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November 23, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 11-23-1924

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Stu e t Life At N rw y 's University;
'7 erowdh Of Tradition In A Century

balance such tendencies, however, the
students have their famous sports in
*.hich more and more they are at-
taininrg true mnastership.
(Copyrighted: 1924 by Student Life
in IPoreign Countries.)

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'Norway's only university, referred the. ar sn tion ; are admnittedi to the l'the more' circumistanatial and old and company at the trial before the ( -
to- -popularly. as the "University of U'nvrsity tanl give a Solemn promise'cosy greeting: IYour skaal, my skaal, learned professors of the departmentj First BapIts t Chrch
Christiania," actually has quite a dif- to be true to the laws of the almaI and all pretty maidens;' skaI." But of law. Andi the story relates merci- "A Lost Art" is te subject upon
ferent name. Its offiial name is "The i s a_r and be a "good student." The' it may be risky to refer to such tor- lessly that while the son passed the wichiji Rev. R. E. Sayles will speak!
Royal I+rederik's University" in con- rc d "u cap leas given way to the mdern praseology lin the land of examninations with honor the father atii onigsevce heno
iineration' of Frederik VI, the last black studen t s cap, the striking; the 18th anrdment, although it is a had the ill luck to flunk again,nvriy lse odutdb 1r
of the Danish kings vwho enjoyed Ali kcglue," f-vout which a string' curious fact that Norway is respo-; The instruction is according to the jILItH.RCh1aunnn and Dr. Waterman
sovereignty over Nor way. In 1 he Cmiaautes from~ the center of the out- sibje indirectly for that paragraph, miethods common in European tnt- j
agreed to the establishment of a Nor- wardt cosero, eiding in a. heavy tassel inasmuch as she produced the )ar ents er ities:. Thestudents in the deatGsueisaew lcomeatute.Friend
, ofan uiversity t Christiania and Of s ilken threads that rests on the; of Mr. Andrew Volstead. ment of medicine andl in that o ship Hour gathering from 5:30 to
the new academy took the name of :shoulder of the bearer. These caps 3 Fromt ,000 to 1,200 new students arei mathemnatics and the natural siences :0ocoki hGll os.Ms
the king as a heritage, but in reality j :roevery pretty, particularly so on the admitted to the Uniiversity every year, I are the most closely ound to the Uni- 6:0oclc n hruidHus.Ms
its founding was net cdue to the king. 'heads (of the girl stutdlents, where te n oto hs n the Stuet'vesl.Thyaerqur~ o olwAguta Kapp will lead the eo-
It w~arthe determination of Norwegian oecveycnasthisteeri ouesndowrkiteional meeting following this hour.
p~peadteegn~ci upr r~e ftelde. lgtclrdA caii, ywhighic h ereat The subject will be "Why Should
peole nd ier teneoai sppot' re-sesof he adis.Not only the! telletual scene Of the academic scientific institutes and, in the ase r American Studns Be Thankful?"
that forced the issue. n lewly-admh itted students assemble at youhf ora, Inteuiesiyo.eia students, in the hospitals.
