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November 25, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-25-1924

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Published every morning exr~ept Monday
wuring the 1. fliversity year by the Board in
Control f Student Publications.
M ejobers of Western Conference Editorial
C'h.e Asociated Press is exclusively en-
mniedl to the use for republication of all news
lispastches credited to it or not otherwise
cr-edited in this paper and the local news pub-
t~he herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
tl ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate,
4 postage gr anted by Third Assistant Post-
nast _"r General.
Subscr iption by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,.
rOffices. Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
. *ad Street.
Phones? Editorial, 2414 and 176-M, busi-
tess, 960.
el&'ephonies 2414 and 176-'M
mon.............John G. Garlinghouse
.......... .. Robert G. Ramnsay
Night Editors
Esct1' Davis Harold A. Moore
'Iiona L', ilcnry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
vKenneth C. Kelle! Norman R. Tn al
"1,prtr. Lditoi..,....... William H. Stoneman
Sunda} Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Wor" n's Editor ..:...........Verena Moran
N; asic and i'rama.......Robert B. Henderson
velcgrapb lEditor...William J. XWalthour
Louise Harley Winfield H. Line
Mrion P'arloW Carl E. Ohirnacher
Lle . I-IU'et WXilliam C. l'attc-rMor
Si~iih Cad-.g.len S. l; afllSea
Villa'i4is Crosby Regina Reich mann
Valentine L. Davies M"arie (teed
lames \V. ernamnberg Edmarie Schrauder
{ oseph O. Gartner Frederick 11. Shillito
Nianning 'Jiouseworth' C. Arthur Stevens
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
Elizabeth Liebermann Berman J. Wise

RU:SIX<N TREATIES TO THE bury and Par. tin, Iowa made no sen-1
AH. HEAP~. sational piglys whatever. As to the
Faced with the possibility of an in-' "tremnendous jdrives" that netted Iowa
undateon of Soviet propoganda, al- ,a touchdown, they were dearly bought.
ways with the picture in mnind of' The Eawkeyes literally had to grovel
blood-stained Russia and bankrupt in the dirt and root their way inch by
Germany, both owing their present 'inch over the goal-line. I think that
woes to the machinations of Rted co- our boys deserve unbounded praise
hosts of anarchy and communism, the' for checking the drive in the match-
English government has reacted to 'less w-vay that they dlid it. This skill
the',situation in a manner character- was duplicated time and time- again
ilnof the custoary.raulctionl wich !-nearly every time that the Iowans

TO-NGH: Thle Marineins in fit
Drama Dances at 8 o'loek htnit
l Auditorium.

d Bught Your TicetsaYet
Save the Last Minute Rsi- :(f

1:L1; L Llt LLC~t it , ot c-- Ia
'is the keynote of English stateman'-
s~a ii


Scarcely had the new governmient
taken over the reins of authority than
it proceeded to undo the worm of its.
prejecessor, and Ramsay M ac Donald,
sees his work of months cast into the,
ash h~ea,) of international vast,,. The
whol~e of the Anglo-IRussian treaties,
which: wntributed largely to the
downfall of the late government, are
swept away, not alone by governmentl
action, biut by the exniressed will of
the British public, who in often elec-
tion, repudiated the treaty wOhoso es-
sential feature was tae guarantee of
a loan to the Soviet which could not
meet with the aprroral o:" the iivtion.
'ieh fear of the .f . tishz nation. how-
rver. asie f'r'i t1"? h o n n!(,e )n-
siderations of trade and finance, finds
expression in the reaction to the,
Zinovieff letter which was made pub-
lic during the election fight, a letter
which Moscow officials declared to be
a forgery, but which the English gov-
ernment accepts as part of an ex-
tensive series of anti-Driti; h propo-
ganda issued "with the consent el the
Soviet government."
TIhe'note of the foreign saoctary
which' informed the Russians of the
Ibreak, states that the British7 go-'ern-I
merit regards the. pronoganda spread
by the Zinovief'f letter as "inconsis-
tent with the solemn undertaings
given by your government," and acids
the warning that the "Soviet Goviern-
ment would do well to weigh caraful-
ly the consequences of ignorliig this
This then, in effect, is a notice. to
-the' Soviet that their good beia vior is
the price of furthier reco~nition . from

