,SDAY, NOVEMBE1R 28, 1924 _____THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE u rnriI ' c eace Will Come With Soviet' CAM S JOAM E ~ ecognition Asserts Carlyle r M IS E i {.:.,.atl 3rlto iOU - CL Nat ona.On the other hand, we (d0 r g v nrcent is LIJ5olulely feel that she aright accep~t the World Ai-as~~eac of eadStaerWll o C Aaurt ~in all faith as the two can be To Din,'ft Con ruction Cx alliuoe, dcardDr lfe keit5Ctrate to a great extenut." 01 gean(r l;ames Carlyle, lecturer in poli- ST ARTS TO1DAY - IY~ m. wS i PREDICTS GREAT FLEETS tiC a1 s -, : '> c a t i 11! i t 1 y (c o ll g e , O x f t i s l o - r I n h , - d its. , ('of ;-.-w crry hail yctr y INJITS OLIAT rnn innn ri~~nima nrnnufI New York, Nov. 25. (By A. P.)-Dr 1 afi o oon.;la Karl Arnstein, designer of tire aZR-3, "o. cliro v of the Conserva- arrived on the George Washington 1 i (" r c Don ain';ad' s ec- t ithdraw Ji amon;M aDnad' rc- Exanination of th~e nine candidates R ith a staff of 12 engineers Monday. o., iin o the ti".'vie, an -pine cf the irteaponmtttoteRoe ' hey will go at once to Aktron, 0r., to fac t l(i t I,,.]5 r e::usc top acs ept he II fo thisUiestevl begin constructi-ng, in tne rname of .eI< ': s n:icr>; r 7tEs ih s hlrhpfo hi nvriywl the' Coodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, '51.1," J~e(°. utiiedi. "Practically r'> so reuade at a neetitng of the commit- huIge commnercial dirigibles for pas- of, tAO fl2tandl that 'Sw+rtroeclceadA rin ,air craft industry of the world will be even l ltai.y, to wh lol a set lenlcnt in' secretary of the Rlhodes scholarship ' enteredl in America," said Dr. Amn- t1 ii cadlentI'n}rilly Lac n the mlost, foundation, rocently announced the Ati . "Y u h ve h rll t e bet, C ISd l u oos . follow ing co i naittee for the Univer- condlitiions for dirigible muanufacture A to the( League of Natons, t e10 city of Michigaii: Dean J. R. Effing- _--capital, engineering talent end a 1Erl lrhsbtudjent 'of1: iltical scei~ er, of th3e literary college; Prof. favorable public spirit.- I hope to eres edl himself enibatically in Brand Blansliard, of the phiilosophy make Amrica my home forever." Lf' o1 of it, noCt as a perfect i21)5'.rU- ? deprtinc]]i~ r. J. It. Watkin~s, '17L, Dr. Arnstein smiling spoke of 3aent for international harmrony, but' of Detroit; De. YHolman, of Cleveland, great fleets of heliumn-filled gas bags merely as an experiment, ien we!t and P\-of. R. I'. (arritt, of Oxford uni- wiiuh in the near future will get the oni to .mtr~ that lie did not kniow of 'c~t~ h s a r esidonit pl o isor cre~amn of the 'passenger and mail bus- anly Sensible British statesrma n or, :l philc:;op:by d(F ti-1 the presenjt Se'- iness of the wvorld. 1Scholars who were not of the Same etr For 10 years he was in the business - 01il. C-1 &,esig. ning tihe sucecession of wa'r "timot lbit:1Jin _s 'ery sympathetic Evanso,11, o' 5--othet 1dfl peace Zeppelinls turned loose on t rWO r l 1DA t UtnPted St,*tes inl, her lies- ,emz university is anixious to meet 11-,w, air at Friedrichshafen, oi ILake itlaneCy in going into the League," ex- ; -somc E-aste ?] football tcam l nex t year, (InStan'e, and of accompanying thMemn] i ' 1i. aYrlyi. "We recognize Coach Glenn Thistlewaite announcedI (l 'trial .flights. 1Ie designed the ill- t 1hat it would mean a great dleal to today. f ated French record-breaking Dix- i Am,,rica to five alp such a Strong ly; mU]tle, the modlel of the A-erican r;ooted L'ad ticai as she "has always; Don't delay-Pay yotir Subscription "h(-aiandoah, and thne "newest (rcordI- foilowt'd by11;entcring into the Le:~gue to(iay. Lolder, ZTR-3. With the Friedrlishlaf- e.2 works aabot to be (sfl itled k in 1;11 g accordan c.. with the Versaille;s tr eats , " '; he conies here as> the technical br ains of anl industry being tra pn s e red toAm rc fo pe et ai n Ameria f~r P~l~etatio. ~ -~1rrr Dinper at- 