7EATHER ED; COOLER; LY SHOWERS Abr Aw 44J4 t MEMXBER ASSOCIATED PRES and WESTERN CONFEIEN EDITORIAL ASSOCIA'I :XV. No. 5 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE C -------------- "! ] i ,P~uTIS PEACEDISCUSSI DELICATE SITUATION FOLLOWS SUGGESTION TO OERRIDE WORLD COURT JAPANESE IDEA. elegates Consider Amendment as Re- fering "to jnigration Problems of World Geneva, ept. 26 (By A. P.)-A somewhat delicate situation has arisen in the peace discussion at Geneva growing out of a proposed amendment to the proctol of arbitration offered by the Japanese. This in effect called upon the council of the League of Nations to endeavor to conciliate and mediate in disputes between countries even if the world court of justice had ruled that the dispute had risen over mtters which were solely within the domestic jurisriction of the state in- volved. The situation is delicate because all tote delegates interpret the Japanese amendment which was subsequently withdrawn as referring to the problem of immigration and hence especialy interesting to such countries as the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zaeland, In withdrawing the amendment M. Adach, ;the Japanese minister to Bel-f guu said that in consequence of the fttitude of the disarmament commis- sion he would have to make expresst reservations concerning the whole off the proctiO f arbitration and securty which Is now being:drafted. A private meeting of several of the delegates including the Japanese, Was called foar late tonight in an endeavor to reach a campromise satisfactory to the Japanese. STUDEN i'JUESWOA S a te ad, '27E, has been1 released from jail on $5,090 ball it1 was announced yesterday. Halstead1 who comes to Michigan from Evan- ston, Illinois, ran into and seriously injured Mrs. Nancy Bell of 618 Church street late Thursday after- noon, as she stepped from a street1 car at McKinley Ave. and Packard. Halsted is said to have been speed- ing, and police investigation showedf that his car had no brakes.- Mrs. Bell received internal. injuries1 and was seriously cut about the head.t She was rushed to St. Joseph's hos- pital and today it is reported that her c o n d i t i o n is improved. Serious charges against Halsted will be de- ferred until Mrs. Bell's chances for recovery are definitely ascertained. _____- EUROPELA NINTIONS SIP 1 BACK AMERICAN MONEY' New York,'Septt 26.-American dol-, lar bills are being taken out of Euro-t pean vaults and shipped back to this bountry at the rate of $5,000,000 a month, indicating restored confidence in various European currencies. The peak of consumption of American dol- lars bills by Europe was reached in3 the latter part of 1923. Shipments were principally to Ger-1 many, Russia and adjoining countries, then suffering from currency depre- ciation. Those who possessed dollar bills stored them away while marks, rubles, and other currency daily shrank in value. The American dollar bill was known to be worth its face vialue in gold. Chimes To Start With New Policy Chimes, campus opinion magazine, which will make its first appearance of the year the week of October 15, will to an even greater extent than in the past, be devoted to University opinion and problems, according to the editors. All stories literary flavor, as much will be discarded, in an ef- fort to give more attention to Michi- gan questions. The first number will largely fea- ture freshmen and football.. Coblenz, Sept. 26-The cancellation by the Rhineland High commission Tuesday of 362 deportations of Ger- Capital Punishment-Yes Or No? Waite Views Question Sanely Are you in favor of capital punish- ment- Prof. J. B. Waite of the Law school treated that question, which has .been rudely observed during the last few months, from several angles in an interview last night. "To have a competent understand- ing of the situation," said Professor Waite, "let us go. back to the origin of capital punishment. In ancient times when a person committed mur- der, or equally heinous crime, justice was meted out in summary fashion. Some friend or relative of the mur- dered person took it upon himself to see that the criminal paid with his life as a penalty for his crime. This system, however, was unsatis- factory because it entailed in numer- ous instances a serious loss of life in as much as such affairs often de- veloped into fueds in which a number of people lost their lives. The rulers, in order to conserve their man power, instituted courts in which the mur- derer and the friend or relative of the deceased could .settle their dif- ferences. The participants in such an affair were not denied the plea- sure of a fight; the parties concern- ed fought the affair to its conclusion. This method is associated with one of the three cardinal theories of capi- tal punishment-the theory of re- venge. "The death penalty as a means of deterring further crimes comprises the second theory of capital punish- ment. There are many proponents of this theory who believe that capi- tal punishment is a means of instill- ing such fear into the hearts of the criminal class that crimes will be materially lessened. "But," continued Professor Waite, "I am not in favor of capital punish- (Contiued on Page Eight) T1 -O 0 1 -9 ,'IN CANADA COURT Refusal To Give Evidence Results in Contempt of Court Charge Against H. S. Osler QUESTIONS SENTENCE Tornto, Ont., Sept. 26.