Although the Universitxy of Chris- thle nivernsity on September 2, but year the Association has regulat';St1?dents of theology, law and phil- Fis Cogregationl Curli
t phia is only little more than a hunl-; also the great bulks of lder students,, meetings every Saturday night and legy have much more latitude. They' T~ emna h 03 'lc
cdy~c years old, tradition has already wocertesncptiua tj then thet toics of the day in every are allowed to present themselves for
:actuil;med deecp reots among the stlu- or the anniversary of their admittance field of human thought are put underI exainations without having taken service of worship will be on the
dents in Norway. There are certainj to thel instituition.I debate, in which older and younger' par,, in the daily work of the Unliver-tsubject "The Geat We "d of Chris-
dates every year when the. students 174V('4in evidence are the men and rpeeuaieso hetiemccas)jciy roie ta heity yohe h". Musicwill b ymDbet onmhiiynadfr Iisne hoaers h ed 0 nadofe byll nie? o-c- en, y rvt eaigo uor h hou hi. t53 'cok ie
aistL ct part of the town life. This 2" years old as studen~ets and the men,1 deriians take hart. Tine (hscussiOllS ing, acquired sufficient knowledgeX0j 'uili Peple's society will. hold, aj
-:; pa'icuil rly true in the early sum- who celebrate their 501, student ant-I are usually very heated andl applautse Naturally most of themn mlake use ofj joint service and supper with the
u c : wh:.u the young people have niversary, thle latter missing the 3ary is awarded about as amply as hiss- Ithde instruction provided by the UULi-; Presbyterian Young People at tie
passed ther entrance examinations companionship, as thd oe n w~ere ingI. It is the pride of the Association, versity. Presbyterian Church. The Cngrega-
f~ the univeriysity and in the early fall i n ft ad-tted to the Univ ;rsty 50( however, that it attempts always to be' Before taking their final xaila- tionial students iiill meet the Gbngre-j
whlenr they receive their "sheep-skins"' years ago.- All of teini- wear their the "free forum" of individual thought1 tions all students must submit to st gationaP Church and go over together.
and areolnl adm ted to the ten- "iseu, n ti rqetY an and it is willing to grant even the' called preliminary tests," exlanm-Te isthlfo hesrilfetr
pIe of learning, amusing Spectacle to see old and most unpopular opinion a chance to tions in philosophy and Latin. Trhe 1'Colubs end the Discovery 'of
z ,r r ~white-haired "pillars of society" carry exress itself. Put the audience 13 1amount o.f phlosophy requied- is the! America" will Ic presented at the
yh on i wogotruha 50-year-old or imore stuents' cap most critical, andi-woe to the speaker same for all, while the amnouto 4-~ Moion Picture service.
their entrxance examlinations in the- which they have outgrown ageg~h apn ostml nhslgi nvre.Tetmooins nadt
earl: svnrei'are easily distinguish- t'g's gowhowhpesch theye n islhacve arealli r tkinds of idifi-- I - -1 1 or w whohe hve ldoedsofdinotorwhsucceed scced in finding ion to rather heavy requirements, in1First Neihodist Church
able10among the itizens of the Nor- sbjc frh mrnI
wegian cail. They all wear Ired tic'ulties in keeinippeacefully enat he Eadequate terminology to co?,er hIls Latinalso have to show ilaknow-, l.e pastor's subjectpis tlyt he-e, ~c~zlt5:a iocl:> aghers l-i e theCee morn-w c t'dgsemnwilb "h udmn"
thiin yellow cane between their youth- Ofcorefroon oudduetonin,_nt and if appealedl to too strongl~v, ,f,)r thlese' "preliminary tests" the { Dr. Stalker, Mr. H1. C. Coffmaa,Mr. G.
ft1 figer. Tey fte jon ir 1ro-say that the gentler. sex,, eaten i its will drown his utterances in a te- stgol; of Greek. and Latin i is eiry r~ D. Westermnam, Miss Mooe and Mr.
cesos n hergterns, i hyMore; mature offerings, miates ailn ap-11endotis outbora>t. at the University The classicalIa-Ti;rmn will teach the student
s~resadoe lcso h iy 1u1t-tr nnhn.We ey prominent speaker is g uags have been crowded into thle, I rss at Wesley Hall at noon. The
are usually accozruanic'lI by much (.Inti° vcI i. ofS " hbe Aol theyprogram the hall of meeting T~ background in Norwvegian shol, uldMetn at 6 o'clock will be led
hilarity. These freshmen s~rdents therei are all. tint, of fe{.ivities. crowded to its utmost capacity. Fv>ery' and as a consequnce do, not fi~d, by lFloner Strong, '25, on the su iect
are Tcoleedlebratig and on oy much. inch of floor So 1e isItaken andl frq. nilStty devotees in the University. It is "Cristianity and the Wa". Light
popularity except amuong' pilisti tes1 irnihtci~.blsi fife!lueltly cair has to Ipr-ovide room "i-T vilet that the Iresent and the fU- lnc will be served at t esley Hall
and the police, whom they frequently -. he"AS adtereel-1 I for two persons. 'Itudets cro'! thr !u1? appeal mzore strongly tQ thea. de -' fromd 7 to 7:30 o'clock. The , ite for!