attempted a drive.j THE 3AR3EINS AT TITO O'V IVi k 4' ' al A l
On the other hand, our men broke An Interviewlby -Norma lDicKn'v'll. Ius v
th ow in n.erl veyatept p~x
th Iwalie n ealyevryatemt. They are charmingly individual; Th
Whenever Friedman completed a passIL
it netted good yardage, and hadf it not Irene, dignified and reserved, 24Miriam, ______yd ,*, ;,s,,rrd,
been for Santa Claus, the referee, wve dynamic and apparently the mloving-
might have used an additional pass to force of the company, and Phyllis, the
good adlvantag e. He penalized usj youngest, imbued wvitht all the verve*a
more than we gained. Other passes, of extreme youth.' Perhaps the Plost
though interfered with, showed good delightful characteristic of the Nluar-
i~nil~smnshp. minsis that tbey are sisters in atin
I have not heard of the speed which as well as in fact, There is a willing_-
M1ichigan displayed during 'the MO- ness to subordinate, which no doubt
ments Iowa seemed to: be leaving us comes from their unanimity of p~ ___
in the, rear; when Iowa had a clear pose.1_
right, in ;ro ut of her eyes, and M ichi- ' "Our ultim ate ideal," they explained i l e o e h r c e n g a -i e ".
tprsnaprga whcdoS'gan literally overtook the fleeting not formulate a school, nor represen.t aM
I~iakcy warios ad snt hemextremes of either the classic or nti-
spirawling, into the sidelines., Those uralistic ballet. Our idea is to bring7
are the merits a good team is judged about a sane fusion of both.
by; When a team can overcome a real "We do not plan to for uat
=.findcap,. supporting cast for ensemble effects,,.t
Michigan wvas beaten, and Michiganj present. If, we ever do enlarge our 392 S. State St.
«s ne'aten by a much inferior team1 company it will he with a view tod-
t it ow . O rb y di thi betIvl pn a a me b r inii uly1i - in a much better fashion than Iowans to educate rather than to train, to make
accomplished success. Fate was against each dancer an actual part of tile NO ,z_ l, 19 4
us Saturday, and I don't believe that whole; not merely an added stare prop- S !1 r'i' W '1 F S1
defeat could be truthfully laid-, to any erty for spectacular extravagance. 2 : x t,5 t; 7 1'
other cause. "~The purely classic, traditional bal-,9 '' 2 1 4 1
11. 1. Richardson., let is admittedly, artificial, lbut inan '1 7 13 i19 20 21' 22}
I _____________ - likes to be artificial. It is a f nce, 21 . °. 26.2.7. 2S 2
TOO CPINIONATIV'E for example, of tl law, of gravitation __ __
To the Editor: for a man to fly l-tut he loves to and f
I have noticed a few letters printed de o tNotlll t sapr o-Iic
. dedoi ilal tisap e-jin your Public Opinion department! sion for a danc.er to~ poise on one ',ce.
a,;out the distribution of football 'yet again it gi ves the artist a e ttain i-- - - - - ___
tickets and at least one advocating a subtile sense of ~l[oftiness' a form of W la n olc asadcp
new a~itd larger stadium. triumph." (-a. i do it I ICI-ITl You will appreciate
17ienwand larger stadium idea Commenting' Ion the new cubirtic lwv ;,g your hat done over in a clean
I sdors ,to, me to be a very feasible:I numbers added io ;he repertoire of the and snitary manneiir, free front odor
schen~e, as an investment if for noth- Diaglieff ballet 1 , Paris, "Noces" andadmd oftyu ed
iing-else. IZt seems, from the extra "Sacre du Printm-ps," they said, "'I'Te I PACTORY HIAT S'CORE
number of seats a new stadium adapt-, Russian Ballet I-tse, tense and color- ; '17 11 111iurd St. plumle 179%)
:dy to the needs of this university ful as it is, cl'~rly show~s the car- (\Vhere ID TT,. 1 Stows at STtcte)
Would iVe, that in a few years the 'marks of a defil7 r decadecnce. Undter
~extra' i'icorne should pay for the the direction. of ~pN jska, a highly non- STUDENTS:
stadium. Probably a considerable rotic woman he~l, h ntr t.ns
of one ~h be'obaind etir atos-We: arnounce this falln a high quality
amount omneighbeotid phere is taut,. pti 1ate, almost nerve- line of Suits and Overcoats at
for the purpose by donations also. Al racking, and; lea icsone exhausted and $2.0 n $95
little agitation for this. enlarged bat- bewildered. Well-trained and reis, Tailored to your individual measure