-H. S. Osler, an attorney, and an officer of the Continental Trading company will ap- pear before the Ontario supreme court tomorrow to show cause why the, should not be committed to jail for contempt of court for his refusal to- day to testify concerning the relation- ship of various Americans involved in the Teapot Dome. oil investigation After Osler had refused to give evi- dence before U. S. Counsel Shantz, or to appear in court in response to an order from Justice Wright, the motIon for commitment for contempt was made. According .to The Toronto Tele- graph the trading company was form- ed on the same day that it took over contracts between the Sinclair com- paniesaandthe Humphries Texas com-S pany, and the Humphries Mexico comn-! pany in 1921. The contempt action resulted from an affidavit filed yesterday by ex- senator Atlee Pomerene and Owen Ro- berts, special federal counsel named by Pres. Coolidge, preparatory to the taking of testimony in regard to the alleged possession by A. B. Fall, form- ed secretary of the interior, of liberty bonds purchased by the trading com- pany with profits made from oil sold to the Sinclair interests. *HELD WIT IPERITES Marion, Sept. 26. -With simple solemnity Brig. Gen. Charles E. Saw- yer, friend, and physican of Warren G. Harding, was buried in Marion cenemtery today while the wiidow of the man whose health he had guarded looked on with lips tight with grief. Doctor Sawyer's funeral services were held in stark simplicity as hel had wished them. There Were no eulo- gies, no set sermon, no music. Instead, at the Sawyer home, Dr. Jessie Swank read thebcreed of the Sawyer family, written by Doctor Sawy and'once read at a family reunion.. ARCHITECTUL COLLEGE n rinn n nn ntin HOPE ABANDONEDI FOR LOST CLIFT"ON Lake Huron Freighter Missing Since Sunday With 28 Men; Last Seen Off Mackinaw AIR SEARCH FRUITLESS Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 26. (By A. P.) -Hope for the safety of the whale back freighter Clifton and her crew of 28 has vanished. Her whereabouts tonight were known only to Lake Huron, where it is believed she sunk during the storm Sunday land Monday, and like many other lake mysteries the secret may never be known. Two hydroplanes were sent out from Mount Clemens to parol the east and west shores of Lake Huron, of- ficials of the Progress Steamship company, Cleveland, owners of the vessel, announced but late tonight. No word from them has been received neither have they heard from the com- mander of the tug 1Vanistique which was sent out from Port Huron to search the Canadian side for tracesj of the vessel nor from the numerous I beach patrols. aNumnerous steamers which ply Lake Huron had been requested to keep a watch for the missing vessel. The only report received from them were that neither the vessel nor any wreckage had been sighted. The Clifton left Sturgeon bay Sat- urdjay loaded with stone. She was due at the quarry Monday. The only defi- nite information since her departure was that she -passed Mackinaw Sun-* day morning several hours before a 56 mile gale swept Lake Huron. The following message was received by A. E. R. Schneider, general mana- ger of the Progress Steamship com- pany, from the master of the steamer Callender which passed Mackinaw at 5:20 p. m. today. 'We hauled up in the bay close to Port Austin, thence we went to Char- ity island, thence over towards Tawas. We steared east northeast on the course back to the Thunder bay course. We ran slow used the search- light continually but saw nothing of the Clifton nor any signy of the wreckage. Magazine Appoints Hayden To S ta f f Prof. J.R.fI Hayden of the political science department was recently ap- pointed to the staff of the Current History magazine in the position for- merly filled by Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history department. Profes- sor Hayden is onef of the 13 college professors who write for each edi- SLIGT GAIN MADE IN REGISTRATION. FINAL TOTAL 8,882' LITERARY, MEDICAL, ENGINEER ING COLLEGES ALL SHOW DECREASE 40 ENROLL LATE Gains Noted in Graduate, Law, Dental, Education, and Nurses Training Schools Late registrations of persons who continue to appear after the closing of the official registration period on Monday has increased the total en- rollment figures in all colleges of the University to 8,892 students. This total shows an increase of 40 students over the registration figures of last year at this time. It is estimated that the total enroll- ment of the University for the year, including extramural registration and the registration of the summer school, will be approximately 12,000. The final count last year was 12,291. Although the number of late regis- trants has been unusually heavy this week, registration