vex by loud singing at late h ours anc i .o thr!udnsflc o l 2windcow sills and hang in theo hanl- ="clop nts of the Vikings theanfthe pSt. the evening Sermon will b'e The
othier irreguclarities; 1^l of theo Norwegian tident's'ASso- i deirs ndernzath the roof. On on:, The students have at their disposal P'argainec s".
The men are still in majority, but, c' a t I o-n (54.111 ent'ersamfunret ),j i oca..-ion the overilill;;; of i liecmau'iu':study -rooms with small special lib- _--_
then rderof irlerrm' the etertainmret alternat e l dto a he;'ted iscuss:oiof xacilmev *'ries. beside; the arge, wel-equip- 1"r:l nras3tein 'iu
every year, and the. time may come- lis inig ofsudns i hIhd#a tlill ? c' niestylbar it t raig iDebt--and P of It" is the
when they :actually outnumiber f thC " , n msc. Teth.e < trd parto- , : iri'lx; v ire: Thelbar wihisstutdtopic for 'thre tnoring ermon. The
"srnersx""otolteome.'rss" are bid ucleoine in the pisaanx Icouild, he rid to hbe prsent il tho'" but 1t1ecn inuts' walk from the usual iusoncaeswlbehd
hoeed o avne i i 0tdet1ada1eeenaiveoftl-Ial anti ha-ce a i lit toa vot".atmain buildings4, is of recent date, at noon. At 3 o'clock the Presbyter-
studies after having passed fthe en-E e'ir'g'r set replies in a speck tha3t iv, In 0 he ?'lf "its' A'-"o'i -~tio-i isanm-wil h odrbuligs-vt hi ian-H.ooer SitidaySchool wll be
trance e<aminations.. At the time o 0t:.t otfe tinreuewityre ~ rv1a P-I 0. iuayhae < mleandbeutfucasicldtye-l The. hejoint meeting of the Pes-
tseexaminations the men a ntet h tpc fedy ar: v.,onit'nw ,terSt l }:zxh;or 1bee n honlor- 1r3rm h ide ftenneenhbterian and Congregational Young
usually 17 or' 1.8 years old and'titit ivare c t i s:, ' e1>,i --s. t r~; . le i., century.
usaly 7or18yar odan l the 3Sit :its' Ass cimc*,;io>1Ot 'F . I!IPeople will be held at the Presbyter-
weomen from 18 to 20. The woe I n r . pegs >~ ,s lPt is f ist oliat ical Fifteen or twenty years ago the t~ hrh The szbjet for discus-
"ius~ r dese nnetan I ' lhr~t i thrae ,;, andoviely 1fo .n. , leal niew'i nuberof tudlents was so great ini sion Is "What Are the Rightful Claims
tractive white gowns and it is m~rdeni; eisP. or the (day ag sa suelj u>t1i4*a1. Zat:,ScrO of human lFire: proportion to the requirements of the o h hrh pnU? lxne
that the traditi""ual gaD betwueeil iabolished and one pmay frequently sefif ~e e(,1oc' X; n . =i: ti wasfrgs e" ontry that many young ren and helu .,Gra-d, is the leader. The Mr-
%learning andi boaty is wan liatcic:al ja 31-year-o-gildyoungster failiarly p:-. cAxwithlm a n inriot-'nnemu; Tirioir on 'h adtknthi eg eaIe fteCi" negospab
fable that has rio bearing on presecnt-- te hcude oy a thrwsedgnfl l eti. ,L.,T thasn anv-,\- crc olot'lr ve" 3.n3lleft the University had difficulty iP,.,i to:""11 eprsntda
day conditions in Norwsay. Many ~octgninamdadrs1hm:po. returnned from the then farthiest in filgn ositions. It became neces-.73 'lck h"ulc sivtd
the giirl stdnsaesrknleau-i ?s{disespectfuly as if Ike spoke to j Ni ";heentG icrsu anyoadse gisthetdyo
his w' g'a-aft'" ~" ,IThere will be no admission charge.
