C/ S T-11-,MNIf-Wi1'AN DAILY ________________ ousoe-ponn fbtrtepi- Wihu-- cefin l o h e n FOND 1 Amendrentciple of a national amendment and expressed their surprise~ at the action CI 0It. 141iNi I U On Child Labor ; the present amendment, declared thati of. the l l as eah settts people in their! he wcould vote against its ratification i etvllwhelning referendum against thel 0811 [ OS T "" Ell/ 1 ins Favor :,ere on the grounds that it would be still ;amendment. ____ further increasing the constantly'}}______ ______Pag On.) growing interference with the individ- I ATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS (ConinuerfroPrediOn.}tedaland hat tiisbutanoter sep 0alr rdce.B OSfcr itls "The amendment is a meritorious # oward a more centralized govern- IC N I~ Dlecied Increase Is Slioivn I one from the viewpoint of the educa- ;mont. A.'~lI~''l' SORORITIES lit Subscriptions tor," declared D~ean Allan S. Whitney, "Although I do not considler the I flet! -- ~ ~ o the School of Education, who ex-amn et p4,0 O L C E laned the stand of the group he .3s h bsinjai vinla-' ______ 'r .CCE erets. "Wec believe that the child ng adlequate' regulation of childe}a M~ICH"IGAN MEN should be educated for the good of bor, said Prof. A. E. Wood of~ the Play for that Pry With barely $44,000 collected up to thne state since democracy depends{ sociology department, "it seems to be For Engagements Call 284 a late hour last night, officers of the upon education. Going still further, 'the only way, and therefore, I am________________________ Community Fund drive predict that we hold that the child has an in- in favor of it. For 25 years we have y alienable right to an education. There-1 been trying to raise the standards to' the, campaign will not reach the fore, because of ilbia fact that without; a decent level in certain states and~rulteet~tfrecre~nge necessary budget of $19,000 when theI this ammendment he- is not getting the; have failed. Moreover, Congress re- Rdadtc drive closes at 6 o'clock tonight. pportunity in mny states, we favor; fused to recognize two previous at-cohntn Every solicitor must make his report the amendment." tempts at a national child labor law.j.PmOm t by 6 o'clock and it is thought thatiBlevoirgulhat childalaborstate;ss Therefore, the present amendment n ile o rgulte hil laor y sateseems to be the only plausitie way PR unless an unexpected increase is F ,,ction alone, P'rof. Carter L. Goodrich to accomplish the end w inch is very jiit note in ubsciptins, he fnal fig the economnics department, stated( desirable i itsel. ures of the drive will be $3,000 short i that "even from an economi point Aceordlng to P rof'. Robert C. Angel., of the amount needed to maintain of view child labor is not necessary." !of the sociology department, the the 11 organizations compo,)sing the =; continued to say that he believed1 United States necds some sort of Ynm- association. it almost imu]:sible to get the various tional legislation if only tr) bring thbe A' rmeeting of the drive officers an~d state governments to meet satisfactory Souirisaesi ie ihth'tn captains will be held tonight to dlefi- f t nd ,rdtS so that no on.e of tier will: dar,1s recognized in the North to aj nitely determine some method- to lo e lefahztd by holding to higher gre at extent. Prof. Foy 11. Holmes of t raise the deficit. Walter P. Staebler, IstandaJirds than a neighboring state.*tescooydprm' apoe f mes h president of the a ssociaition states lie ennclud.red by stating, "The thing 'the principle ofa rational amezndl- SNo nepaess hel that/the full budget must be raised _mus t ie-C n nationally, if it is to be ! tent as wes.ll as the presenz, attempt.! while Duofold i.)Infov'ldi nitc rnkisbafl. as all 11 constituents have been cut to the limit. "Unless the budget ca~l b e ralsed this year," said Mnr. Staeb-' lei-, "this will be the iast year of thi, Community Fund association." A tel-l ephone campaign is to be carried on today in an effort to reach 1,000 sul I crn,'ihpnrRo i a.nflim n ann n n !:s4'- } tune at, an eaet2n et, 1cue Ltointer i t ,,e markets..". Pro~f. Joselh R. hayden, the only; Have your statements could be brought to ligh*. In Ylec al -14/one t;LO6 V LCA tiitx j, I nto the advantage of all