officials predict that enrollment will gradually fall off as the students unable to return earlier will stop enrolling. There have ben more than 350 students in al colleges who have registered since the closing of the official regitration period Monday night. The literary college which has a gain of 10 at the closing of the enroll- ment period Monday night over the figures of the same time last year, now has only 4,883 as compared to 4,893 at this same time a year ago. A decrease of 120 is shown in the total enrollment of 1,616 in the Col- leges of Engineering and Architecture over the registration figures of 1,738 last year. The decrease in this school is larger than that of any other col- lege in the University. The figures in the medical college show a decrease of 66 over those ot last year at this time. There are 530 students enrolled in this school. It is expected that this figure will be in- creased by the return of students who are taking state board examination during this week. Arrangements have been made for the late registration of such students. Registrationtinthe College of Pharmacy, which totals 72, shows the slight decrease of 2 over last year's enrollment. Gains are to be noted in the enroll- ment of the graduate, law, dental, edu- cation, and nurses training school for the year 1924-1925. The greatest gain in enrollment is in the graduatl school which reports a total enroll- ment of 418 showing a gain of 123 stu- dents. The school of Education has a total enrollment of 292, showing a gain of 61. The enrollment of the Law school is 509 which shows a gain of 57. The dental college with a regis- tration of 351 has a gain of 2, while the Nurses Training school, which has 211 students enrolled, shows a gain of 7. -The new Business Administration school has 20 students enrolled. This does not mean that these are the only students taking business administra- tion work, for 105 students enrolled in other colleges are taking the com- bined business administration course. The official total will not be com- piled until about October 15. S. C . PLAS FR SH DISCUSSION GROUPS1 In order that freshmen at the Uni- versitynmay have the benefit of the experience of the upperclassmen with regards to choice of studies, activitiesI and athletic training, the Student Christian association has made ar- rangenents for the organization of a series of discussion groups to be held at all hours for a period of six or eight weeks, according to a recent statement by Perry M. Hayden, '25,' president. The actual organization of this work will be carried on by George L. Likert, '27, chairman of the new students' committee of the associa- tion. The plans, which are only tentative { as yet, include the arranging of groups of six or seven freshmen in charge of one upperclassman, a senior chosen for his experience in student activities as well as for his complete understanding of the problems which { daily face those not familiar with life J here at the University. All freshmen who are interested in becoming members of these groups are asked to meet at Lane Hall Thursday night, where definite arrangements will be explained to them, and the - .oa -rninr fn ---ntnc!nffn tn Female Students Hold Oldest And Youngest Record When it comes to the record for the oldest and the youngest students enrolled in the University this semes- ter, it takes the women to make it. Sister Mary Cecilia Williams of Mt. Mercy Academy of Grand Rapids, who is nearing her sixtieth birthday, is the oldest while Cynthia Mallory, daugh- ter of Prof, Herbert S. Mallory of the department of rhetoric, is the young- est at the age of thirteen. If one were to believe the records in the office of the graduate school, there is one student who was born but two days ago, on Sept. 24, 1924. Three years before his birth he received the degree of Bachelor of science, while two years lago he was awarded the de- gree of master of science. In the number of years spent in studying at the University, Mrs. Harry 11. Jewell of Grand Rapids who en- rolled here thirty-two years ago holds the record. Laura Austin Dickinson or Amherst, Mass., the only other stu- dent over the half century mark, has entered the University at the age of fifty-four, thirty years after receiving her bachelor of arts degree from Mt. Holyoke college. Eight graduate students are ignor- ing the fact that theydare betwen the ages of forty-five and fifty and are going back to school. They are: Har- riette Harlan Stoneman and Mrs. Har- riet F. Randolph, 49; Edwin Ernest Crampton and Carl S. Oakman, 48; Irvin Webster Smith, 47; Mrs. L. Waterman and Menno Otterbein, 46, and Carl Hayes Griffey, 45. About ten others have passed the forty-year mile stone while over twenty-fiveaare between the ages of thirty-five and forty. AT CONVOCTIOUN~ Urges Higher Standards for Colleges of Pharmacy Throughout Country IS ANNUAL MEETING Dr. A. B. Stevens, dean of the phar- mady school from 1917-1919, spoke on "Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Train- ing" at the annual convocation of the College of