Ly locay fi~ni i~~ Y L'"'
)ices A. A . IV . and 1.of 'I.(de lb
Is Ad. by (Courtesy C(irahban'.' Th oh ;3<' re x1

Red or Black Are eal Bcautie .
They Have Real Quality, Too.

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c- , _
r, Y' ' P
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Ask to See Them at
The Official I''a zlcdEG'/. < Si ieS ~

Telephoene 'U60
Advertising.. ,..... ,. .......E. L. )unre
Advertising.....................'.. Ew
Advertising.. ........ ..Hi. A. Marks
Adv-crtising.................H. M. Rockwell
Accounts.... ...........Byron Parker
Circulation................ HR C. Winter
Publication.................John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W, L. Mullins
W. V,, Ardussi K. F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
F. Dent: Thomas Olmstead
Philip Detz J. D. Ryan
David. For. N. Rosenzweig
Norman Preehling Mtargaret Sandburg
W. E: Hamakcer F. K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. M. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. rKramner

-~ ,

This Beautiful Home at 1624 Broo klyn
A vnue, for Sale

Eight rooms and poirch.
Vapor steam hcat.
Oil burner.

Permutit water softener.
Minneapolis heat regulator.
Lot, 150 x 145

_________i Britain. It places Russia almr.ost in
TUSDYNOEMER 25 124 the same relation to Britain that it
Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS bears toward the United Stat.es, save
________-- ____- -- -the fact that recognition still exists
COLLEGIATE "SOCIALISTS"? in England. British newspapers seem
Declaring that "through the Pro-,t elcaheattd f h'nto
Iwhen they declare overwhelmingly in
aressive nartv the middle clas will ! - .. ...