tifuF l acdtheir womanly charm at-. -; WItan-fthr.I little "'master bihh'r" rerilt ilsn, s, .oic <(ublaets, as there was dangr
tractively moderates the' inclination I Some years ago thdase .fe>tivities tookci (eiape isadIi sac~;' is iyes iitrv- of ,ani"acad.stemic eproletariat." It soon!TiiyEgIsiLtea
for noisy conduct and exaggerated' were largfely enlivened by Il Pr's- 1mon sneaingl untilr' a lret~{-I s ;t.apeared-.voever, that tis fear was 'iesrmnfrte onngw-
hiartyamong the.,men studen s onceobf ailatn eaewich teItio~?of re(s-cffti meep ~it' nfounded, antito-day there is, in jship wll be entitled "Wt'hose Image
thus tr.ling as a SOiCring reguilaLtor. sdtob amla even in this coun- 1f,:1S~-cird (rigg ave fr;t perfornuince:; fact, a s;hortage of clergymen, teach ,3 :ty ht st a, ni rohbtoland Superscription?" The Student
P a -I cularly' on1.the Norwegian Daytnhaisosyuilhbtona II Ofianow world-famous;couposi- rs, jurists andl pysicians. A large
r:; IndecucndoEmce the "ru1ss" 11akeI1competely exterminated it. In those jtliT-s in t hlRCofthis asoiion ecntg ftheyuaepe ofsu r and ellowship hour will b)e.
thnelicies not iced. This day, which d cays whe-ich sonie older students in I lnt t Ians u)). the rot lit, l_ i .c - NOrw.3y duIting hewa years 1pire-held in the Parish hall at 5:30 o'clock.
is time 17th of Ma , occurs before the Norway' think of, ratheirFheretleally, I cii ed its speazerhita, ' .~jhft-edtoenerbminss wich as Gerald Dykstra, '27, will lad the dis-
result of the exalminations has been !as the "good old times," a huge punch Imring&ing fenvor made i appeal mre int yingfrothe noney-nmal ch w5cussion at the Ioinnunmeeting on
hol, ,md i pelO ir niigfo.temnyIa-taniolnc cd, anti so eery "russ" ayhowl was sered c!Iat fthe part, andi the 'vnoiing the youth," an(d Ole Bull in- Standpoint. Now that a period 0f "Wa Shall the Church o About
celebrate it in happy unconsciousnes alcoholic degree of the contents of time and again has thrilled thel audi- -depression has set in the number W ars"
of' Lhe faate fc hum lea?';mad Career. Thus Itile bol was not, as now, carefully en(,t=hrough l Student life iioi'way. l of students at the University is again
il h2appens frequently that the high Iafi ired out, though not unusulally it I t wen]h usat oblee'icesn t ca goon nceas fj~itrLt tChar'in
by those who feel that their answer., = exercisetd on the most youthful andi,-v'a ayony indulge i n -,scnent ' ing reason to fear the development of j mOn topic for the 10:30 o'clock morn-
to thme exainat.ion apers have been 'nexpefenced of thiose present. Now ii , hot tuklngr care of tiritl daily hell « acadeimic proletariat." There is' 1 servce. This is the first of a
W-e te skating onl thin ice,. The "russ," limel alcoholbc degr-e is regulated and- wor-k. T1hy attend to their l'dor plenty of work for all, although it mayIshtseisosii rorsolecn
Ita~tz~,and g11-N, for-m a peculiar nothing stronger' can be consumed wnii;t mn-c Or lpsreglarity andi real, b true that the salaries of office - sIet eisofsrosrnrcn
bohmfr4I e'sraction in religion. Music will be
1 "ocesfroum o that Jay and miarch oven b~y celebrating students, than naturally as is the ease in human holders with an academic educationfunsebytemlqatte.A
iurltthe srts wtvith ba£;nners bvrgs otiin 4pr eto life inl general. The time s ? lwy,1c ,p nt on Ido not always compare favorably with Itm ieiemeig er adn
padinted with sym:bolical figures and e.cdohod. Undoubtedly this regulation studies is usually seven years .1iath those of the class of "unskilled labor."teFrsdemeigPer adn
captioned b humiorcous ,.dseeig to sontic extent limits thim it of -dprtetOfmein, four to five ThleNowga students have a rep-}2f>, will speak on "The Student Goes
bycpsneerinltoug hilafrinty ernetoiecie oreinH -uting for a Church".