Pharmacy which was held Thursday night in the Chemistry building. - Tracing the development of pharm- aceutical training, Dr. Stevens pointed out the increasing requirements of the pharmacy schools throughout the country, and the need for raising the standards even higher. He mentioned the importance of the pharmacy school of this University in sending out so many pharmacists who are now holding responsible positions on the staffs of other colleges of pharmacy. Dr. Stevens emphasized the import- ance of the retail pharmacist of the! "corner pharmacy" and appealed to the students who will be griaduating during the next few years not to neg- lect this important field. It is in this field in which the pharmacist has the greatest opportunity of serving the public. In pointing out the evolution of the retail pharmacy, Dr. Stevens showed that it isanecessary for a pharmacist to be well acquainted with first aid, agr- culture, diseases, and to be able to answer all information which is ask- ed at the "corner drugstore." LEADING PHYSICISTS TO MEET HERE NO!I 28 Celebrating the opening of ,the new Physics building, the American Phy- sical society will hold its regular T h a n k s g iving meeting here on, November 28 and 29. Sixty or more papers will be read by leading physic- ists of the eastern and middle west- ern states. A number of these will be presented by members of the Physics staff of this university. The American Physical society meets four times a year and the Thanksgiving meeting is usually held at Chicago. Only once before has the meeting been held out of that city. The other meetings are held in New York, Washington, and wherever the American Society for the Advance- ment of Science meets. The Ameri- can Physical society has nearly 2,000 members and of these between 150 and 200 are expected at the Andm Arhor meeting HEREDITARY MORTICIANS Some families are known for their athletic ability, some for I their musical or professional inclinations, but a fitting can- didate for the most unique fam- ily was presented yesterday when the Board of Regents granted special certiflcaes in ' embalming land Vantary! .sci- ence to H. H., R. R., and V. V. Birkenkamp, brothers, who, with their father, own and op- erate a large undertaking estab- ment in Toledo, 0. TDO APPOINTED ON Professors Frayer and Reeves Chosen For Positions on Faculty Committee PROF. WATE REPLACED Two new members were appointed to the Faculty Discipline committee, it was announced yesterday by Dr F .E. Robbins, assistant to the Presi- dent. Prof. J. S. Reeves of the politi- cal science department will replace Prof. J. B. Waite and will serve for three years. ,g Prof. W. A. Frayer of the history departmen has been appointed to re- place Prof) H. W. King of the hydrau- lic engineering department, who some time ago resigned his position with two more years yet in his term. Pro- fessor Frayer will serve for two years. Professor King, however, will b on the committee for the coming year, having consented to take the pliace of Prof. R. T. Crance of the political science department who although having one more year on the com- mittee, has been granted a leave of absence. The chairman of the Discipline com- mittee has not yet been announced, but he will be elected soon by the members of the committee. GoVERNOR SMITK Democratic State Convention Decides On Entire Smith Ticket To Run Again CHOICE IS UNANIMOUS Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 26.-Governor Alfred E. Smith and the entire rooster of Demorcatic state elected officials were renominated unani- mously by the Democratic state con- vention here today. The convention,' the first in many years that Wad not been marked by at least one bitter con- test, was the epitome of harmony. It was a Smith demonstration all the way, every reference to the gov- ernor provoking renewed enthusiasim When the governor appeared in per- son the assembly gave him one of the greatest ovations of his career. The principal seconding speech was made by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of a cousin of the republican g u b e r n a t o rial nominee, Theodore Roosevelt. She raised laughter when she said, "Of course Al Smith will win, he could not do otherwise when the republican convention of Rochest- er yesterday did all it could to help him.'' PRESIDENTIAL BLLQT TO BE TAKEN MONDAY 'In a special effort to get every uni- versity vote possible in the presiden- tial straw ballot, jan arrangement has been made to abolish the ,age require- ments in the voting on the campus. Every university student, whether 21 years of age or not, will be allowed I to vote. Michigan is the only univer- sity included in the Hearst test to be accorded this concession. The ballots, after much delay, will arrive 'today, and the actuial count will start Monday, and not this after- noon, as planned. Results will appeat in The Daily of Tuesday morning. Ballots will be obtainable at the booths on the campus and !also at the Library, Union, and perhaps else- where. 