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November 25, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 11-25-1924

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Chimes Features ImpressionsI
Of Campus In November Issue



With special emphasis on student's
impression's of the campus and the
University, Chimes makes its second{
appearance of the semester in its
' November issue today. This number
contains a large variety Of articles
written by students on the various
activities of the campus, as well as
two articles by faculty members and!
one by an alumnus.
The articles featuring student im-
pression vary from the one by "Joe

Shirley Smith to Act as Toastmaster; College" on the ideas he has gleaned
Rhoades Orchestra to during four years here, entitled "Af-
Proilde 3lusic ter Four Years," to a letter written
by a Chinese student. A fraternity
Herbert Steger, retiring captain of cIhart giving the relative positions of
this year's football team, will intro- the different groups on both scholas-
duce the new captain for the 1925 tic and activity basis is also includ-
team tonight at the football banquet ed in the issue, and gives the national
which is to be held in honor of the ; as well as the local histories.
squads at 5:30 o'clock tonight in the A new series df articles called
main assembly hall of the Union. The "Campus Characters" starts in this
captain will be elected by the team issue under the title the "Plutocrat."
this noon.
All members of the Varsity who are
to receive "M" awards will be pre-
sented with their certificates to that I UIII UII
effect at the banquet also. The Var-
sity, reserve, and freshman squads i
will be the guests of honor at the TO BANQUETED
banquet. The men who are to receivej
"M"s are Babcock, Brown, Domhoff,
Edwards, Flora Grube, Hawkins, Second "International" Gathering to
Herrnstein, Kunow, Marion, Millerr be Held Tomorrow
Parker, Rockwell, Slaughter, Steger, f Nigkt
Stamman, Steele, Gregory, Dewey,
Friedman and Madsen. y D BLANCHARD WILL SPEAK
"AMA"s will be awarded to Froem- -
ke, Heath, Lovette, Samson, Baker, Michigan's second international
Davis, McIntyre, Ullman, Langguth, ng
Coventry and Witherspoon. banquet will be held tomorrow night
Speakers Named with more than 200 foreign students,
Shirley W. Smith, secretary of tire members of the faculty, and local
University, will act as toastmaster people who are interested 'in thre stu-
and' will introduce the speakers. dent cosmopolitan movement in at-
Fielding H. Yost, director of Intercol-1 tendance. The foreign students will
legiate athletics and Coach George be the guests of the Student Christ-
Little will speak, and Prof. Ralph W. 'Ian Association and Y. W. C. A., the
Aigler of the Law school, Steger, and' organizations sponsoring the event,
~Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, president of The program will take the form of
the Union, will also talk. an aeroplane tour around the earth,
The Exchange club, Rotary and Ki- the plane making brief visits in sev-
wanis clubs have co-operated with eral countries, representatives of
the Union in arranging for the ban- which will make short talks. Perry M.
quet and have secured two vaudeville Hayden, '25, president of the S. C. A.,
acts from Detroit theater bills to fur- will act as toastmaster, introducing
nish entertainment. Ted Rhoades' the speakers of the foreign lands, and
orchestra will supply music for the Prof. Brand Blanchard of the phzloso-
dinner, phy department, who will be the main
Tickets on Sale speaker on the program, speaking on
Tickets for the banquet, which have the topic "Charting International Air
been on sale at the main desk of the Currents."
Uni n since Tuesday, may still be se- ; Carlos Garcia-Prada, of the Ro-
cured today. They are priced at $1.50. j mance language department, will beI
It is expected that more than 600 the first speaker, talking on "Touch-
people will be present. ing the Equator." From here the


The second of the series on the "Evo-
lution of Football," as well as an ar-
ticle on present tendencies of athlet-
ics is presented.
Two articles, one by Prof. Oscar J.
Campbell, on "What Do You Read?"
and another by a member of the phil-
osophy department, John Kuiper, en-
titled "Educated or Wise?" make up
the faculty contributions to this issue.
A first review of the Union Opera
by Paul Einstein, '25, and an article
on the Oratorical association by
Millard Pryor, '25, are examples of
stories on campus organizations writ-
ten by men intimately connected with
the efforts of these organizations.
Walker Everett's page of drawings
needs no recommendation to the!
readers of Michigan's campus opinion
magazine. An article by Frank Deans,,
'26, on "Neglected Campus Pleasures,"
is a worthy successor to his article
of last month on "The Campus Credo."

