THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUIRDAY, w~nll i ll feebeso th thr floor1 [lif 1i$10 or $20 have not realized that this RLfor atients which the investigators bUru mount must be divided between 11 , Orm "0'a I r porL9 wish too iihtcc undcr d. oh e :srva- I ldifferent organizations for their year's Reerh i4 t ll&1 Ravel End Of Reign ocrsWl ilnie4iP1ii Disease Stu~dy (ling Opposite VUiversiity j°f / bo11'at+ iS y S.C.A. Announces . N ew'Ap polintmentsa - -- .. I n111a .a a ai i .._ LEAFLETS OF I !d 0 C t, sRP R DBYK H lE~LFi~> has about seen its clay,' u 42OOM RK I"ti a wonderful opportunity for dfclared WelV~iter do la Marc, the tam - I!.the school to study pternicious anemia i IMns for the)Thomas H1: 5 Iienry ou 7 . s Englishl author, in conmmlenting Witll ll Ao rS decat,, ,t their land to possibly get new information b pson Memorial Institutc for M1edl- upon the liter rzy tendczecs wich eni s ft tE efrtm of tai~te about it," Stated Prof. A. S. Warthind RiesearchI," wich Rwas accepted haL~ve been ehurateriStic of American CoI ?uuiit n'amp , ;lj;n;drive a _of the pathological department of the [ hie Board of Regent', at their re- ad .,g ;h :wrks duingii the past ;s cces s this;ve.:r"the tot 1alamouint: Medical school yesterday,'when ques- h motl etn hrsa ih e earcadsc:. colle:,,cd reached a figure 1lihtl1u-I tioned concerning the gift of Mrs. P monthly lnc"Ithope so," added clProf. Le£uis A. ( 1$2,000 yeterday. rThi ;lea'ves Christine M~acDonald Simpson for re-e emade public yesterday. TIhey 70Gyet to hb suscr-ibed. The I search work devoted to this disease. 1 S(4nu 11th1c glshdepartlamrt, rive ywasto haveclolsedilast We- prfso Watisid htte1 vprepared by Albert Kahnx, well- 1 !youl r, er to is the average PoesrWrhnsi htte wvn architect, on the direction ofIprsntdy ierary production." M r. taedlbtofiilso e Funmd a-j catise of the disease is unknown at Christian -MacDonald Simpson. ,do: la M ,ye. agreed with the professor Io~to 1Ci0u~dta h 1 h rsn ieadwe nehd ofth 40,00 hih ilie- dn conztinu~el to the effect that th11 e i o ''4,0 hl b olcei is practically incurable. It is an 'It4is~tald ,fit tdrive wi]1ll U- Iunux~sually severe type of anemia ~is the institut./vueyn ast -rlin hpp nse pof te lt ;;c pnil the (11,01 lf l!1.Iithaseen which comes upon one suddenly. Thee truth tio °fact a ti upsdypo he gift wa ps madIe vi t number iii lip coluhimis of the newvs- patient soon loses many of his red which werened d c crr blood cells and becomes pale and yel- )roison, mog aprisdul ndunntretig ndci te ;t'ed eaitoaignt. It has low. In a few cases the disease can e to, thel effect tlat, the building, ~s{ sch-:,cannot hope to live nor to bebenteojtofhec pag to ecudbttemjriyftmste cti is to cost $'150,000, be built on coimted among really great literary vi<3i1. every cit izenz of the city, but dule pawtient dies. Lz1amentlgan tat the corner of ef'forts. to thec limited nu-mber of workers! Pernicious anemia is quite common ervatory avenue and Glen drive. Before coming to such a decided to ahave(IoUIbt105 been missed, and in this part of the country and md- ctl opso,;it frm te Osera- wicusin, h~ci dscontsthelit everyo7ne interested in the welfare of ical authorities consider it fortunateI and th.t the sk:etchecs, drawingsI aryvValue of so much of the work of the olmunity i; requested to send! for a gift to combat this disease to L5. and speci icatibons for sane, as , ]present-day authors, Mr. do la Mare inx thzrEcontribution y mail. It is conie at such an opportune time. eared by Albort Kahn And