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November 26, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 11-26-1924

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AL -


VOL. XXXV. No 55.







Progress Denounced as Revolutlonary
"' tSfim& " Si Si4tl J J A t


Articles By Faculty Feature
Technic; Goes On Sale Today
TecinIc, official publication of the Abatement," prepared by Prof. H. E.
Celleges of Engineering and Archi- j Keeler, of the mechanical engineer-
tecture, confining its content largely ing department, treats the pertinent
to matter dealing with the relation civic problem with a precision aris-
ing from extensive research.
of the engineer to various humanistic J. N. Hatch, '92E, chief engineer of
problems, will go on sale todiay in the the Chicago Engineering Associate,
halls of the engineering buildings. writes on power station buildings,
Articles dealing chiefly with the eco- with reference to the present trend
nomic and civic import of engineer- in commercial architecture. Carleton
ing, have been prepared for the first W. Angell, Architectural co-
issue of the journal by prominent lege, discusses the problem of sacri-
members of the faculty and several ficing art for science, notably in its
widely known consulting engineers. architectural aspect.
Prof. William F. Gerhardt, of the The cover design is a reproduction
engineering department deals com- of Earl Horter's pencil drawing of the
prehensively with the broad effect of Lincoln Memorial. The Technic fol-
scientific development upon the life lows its accepted policy, in this issue,
of the average person, in "The Social I by generously illustrating the arti-
Significance of Aeronautics." "Smoke cles.

Individuals Whoise Payments Were
Cited Not Plaintfs,
Says Joyce
New York, Nov. 25. (By A. P.)-r
On three counts charging "unlawful"
publication of tax returns the New
York Tribune company, publishers of

With a single exception, ten Uni-
versity professors, including the deans
of three schools and the leading au-j
thorities in the departments ofE
sociology, economics, and political
science, not only approve of the prin-
ciple of a national child labor amend-
ment but also favor the ratification
of the amendment which is about to
be considered by 40 state legislatures.

mental question," declared Dean Ed-
mund E. Day of the School of Business
Adijinistration and formerly of the de-
partment of economics. "I do hlot
think there are any who question the
desirability of child labor legislation,
but only the form in which it should
be made into alaw." Prof. Charles
H. Cooley of the sociology department
intimated that in general he "would
favor a child labor amendment," al-

Professors Favor Passage Of
New Child Labor Amendment


Paris, Nov. 25. (By A. P.)-The-
Chamber of Deputies today gave thel
government a vote of confidence 318-
196, on an interpellatipn by Deputy
Pierre Taittinger regarding incidents
which occurred during the March'
across Paris by communists at the


Every member of the group admit- though he was not certain as to the
ted that "child labor in some of its objections to the present amendment.
worst aspects still exists" and all Looking at the amendment from the
concurred in the conviction that this viewpoint of a student of constitution-
situation should be remedied. While al law, Dean H. AL. Bates, head of the
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the polit- law school, admitting that the "amend-
ical science department, was the only ment will involve a decided change
one of the ten to insist that the prob- in policy," believes that "there is no
lem was one "for state action and not doubt but that if three-fourths of the
for federal amendment," practically state legislatures ratify the amend-
all of the educators bewailed the fact ment, the supreme court will declare
that the end. sought could not have it constitutional." To prove his con-


nrmnanr 3311a3i1bran !

