then, only in the gay, bacchantic,
in the maze of political trickery. 1e uses the word 'neophytes' some- whirling dances of sheer abandon,
.PIresident Samuel Gompers, the aged where, tOO. were they adequate.
leader of the federation, demonstrated "A Relic of Siwash Days" starts One looked in vain through the
that he still hold swvay o er the des- thus: "If there is any place that whole performance for something
t,-nies of American organized labor should be free from class distinctions I reely beautiful, a motion, a wave of
when resolutions asking that the it is a university." the arm, a perfect grace, and found
United States recognize the Russian * * * onlya near approach in the (lance o
Soviet government went into the scrap This is a damned unfair way to re- pha mie in Undihe r The
heap, after "Mr. Gompers got through view the issue. You can make any- angular mathematical poses of theC
telling what he thought of the 'bol- thing look silly if you take a little Chinese Proceliins, the Egyptian
shevik' government." piece of it. dancer who pranced through the halls
The latter action was to be expect- That's what you might say. ' of Karnak irt acbepted Egyptian man-
-e in view'.of the stand taken by Mr. The justice of the situation comes ner, were spectaceular, interesting, but
'0ompers, who has virtually repre- from the fact that the items we have not beautiful. y ,Tg one who believes
sented the sentiment of organized slandered were capable of being thatlancenis rythmic, graceful, o-
for-oprovedsillypintalot ofadiffrent waystional, intencfl.d to dis lay the bu-
labor for the past 74 years. The roved silly in a lot of different ways, man body in all its beauty, it is de-
mer vote, however, may be looked and all of them would have been cidedly painful to see it assume the
upon as an indication that the great much more laborious and (with a queer, impo bible shapes and twists
labor organization will go ahea:l Oeen :bw) dull. of an Egyptian mummy.
after the present leader has passed * * * However, the performance was
on, for It came as the result of the A Chimes lad has just okehed the highly colorful and entertaining, if
Sinsistence of other leaders than Mr. above, with the wistful proviso that it failed to measure up to the promises
Gompers. Bothtactions may be con- he w ty S. itki 'of enthusiastic press reports. TheR
. he was sorry N.S.ddntgetakc settings before whl ich the M1arm eins
sidered as substantial proof that or- in the teeth. All right, said Cowles ings bere wxire e b arins
,ganzed abo hascometo tay n th (lancedl were extremely beautiful and
.ganized labor has come to stay in theobligingly, his review of Merle An- effective. T figures posed in
UJited .States andwill continue to derson's sermon is a cheesey piece of tableau abdiit an urn, a figure flitting
be a power in the industrial circles of work. We quote part of thefirst sen- through the air with a bac:'ground
the country as long a, it continues to I tence: "It is not without sickening ' of pure black velvet all were beautiful.
pursue so many level headed policies. misgivings that I take up the unhappy The most ambitious undertaking was
ta k of mauling a sermon." . the reproductioh of the sea in the
ANOThRF C " OEr) 13*0011 k s .dance drama ,f Undine set to one of
I I I MacDowell's sea pieces, vhile the
The inevitable. result of the abuse TODAY'S , CONTHIBUTION lighting throughout added much to
of an admirable institution, in whlose
Ta adsDear Jase: the beauty of the performance.
name and under the cover of whose What has become of the gang of It would be idle to aver that the
reputation some scoundrel attains his fiends you used to have? We never Tperformance last night was not beauti-
personal aims, is the case of the see communiques om ee ever ful. The simplicity w of the arange-
pseeecomuniqueiromBCheeFollown,.ment of the sets, the beauty of the
present situation i ina. low Taygeta, or Arnould, Duke of Winter- tableaux, all were artistic. In that the
i.n the ravages of a so-called "Chris- bottom, any more. If not never, at talexs were atiic y that the
tageneral"wh recently captured! Marmeins were entirely satisfactory.
tian g " who y least seldom. There are others. 1 It was their dancing however, which
Pekin driving out the former govern- f Following is a small sized descrip- furnished the keen disappointment.
nient, the leading Chinese educators tion of a butler. Not that I've ever Dancing is enough of an art not to
of fourteen provinces gathered to-~ known one. Oh, no. We never owned need the spoken word to interpret it;
gether at a national convention, passed I'a butler. This is in the mood follow- the effect of the little ditties spoken
resolutions demanding close govern- ing a dose of Carl Van Vechten's by the characters in the dance dramas
meat regulation of all institutionas of 'attooed Countess." Most of the added nothing to the beauty of the I
lear~ning-operated by American and piece and only aided in establishing I
oter foen m yssimnriin Cia. words' are his. the immession that it was high rate
other foreign missionaries in Chiat We (sounds more important than i vaudeville and not groat dancing
Going even further, tIy ask that I) are working on a parody of Edna which the audience was looking at.
all teaching of religion by mission- St. Vincent Millay's "The Penitent," Nor was their work in itself amazing-
aries in China be stopped, maintain-- and hope to have it finished soon. A ly original. There was something of a
ing that education is not their real I blue book 'intervenes, however.,' sameness which ran thru the evening
aim and that missionary education Wasted some time at a movie last which was relieved only by the color-
in China is largely responsible for week. Spanish thing, with bulls (not g of the costumes and scenery.
political disorders. To support their flatfeet) and all that. At the beginning
case they point to the fact that the ad- I nfnI "SHAVINGS," VAST OF:
rof the picture a dedication announce- SAIGCS F