A On PTS rE i -r.

Lecturer in Political Science At Ox.
ford Gives the First
Talk Today
Rev. Alexander James Carlyle, chap-
lain and lecturer in political science
at University college, Oxford, will give
two lectures on medieval political
theory in the auditorium of Newber-
ry hall today and tomorrow, at 4:15
o'clock. Dr. Carlyle is a recognized
authority on political science, and is
the author of an "History of Medieval'
Political Theory in the West," a work
of four volumes.
"He is a perfectly delightful lec-
turer, is very tactful with popular
audiences, and I am sure will make a.
hit in America," says Professor Mori-
son of Harvard, university. "He has
a very informal, whimsical, humorous
style; and, furthermore, completely
looks his part of Scotch dominie and
Oxford don."
Among Dr. Carlyle's writings are
an essay on the church in "Conten-
tio Veritatis," "The Influence of
Christianity on Social and PoliticalI
Ideas," and a "Life of Bishop Lati-
mer," written in collaboration with
his wife.
Dr. Carlyle received his education
at Glasgow university and at Exeter
College, Oxford, where he received
first class honors in history in 1886.

£xx L 1.,-Ji'r~&.k. iA strated their ability and worth of The men who entered the portals of
membership in the ancient organiza- the mighty organizafion, having prov-
Resolutions of Sympathy to be Sent tion. ed their right to do so by 'passing
to President Burton and 1 Those initiated into the society yes- through the initiation rites, are L.. G.
Registrar hall terday are H. A. Turner, Q. W. Well- Donaldson, It. H. Callahan, K. G.
ington, E. E. Deister, J. I. Groshko, W. Smiles, W. L. Deiner, IT. 13. Koenig,
The University Senate, in its first R. Day, E. F. Westover, K. B. Howe, W. A. Everett. I. J. Brown, E. C.
Smeeting of the year 1924-25 lasthnightI H. W. MacDuff and H. Fernez. Mack, F. P. Waver, and A. B. Crouch.
in the Law building, accepted the re-
Guidance and Placement and the re-
port of the Deans' conference and ac-
ademic qualifications for appointment
and promotion, and referred both mat-
ters to the Board of Regents for ac- K
tion. ac-O
The report of the committee on Vo-
cational Guidance and Placement stat-'
ed that investigations last year show- Johnla C.arke, '25, and Thomas Fiske, Secretrry of :Baptist Educational
ed that "40 per cent of the freshmen i '25, Named Delegates to Board Will Give
in the College of Literature, Science, Convention Serviee
and the Arts come here with no de- -- ---
finite choices of occupations." HOLD SPECIAL MEETING TO ARRIVE TOMORROW
It was sugested by the report that f
a permanent Senate committee be ap- Deleratis from the University at Rev. Allyn K. Foster, D. D., will
pointed to arrange for students to in-s ka 0 o c
terview specialists in fields that in- the National Interfraternity conven- spea at 10:30 o'clock Thursday in
teret Ihill auditorium at the University
terest them, maintain a permanent tion, which will be held Friday and hIasivgricesaor.h"Gathering
placement bureau, and to follow up Saturday of this week at New York Lhts Dr. seris the fourth
The report of the Deans' conference city, will be John E. Clark, '25, and speaker to be presented here in the
on academic qualifications for ap- Thomas E. Fiske, '25, it was an- University service series, which are
pointment and promotion suggests that nounced yesterday, following a spec- conducted by the, Student Christian
higher qualifications be required ofral meeting of the Intefraternity association
all candidates for faculty positions or il my Dr. Foster, who is secretary of the
promotions, and outlined the suggest- council. Baptist board of education, is a grad-
ed requirements. The meeting was called primarily uate of Johns Hopkins ur-iversity, and
The Senate accepted the annual re- for the purpose of outlining some plan has gained a reputation as an educa-
port of the Senate council as present- for the betterment of conditions at tor while head of a boys' school in
ed by Dr. F. E. Robbins, its secre- fr ternity dances. Dean Joseph A. Connecticut. He later occupied two
tary, and adopted the recommendation Bursley, dean of students, outlined pastorates, one at Worcester, Mass.,'
made by that body that a standing.j the conditions affecting the dances at and the other in Brooklyn, N. Y.
committee be appointed for tIe pur- the present time, and urged that the During the war he earned the com-
pose of conducting the annual Honors council take speedy action for im- mendation of Major-General Allen for
convocation in May of each year. proving these conditions before it his extensive work in France, where
It was voted that resolutions of would be necessary for the Univer- he was one of the most popular speak-
sympathy be sent to both President sity to take a hand in eliminating the ers to soldiers in the service. Dr.
Marion L. Burton and Registrar Ar- situation. The overcrowded condi- Foster has spent the last five years
thur G. Hall.
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law tions at the dances were especially visiting colleges and universities talk-E
school, presided at the meeting in the emphasized by the dean, who stated ing on the relatioaslhip of science to]
Absence of President Burton. that this could be corrected by clos- religion.
ing dances to all students outside the fThe speaker will arrive in Ann Ar-
fraternity, or to issue written invita- bor tomorrow afternoon and will at-
CTTE tions to guests. tend the International banquet in the
A, committee was appointed by John evening.
T E. Clark, president of the council, to
HOLD MEETING investigate conditions and to make a
report of the results.I

