'S__THE MICHIGAN DAILY $UNDAY, NOVEMBE . , .: +!!ti '- II 1 :. - -02% k WOLERIESLOSE (Oont'nued From Page One.) PLAY BY PLAY First Quarter Iowa won the toss and elected to defend the west goal.' Rockwell kicked off across the Iowa goal line, Iowa taking the ball on her own 20 yard line. Scantlebury crashed fhroug i left guard for five yards. Parkin. lost a yard at left tackle. Scantlebury made a yard at left guard. Graham punted across the Micijigan goal line, but Brown of Michigan was offside and the ball was given to Iowa on their own 30 yard line. Scantlebury made two yards. through the left side of the line. Parkin made two yards at right guard. On the next play, Edwards blocked Graham's punt, the ball rolling back across the Iowa goal line where a Hawkeye player fell on It, for a Michigan safety. Score: Michigan 2, Iowa, 0. Iowa was given' the ball on her own 20 yard line. Both, teams were off- side on the next play: Grube stojed Parkin for no gain at right end. Haw- kins spilled Parkin for no gain at left tackle. Brown stopped Graham after he had made 7 yards at left end, Graham punted to Steger, who was downed on the Michigan 20 yard line. out tor Otte. Smith went in for Otte. ( ° {: THE LINEUP (jHawkins nailed Parkin for a two (yard loss. Scantlebury made twoU OUULIIHIII II L I ( % ( yards, being stopped by Slaughter. I) ( Grahsmn made two yards, Flora stope- MICHIGAN IOWA ping him with a beautiful tackle IAILEhIL n Grube LE Otte Graham fumbled and was nailed by Edwards LT Galloway Edwards on the Iowa 15 yard line. ( Slaughter G Krasuski ( Edwards recovering the fumble for )ell'sai1's Hill and lDale Team Places Brown C Griffen Michigan. A pass, Friedman to Pint1 Steele Gf . Olson Grube, was incomplete. Hawkng ,' H Hawkins Hancock Krasushi threw Friedman for a- Flora 9E Romey five yard loss on an attempted pass.) PHELPS STAR OF MEET Rockwell QB Parkin JParkin knocked down Friedman's I Steger LH Graham pass to Flora. Friedman's pass was Wisconsin's cross country team | Friedman RH Schirmer ( intercepted by Olson, as the hAlf won the All-Conference meet here yes- 9 Marion FB Scantlebury iended. Score: Iowa 6, 1ichigan 2, m ( 'l Officials: Referee, Masker, I( Marion carried the ball out of s th ' eighthn in t ef than d t ( Northwestern; Umpire, Schom- bounds on the Michigan 42 yard line.,. j mer, Chicago; Field Judge, Steger made six yards around left sixteenth positions. Michigan's team ( Keithley, Illinois; Head Lines- end on the next play. Rockwell ran finished third, second place going to j man, Ray, Illinois. around right end for another first Iowa. 1 .Substiutions: Iowa, Smith for down on the Iowa 44 yard line. jHarold Phelps of Iowa retained his ( Otte. Marion plunged through the line individual laurels when he finished _____________________________________ for four yards more, and on the next first in the field of 75 runners who - play dove over the line for another s7 four. He made it first down on the completed the run. His time was tyard line. Romey nailed Steger for259..H haaledo10yrs a one yard loss. Rockwell went next play, but Michigan was penalized 25:59.7. He had a lead of 150 yards * through right tackle for nine yards. 15 yars for holding. Michigan's ball aer Simek, the tVrquette star, who I Marion went through the line for first on the 50 yard line. came n second. Wendland of Notre down on Michigan's 34 yard line A pass, Friedman to Grube, was Dame was the dark horse of the race. ateger made three yards off right 1 food for six yards. Rockwell punted comig in in third place. Mieher of tac yacross the Iowa goal line, and the Illinois was fourth, HIlms of Ohio tackle. Hawk~eyes took the ball on their own Wesleyan~ fifth, and Conger of Ames Marion went through the line for 20 yard linek. Scantlebury made asixth.ergstresser, Piper, and Kubly four yards. Marion plinged through yard. at right tackle. i of Wisconsin cameinieventh, eighth, for first down on the Michigan 461 and ninth, respectifely, ,pmtically yard line. Tne out for Iowa. Marion ''he Michigan linemen brokecinching the tithe-'v' their team. w held through and stopped Parkin for a was hl for no gain. Rockwell