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November 22, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-22-1924

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hed every morning except Monday
the niversit year by the Board in
of Student 'ublications.
ers of Western Conference Editorial'
Associated Press is exclusively en-
othe use for republication of all news
cs credited to it or not otherwise
Sin this paper and the local news pub
ed at the postoffice at. Ann Arbor,
n, assecond class matter. Special rate
age granted by Third Assistant Post-
ription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
e, Ann Arbor TPress Building, May-
es: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M,, busi-
Telephones 2414 and 176.-M
..John G. Garlinghouse
Editor... ".. Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors,
W. Davis Harold A. Moore
s P. Henry Fredk. :. Sparrow, Jr.
h C. Keller Norman R.' Thal
Editor ........William H. Stoneman
Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
n's Editor.............Verena Moran
and Drama...Robert B. Henderson'
aph lditor. William J. Walthour
Farley Winfield H. Line
Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
S. Bennets William C. Patterson
Cady r. ilelen S. Ramsay
BCrRsby egina Reichisanrn
~ie L.. Davies Marie' Reed
W. Fernamberg Edmarie Schrauder
0. Gartner Frederick H. Shillito
n Houseworth C. Arthur Stevens.
t'h S.Kennedy NMarjory Sweet
th Liebermain Herman J. Wise'
Telephone 960
ising............ ....-. L. Dunne
ising................. . Fn
sing........ ........i1X. Marks
ising................H. M. Rockwell
ts..................Byron Parker
tion...................R. C. Winter
ation................John W. Conlin
Arnold W L. Mullins
Ardussi K P. Mast
n Burris 1-1. L. Newmann
ntz Thomas Olmstead
lleita 3. D. Ryan
Foy N. Rosenzweig
n treehling Margret Sandburg
Hamaker F. K.Schoenf eld
insor, S. 11. Sinclair

from Pennsylvania. It is further inter-
esting to note that the work of the
committee is financed by a fund of
$40,000 appropriated by Congress.
The extent of dope addiction in
the United States is not fully apprec-
iated by the average citizen. A re-
cent report of an investigation com-
mittee appointed by the Secretary of
the Treasury places the total number
at over 1,000,000. The report says:
"The committee is of the opinion that
the total number of addicts in this
country probably exceeds 1,000,000 at
the present time. . . The range of
ages of addicts was reported as from
12 to 75 years. The large majority of
addicts of all ages was reported as
using morphine or opium of its pre-
parations. . . Most of the heroin ad-r
dicts are comparatively young, a por-
tion of them being boys And girls
under the age of 20. This is also
true of cocaine addicts."
"The depredations wrought upon
humanity by the demoralizing effects


indictments against- several other
papers would probably be returned
within the next few days, as the cam-
paign is a general one with the in-
tent of eventually repealing the pro-
vision in the revenue act, which al-
lows inspection and whicht has been
interpreted by some newspapers to
allow publication of the returns.
Perhaps the most significant result
of the action of the court in sus-
taining the indictment, was the an-
nouncement by Senator Pat Harrison,
a Democratic leader in the Senate
and a member of the Senate finance
committee, that he was ready to join
with the Republicans in the repeal or
modification of the publicity provi-1
sion. Harrison was one of those Demo-
1crats who, together with the radical
LaFollette group, supported these
same publicity features of the income
tax law.
In agreement with the sentiments
of Senator Harrison, it seems certain
that the publishing of the income tax


ti A1ND
A review, by Robert Henderson.
Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn, L
before a crowd of shuffling 'six y
I hoodlums, scared and very pro
little girls! Perhaps it was a succe
perhaps Mr. Maier sowed musi
seed yesterday afternoon inI
auditorium that will bloom into
genuine appreciation when the au
ence has become respective, respec

~-~ ": i lifirff ;Ullmfil1i fI Ia , :ttl 's9 ll~s I (f ? ;~ SiE31d# b ,is i ;svlm i 7 srY§' if ':'I 1,i "i } Itr iYlitsl fi (flfI L :Efti l 11ftlli li
Christmas Greeting Cards
iszt .
year -- r
iper Y 2AN
p '. 1 I 111111 f1111 fI~llfi l fb'11fni ill::1H ni11111 i3$ i l I itf lliff!MiM Im ilt itlii iltl lfllff"9:H IIz 1 !1111 11t it [1 l I lllllg
cted NOV E3MB ER, 1924
sa:viippa n mamas pS''~y 1

satisfied papas and mammas; possibl.1
Obviously it was sometning of a 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8
shock to hear the Bach Gavotte as 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
an insect wedding, "On Wings of 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Song" as a sad little tune from cer- 23 24 25 26 27 2329
tain distant stars, or to learn of "old
man Schubert" and the ride of a dis--


" .

