5k q an
rrr T Neophytes Enter Triangles,
NSphinx On Campus Tomorrow
FTR A __E_____
RA rine VRRF
Judges To Finish
House Decoration
Inspection Today
IeI IAPT nnenr nr rrirnnI
Bowed low before the mighty ideals Hot, burning sands to tread on, No decision was reached by the
nrinernpytof the ancients, kneeling before theifeverish winds of the Sahara to forge judges in the contest for the best dec-
** wonders of the universe, the trmln rhig h huadtrue fte rtdfaent os atngt
nepytes of Triangles will sc through the thousand tortures of the due to the fact that they wereni
ENU epye o rage il cu Utheir way into the rak of tht an- ages to endure, and on and on and on UabL de werst l hehu e estPASeirdIIy.
1et1rertooro.will the little band of semi-delirious IIBRIGA CETI CETI 'IS la re oorw That the rain Friday eay the fra-P SAADI RN AEWedn rse ihalo h otl tugeutlteedi W FTREEET OT
B1RWINGILAM ECCENTRIC WINS i elding brushes with all of the mortals struggle until te semdis TWO OF THREE EVENTS GO TO te rnities, who were late in their dec-
AWARD IN FRONT iAGE puny strength that they have at their reached. Where that is, only the PAINTED HORDES OF orating work, was advanced as the
CONTEST command, the humbled members of guardians of the Nile know, for they CLASS OF '27 reason. aig ok savnd ste(,n f ' VARSIT
the junior engineering class thus have alone are the keepers of the Sun God's The inspection will be completed P
ILLER RE-LECTED impressed upon them the true virtuesecrets. TAKE TWO POLES this morning, according to W. T. "." 1LI
of mental accomplishments and of Parched tongues will cry out for '_Coleman, '25E, who is in charge of
physical prowess, mercy but there will be none to hear,' the. contest. The cup donated by MIG 10 1T
Club Has Met for Six Years; Cements I Only when the dread portals of the for the, Sphinxes, those redoubtable 11Pajama Clad Freshman Band Parades Charles Graham will then be present-
Relations Between School physical tortures that surround them guardians of the centuries, will glare Field; Yearings Take ed to the winner.-~
and Editors have been passed will they be con- in stolid mockery at the brazen Pillow Fight Chicago, Nov. 22. (By A. P.)--With MarIon,
sidered as members of the sacred neophytes who have felt themselves Tice ts"three victories and three ties, but no In
At the concluding session of the order. But even then will the secrets strong enough to attempt the wrath By winning two of the three events 'IP ariein ckets defeats, the University of Chicago to-
sixth annual conference of the Uni- he withheld, for mightier portals of the ancients. the sophomore class won' the Fall .night claims the western Conference
opened beore he, and Then, spent with fatigue and.clutch- games yesterday morning on the field On Sale; P atron championship for the 1924 football
versity Press club of Michigan held j greater physical torture be success- ing at gasping throats, the little cara- to the south of Ferry field. Tnc A season.
yesterday morning at the Union, elec- fully sustained before they will be van will harken to the rustling reeds. The freshmen, in column formation Lists A The champions had but one chance Failin
tion of officers for the coming year admitted. fFor ere the sun sinks to slumber the I led by their pajama clad band, ap- in their scoreless tie game today with attack v
was held and awards were made in When the setting sun has at last survivors of the ten tested ones will peared on the field .at 9:45 o'clock, . Wicconsin, but could not cross the victory
the contests held in connection with been buried in the West, the neophytes have arrived at their final destination, ,followed shortly by the sOphoores Tickets for the Marmein Dancers, Bodger's 16 yard mark.