made 1oryr lssntehx ly Briggs was the first Michigan man 29 yards around ,left end, putting thei four yaird 'logs on the lixt play. lrgswstefrtMcia a ba on!heIw 25 yad lin te Graham's punt bounced out of bounds tO cross the finish line, placing tenth. ball on the Ioa25"yart&cle.Steger vaRstinkeckvewas fnoac i tdr t i svn k on the Mhgnichigan 37 yard line. Gallo- Rene a futh~ Baker seven- made: two yards off right tackle. j3a tpe okel o ogi t teenth, Iskendarii twentieth, and Rockwell made five yards off right right end. Marion broke through left Callahan forty-third. Callahan lost a tackle. On a fake pass, Friedman' guard for three yards. shoe slightly past the half way mark, lost one yard. On a fake place kick,IRockwell's punt was downed by and finished the race without it. This Friedman passed, but the ball went Michigan on the Iowa 20 yard line. is the third time this season that the over the goal line incomplete. Iowa's I Michigan harrier has been handi- ball on her own 20 yard line. Slaugh-, Second half crapped in this way, Inasmuch as ter stopped Scantlebury for no gain. Romey kicked off to Friedman, who; most of 'the race was over rough Flora'nailed Parkin for a two yard returned 12 yards to the Muicliigan, gravel roads, he would undoubtedly loss. Graham's punt was downed by 27 yard line. Marion made three have been much further un in the Romey on the Michigan 49 yard line. yards at center. Rockwell tore around I unning had his shoe stayed on. Rockwell made five yards at right' right end for 11 yards and first down.' Onm of the greatest upsets of the tackle. A pass, Friedman to Rock- I Parkin ran out of bounds on the next race was the failure of Wikoff, of well, was incomplete. Time out for j play. Scantlebury mad'e two yards Ohio State, to come in with the Iowa. A pass, Friedman to Grube, at right guard. Graham punted tofleaders. The Buckeye star was off gained 20 yards, putting the ball on Steger who was downed on the Michi- form, and was the thirty-eighth man the Iowa 26 yard line. gan 47 yard line. Rockwell failed to Ito breast the tape. On a fake pass, Friedman was gain at right tackle. Wiconsin's point total was 52. nailed for a two yard loss by Gallo-j A pass, Friedman to Flora, gave' Iowa had 98, and Michigan 104. The i way. :A pass, Friedman to Steger, was Michigan first down on the Iowa 40 other teams finished as follows: Ohio incomplete. Another pass, Friedman yard line. Time out for Michigan. State fourth, Illinois fifth, Ames sixth, to Rockwell, was knocked down by } On a pass formation, Marion slipped Oerlin seventh, Notre Dame eighth, Graham. On an atttmpted pass, through left guard for four yards. Ohio Wesleyan ninth, Marquette Friedman was forced to run, and was Smith- stopped Friedman for a two tenth, MinnesotA eleventh, Northwest- nailed on the Iowa 29 yard line, the yard loss at right tackle. A pass, ern twelfth, Chicago thirteenth, and ball going over to the Hawkeyes. Time (Continued on Page Eight) M, A. C. fourteenth. - N UERAL AWAR)S Through an error, the list ofi VjI 7- The official photograph of the - men who earned numeral awards Lil1924 Varsity football squad will Ifor their work on the reserves --( he taken at lientscheler's stu- football squad which was ul'ying the st game on Wines dio, 3019 East Huron street, Mon- lpe este rlow n enot co - field this year A n Arbor High de- day at 12;:5 o'clock. 'The cap- alo given nurcerals L o- featedSaginaw Eastern, 7 to 0, yes- ta fr next ye team will be stein, loffmnantarber, nd terday its a hard fought game. Play- siFerenz. in wihout their captain and star quarterback, Ed Walsh, the locals over-head offense was the poorest that and 20 yard off-tackle dashes. Coach lit has been in any game this year. Holloway unearthed a star when he Iowa City, Ia., Nov. 22.