Garues ceremony Sunday.6
The interpellation brought about a
violent scene in the house and after
a lengthy debate Premier Herriot de-
clared that an adverse vote would Will Attempt to Have Senate Pass
mean that the house had lost confi- Measure Over Veto of
dence in the government. President
M. 4Taittinger denounced Sunday's
progress as a revolutionary "Satur- OPPOSES COMPROMISE
alia." He said that General Nollet,
minister of war, has been compelled-
to flee in order to escape the revolu- Washington, Nov. 25. (By A. P.)-
tionary manifestation and that pass- Senator Edge, Republican, New Jer-
ers by were forced to salute the Red sey, author 'of the postal salary in-
flag. When he declared that the dan- crease bill which was vetoed by Pres-
ger had been increased by the inter- ident Coolidge plans to bring the
national underworld the extreme left measure before the senate at the ap-
called loudly to him to speak of the proaching session in an effort to get
international upper world and Billiet's it passed over the executive veto.
chequers. Some of the administration leaders
This was a reference to Senator are known to favor redrafting the
Billiet, who, as president of the as- ! bill to conform to President Coolidge's
sociation of economic interests is wishes and putting it through as a
accused by the left of handling a compromise measure. The New Jer-
heavy election fund in the recent elec- sey senator is understood to be op-
tion. M. Taittinger immediately posed to such a step and it is ex-
charged the members of the present pected that he will demand a show'
government with receiving money down on the bill early in the short
from the association, and, responding session.
to the pressing cries for names said hesuionn
thata crtan lst o th Rhne e-1The measure would give an annual
that a certainlist of the Rhone do- salary increaseof approximately $300
partment in which M. Herriot's name 1
appeared, had received a subvention each -to the 300,000 employes in the
from this association. postal field service and call for an
M. Herridt explained that this in-; appropriation of $63,000,000. The bill
cident had to do with the 1919 elec- passed the Senate at the last session
tions not the 1924 elections as the by a vote' of 73-3' with 20 not voting..
deputy wished it to appear.
Cries for further names prevented
M. Taittinger from proceeding with DR'WN
Byhis speech. -The deputy declared that'
he would give names only before a
commission of inquiry. He became so!
exasperated that amid the clamour U' EIIITO TDA
for names, the slamming of desk lids
and the branishing of fists, M. Tait- Pencil drawings, made by- the late
tinger left the speaker's stand. Louis H. Sullivan, famous Chicago
architect, will be on exhibition from 2'
CCS NELSON o'clock this afternoon and tomr-
S HWvrow afternoon in the west gallery of,
'Alumni Memorial hall. The exhibit is
SU TUA UMINIIUopen to the public.


1the Herald Tribune, was indicted by been obtained through state action, tention he po
WJ1 ILL 1111111 j'a federal grand jury today. thus obviating the necessity for anIthe constitut
amendment to the constitution. amending it,
In a court presided over by Fed- Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the polit- scribed meth
eral Judge S. Stanley Webster of ical science department expressed the preme courtr
Washington, the indictment was ob- opinion of all, except Professor Hay- tional.
taned by John E. Joyce, assistant den, when he stated, "Undoubtedly,' "As to the
Three Contests Questioned; Mayfield this is another step toward the cen- ment," he co
Case May Add Fourth United States district attorney at the i tralization of power in the hands of end is veryc
To List request of attorney general Stone. No the national government at the ex- j the law is on
individuals were named in the suit. pense of the state, but. in the light of well differ. P
J actual conditions, the benefit arising too rapidly to
JOHNSON MAKES CLAIMS { Mr. Joyce said the proceedings worefrom the ratification of the amendment) government.
brought solely to test the legality of by the states would more than offset to make the
Washington, Nov. 25. (By A. P.)- the publication of income tax re- any possible harm which might re- and may be
The senate of the next congress will turns, which he said occurred on sult." 5;erous."
be called upon to decide at least three October 25. Individuals whose pay- "The problem is merely a govern- (Contini
election contests. A fourth will be m
ade4 otels uls h rsn ments were cited were not complain-
added to the list unless the present ants said Mr. Joyce. Their names
Senate disposes of the contest against wr selected at random from generalj
Senator Mayfield, Democrat, Texas, rst m m a
which has been the subject of investi- lists the Irerald Tribune published. N R
gation for nearly two years. An early trial was promised the pub-
Senator Bursum, Republican, New lisher. -H_ .. u IYI
Mexico, has informed Senators in; I I IWJ

ointed to the provision of
ion for a method of
adding that if the pre-
od is followed, the su-I
must declare it constitu-
wisdom of this amend-
ontinued, "although the
desirable, very humane,
e upon which people may
Perhaps we arp moving
oward a more centralizedJ
This undoubtedly tendsJ
government impersonal
looked upon as dang-
ued on Page Two.) '