the contestsrenarise as greater men and as members there to be intrusted with the great 'led by their band. The yearlings who ill appear Tuesday evening in Ohio State and Illinois also Played Michiga
Albconerne Ldb erbn. TMillerins of Battleea TuCreekveinieaewt hcgadteUi h l
Albert L. Miller of the Battle Creekof the ,Ancient Order of Triangles. secret of the ages. lined up on the south side of the Hill auditorium, will be placed on tie game with Chicago, and the Ufni- the Old
Enquirer and News was re-elected to field while the red. bedecked sopho- public sale Monday and Tuesday at r of the season at Stagg field, defeated tru
the presidency of the organization,fl mores took up their stand on the the Hit auditorium box office. The icago 3-0, in a non-conferenc A tou
while Arthur H. Vandenberg of the IInorth side. game. -first qu
Grand Rapids Herald was again LThe two bands of the rival classes I 6urs are Monday from 10 until 6 The Minnepta upset of last Satur- met by
named frist vice-president. The sec-I I ITii paraded in the center of the field be- o clock, and Tuesday from 10 o'clock day knocked Illinois out of tur- ae by
nd vice-presient will be Mur .I fore the opening of the games until the hour of the performance defeated class, and the illini tied with two Poi
u RepublicanB W t~jL' 'er uTihe hrofpy he prfrmad ncethnn- avt
DeFoe of the Charlotte Republican, point of numbers the two classes were The company, whih in Ann Iowa for second place. Michigan, first few
while Arthur R. Treanor, editor of about evenly divided; an unexpected Arbor this morning, is beingpresent- through today's defeat by Iowa, went wards h
the Saginaw News-Courier, was chos- iMeIpbers of Varsity, Reserve, Fresh. Three Coaches Turn on Side As Train feature since in the past the sopho- ed under the joint auspices of the into fourth place. Time
en third vice-president. nuaii Teams Will be Present at Bearing 100 Football Fans mores have usually been greatly out- University Glee club and the local IWisconsin, for the first time in plunging
Prof. John L. Brumm, now travel- Initial Gathering Goes Into Ditch numbered branch of the American Association many years, failed to win a Confer- dashes o
ing in Europe on a leave of absence -In the first event, the pillow fight of University Women. once game and ranks last. the ball
from the University, was again named Teptosad arnsesfr-t hv
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 " ,wsagi ae AMAS" TO BE GIVEN I NO INJURIESREPORTED, the sophomores and the freshmen t natetaeapto sfrt ae
secretary-treasurer of the club. 1 A A "T EGV N N NU ISLO TD ~ spo~c idtefehe the engagement are as follows: I riedna
In the front page contests, the first Te~~~ teach won ore round; the third round Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs.I[ scoring
place award was made in the week- Twenty members of the Varsity Detroit, Nov. 22. (By A. P.)-A Mich- t e to the at Beal, President-Emeritus Harry B. played
ly classification to the Birmingham football squad will be awarded "M"s, igan Central football special train of men both went to the ground at the Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Secre- nfourliuTunI i ngtnt
Eccentric, while in the home dailies and eleven members of the reserve 9 coaches, returning from Ann Arbor Thesame twme n fouht off thie and tary Shirley W. Smith and Mrs. Smith, bRIV1WIHUTl60lI bEf > the c
group,'the Oswego Argus Press re. team will be given "AMA"s for their to Detroit with 1000 persons who had (the freshma won giving the entire Mr. Robert A. Campbeh and Mrs. I'-owa
group, grtplc pston mogwrko tegidrn uig hs atCampbell, Registrar Arthur G. Hall tIge
te larger dailiplace posit ianAong work on atdthegrdo nu tispsto attended the Michigan-Iowa football event and one point in the games to andMp. ,Hall. Champaign, Nov. 22.-With' the Michiga
gram was the winner, held Tuesday night in the main as- game, weht into a ditch near Spring- the class of 2. Dean Jean Hamilton, Dean Joseph ifamed Red Grange on the side lines a field
At noon the different groups which sembly room of the Union. wells, a suburb of Detroit, at 7 o'clocit Spurred to greater efforts by the A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dr. Wil-j nursing his damaged shoulder, Illi- were vai
were represented at the conference This banquet is an innovation thisItonight. So far as known no one was ophomoresistaged a theame t am D. Henderson and Mrs. Ibender- nO convinced its admirers that it aelal a