K Kramer F. Taylor
W. Kramer
hampionship hopes of four teams
involved in Big Ten contests to
played today. In no game will the
ggle be so closely fought as in the
test at Ferry Field thi afternoon.
o teams,'evenly imatched, at the
ne of condition, at the climax of
season, each having been defeated
Illinois earlier in the race, will
each other. The issue will be
armined when the final ' whistle
he fact that Michigan has not had
opportunity of welcoming Iowa
Ann Arbor for a gridiron game in
years makes this day signifi-
t. Rivalry with today's opponents
not been continuous, but it is of
g standing. Two years ago Iowa
Michigan were tied for a cham-
ship, not having the opportunity
ettle the dispute until the follow-
season when Michigan emerged
victor. The Hawkeyes bring a
ng team to Ferry Field this after-
n, hopeful of revenging last year's
he team representing the Maize
Blue in the contest is one of the
t remarkable in our long gridiron
ory. It has not won all of its
es, but it has done something in-
tely greater-it has come back
iously after suffering an over-
iming defeat. The football squad,
student body, and the faculty ap-
ach the game, /saddened by the
:h of Edgar Madsen, varsity foot-
end. His untimely end brought an
ipt conclusion to a promising
ser. The University is united, how-
, in an effort to make Michigan's
; in the game today a tribute to
memory. The team will fight with
ed vigor to make up for his loss.
he Maize and Blue welcomes the
Gold to Ann Arbor today to
rmine claims to championship
sideration and renew an athletic
tion which should be an enduring
1,00,000 ADDICTS
ook after book has been written
it opium and the awful results of
use as a stimulant. Considerable
been written, too, about abolish-
the evil. But until the last ten
fifteen years practically nothing
ever done toward abolishing it,
t least trying to cut down on it.
eneral disapprobation there was,
no action. There was an Inter-
onal meeting at Shanghai in 1909
ch had little effect, and confer-
s at The Hague in 1911 and 1912
ch failed largely in their attempts.
here is now a fourth International
ference In convention at Geneva,
er the auspices of the League of
ons, which, if the measures pro-