concerned. Iaieth ir coni but'i,+,iol ly.t.ye The only question is one of authority i' thus put the diriv , ac o s eccessftnlly =whether a House committee has the that it would be difficult to get - power to investigate. Adoption of a along. without the use of some opium m4 s practica_=lly the only ;rug that a o. specific resolutioni authorizing the every day at the University hospital, lieves, pain, and :as sci dns e~ s~cinaval affairs committee to investigateisteononfPr.FakN.i- dispensable. It is llsutelly g'nb May befonneesr.ithopnoofPo.Fak . Wi-teriictiy. foud ncesary sonl of the internal medicine depart- ______ mD n-i~ent of the medical school in com- L cue 119NQJET OR PU .icat the, International Opium confer- nruri' nhit irnone which closed with an agreement On Steel Process i between' the Briish and Ja.panese;-- delegations Monday night.! Norman R. Hanzson, '23 ro;;i ,ea' -Dr.: Wilson explained that morphine! ing the Reading Iron c oml~l pany 'Ra.'- Millard Hi. Pryor, '25, president of and heroin, the two principle deriva-j ing, Pa., gave a lecture yesterdiay ai '_ the Oratorical association, will de- tives of opium, are used to a consid-j ternoon in the auditoriuu of tipInc; liver the address of welcome and in- erable extent in the treatuient of pa-' tural Science building, the le cc V-11; troduce the toastmaster at the All- tients who are in severe pain such illustrated by motion pictureci h tci campus public speaking banquet, to as gallstones, internal hemorrhage, showed the method oc nmanufactt.e e be held the evening of Dec. '4 at the and heart disease. In the case of se- genuine wrought iiron pipe, and t!}t- Michigan Union. were heart failure, the administering Bess.emer fteel process. The banquet, representative of all of morphine wvill often p~ermlit the I The lecture was intended e eec rfi- the public speaking interests on the suferer to sleep and sometimes will ly for students of the Etengxorn wil alo b atened pe evn crehim, according to the do:,- college but othlersInterested inii (r campus, wilas eatne y se vncr subject wvere ilkewi,,e invited.,s cially' invited guests from nearby tor. __________________ schools and towns. Charles B. War- "Opium addicts are not produced by ren, '91, of Detroit, is to be the guest the use of a small amount of opium of honor and principal speaker. } each dlay," stated Dr. Wilson., "The Tickets for the banquet may be so-i habit is developed when the patient is cured by -applying to the Oratorical I told that he has been given the drug association office in room 3211 of the ; nd when '1_e is permitted to adminis-Ao v new Literary building from 2 to 5:30 =tter it to himself." I o'clock on Wednesday and Friday af- "There 'a ~e substitutes which may ternoons. The price of the, tickets, be used in place of the" derivatives of t Il will be ,$1.50 per plate. opiupi," he declared, m"but none ofI" then are as efficient. In fact, opium London, Nov. 2.-Many towns in 1 =-N-- EN of broad :Anatolia were shaken by an earth- A E.ative will fin qjuake' Saturday night, says a dis- Re d th an d tnh~eh o tl,.xTidly T1P5ran frnn " th W alt A s aopportunities irr th ;; t ? - F u: :' i - ; acees uble !J y n ine? food At OarF lxeeilet H onte to #the Most iDlseriini- Wa wort ' Er :-.,.-tat ,Packard and aArbor Phone 1117 I I! 601 Fasi Liberty St. Serveds from 11 A. M. to 5 P. Mv'ENU Oyster Cocktail Celery Hearts ue4Oie Queen Olive; 'I I K ill IN 11 111 11 1 Scup Cream of Tomc~ato Aux Crotonis iBone Dressed Young Turkey Oyster Dressing Ci~ndied Yams orW iipe:IPotatoes Head Lcttuce Plimpkin Pie hiousand lsland Dressing' Hlot Mifnce 1Fio Whipped-Cream Chocolate Nut Sundae Coffee .. .T1ea bilk After Dinner Mints i1tation >ge men d vision and initi- nd many excellent ~e home organiza- tion and branch offices of the Insur- ance Company of North America, This is the Oldest American Fire and Marine Insurance Company. It has an important part in the develop- ment of American commercial and industrial affairs. Inquiries are invited INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA 3rd 6 Walnut Sts. .Philadelphia 11 ft 'nno uncing- _.: rw ./ I I i i i ____-~FOR r AT S L __AT E F- - U 11 i I "~Spike " Hamilton and his 0Opera Club Ore-hesira I jjowI i w.. .-