held the third discussion meeting year, but is to be made an annual a-injured, although all the coaches left oh e s e ec son, Dr. John Sundwal and Mrs. was not entirely a one man team to- Michigan
held ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h theahirkdicusionmeetngrearibugiotoebrmaena anualar-won the cane spree decisively. The Sundwall,De n John R. Effinger andI day by (defeating Ohio State 7-0 in Mcia
over the luncheon table. Problems fair and a Michigan tradition. It will the track, three turning over on their sophomorescaptured 5 canes to 3 ob- and only
side. Mropoors.4 Effiner.Dan Mortimer E.' the final game of the western Con- lwr
were discussed common to the publi- I be open to all men on the campus, the se tained by the freshmen. With each Ms. inger, e r Iowa, r
cations represented at the separate members of the Varsity, reserve, and M. C. Strickman, fireman, Jackson,;class avingonepoint the flag rush Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, and Dean Al-: ference championship season. made, t
gatherings. freshman teams will be present and and H. W. Culp, brakeman, Detroit, cs hn e t fa h fred H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Dean' The "fighting Illini crashed, over through
During the afternoon the delegates, the captain for the next year, to be were treated at a hospital for minor: became the deciding event of the George W. Patterson and Mrs. Patter- with a touchdown in the first period, en of t
brns. They said they, believed few! games. sn eaIuhCao n~r.Cbt thiva;spoor qat rave res
re than' 200 of them from all over elected Monday will be Introduced by ersons had been hurt The sophomores in mass formation son, Dean Hugh Cabot and Mrs. Cabo, wi Gallivan sophomore quartera
the tate bng00 the fr a ther resetsMnheddeilr eDean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, back, carryig the ball. HI played a of these
e s eing presen ere or the retiring leader. . Railroad officials, who made an in- took the freshman colors from the De.-n Edward H. Kraus and M stellar game, sharing honors with Mc- team a
thrsp-day, meeting which started $hirley W. Smith, secretary of, the yIgIaImmediately after the top of the end pole in short order. Kraus, Dean Edmund E. Day and Mrs. blwai:. Green trying h s best to fill The e
dthe Michigan- University, will act as toastmaster at wreck, said the train was travelling After a 10 minute rest period the at- Day, Dean Marcus L. Ward and Mrs. the gap caused by Grang's injury, game th
Iowa game on Ferry field as the the banquet, and Fielding H. Yost, at a moderate speed. They were un- tack was resumed by the red bespat- d n ably assisted in carrying the Ilinois
guests: of President Marion L. BurDirector of Intercollegiate Athletics, able to tell what caused the wreck, tered horde of sophomores. Before WardDan Allen S. Whitney and iably a eng th ea Inois dScantleb
ton and the Athletic association. , Coach George Little, Professor Ralph which 'occured near a culvert recent- the 10 minute period allowed for the Mrs. Whitney, and Dean Wilber R. attack along with allivan and Brit- ashes n
Fllowing the morning session a W. Aigler, Chairman of the Board in ly completed. ' battle was well under way, the soph- Prof Thomas E Rankin and Mrs. the nw
special committee went to President I Control of Athletics, and Herbert The train was composed of two cars omores charged through the ranks of Rankin the ball,
Burton's home with flowers and a Steger, captain of the team, will be chartered by the Detroit Athletic club, the first yea,. men and by stripping the Rk, r.I.JCmbI[nmUn
message of sympathy. the speakers for the evening. two by the 'Detroit club, two by the green banner from the top of the pole, ans. Campbell, Prof. Ear1 V. Moore O J I JLFUawkeyD
In addition to discussion among the The Exchange, Rotary, and Kiwanis University club, and three day the Fall gaes went to the sophomore andMrs. Moore, Prof. Guy Maler and Both
members during the conference here, clubs of Ann Arbor have joined in coaches. Tracks were torn up for a clas Mrs. Maier, Prof. Theodore Harrison nTT 1the flD hLT
they have been addressed by suchI securing three vaudeville acts from distance of 50 feet. Doctors, nurses Both classes showed a spirit of realal and Mrs. Harrison, and Commander able to
men as Willis J. Abbot, editor of the I Detroit theater bills, and Ted Rhodes' and first aid equipment were rushed othlssshowe and a prt wofraW. H. Faust and Mrs. Faust.