I Shirley'Smith Acts As Toastmaster;
Yost, Little, Steger. And
Cavanaugh Speak
Last honors were paid to the 1924
Varsity football squad as a unit last
night at the banquet held in their
honor in the main assembly hall of
the Union. Seated at a large table in
the shape of an "M" members of the
squad met for the last time as a body.
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, president
of the Union made the address of wel-
come to the team and to the more than
500 students gathered -at the banquet
on behalf of the Union which is to
take over the annual football banquet
and hold it after the season closes
each year. Robert Wilson, '25, chair-
man of the committee in charge of the
banquet then introduced Shirley W.
Smith, secretary of the University,
who was toastmaster of the evening.
Coach Yost was , the next speaker
and he said, "the Conference is the
greatest college athletic association in
America." Speaking of the things that
go to make a good football team he
named three main things, the plant,
the staff of coaches and the personnel
of the team. "These are the things
which determine how far we can go
through," he said.
Lauds Team
Coach George Little spoke next on
"the team that came back," telling
the story of Michigan's early season
defeat and her strong comeback and
bid for the conference championship.
Professor Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
school was the next speaker. The
text of his speech was justification
of present day athletics in regard to
the danger of its becoming commer
cialized. He said the sportsmanship
it teaches the public is Justification
enough for the huge crowds which
the game dtraws.
Captain Herbert Steger then gave
his appreciation to the members of
the team for the support they had
given him throughout the season and
the loyalty they showed in defeat. He
then introduced Robert J. Brown, '26,
who was chosen captain of the 1925
team at a meeting of members of the
team this noon.
Awards Given
Coach Elton E. "Tad'" Wieman pre-
sented the twenty winners of "M"s
with certificates signifying their earn-
ing of the letter. The men who re-
ceived letters were Babcock, Brown,
Domhoff, Edwards, Flora, Grube, Haw-
kins, Herrnstein, Gregory, Steele,
Kunow, Marion, Miller, Parker, Rock-
well, Slaughter, Steger, Stamman,
Dewey and Friedman.
After the presentation of letters two
vaudeville acts from Detroit, donated
by theExchange, Rotary, and Kiwanis
clubs were presented. Ted Rhoades
orchestra furnished music for the ban-

T II« Cy.. ii....... ....... «..i -- 7.. ....... i.C i

?r Cnliivan uaa nnf nnly nna of i

---. . Wsumivan was no only one oz
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of the en-t
ginerig nglih department spoke the country's outstanding architects
gineering Enlshdprte, pk but he vas also the ,author of the
yesterday noon at the Chamber ofbuhewsaoteathrfte
Commerce luncheon in the Chamber "Autobiography of an Idea" which,
of Commerce Inn on . the subject, according to the Chicago Tribune's
"Thanksgiving and Ann Arbor." He criticism, is the most important auto-
represented the educators of the city biography to appear in recent years.
and especially the University when he ogrpyt perieetyas
said that we all may be thankful for Mr. Sullivan also created a unique
the type of school which we have. type of ornament that is known the
"Our University," he said, "is differ- world over, some examples of which
ent than the English institution in rin the form of plaster casts, are now
that it is not secluded and set apart a part of the art collection in the'
from the rest of the community life. Louvre museum in Paris. It is the
We may be thankful for the broad only ornament in that museum by an
range which is offered in the way of iAmerican architect.
churches, art, drama; lectures, and li- The drawings which are on exhibi-
braries. All are building for a better tion this afternoon and tomorrow
Ann Arbor. The results are the work were I-rought here in connection with
of men and women with vision." the meeting of the north central re-
Dr. H. K. Burch spoke in behalf! gion of the American Institute of Ar-l
of the professions, Charles W. chlitects. The exhibition closes Thurs-
Graham represented the merchants, day night after which it will be sent
George Langford of the Economy to the Cincinnati Art gallery..
Baller Co. spoke for the manufactors.j
Walter P. Staebler, president of the
Community Fund association made an GINEE rDATrnNITV
appeal for more solicitors and for " 1
greater co-operation on the part of all
to make the Community drive a suc- HOLDS FLL INITIA ON
Mrs. Robert W. Palda recited a Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
number of selections in dialect taken fraternity, held i's fall initiation last
from, lThe Norsk Nigerigale." Com- night in the engineering library. Thej
munity singing wslad by Kennethinitiates were entertained at a ban-
Wosterman Rev. Mequet at Willetts after the ceremony.
of the Prasbyterian church acted as Prof. H. H. Higbie of the engineering
chairman. college was the principal speaker of
the evening. Prof. J. F. Fairman of
THANKS PLAYMATE the electrical engineering department