Twenty New Members Initiated
By Junior Honorary Societies
Ten shivering members of the junior While these events were transpir-
engineering class scrubbed their way ing, the mighty organization of Sphinx
into Triangles, honory junior engineer- I was unfolding its secrets to ten mem-
ing society, yesterday afternoon, and bers of the junior literary class, who
were officially initiated into the order were proved worthy by a long, weary
at a banquet last night in the Union. journey down the river Nile. Many
The Engineering arch was the scene trials and tribulations were undergone
of the scrubbing, as it received its in the duration of this perilous jour-
semi-annual cleaning at the hands of I ney, but at last the men reached their
of the neophytes, who thus demon- destination.



Stage Effects Praised by
Performance Starts
at 8 o'Clock



Three sisters, Miriam, Irene, and
Phyllis Marmein, will present their
unique and original program of
"Drama Dances" at S o'clock tonight
in Hill auditorium. The performance
is given under the auspices of the
University Glee club and the Ameri-
can Association of University women
as a benefit the Women's League
The Marmeins are bringing some-
thing entirely new, to Ann Arbor, a
form of art which most nearly ap-
proaches the dances, but thaat employs
the spoken word as a means of fur-
ther expression. In the opinion of
most critics they depict as many
moods in their dancing as can be ex-
pressed by actors in legitimate drama
and are as technically skilled in the
art of the dance as of the classic ar-
They surround themselves with
vivipl settings and unusual lighting
effects, and are noted for the beauty
of their costuming. That is why they
call their presentations "Drama
Solos Arranged
Theperformance which they are to
give tonight offers much variety of
mood and setting. The program which
has been previously announced in-
cludes several solo numbers by each
of the sisters, as well as short "story-
ettes" in which all three take part."

Robert Wilson, '25, is in charge of
arrangements for the banquet and'
members of the three civic clubs are
on the committee in charge of the din- a
ner. The time of starting has been
changed from 6 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock
in order that those who wish to at-
tend the presentation of the "Mar-'
meins" may do so.j

planes w
where R
verse on
and other
will be in
close wit
and Blue

ill hop to the Philippines,
ufina Luna, '25L, will con-
the topic "Dropping a Day,"'
r students will continue.,
ing the trip, Prof. Blanchard'
introduced. The program will
h the singing of "'the Yellow
e." I
pus Campaign
Remove Dogs
Proceeds Slowly



Preparations for the J-Hop to be
given February 6, will be started at,
the first meeting of the committee at
3:15 o'clock this afternoon in roomf
302 of the Union.I
The meeting will be given over to T
a general discussion of former Hops, o Ifi
according to Charles G. Oakman, gen- 1 . .
eral chairman, and statistics gather- engineering department will speak
ed from the past, together with other i this evening before the Rotary club in
information relative to the producing Highland Park. Professor White will
of the dance, will be considerable, talk upon the contribution of engi-
At this time the past experiences of neering in increasing the amount of
the members of the committee in var- leisure enjoyed by the average per-
ious details, such as handling money, son of today, referring to the total
arranging the music and supervising production of the world's necessities
decorations,. will be listed, in order in a shorter period, with a direct re-
to facilitate the selection of the heads sult of shortening the average work-
for the various sub-committees. These ing day from 12 to 8 hours.a
committee chairmen will to announc-

fHl1I l~L11 IlIIIILd I U
New York, Nov. 21.-Dr. Karl Arn-
stein, designer of the ZR-3, arrived on
the Liner George Washington today
with a staff of 12 engineers. They
will proceed at once to Akron, Ohio,
to begin constiucting;, in the name of
the Goodye.r Zeppelin corporation,
huge commere:0 i gibles for pas-
senger and mail service, domestic aid
'I am certain that the lighter-than
ani industry of the world will be cen-
tered in Amerca," said Dr. Arnstein.
"You have ll the best conditions for
dirigible nanufacture-capital. engi-