tth scn oftewekaonesportsmanship and co-operated whole W either hli
Christian Science Monitor, Edward T. orchestra will supply the music. to the scene heartedly with the Student council in Mr. and Mrs. Homer Heath, Mr. and ' Minneapolis, Nov. 22.-North bowed igan's. F
Cutter, superintendent of the central Robert Wilson, '25, is chairman of but were not needed. Igki Mrs. Walter Mack,. Supt. O. W. Hais- to South today when Minnesota, con- mittedly
d visi6n of the Associated Press, Prof. the committee of the Union in charge Railroad officials said that the fact tance from the scene o the nist y and Mrs. Haisley, Mr. and Mrs. L. queror of Illinois was bya
5osephv Hayden of the political of the affair. Tickets, which are $1.50, that the coaches and pullmans were No serious injuries were reported afi L. Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. James In- scrappy eleven from Vanderbilt, 16-0, Flora b
of steel construction accounts for l osrosijre eerpre f-hs r n r.A .Dak r
science department, Prof. William A. .have been placed on sale at the main ter the conclusion of the underclass- gMrs. A. W. Diack, Mr in the new Memorialstadium here. again to
desk of the Union. there being no lists of dead or in- 's struggle. It as necessary to and Mrs. Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., and Displaying a varied attack that in- work w
Prof. E. G. Burrows of the journalism The following men will be present- eured.d rkI Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold, Jr. eluded marked success with the for- success
department, Walter do ha Mare, noted I ed with "M"s: Babcock, Brown, Dom- warhldth crwdinchck ttheen
dephsautor, eret ar , Shirey hfEd w ard"Ms, Flab , Grube, Haw- Iuffl imr of the gamnes for several minutes in IMr. and Mrs. H. B. Earhart, Mr. and ward pass, the men from Nashville, runs ar
English author, Secretary . Shirley, off, Edwards, Flora, Grubs, Haw- order to keep the roadl clear for the Mrs. Harry Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Tennessee, forced their way to two Edwa
Smith, Prof. I-I. F. Goodrich of the kins, Herrnstein, Kunow, Marion, Mil- IflT uRMI Conference cross country runners. W E. Underdown, Mr. and Mrs. touchdowns and a field goal from position
law school, and many others. Mrs. her, Parker, Rockwell, Slaughter, Eugene Dunne, '25 chairman of the William H. Sellew, Mrs. Julius O. Wakefield's toe. v who ga
(r nhetkN B
Charlotte P. Gilman, author and lec- Steger, Stamman, Steele, Gregory, U L n n rtni Student council committee in charge slrband Mrs. W. W.Kra Mis Mnnes.ota' Jine, which played a The w
turer, also addressed a joint meet- I Dewey, Friedman and Madsen.,UIII of the games, stated at noon thatw 'M anrPWKuM iHts big part in toppling the Illini from Played
ing of the University Press club and "AMA"s have been won by: Froem- "never in the four years that I have Jeanette Perry, and Miss elen the Big Ten championship seat, Bob Br
Michigan League of Press Woitien. ke, Heath, Lovette, Samspn, Baker, Chicago, Nov. 22.-Entering the witnessed the games have I seen such Bishop stopped many Vanderbilt rushes, but proved
s ot m n ipThe local commnittee saw the Mar- 1 n th ffnivthe Go hr fr adi Th ow
The gatherings at Ann Arbor are s Davis, McIntyre, Ullman, LangguthI game an overwhelming favorite, Notre excellent displayed, n th offensive the Gohr forward s
annual affairs; having been first in- ICoveitry, and Witherspoon. Dame university's football team met especially in the case of the fresh- mein Dancers present their program wall could not clear he way for the TheN
stituted six years ago. Professor a worthy foe in Northwestern uni- men. Both classes co-operated to the Friday evening before a capacity backfield plunges. The ug
Burrows is the University man in versity's eleven yesterday, and after fullest extent in naintaining silence house in Toledo, and report that the plingh
charge of the arrangements for the O DSTUFFS Ill1I'IIIIIJIusing their full strength in pounding while in the vicinity of President Bur- production, both as an artistic spec- lairanmmed
program and the housing, assisted by U i Ui IIILULUULU Northwestern's line they won their ton's residence, and in keeping the tacle and an entertaining performance, time ou
Mr. W. H. Mauer of the journalism game by a 13-6 score. Coach Rocknesrowd in check the field"easily fulfills the press reviews that tihn
department. It has been the aim of LIHsfamous backfield did not have things chkhave preceded them. ekothfld"oIkwe