Washington that he will contest the Seniors A ust
election of Sam G. Bratton, Democrat, F
who was awarded the election by the Subscribe
official count.bb
Senator Brookhart, Republican, . photos T d
Iowa will be forced to defend his
election, Daniel J. ,Steck, his Demo-
cratic opponent having announced Seniors will have a last opportun
plans for bringing a contest. An un- today to subscribe for pictures to
usual situation has developed in this included in this year's Michigane
contest, as several Republican lead-, sian. Any seniors who wish to ha
ers, including Senator Smoot, of their pictures in the book and ha
Utah, have announced their intention ! not yet applied may do so at t
of supporting Steck. Michiganensian office any time tod
Friends of Senator Johnson, Farm- Plans are well under way fori
er Labor, Minnesota, said he would troducing several new features int
contest the election of his opponent, athletic section of this year's ann
Representative Scliall, Republican. book. The 1925 'Ensian will incl
Senator Johnson claims Schall made recognition of the major freshen
untrue charges against him in viola- teams in all the different sports.
tion of the Minnesota law. the beginning of each sport divisi
there will be a review of the seas
Sby the coach in charge of that sp
When the twenty second annual E CHOSI
Older Boys' Conference opens Friday,
afternoon at Muskegon, 25 Michigan Three sub-committee chairmen w
students will be there to conduct dis- appointed by Charles Oajkman, '26,
cussion groups, according to Earl L. the first meeting of the J-Hop co
Blaser, '27, who is in charge of the ' mittee, held yesterday afternoon
committee for the conference, for the the Union. These appointmentsa
S. C. A. The conference which was as follows:
hedaya!g nAnAbr a Decorations: J. Dale Darling, '261
the first to use University students asIMusic, Eugene K. Buck, '26D; P.
group leaders, and th'e plan was ap- grams, Richard H. Freyberg, '26.
proved by the delegates in answer to Statistics and other material
a questionnaire issued following the "past Hops were discussed by the co
meeting. In addition to the 25 from mittee, and general ideas for the 19
Michigan, Adrian will send 4 men, Al- dance formulated. The iHop is r
bion 5, Central Normal 6, Hillsdale, entirely on the budget system, a
6, Hope 8, Kalamazoo college 6, and every effort will be made to Ia
Kalamazoo Normal 5. the affair a financial success.
Those making the trip will leave I The next meeting will te held
by railroad or bus line Friday morn- Monday afternoon, at which time 1
ing, returning to Ann Arbor Sunday chairmen of the remaining sub-co
morning. mittees will be appointed.
DeMolay Chapter
Holds Initiatio
PROM ARE CLOSED TOWAY Ann Arbor chapter, order ofr
Molay, held their first initiation i
night at the Armory at which time
Final opportunity to make appli- men were taken into the order. T
cations for tickets to the Sophomore idegree team of the Jackson chap
Prom, which will be held Decembe put on the work, having acceptedt
12, in the Union ball room, will be given local chapter's invitation to act
this afternoon from 2 to 5 oclock..
The desk is located in the Union lobby or had the honor of officiating a
and sophomores making out applica-
tions may pay their class dues at this Jackson convocation lastyear. t
time. Although a number of applica-
tions were turned in yesterday there ! held for more than 50 Jackson b
is still a chance to secure a ticket. and the initiates. The present
( Applications for tickets, whichwill j ficers of the local chapter are: M
,be five dollars, may be filled out by (or' councilori (GeorgeBaileys '2'
any student regardless of class and senior councilor, William Comst
left with the person in attendance at '28; junior councilor, Howell Ru
the desk. All blanks received yester- '27.
day and today will be considered in
the order received. !Cooley To Attend
With the Stromberg-Vokoun or-.
chestra engaged for the event and New York M eetl
the contract for the program already
let to the printing company, the ma-