_ i Though
Courses in the literary collegeand Gro
which are dropped after tomorrow will and Gho
be recorded with the grade E, accord- and thou;
ing to an announcement made yes- ont I
terday by Dean W. A. Humphreys, as- against f
sistant dean of the literary college. j and bicyc
Only under extraordinary' circurn-I departne
stances will Dean Humphreys take in- drastic st
to consideration the dropping of Emplos
courses after this date. j been ins
Students who desire to drop courses of all str
must secure a blank for that purpose until cal
at the registrar's office. They must Buildings
secure on this blank the signatures of Payment
all instructors or professors whose chargedf
courses are to be dropped. This blank Beginn
must then be submitted to Dean Hum- bicycle r
phreys, who with the registrar consid- oral chil
ers the petition. 'Letters w
If the petition is granted, official i and onc
notice will be sent by the registrar to rule, bic
the instructors concerned. Member- and relea
ship in the class does not cease until!guarante
the petition to drop the course has that the
been granted and the instructor offici-
ally notified. tions. -
A general meeting of all the com- Club
mittee chairmen of the League bazaar'
will be held at 4:30 o'clock today in F
Barbour gymnasium.


i no dogs were in the im-
"pound" of the Buildings
unds department yesterday,
ugh no bicycles were taken,
irst day of the campaign
frolicing dogs on the campusI
ole riding on the walks, the
ent prepared today' to take
Steps if necessary.
yes of the department have
tructed to clear the campus
ray dogs, which will be held
led for by the owner at the ,
s and Grounds department.
of 50 cents a day will be
for feeding costs.f
ing the campaign againstE
iding on campus walks, sev-
dren were warned yesterday.
will also be sent to parents,
continued infractions of the
ycles will be confiscated
ased only upon sufficient
e by parents or guardians
re will be no further viola-
To Discuss
lipino Freedom

All students of the University willj
be given an opportunity to make ap-
plications for the Sophomore Prom,
according to an announcement made
by the committee last night. Due to
the fact that applications are not com-
ing in as fast as expected, the com-
mittee decided that the privilege of'
attending the annual event would be
extended to all students on the camn-'
pus, regardless of class.
Applications will be given out today
and tomorrow from 2 to 5 o'clock at
the booth in the Union lobby. Appli-
cations already received will be given
preference, but until the allotted num-
ber of tickets are applied for, class
preference will be received. Applica-
tions made out today and tomorrow
will be considered in the order re-r
The Prom, which will be held De-
cember 12, will be given in the-Union f
ballroom, the dancing to continuef
from 9:00 to 2:00. The Stromberg-
Vokoun orchestra, which has been en-
gaged, is considered the premier or-
chestra in Cleveland.
Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the
University, stated yesterday that any
person whose car is "found parked
in the driveway between North Uni-
versity avenue and Mason hall may ex-
pect to have his parking permit can-
According to the bulletin issued
from the secretary's office, cars
parked at this location make it incon-
.i- tou tn q th P, rivwavf onfc n-

"A Puppet Tragedy" is one of these.
In this scene, which is almost a play-
let, the Marmeins appear as, Ma rion-
ettes and present a new and comical
interpretation of the eternal triangle
"The Vengeance of Kwan Yin" is
tased on an old Chinese legend, in
which a girl attempts to steal a jewel
from the shrine of a Goddess; before
she can leave the temple the Goddess
I comes to life and in a dance of ro-
venge renders the girl blind. All o!:
their numbers have individual scenery
and costumes, and the lighting has
been lauded as quite remarkable in
adding to the beauty and grace of the
I dances.
f Seat Sale Open
Seat sale has been open at the box
office in Hill auditorium, and al-
though iany seats have already been
sold, there are quite a few yet to be
had. Those 'who esire to procure then
may do so as they will be on sale
from 10 o'clock this morning until the
time of the performance. The price
of the tickets ranges from $2.50 to
50 cents.
Galens, honorary junior medical so,-
(Arity, initiated. 12 students and one
1 Member of the faculty at an initiatory
E banquet held last night at the Union.
The new members are Dr. C. R. Hills,
of the internal medicine department,
Wesley G. Reed, George R. Beck,
Charles L. MacCallum, Robert J.
Cooper, Francis L. McPhail, James L.
- Nelson, N. Eugene Lacy, Ralph G.
Hubbard, Xenneth B. Babcock, Fred
W. Thomas, W. B. Mitchell, and Rob-
ert R. Clark.
S Prof. Frederick A. Coller of the
surgical department was the toast-
master of the banquet while speeches
were given by Prof. Walter M. Simp-
son, Prof. G. Carl Huber, and Prof.
Louis 11. Newburgh, all of the medi-
- cal school, on the part of the faculty
and by Robert J. Cooper for the ini-
Y tiates.