of these drugs," says another com- returns not only would not have any tracted father racing against death l
mittee report, "have been fully and beneficial effects but also would ac- across Australian bush-land in the1
convincingly stated by witnesses who tually have a detrimental effect upon Earl-King. But the collected astonish- _
have described the misery and suf- individuals and business as well. As ment is little amore than a pail of We clean and
fering of those who have acquired Dean H. M. Bates of the law school priggishness, and a terrible sign that and do it RIG
their inmoral use and who are aband- said the other day in an interview, we are all growing near twenty-two having your hat
oning themselves to increasing in- any citizens who would be likely to and old age. 'and sanitary mn
dulgence in them. Young boys and turn in dishonest reports would un- The children, at least, took it quite and made to fit
girls are being seduced from good doubtedly find some way of evading calmly, occassionally bored, often FACTORY
citizenship by the lure of dangerous even such a system of publicity. very excited, and enjoyed to their 617 Packard St.
narcotics which rapidly sap and ulti- Furthermore, the provision appears to fullest the occasional side-show diver- (Where D U.
mately destroy their moral and phys- be but a prying into the private af- tissements-the authorized shuffling
ical sensibilities and instinctive re- airs of the people and contains every of hands and feet, and the myriad1
finements. Even a child. born to an ,possibility of working real havoc in queer sounds from their throats.
addict mother becomes addicted the business world, where in a lean Puck tripped his light fantastic,1 GRA1UAP
through the mother's milk." year it might be used as an excuse a hurdy-gurdy man fell definitely at I U hiroUoti
That such a condition should exist to reduce wages, and likewise, in a the last discord from his conterina, 7Ni
today is a slap in the face for modern more prosperous year might give en- a very old gentleman beset by the 7N. University
civilization. That over a million per- couragement to the employes to resort problem of perpetual motion ravelled
sons in our country alone should be to a strike or a demand for a greater and unravelled his solution in Poul-
wrecking their lives by this use of distribution of the returns. enc's Aromatic dissonances, and a3GARRI
these drugs is a matter for instant 4Thus from every angle, it would certain cricket and bumblebee ended! A Play of Tleday
atgeition. The failure of previous in- seem that the wisest move for Con- their testy career patly squashed by Americas1 '
ternational conferences seems to lie gress to make in the coming short i a passing farmer. Everything became RA Y M ( N 1]
in the fact that they have attacked session is the repeal of this ambiguous a story, dancing, bouncing, swaying Ii a
the problem from the wrong angle. At and harm-working provision. under Mr. Maier's pepper touch.
the present time three countries= It is not an easy thing to please DUMB
India, Persia, and Turkey-produce I such an audience, a fearful, terrifying
most of the opium in the world; CAMPUS OPINION task, and it is ever to his credit that
and in these three countries there is ' rwt :vn us c mmunication s will be M r. M aier succeeded as w ell as he
no attempt to curb the production cants wil howe-ver, be regarded as did. Such a concert is nearly a finalCHR
of the somniforous poppy blossoms, confidential upon request. test a skillful artist; to entertain such
The production of them, in fact, is a conglomeration is no less than a CR TA
encouraged, since revenues from' To the Editor: Itriumph.
opium, both raw and -refined, form a- Your paper of November 11th has '* * *
big chunk of the income for all three.st reached my notice and I read i MIRIAM, IRENE, AND PHYLLIS i
countries. Although, at the time of with some surprise MrFishers Paul Stephenson, the assistant d
previous conferences, these countriess ar- rctor of the Ypsilanti Players, saw
promised cooperation in preventing tide in answer to what I published the Marmien Dancers last year in We aI
export into countries where the use in your paper in connection with what their Carnegie hall recital. "The first
of the drugs is forbidden except for my brother Theodore Roosevelt felt impression," he says, "was immediate our oat
medicinal and scientific purposes, their about a League of Nations. My convic- and deep. They are beyond mere
efforts to prevent smuggling were tion Is still the same as to my broth- physically beautiful line, effectively d
pitifully feeble, and not entered into combining both the studied grace of
with any enthusiasm. The inevitable er's attitude about the League of the classic ballet and the refreshing m enu
result has been that the world contin- Nations as suggested by Mr,. Wilson- rhythmic freedom of the Denishawn1
ues to be supplied with the drug, be- tentative clauses of which had been Dancers. They evolve from such a L
cause of the ease which the com- rumored before my brother's death. fusion an idea or emotion working stSy
pounds can be smuggled. I felt strongly, and still feel strongly up into a climax through a flowing
The method proposed by the Amer- . of melodi imagery.
ican unofficial representatives, al- that in Mr. Irving Fisher's pamphlet
though drastic, would effectuallyIhe was misleading as to my brother'sf"They are free and unbounded in
solve the problem. Their provision is convictions, and what I wished to do style, graceful, piquant, and deeply Va '4
as follows: was to clarify Mr. Roosevelt's be- tragic by turns. In a marked degree
The contracting parties shall liefs, by quoting in full from his last they remind one strongly of Mary 1116 Sou