these conferences to cement the rela-LUN their own way and were stopped h pe ie
tionship of the journalism department held to small gains, by a line thwat Flanses r Uas 1
here with the editors over the state P aris Nov 22.-Theanew French fought with dogged determination.h P Drie To @rNew I'en, >v 22nd
______________tariff bill, whch contains the firstI Ralph Baker, like Horatius at the PeQople To .Street 1 ~ n h
reorganizationof French custom dut- bridge, stopped the visitors' attack al- as
I~wyers' Club Is ies since 1892 and which is now in most single handed. His punts out- Fire ch brol out n e s without a defet, tu ing ac , o i hg
Fire whitch brokg Iout 1n19he housf
the hands of the public printer, con- distanced those by Layden of Notre of A S Teeter, 05 Huron street. at 'arvard ter that ledte Blue Ficdig
Opened To Public tains no duties on foodstuffs, accord- Dame by fully 20 yards and he thread- 10 o'mock last night drove 17 people -- halway in the game. Ihe rie
rj_10_o'clockhissthrough dtheeopposinglline score, in a bowl tht over ran with cml
ing to officials of the niinistry of com- ed his way through the opposing l into the street and killed a nurber ot
._-,___ ,-._____,i note tet n ile ume fWEST I tn n~n:rin amea in the third gined, a
Rockwell Play Brilliant Game
Last Contest of College
By V. H. Stoneman
Sports Editor
g to succeed in that same pass
which had previously spelled
in four Conference games,
n's Varsity was defeated by
Gold eleven from Iowa, 9-2,
y afternoon on Ferry field.
chdown by Scantlebury in the
arter and a goal from place-
Hancock in the final period
va her total, while Michigan's
nts came on a safety in the
v minutes of play, after Ed-
ad blocked ;Graham's punt.
and again the wonderful
of Marion and the brilliant
f the elusive Rockwell forced
within Hawkeye territory only
the aerialattempts of Bei
;n fall to the ground when
seemed inevitable. Michigan
a great game yesterday and
he Hawkeye's even for most
contest but the driving attack
backs, supported by one of
atest lines that ever faced
, put over a touchdown and
goal while the Wolverines
nly attempting to work their
t the course of the game
n tried no less than 14 passes
two of them were completed.
elying upon her mighty line,
wo unsuccessfull attempts
the air. Anyone of half a doz
he Michigan attempts might
ulted in touchdowns, but all
were covered by the Iowa
d were incomplete.
ntire Michigan team played a
at was worthy of it. While
ury and Parkin made brilliant
through the line and around
, Rockwell and Marion outdid
hen their turn came to carry
and the Michigan first downs
ian doubled those of the
teams appeared at their best
offensive, and .neither seemed
solve the other's defense. If
ne was superior, it was Mich-
!aced by Romey and Qtte, ad-
two of the finest ends in
st, Charley Grube and Bill
roke through time and time
nail the tacklers, and their
as largely responsible for the
,hat Rockwell had on his
ound the ends.
ds and Hawkins held their
s well and it was Edwards
ve Michigan her two points.
D guards, Slaughter and Steele
their best games of the year.
own, faced by Griffen, who
one of the hardest linemen on
a team, kept the lawkeye in
ce on every play.
lichigan backfield played well
out the entire game. Marion,
his last game for Michigan,
the Ilawkeye line until it took
it, and he made first ,cowns
it seemed impossible. Tod
ll, another member of the
ld playing for the last time,
brilliant at running the tackles
ends as he ever was. His punt-
sgood considering the wind he
rced to work against when
an was defending the east goal.
man's passes though failing of
tion for the most part, were
and their failure came as a
Scores of students, alumni, amd ndierce and deputies who were instru- for substantial gains that averagedb-swcM. e rhdnt 11AOnu I Iri,
Id birds whichr Mr. Teeter had in thre Iowa 9, Michigan 2. I and fourth quarters, with rushing ad- result
friends, visited the new Lawyers' mental in framing the measure. 15 to 20 yards. hossd
club at the informal opening held at It is admitted, however, that such Stuhledreher and Layden scored houseskChicago 0, Wisconsin 0. vances by Pound and Kline that Har- pass d
.the club last night. During the two American exports as automobiles, Notre Dame's two touchdowns, both Tre fire started in the kitchen Illinois 7, Ohio Sate 0. yard's strength coul not stop.mPlaying
hours from 8 to 10 o'clock visitors machine tools and electric appliances of which resulted from forward pass from an unknown cause, and spread Purdue 26, Indiana 7.