4"It is wonderful that America ~L dI i ,1II1 'V03 us this oplportuiity to continuie I developing the Zeppelin-type iir:shilp,">IWI 1esad "My only regret is the Count rXeppel in was plot alive to See the rc- * Izatonof his dreams-- -thse flfglt So ie of hrs dirigibles across the At- an:ti C,. as accomlpliShedc1 by the Zlt-3." i s' S (. - i . i e . , _ : , r i ' fa i i i A Fascinating Adventure Romance of the Famous French fore4*n Legion MORE' COMEDY THAN MANHANDLED. Presented biy Adlphi Zukor ;nd ,J;c:eU.tsst 64 ¢ AN SORY BY (APTI. PERCIVAL C. WREN PRODUCTION - EE Gloria as a spitfire k)Italian girl ,and rave as :r: "ou ve never raved before. wol Cast' includes Ben Lyon (courtesy F irst National ..1 g. . ;~..t Sar in Par Swno i e crssadno uta lot hre"plyr, wllv D ITO tNYOe hedurew ho vr htireig nLgon.tsasoriaishetenteGrleoi Swnsneiis a aIralctaftesala notumsthobcomesthoe"plaher, ofltheDIIO reift"dind her tcainltepton obts upove-Miss S ewns o estall WiteFullCret inas prforane, liclu.:ingyoher ork in"Manh:adled."th he ssh n p lri:a-:0-43 iaseserd c, gto in hee rilart srofn allrhee r. The soVrtoo, is i1ed0itea t."entr taetpacedstwiytadenureRICE roemban upethofsenrilsa l maxn t hplsand isdur e l- bOe'sintAers, sM TNEEEI( khep heint llte 1 -and we'll w gn er -eon. Glwi isshethere twe re of-AlSas Iaci~ n m Thomething y ~ou icant syaofthe t ic~turs. Childrenmesthet"dalhmerof #)c in~nzese an is goingrt win the heres of all ho Eeeninr .~estArtoiNGsUNed D~t maYt."itEi FOUR acedth aOFetHreSPR-E P TRCS N '. I; ' ' ! 1 fI i I I t Women who have won 1.00 honor ° points in athletics this fall and wish. to become active members of the '6W .1°. A. should reps rt to their class; represen tative on the athletic board. '-.- Tihey are: Elizabeth Rianek, '25, tele- puone 390; Marguerite Ainswarth, '26,T-n il ,'7,30 h rot Weell, U;'28, 2314-W. $Christiania, Nov. 25.-Lienits. Balzer, Larsen "and Dietrichson have signeda x-op tract for the delivery of two Dor- i", airlA,,es to be used. in a new at- tempt to fly across the North Pole next year.- va1 cnl BIG SIX-COURS11F TURKEY AND DUCK DINNER Service From 1 1:00 to 3 :30 ' I l I' . i _n . i - r - r - YEARS Of Devotion. to Highe'st Tailoring Idleals Is the Guarantee of Value anid Styic in Fine Tailoring if there is any class of men oan the face 'of the earth who know and wear good tailoring, it is un- versity men. That is why we con- sider it a compliment to have so many U. of M. men wear Ell. V. PRICE & Co. fine merchani tail- oring. Again this Fall we want to pledge you a coni- tinuation of our efforts to give faultless tailoring, style and fit--and the greatest possible *,dollar- for- dollar value. "DRESS WELL AND .SUCCEED" IPs ,eaiay Will Captivate You- Its ealim' ill Startle You! THEYDRE ABOUT IT!! FN BHIS BES-T OF ALL ROLES 44LASSMATES"! Everybody knows ~'"ehlssinmtes"!rTh~e biggest ;4ieu- ture-romiancee the speaking stage or sce'eni las everi produced ! A story thit. grips anid plea, es mum then-grip s omeI~ no'e! Anid it's Barth elmess as never before! Barthclrness-manl --f orcef ui- complling--"THE" lever of lovers! I' "I~S -I roiiaiee of West, oinat! Filmed alnmost; in Its entirety wit~hin Test P'ohit ihself Frit the full co-operation of tln~j d'- S. Military Anthoii es! See 1116ii'talion Rom-," "Kissing i'k 2'd, the real Cadet Corps on Parade, And those hunidr'ed ot him' Iphases of rtmal life ini themenost hmiios school in all tlmA wocrld! .* ,, . ., Frth The greatest drama of all--big hi the* things that grip your hcart---rormance, love, humor, pathos, joy, sorrow, heart- break, happiness--wrapped up in the life story of America's greatest leader during the inost stirring events of Amer- ican history. AL and RAYIZOCKETT are proud to present it after three years in the making. LLOYD )HAM11ILTON1 1 F M S If, 1 'RETO C ARTO ON 3 I I i !I K I II~~XTRA A II)EI)'l//i'w E IR r,' " NX I