h.On-mets. On an open place in the -"- aris atoghIp fn ett ears in the de artient of law, four I utation of being a veiy clever and in-____
cente* of the city a young he--ius enlarg e upon the question whether lyears in. tihe deartnient of theology, teligent" let, but they take care to ,9LAde' picpICuc
climbi~s the steps. Of a public statue tieiI nti epec sfatfly Ifive years in the historical-pilos.- avoid any tendency of ver-study. Holy Comno °t8ocokwl
and unudeir tremendous chering his t£loe,6d. iOphical depamtnet(at mentdTeyarne1hi ays htChyb ollnoweny arn servceoat 9:30
feeble yoice Shouts to the Sky inter- However, the students have their dpilology) and four years in the finch plenty of time to cultivate young bolc ordthechrchschoole at the0
pre ting the idezals and far-sight~d 14 per cent: of stimulants unhampered, department of natural sciences In i',%ople's inborn inclination for- diver- church. o hThe morninggtrs.an n prayeradtinoftes andcndsmstrof12, ser-ismns. Aon hsedncn .Temonngpaerad r
of Minerva. The red caps incessantly percentages may work the double re- September to December, a total of; ranks highly, andi it is a curious fact' mon will e delivered by' Rev. Henry,
thesin jtte air, thin'splteoff tweretintent intoflec Lewis.Student supper precedes the
area thrown in a a egn d ine qolunhingtie h it d bead-162stdetoegseed teeinpte testnet ne lec iscussion hour which will be led by
mug oodhumr, hic' i dos aso u!IVarilous departments. Sonmietines otit- 'talis ni rferred to above the dance Abr ayr h oi o h
and, judging from tine noise and Orta- most cases. A foreign ob~server would side activities or a too prljc n tard byti Semseeigwilye."Tire tRacfPrble
to.1y comrbined, it C lpears Ithat the j soonhIecomie aware that the term most Iterest in Venius or Bacchus oreoheriongtwiavelginedsomelopulaity.Poroblem"_
srituat:neami the orldt e adtesfuture fi-equently used at these festivities isI the foreign gods, tend to prolong the b ue h tdnsaenta ls
crowd feel t'imey arcthe matr'fword 1skaa," which is the Nor- years of study, and a malicious story l as seine other classes of the popula - Zo uhrnCu
belogs o thm nw an foever wogian equivalent to the Frenchman's is told of a belated scholar who tredti n that do not find jazzing sfiin- Tehrethm evc eda
The next occasion whei ithe " or anC n h Egih1 the final examinations after SO oretal yemoene 1etI10:30 o'clock this morning, will have
S t"u hersapo lf nsekigwrds"Yu elh" fmany vain atmpspevosy hti the music is exercised by a mod r I as the title of the sermon "The Per-
Christiania is Sep temuber 2, genralilyI the observer belonged to the class of now his son had grown to niake him iported nero baud. To counter-(CniudoPaeSxe)
called "the students' day." Then tie moe advanced linguistic virtuosos import,____________g_

I - ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ t.



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