come back to its former place," ment. With regard to the distribution of itself, formless anid chaotic."
G~ogeS. arhal, ormr ayo o Altruistic peace lovers have looked tickets, I, for one, and I could name All three of the Marmeins s cr~ekle
Clumbus, Ohio, in speaking before, upon the apurarent rap)prochiement be- ;several more, would welcome a !the vital importance of a basic e'hoSaeUierite oltetee nln n usaasase" hnei tepronloh-s wopqe I sqit emsbet x
club ne dy las wee, expess n t direction of univrs aeeace have to do with the distribution ofj press what you feel," Irene brolm in,
clboedyls ekepesdIwinthe twintipswoldb which they are distributed. For "but as a pianist would never think of
h~meifas. bing gad ha th co- e z together biy' the' threadbare ties t.ckets , r else zn 4e" niazner in bidding for public favor without care-
loges of the United States were. be- of brotherhood. The Dally' (Iron- insrtance",. =I=andn another Junior sent ful,exact teclrni''1aUwning, so a d'an:
comning more "social istic.°,' . .isle, t~te official organ of Lloyd Ceorge in for' four..tic ,tts,.tpgether and, -getJ or, actor, toddo credit to his _art, nmwst
If by "socialistic" the mayor meansc says however, "It was Mr. MacDonald twio couples in' different 'sections.nt.Ovosytiseciuehul
who destroyed the prospect of a Rlus- I That is nothing to cry about but the not be carried into the actual peil--
subscribing to the ideals and aims of sa tray"wieteTmspntatciyhtclsfohtispsleImance, but it must always be latent.
EugneV. eb ad hs ocaliti Iout that the British action is; "much; is that two other Juniors that I know waiting to sustain those mrnents
party, or, to be even more radical, to; I betrcluae ola. oteetb awtsn i o w ikt pee when the artist lacks thne genuine crea-
the extreme views of the Communists ibentfcalcu atedtoreladtonste eab- aboil tint ifrot iksuespigtee, veimus"
that group of American Soviet bolshe- isheto omlreainLewea atiaigwt lesr eigte termpule."picpewa lutae
he guilty of ~~~~creating wha Russia and this c,)untry than thie per- gamo andl taking a friend to see it. Ltrtii rnil a lutae
vists, heisgitofgwapeulcnesosothLao o-±T-asmibruhthsudts as they carefully ran through their
might well be termed ,A-most ethereal ! eulchesoso h ao o- ody albogtteesuet various cxercises on the IHill Audi-
ernmen. Ltheir tickets. One of them had seats
fabrication of an active mind as to eiet"'ntodfeetscin' n a
in to diferet setion: On hadtorium stage. Whirling, bending, leap-
the nature of the average college stu- l i"ALOE O n atsadtce n n etIing,, they became charming, feather-
dent.; light, dancing their specific stops 'Le,
A season of Conferen! e football' is sta urd ticket. Could you imagine any-
While recognizing the extravagant' ~n moepasgthn o I the incongrous accompaniment of1a:
copietnow at an end. For the first time inthn moe1langhno part
whc ehspaid, per- x he esn ihia a atdd-compiany with your girl at the aga tage carpenter's hammer in place of
Baps unwittingly, to the average Am-i hr igi h atadsi oi n-ude n' their orchestra's harmony.
orican student, the plain facts in the feat, teehavn been ithpataditsmonHudeantwenty. ' *,
casearethatthi avragestuentfour years only three defeats.. Al- Yar'is frome her at the game you were 1SAI
woes so little of actual thinking about rayepaainaiiadhr~~~i~ e o n htI ntm Joseph C. Lincoln's "Shavinlgs," to ie
luck stories are in the air. They in-n, a lu iktst h
the matter that it 'would be almost ei~~ olwacoegm ieU ih~n-Nrl'sen gm u presented as the. second numbeir of the
Impossible to coniceive that he Is be- of ' 'flowaclsegmelfetat vtAi 'n brheeradtoget Play Produton series in "lnivcr~it~y
coming "socialistic." No matter how 'f1tStra.me e ga ogtmr Hall Friday evenzing ;, Novembler 23l, wa~
muchit i to e laente, th ma- In thre Campus Opinion column for ut nay, not so, it seemed to su it the al u i nBrawy ti o
oitof nria colg an un-todry there pis printed a letter which taste of those in charge of ticket _dis- ~ntoryofA riaclegadui- as clever as "Dulcy," not ne2arly as
attempts to prove that Michigan real- ' ti ibution(; rv hti a nyI
versty tudets walow te wrds- a onto povetha it as nlyinteresting as "Clarence," b~ut along
versfy sudens sallo theword a"minor game by keeping two stands. with "Lightnin'," " The 01l1 Soak," acid
of the professors as if they were the lycobn the Io bgaedthesuwrofng 'Th nutiei hetet
words of a venerable Greek oracle. soebigth obnd rsl fepy.Teijsie ntete a host of simiarl'. pleasing pictures