1hwill hveothe dties'meaurablysi-tplays so rapidly that several women were i Notre Dane 13, Northwestern 6. watche
were taken through all part orasfd. the d s st was Baker who scored all of overcome by the smoke and had to j Vanderbilt 16, Minnesotag 0. Dlii Pi Tl I PDI chance
builing inludng teoktchnsIsceeren____tallies.___ Nothweten'sealles.Thegam wassbeatsste totheh tret.trNerask.24NKasasAggea 24, Kansas lJAggULUiIUes IC0.
lounging rooms, dining hall, and barely started before he booted the A German police dog confined in Ohio University 6, Ohio Wesleyan 0.u was g
dormitory Eor the first time, resi- Plan Engineering ball between the goal posts from 35 the basement of the building, was res- ( Georgetown 25, Loyola 0. If ed e
dents of the club acting as guides. Dance ednesday yard line. Again in the first period, cued by the firemen. Although con- California 20, Leland Stanford 20. the fa
Later in the year, a formal opening edhe directed a beautiful 3 point counter siderable damage was done, no one Southern California 13, Idaho 0. C -r to the
Will be held. Ifo eydffcl nltnte 5wsijrd Champaign. Nov. 22--Reports were perfori
Memers of te Engineering so ardlin very difficult angle on the 35 was injured. EAST current at the University of Illinois Park
cietywill hold their annual dance Lyard e. Yale 19, Harvard 6. today that Robert Zuppke, football gridiro
SncextnerBeleved nx Wednesday night at Grangers ILaw Students M ay Syracuse 7, Colgate 3. coach, had decided to sign a, new compli
Sunk In Co llision Major W. T.CapneadMsCrubN Cornell 13, Co e7. I contract. His present contract expires His r
Sunk In Colk so Mjo w T Carpenter and Mrs. Car- ET n N w C u e r aur af
____ 1 ~penter and Captain G. W. Dunn, Jr.ILlIi HVb uE t1 lb ukel 2 ugr . ~li13 .hl
NoretlkuwilNov22-Thelsm er and CD willact eas dchaperones r.,Rn -- Lafayette 7. Leigh 0. The same report said he had offers breath
Norfolk, o Nov. 22.-TofThe steamern Tickes. will be on sae M on adP TDdApplications will still be received Brown 21, New Hampshire 0. from Princeton and Columbia, but Steger
Tuesday in the hallwa over the En all this week from pre-law students Penn State 28, Marietta 0. had declined them. of his
St at.hit com nanV and an niden- Tusdy mtehlwy _ov_:.:er_ the En-....,..«.. t Runnnllaa 23 V rttt 7 S :Can
of the almost perfect Iowa
efense. Captain Herb Steger, also
his last game for Michigan,
number a good gains but was
d so closely that be had little
to break away.
cam's punting for the fIawkeye's
ad, and most of his boots trav~l-
re than 40 yards. Considering
:t that his line often gave way
charging Michigan players, his
mance was. superb.
in, appearing on the Michigan
n for the first time, entirely
ed with his advance reports.
ins around end in the second
kept the Michigan crowds
less, and only a great tackle by
kept him from scoring on one
tlebury was the life of the
tifded schooner, collided 32 miles
southeast of Dianrnd Shoals light ship
at 1 o'clock this morning, according
gineering arch.
Due to the fact that the engineers
entertained so large a number at
----------------- --------. I-f-0---af.1-. - 4h
--I esiring to take their meals at thei
Between 1300 and 1400 Freshmen I Lawyers' club, it was announced at!
will visit and inspect thedUniversity the offices of the club
health service Monday and Tuesday1 The dining hall has seating spaceE
Boston couege 6 , vermnL i.
Marines 3, Carniege Tech 0.
Th4w W.IlodI Av
Rain 1s Regular I
Event At Games
Iowa offensive throughout the game!,
and his six drives on seven successive
plays gave the Hawkeye's their touch-