ed next week. neering talent, and a favorable public
spirit. I hope to make Anmerica my
home foree.
TO BE P I DNESDAY'Norman R. Hanson, representing the
Reading Iron company of Reading,
Final collection of junior education Pa., will present a moving picture at flflflfl1lIRT
class dues has been set for Wiednes-4 o'clock this afternoon in the Na-i
day, Dec. 3. Hours of collecting will tural Science auditorium showing the --
be from 9 to 12 o'clock and from 1 modern method of pipe manufacture Des Moines, Iowa. Nov. 24.-Sena-
to 3 o'clock. So far 18 students out and the Bessemer steel process. The tor Smith '. Brookhart tonight was
1picture, wih ilbe acmaidby
of. the class of 76 members have paid pctuye,.which will accompanied y in opssession of the official certificate
their dues, according to the class Ia speech by iMr. Hanson, will be pri- .
thiruea saccordingato theclass esmarily for students of the architectur- Of election, approved by the state ex-
tMeasurer. All education class dues al college, although others interested ecutive council, following the findings
muist be paid before graduation. 'are invited. of that b ody today that the Senator
received 755 more votes in the recent
Loan Applicants election than his Democratic orion-
y' ENGLISH STU ENTS WILL ent, Daniel F. Steck.
To Appear Today The election certificate, which en-
_____ unn rnnrncnii ~ Ititles the senator to a seat in the
Students who have pending applica- -VETIUnited States senate, was issued by
tions for loans from the student loan secretary of state, W. C. Ramsay lat
funds will appear before the loan com-.today.
mittee this afternoon in the office of Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the English
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley department, who is conducting the
'in room 2, University ball. 'Honors course in English 107, has re- f IT flhl1niinr
Applicants from the literary college I quested all students enrolled in the III VflILOi Y I
will appear before the committee at 2 class to meet at his home, 1601 Cam-
o'clock, from the engineering college bridge Road, at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday
at 3:45 o'clock, from the Law school evening, where the assigned readings ' HOUSE D[CORTII0S CUF
at 4 o'clock, and the graduate students on the Restoration period will be d--s-
at 4:15 o'clock. cussed. Delta Upsilon was pronounced win
S d spsp ner in the fraternity house decoration
Failing Students'IJapaneseIOpiun contest conducted for the Iowa game
To Get W arnings Dispute Settled by th njudges yesterday. Theta Del
' ta Chi was adjudged second to th



We have been exceedingly busy
accepting the congratulatitons of
numerous hearty supporters who
laced ads. in the paper Satur-
day morning letting the world
know that they had tickets for
sale, for the game. One young
person received twelve calls be-
fore 8 A. M. and a grand total of
fifty-three calls for the-morning.

"Resolved, That the Philippines
should be given their immediate and
unconditional freedonm" will be the
subject for debate at the regular meet-
ing of Adelphi at 7:30 o'clock tonight
jr. the club room on the fourth floor
of the Literairy building. Any one in-
terested in henring the discussion on
this subject is invited to attend the'
London, Nov. 24. - An error by
t s ,- c s e f nrl i -iar ,...rinr +h tv .

Washingtcn, Nov. 24.--Senator Cur-
tis of Kansas was virtually agreed
- upon today by leaders in the senate
n to succeed Senator Lodge as Republi-
ca" 1nado'I mm. a e 'Ia, 1n11 ', 'boln


I ,LI cal ut'~tlr. t i', lt n,' % tL (- l IV'
leadership situation has been held by
- Senator Warren of Wyoming, who
,e wa ininefo n e ad(!r hh in nr

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