Rave you paid

your Daily Subscrip,


__.. ._._.___.._a,.-. ._.. . ...... -.

fhe Arcade Cafeteria.xviii
Thanksgiving day, but the
M-Lunch 322 South State
street, will remain op en

Vv tlt') a 7_) U. tti. OLOVs UL :a1 ILU)



ic k els

A r c ea

,.. . _r m ~



ministrators of the mission schools
are either preachers of religion or
occupy their positions for the purpose
of inculcating foreign ideas into the
young people of the great eastern re-
Thanks to fate, the present disrupt-
ed' political situation renders it im-
probable for the resolutions to mean
much in an official way, at least until
things become mnore settled. In spite
of their temporary futility, how ver,
'they have created a considerable stir
Iin the missionary circles of China
which are now represented lby about
twelve colleges and universities oper-
ated by Americans. JIritish, and other
foreign agencies. The action is an
important one in the minds of church
leaders of the entire world and the
outcome will be watched with great
if the resolutions are honored by
some government which may evolve
within the coming months, it will
mean the greatest set-back in the his-
tory of missionary education just as

ment was made in a caption on the
screen to the effect that the picture I
was dedicated to beautiful women
of all ages. Later, in the picture, there
was a bull fight. The favorite matador.
cahnly turning his back on the bull,
announced to the populace assembled
that' lie dedicated this bull to the
lbeautiful women of all ages.j
No one snickered. It was a serious
moment. The hero was speaking.
So I went home. (Should have said
* * * is i w.e
And here is his waffle:


pinguid face,
languid grace,
fulgid nose,
turgid pose,
gelid countenance.

Jed Winslow, "Shavings"...........
.............Mister Edward Gibson
Captain Sam Ilinniwell .............. .
.Mister Edlward T. Abele
Phiniss Babbitt ............... ...
..........Mister Alfred Browning
Charles Phillips, Mister Earle Fingerle
Major Leonard Grover ..............
.........Mister Norman Johnson
Gabriel Bearse ..Valentine L. Davies
Roscoe Holway.....................
.§Mlister Le Von Cooney
Leander Babbit .. Mister JohnC Mooe
Ruth Armstrong ................... .
.Miss Genevieve Goodwin
Barbara Armstrong...............
.Miss Phyllis Turnbull
Maude IIunm0wglL. ..................
.... ...fMiss 1Margaret Answorth
In the deceased Michigan Daily Sun-
day Magazine for November 11, 1923,
the drama editor labelled "The Fool,"
which is to appear at the Whitney
Theatre Saturday, December 6, very
flatly as the worst play in the English
language. At that time, of course,
he was very young, widely given to
sweeping gestures and bombastic in-
uendos. "The Fool," rather, to-day
stands as a consumate example or bad-
taste, equalled probably only by j
"Abie's Irislf Rose," "For All of Us,"


Dark blue suits of cheviot
or of unfinished worsted in
single and double breasted
styles are the smartest now.
They're priced $37.50 to $50.

We never lk.new Bee

Cellini, or

Taygeta, and have forgotten the latter

the first admittance of a missionary completely. Arnould Duke of Winter-
into China not so many years ago bottom is just lazy.
was heralded as a great step toward * * *
the evangelization of the world. John Barrymore in Beau Brummel is
about the best movie you'll have a1
If the United States Senate would chance to see in a good many moons.
listen to Senator Arthur Capper of Aside from the ghost stuff in the1


1 1

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