Competition Arranged to Gather Inportant An
Number of Ideas For Now lic

menmdmi ents to Rules
'ng Considered by
sprmie Court

iy I
tI Decorations for the J-Hop this Washington, Nov. 25. (By A. P.)-
be year will be selected from designs Important amendments to bankruptcy
ave submitted in a competitive contest, and equity rules of the federal courts
ave open to students, architects, com- throughout the country to meet
the panies which specialize in decorating, abuses which have develop'iI recently,
ay. or anyone else who may desire to especially in bankruptcy proceedings
in- enter. The plan, according to J. Dale pare expected to come from the Su-
the Darling, '26A, who is chairman of the preme Court in the basis of recom-
ual ! decorations committee, is to gather ;imendatiow by the judicial conference
ude the greatest possible number of ideas of senior circuit judges, in session
nan from which the design to be used will here, which has found the. subject one
At be selected. of the most pressing of those demand-
on,j A similar contest, conducted last ing its attention.
son year, was won by Phillip Miller, '24D, Chief Justice Taft as chairman of
ort. who submitted the Arctic plans, the conference todcy transmitted to
which were carried out by the John- the Supreme Court the recommenda-
son Flag and Decorating company of tions of the conference which were
Detroit. Students are especially re- adopted after full consultations with
! quested to enter the contest this year, every circuit and district judge, com-
in order to make the Hop wholly a mittees representing the American
E student product, if possible. The Bar and the National Credit Mens' as-
prize will be a ticket, in addition to sociation and with Representatives of
a suitable cash award, to be deter- both organizations. The court, which
ere mined later. has complete authority to act in the
at All plans must be submitted to the matter has taken the proposals under
m- chairman of the committee on or be- consideration and is expected to an-
at fore December 6, in order to allow onunce its conclusion without delay.
are j time for the actual work to be com-
A pleted byFebruary 6.
6A;,U RI U Q





I unal iryauts for the Varsity debat-

nd Paris, Nov. 25.-A copy f the "Cos- uig team to represent Michigan in
ake 1 areatrNov. 2;'.--ADebateowillebeos
mographice Introductio" in which' the the Central League Debatewill be
on name "America" was first given to held from 3to 6 o'clock today in roodm
the the continent as recognition by the 3269 of te Literary building. The
mhe author of the claim of Amerigo Ves- d
- pucci, the Italian navigator, to be its
discoverer, was sold at auction here solved that the Philippines should be
today, the town of Saint Die, in which given their complete and immediate
the book was printed in 1607, being independence." Elovenmen who have
the purchaser. The price realized studied the subject in the debating
n was 28,000 francs. Saint Die is . .
proud of the title that has been ap- ' The Central League this year in-
De- plied to it of "America's godmother," c euie only Michigan and Northwest-
ast because of the name given the conti- e Chicago,fm erlya and Nrthayes-
15 nent in the work that came from the IngCiao, form ea r ,ihan
The press there. The public citizens of ing droppe out this year. Michigan
ter the town responded readily to the so-
the licitation of a book lover who opened vious deoates hed under tn'L Central
in a subscription campaign to acquire LaPro. T. C. Trueblood, Prof. L. .
apt- ( the volume. There are about a dozen Eich, (. E. Densmore, and C. G-
t a Icopies in existence of the three cdi- gandt, members of the public speak-
s tions printed. Ing faculty, willPe judges of the try-
asT OHLDY A Council Considers
ock_ 0UNIONLocal B"us Line
At a public hearing held in the
Due to the holiday tomorrow a spe-
cial dance will be held tonight in council rooms last Monday night, the
the ballroom of the Union for gener- I question of substituting a buss line


With work practically completed on
the fourth and fifth floors, the new
medical 1 uilding is fast nearing com-
pletion, and it will be realy for oc-
cupancy early in the oecond semester,
it is expected.
In the building considerable plas-
tering is eliminated, walls of room
and corridors being left the natural
tile color, a practice fast coming into
vogue in modern construction. Only
on the first floor are walls of rooms
and corridors plastered.
On the fifth floor are located the
animal rooms, and scores- of small
laboratories. Small kennels, with
runw,ays to the roof, are also pro-
vided. The fourth floor is chiefly de-
voted to laboratories. Large labora-
tories ,are located on the second,
third and fourth floors where the two
wings of the V-shaped building come
Work on the building is now being
concentrated on the top floors, and
these will be finished first. On the
second floor rooms are yet to be par-
titioned off.
In thie University shops, work has
already been started on furniture and
equipment for the building, and as
fast as this is completed, it is being
Havana, Nov. 25. - Cuba's public


The following is what one of our
readers would like to see' in Jim-
mie's space.
"The birds of the air have their
nests; animals have their caves,
savages their huts."
As a Michigan student you have

was taken in as an honorary member.i
The following seniors were initiated:
L. A. Maeded, R. A. Hiss, R. J. Min-
ard, A. F. Christian, R. F. Moody,
S. A. Weart, F J. Goellner, H. S.
Young, H. R. Poland, W. S. Herbert,
S: A. Warner, J. A. Barkovich, R. R.'
Whipple, F. L. Everett, D. Van Osen-





al membership. The regular orches- 'in place of the present street car sys-
tra will furnish music and there will teen in Ann Arbor was discussed by
be dancing from 9 to 1 o'clock. Tick- .,. .,

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