enact effective laws or regula- article in the Kansas City Star, as Wigman, (the guiding disciple of
tions for the control of the pro- Mr. Fisher had omitted a great part of Jacques Dalcroze at Hellereu,) and
;Valerie Kratina. Yet at the same time
duction and distribution of raw the context In his quotations made
opium and coca leaves (from from the same article. It seems to me they are most individual and their
which cocaine is made) so that +unnecessary for Mr. Fisher to seek every movement is stamped with af
there will be no surplus evailable to interpret what Mr. Roosevelt him- vivid personality."
for purposes not strictly scienti- self wrote so clearly a few days be- Tfher are as many reviews that
difore his death. His words appear to ex- could b quoted save that such en-
The foregoing provision shall press his apprehension about the t-upi t, hae nverien credence.
noth operate to prevent the pro duc-whole subject. The pa int, however, is that thistcoi-
tion for exportation, or exporta- Mr iser, ee, contradicts him-p isin i nd ti ,a CROSS CRICK
se i i rileI orppr as (promising, if any production was, that CU
tion of, raw opium for the pur- selfha his article in your paper.that has been
pose of taking prepared opium pheat first seems to be 'sure of Mr. resented perhaps. thatnine
into those territories where the Roosevelt's position, and even states p e * * * teen leavs ju
use of prepared opium is still that the latter was in agreement with A OOD MOVIE AT LAST - wel, you sp
temporarily permitted, so long Mr. Wilson, and then continues to say A WOut AT shoes. Becau
as such exportation is in con- "How could Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. T ahe Weurth theater, downtown dollar oxfor
fotutyst Wthte xprttin s rviios n onof" Lodge discuss Article X before it along Main street, is presentng John teen dollar
fority with the provisions of exitd dsss ABarrymore in "Beau Bruimmel" for a On
the convention."eistd? seven dlay run opening tomorrow.
The result of this measure would' In my original communication to your Aovig-pitue, of oure, aarl
be to nip the opium poppy in the bud, paper I carefully stated that only Mrong-itus, ofhco s, as a rule
so to speak-to curtail the quantity tentative planks of Mr. Wilson's are too figtful-and this is not a 26 S
of oium tself and threvt any League had permeated to the Senate pose, for everyone admits it as they ov.
opp itselfwhandthuspreventeanyLcome from another drolling, breat-
over-supply which might become of the United States, and that it was pumping extravaganza - especially
available for illicit use. The advocates those tentative planks which Mr. pwhen supplemented by a too frightful
of this scheme expect a stiff fight; Roosevelt and Mr. Lodge discussed small-time vaudeville act.
they have had a preliminary taste in November 1918 in Roosevelt Hos- But the business does occasionally £NCORPORATB
of it already, in fact, from Japan; pital. I repeat, and I know the truth produce a work of art: "A Woman of StoresinNew
of what I am saying, that Mr. Lodge ., and Philadelphi
but they are confident that the world Paris" was one, "The Golem" an- rders, 121 u
will come eventually to see that their and Mr. Roosevelt shaped together other, "Tihe Fighting Coward," "The
plan is the only possible way out. several of the former's most import- Kid," and "The Red Lantern" still
ant reservations, particularly those in others. "Beau -Brummel" marks one
connection with "Article X." At the more on the list; it is beautifully pro-
PLEASE! same time they shaped those reserva- mr ntels;i sbatflypo
YOUR INCOME, duced and beautifully acted; you
That theBaltimore Daily Post step- tions the tentative plank may not must not miss it.
ped into a real conflict with the have been called "Article X," but the
United States when it published the rumors which had reached them, and The award of the Howland Memor-
income tax return of a single Balti- which were afterwards verified n ial Prize to Gustav Holst, guest con-
more taxpayer,. was brought out yes- the article "Article X" were discussed, ductor at the May Festival two years
terday when the federal grand jury as before mentioned, by the two 'ago, has just been announced by Yale A speci
of that city sustained the department statesmen, in my presence. Later Mr.-University This is the third award
of justice in an indictment of five Lodge and I again discussed the ac- iofveriy. Thihi the thfields of be serve
counts proffered against the news- tual reservations which were made in literature, fine arts, and government 1 1 A. N

paper. 'that same connection. may be compared in purpose with the
The indictment against the Daily Mr. Fisher says "Mrs. Robinson is Nobel Prize for scientific achieve- Price, $.
Post charged that the newspaper missing a golden opportunity right- ment.
printed income tax lists in violation fully to claim for Mr. Roosevelt pri- The award, consisting of a medal'
of a certain section in the revised ority over Mr. Wilson for the credit and the income from a permanent
statutes of the income tax law, dis- of being the first protagonist for the fund, was first bestowed on the late Don't fa
regarding a warning given by the League idea among statesmen." Rupert Brooke in 1916, and to Jean You a'
treasury department when public in- It is quite true that Mr. Roosevelt Julien Lemordant, the French artist
spection was ordered. Although under has ,the priority over Mr. Wilson for who lost his eyesight during the war, pleased
the revenue act of 1924 this informa- the credit of being the first protagonist in 1918.
tion is onen to public inspection, for the idea of a League of Nations. ___ _ _

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