--L. E. Ske-Ann Arbor took the ball down into brought Taylor back from end. and ley, of Monticello, Ia., was elected to their opponeint's territory time after made a backfield man out of him. captain the freshman football squad time but seemed to lack their usual! Only one more game remains on the here yesterday. Skeiley was a fresh- punch to put it over. . local schedule, which is with Flint, at man at Wisconsin last fall, but trans- The local score came as the result Flint on Thanksgiving Day. ferred to Iowa in the middle of the o txvo passes and a serie of line jyear, He plays in the full back lsi- jplays, wil h Stoll finally taking it over. It was revealed recently that after ion, and is rated as one of the real Wilson, bearing the punting burden ( the Michigan-M. A. C. game, the Ag- finds of the year. in the absence of his captain, showed gies had lost 144 pounds of human up well. Taylor, playing fullback for flesh. Robinson lost the most, losing The king of Spain was the first the locals was the star of the game, 14 pounds, and the others ranging monarch to own a private airplane. getting away time and again for 15 from 12 to 3 and 4. Enjoy the visit of guests i CONFERENCE SANDING Won Lost Tied Pct. Chicago'... 3 0 3 1.000 Iowa .....'. 3 1 1 .750 r Illinois .... 3 1 1 .750I Michigan ... 4 2 0 .667 Purdue ..... 2 2 0 .500 Minnesota .. 1 2 1 .333 Indiana .... 1 3 0 .250 Northw'ern. 1 3 0 .250 Ohio State... 1 3 2 .250 Wisconsin . 0 2 2 .000f Marion fumbled, but recovered, los- ing four yards. Rockwell's poor punt was caught by Schirmer who was dwned on the Michigan 29 yard line.. Scantlebury made five yards at left guard. Scantlebury made it first down on the Michigan 17 yard lne. Parkin made two yards at right gaid. Scantlebury added fur through the center of the line. Scantlebury added .two at right guard, and on the next play broke through the line for a first down on the Michigan five yard line. Ie broke through right guard for two mor-e, followed by another at left tackle, put- ting the ball on the one 'yard line. Time out for Scantlebury. Scantlebury dove ovr 'left 'guard for a touchdown. Score: Iowa'6, Michigan 2. eadco'k's iry for extra I point struck against the' goal pot and bounded back. Rockwell kicked off 'across the Iowa goal line, giving the Hawkeyes the ball on their own 20 yard line. Par- kin made three yards t left tackle Acantlebury added one at the same place. Graham's punt was downed by. an Iowa player on 'the Michigan 32 yard line. Steger made two yards around right end. ;Marion plunged 'through tle center of the line for six yards. Rockwell's punt was downed on the Iowa 28 yard lingp. Parkin made four yards through the right side of the line. Scantlebury was stopped for no gain at right tackle by Edwards. Gra- ham's punt was downed on the Michi- gan eight yard line. Marion made three yards at left tackle. Rockwell punted to Parkin, who was stopped by Grube on the Michigan '43 yard line. Parkin car- ridd the ball out of bounds' on the next play, and lost a yard. Hawkins and Flora stopped Parkin for a five yard loss on the next play. A pass, Parkin to Schirmer, was incomplete.' Iowa's ball on the Michigan 49 yard -line. Graham's punt rolled across the Michigan goal line, and it was Michi- gan's ball on their own 20 yard line. Marion made two yards through left guard. Friedman was stopped for a two yard loss at right tackle as the' quarter ended. Score: Iowa 6, MIchi- ,gan i. Second Quarter I Rockwell's punt rolled dead on the Michigan 46 yard line. Scantlebury fumbled, and the ball was recovered by Steele on the 46 yard line, but Michigan was penalized five yards for offside. Parkin broke through left tackle for 29 yards, stopped by Rock- well on the Michigan 23 yard line. Scantlebury made three yards at the line. 0 . .. ', f , d i r, N s k f; u f r i 4 3 F t . l i : : ...., 3 .. m k ! ; l _._.,.._ .._ _ _ _ _ -- --- Anotbi r unusual feature originated by Chas. Kauf aan & Bros. - i { I - I "I.?:it,.} '}; 'T: -'X l Another unusual feature of Campus Togs overcoats is the sturdy copstruc- tion of the inside pocket. This adds greatly to the life and lastingi shape of the garment. Thus you see just why Campus Togs provide unusual value. A eoi- qlete line of s igl and double breasted models as low~ as $40 'I Scantlebury added four more through left guard, and two more on the next play. Scantlebury went through for first down on Michigan's j 12 yard 'line. Parkin made six yards4 v F Y I~~~~ 1 ain ar w5 Va4l'5ingtUI n I I