I~owthe, ules th grat ajoityfailure, to get the b:eenks and bad do--i melt given to these not on speaking o h hfls, mrcia opc~
ogteepoesr reabt mpjrpo- isions by the referees. Supposing I terni with the office force rouses myI it enjoys a +eta 'cnezonal " vogue
,alssfr oils a ahrr-all this to be true, which is probably ie nbt ftewrtcsso among those of s who1 lo'ge to be
~andistnofortsocalisme(atrather e-onotason for which I spoke the bids for tickets
rrotely possibile situation) can the t'scstem > ~ ~ o sweetly enztertained.
0hi myo cme o iscoclSio isch wholesale postmiortens. What Were in at least a" few weeks before "Shavings" "is a prcu'donyin for a t eiL:-
that the colleges are becoming , ste s farulg I' l oe fnlbrgi-ae a.'al, simple toy-mzaker ou a ('lape Gode
ialistic '' I now. Just one more kick, Mr. Editor., seaport tow n. Centered about lhla
As o M. Mrshll' sttemnt hat While no one w.ould venture to wvish while I'm in a kicking mood. To me there is Babbi ,her mother, a brother
As to Mr. MaconinuedldfsattforMichigthteamsit seems thatfthe editorials are J Juse jur t out of jailfor forging a chfreck- -zite~nis
"if he umbr o prgresivs aongthere is inl this se~ason's minor rover" a little brit opinionative. For instanceI "he didn't r~al y mrean to (10 it," the
colee tuens oninestogrw a crtinvalu to thme st'mdent and Id o bleeyou are representing Iplot explains--a girliifanl boy, each
as t hs rcetly th nxt enea-alumni s upporters at least. 'Tire test I a majority of the students in some of I fromr a Montague Capul t fainili,, a
tion will solve our questions," it is IYour condemnatio s F r int ce! ow g sip -t avl ng aesm n"
the fervent hp o nyo olg of a good sport is the manner in 'fS o ntne ongsiataeln aemn
hopenotonl ofcolegewhich lie tapes defeat. The team, I if I were Mr. Wuerth I should be very and so the list goes on an(d on.
'tudlents of today but also of great Suedr' htIsldntptmslIoti s*-
odlucators that the coming leaders 'of 'd ng and after the Illinois and Iowa suetal i o ptmsl u n A the second act clirmax the byank
the ounry illdo hisver thng.gamxe~s provedl themselves in this re- any way to please the students after ' is robbed with suspicion thrown onl the
I spect. htheeeditorial which disnowgusted me Ibrother, and fox the final curtain there
Apparently then, there is a completespc.Tertofhe niriynw
agremet a toth en deire bu'Ihas its opportunity to prove that in- about the land-Bounce. I suggest ! is someone to ' marry the widow, the
tercollegiatesconrtheitidndi-irworth- that you try to realize that this would two warring families walk down'tho
whie, hatin ictry r dfea threbe a very funny world if we should street together, and thie boy and girl
qitageea paetl udmentalwiathtsrvctrtooefa thereensan i all have the sanre tastes. I do not eloped with the respiective blessings of
medi s etrias tte ens andndgod-sorsmnsp
methds f scurng hat nd.iS nit an goo-sprtsansip. mean to offend you any nmore than the assembled cast. In the end Shav-
If the recent presidential campaign you did Mr. Wuertli and I certainly 'ings is left alone, again with only his
haIo ul eontae htte CAMyU OPINIOrN hope this missive does not sound near toys for companions as he listens to a
mayor's method is a failure, it is Ano')imous communications will be as offenrsive as did your editorial con- hound baying at the mnoon--the tear-
earits will, however, be regarded as IcrigteB
F th e r o r e i rs e m st o r e p o aln o f d n i l u o r q e t ' o i g t i tonlk ckt hv eet a d ,te w o h o l e n e cV - ii - i l
tolat, udenh et ondofthekfew FATEmake I am -G. IH. C. '26E. Emethod that pleases e :eryone a trifle
collge tudntswhodo hin an ' ATEWASA~ANSTUS -1weary, perhaps, of the skyrioc ket brA--
wvithi the aid of many real thinkers ii notice, through articles in yester-; If tooth paste will work equally 'liance of the contemporary Synges a nd
who shall never have the opportunity ' day's papers, concernmig the football well on cement walks, a certain well- ! haws.
of a college education, the desired so-game with Iowa, that our frienrd Mr. known manufacturer of the article **
Rution for the country's greatest prob-; Yost does not share the opinion of suceeded in demonstrating this new THLE YPSIL-AN 1lI' LAYEHi
brins shall come. And if they do come about forty-five thousand loyal MiiciI use last Saturday, judging from the Elwood F'ayfield and Margu;erite
uinder the leadership of such men, gan rooters as to who won the real appearance of the streets after the Goodman, both members of Cemedly

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