'Health Service Loses Head Nurne Accept $1,800 Grant From AnierIcan Dental Associaon for Research In eutal Surgery. By action of the Board of Regents at its meeting yesterday morning the Alice Freeman Palmer professorship in history was established, provid- ing for the first chair in that depart- ment to be held by a .woman. The professorship was made possible through the gift of Prof. George Her-' bert Palmer of Harvard University, husband of Alice Freeman. The Regents also granted degrees to 40 and special certificates to five, made a number of appointments in addition to those made at their meet- ing Thursday 'night, and accepted a grant of $1,800. Aice Freeman, '76, was one of the most distinguished graduates of the University. Her bust was placed in the hall of fame in New York city last summer. She acted as a profes- sor of history at Wellesley college from 1879 to 1881 and as president of that institution from 1882 until 1887, when she married Professor Palmer. She died in Paris in 1902. The Regents accepted a grant of $1,800 from the scientific foundation and research commission of the American Dental association for re- search work in the college of dental surgery and it was announced that Mrs. Philip Hadley will -continue her research work of last year. A set of Hawaiian session laws were received from Lt. Col. Thomas M. Spaulding, and a copy of the scroll commemorating the' Philippine career of Dr. Dean C. Worcester was received from the Chamber of Com- merce of those islands, Dr. Worces- ter received his A. B. Degree from the University in 1889 and was grant- ed an honorary Sc. D. degree in 1914. Three appointments were made to the faculty of the architectural col- lege in order to take care. of the in- creased enrollment of that .college, Knute Lomberg-Holm, of the Univer- sity of Copenhagen, was appointed In- structor in architecture to succeed the late Prof. Louis H. Boynton. C. W. Angell was also made an instruc- tor, and Alex Trout was employed for full rather, than half time. Capt. L. Morton Bricker and Lt. Richard T. Schlosberg were named assistant professors of military science and tactics. Kenneth D.1Mac-" Gregor was appointed student assist- ant to the dean of men. F. J. Woodridge of Amherst and Columbia universities, who, is now doing research work here, and Hor- ace F. Colby of Detroit, were named as architects for the Near East exr-- pedition. The Board of Regents approved of the degree of bachelor of science in engineering to the following grad- uates of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: In aeronautical engineering: G. L. DeFoe.- In naval architecture and marine engineering: H. E. Biggs.. In chemical engineering: E. K. Mao, H. T. Morton, Jr., Adolph Pifko G. J Sllhavy, and M. L. Whitacre. In electrical engineering: R . Berry, A. F. Carson,:J. . Coate, D. M'v. Donker, F. M. Jordan, A. J. K(ovach, E. H. Shaefer, B. G. Schi- mansky, L. R. Starr, W. E. Stirton, 'W, S. Thompson, F. F. Tufts, and H. A. Weitzman. In mechanical engineering: J. E. lomgren, E. M. Champion, R. H. Halberg, C. F. Kenrick, R. H. Krause, William Sestok, W. B. Spenser, F. C. Ewigert, and H. A. Thompson. In civil engineering: J. J. Curto, N. T. da Costo, B. E. Groves, J. W. Hos- trup, P. C. Mitra (A. B., M. S.--Uni- versity of Calcutta), G. E. Padilla, H. F. Rose, C. H. Spicer, and L. H. Wendel. Special certificates in embalming and sanitary science were granted to the following: B. D. Palmer, S. A. Richardson, and H. H., R. R., and V. V. Birkenkamp. Madison, Wis., Sept. 26.-Nine vol- umes of photographs depicting the history of the University of Wiscon- sin were shown to thousands of per- sons during the state fair at Milwau-. kee. RE[GENTS APPRWI PALMER HISTO THREE NEW APPOINIT3 MADE TO ARCHITECTUR STAFF, DUE TO GROWI GR ANT 40 DEGRE r tion of he magazine a general survey of the world's history for the pre- cednig months.' Annoucement has been made by the Each morith Professor Hayden dis-. Architectural college that there will cusses from a political point of view be a class in figure sketch design the developments in the British from ten to twelve o'clock' on Satur- I Empire. day mornings in room 448 Engineering building.e This course will be given for all Ilioi pca interested in illustration and decora- To Carry Alumni tive design. The mediums to be used will include pencil, pen (and ink, water T color, pastell and wash. Two special camrs of Battle Ceek One hour credit will be given and alumni will join one of the student the course is open to all those who specials to the -Illinois game on Oct. may care to take it. Those electing it 18, it was announced yesterday by may consult with Mr. Pelikah, room the office of the Alumni association 448 Engineering building on Tues- More than forty seats have been re- day, Thursday or Saturday from b served by this club in one block for to 12 o'clock or from 1 to 4 o'clock. the graduates to see the battle. Ten thousand seats have been re- Lihue, Island of Kauai, T. H., Sept. served in the Michigan section for .,. .- t- nA :9n efer +~n e a n nilmni anti iti+ s P':- i 'GARGOYLE TRYOUTS