approv- a ttempted' to explain explicitly what nosil tt the ,:,ie will be re-G y Dan Hugh Cabaot and Prof. P. he meant by the termn "realism." l eate !onl many askedc to raise their The 01(1 Holland windmills are'I ]hickey, of the 'Medical school, be "Many authors who purport to be ,lFi clpoi, (-x tliiv officials state, slowly but surely going-down before .1. realists," he said, "are, in fact, not 1 r a risoft1o0el 3 ho have given but newer machinery. rs. Simpson also reserves the right1 realists at all but merely the extremne Announcement was made at the lat cabinet meeting of the S. C. A of the appointment of Albert W. Boeh-' ringer, '26, to the depairtmecnt of inter- nationalismn of that" association. At. the same tinme, George Baker, '25, was{ appointed to the leadership of the Ex- tension department, formzerly, held by Arthur Bannister, '26, George tacker, in charge of church r elattionzs, has been appointed to the campus, service, department, :Earl Blaser, '26, has beeni made assistant to the president, Perry H-ayden. He is at present engaged in procuring students to go to the Old-; er Boys' conference at Muskegon. FOR BANQUETS MICHIGAN 6 F or Sale in Lots of .50 or 100 by SONGS Address Orders to Box 35 P , I cp,,r.icK FINE-CLOTHES I e.7(enithat- .f)/nowi W~Jand i ailorcd usually desires to avoid the., usual annoyances of fittings M~fIUKFINE CtO i goose the nater'iial to be used in ruction of the bulilding, and the shngs for samI~e. However, she ves Ito the Regents the entire man- mnent of the institute, with the pro- on that thie University furnish the ,t, light, and janitor service neces- y to the operation of the building, lthe necessary business and cler- Shelp and nursing personnel 'so tthe entire income fromt the $250,-1 in investments, as provided for, be devoted to the employment of lcal and scientific directors. 'he buildling, as planned, will bel ee stories high. The first story will tain- a reception room, a library, ordinlg and exanination rooms. As institute is being founded primar- to carry -on research in perinici- anemia, rooms will be provided the compilation of statistics show-' its prevalence, the types of peo- the disease usually affects, and climates in which it is most often nd. he second floor will be made up ost entirely of laboratories. There I I opposite rmntcst. oexlan of11liilromanticists. II II IIII II IIIi I Tol explainI II I l'11tlII[I the romanticist is accused of select-I ing certain' phases of life and pur- Here's to the Cheer Leaders, faithful and true. - posely overlooking other phases, thus Here's to the Band that plays for you presenting am very one-sided picture 4Yyu of the things about him. For instance, Here's to the Wfolverines that have worked so hardI such- a .writer':' would look out of a;= 1Hlre's to the Rooters that' are alwa~ys your' pard. window and see merely the beauty of See. the scene, the well-constructed lines ~= of the automobile stndig iHtintz = street, the statelinessaof the, barrlenfo MileratrcsThtPae and theMillsury stioics Tcoinings trees, adtesggesinscnin, from the sight of the passing people. w " South Main- "The so-called realist, on the other - band, ini hii definite attempt to avoid _" ' " 3tt ii tii!E °z li 'lidl tllil iif liitlititi + 1vhetlhe wouldI call, the "sentimiental" - '.n the work of the ronu.:t ici ft, goes A dtc 1'~l iU 'o thez very> fop1 ,r:ite etremn .21 A AJT T A t '&cndcr Seni'icc.. Unexcelled. VAN I3OVEN, CRESS & State St. andI S. Univ ersity GIN"1 i r ! l T T FERRY FIELU Mrs. Win. F The handiest restaurar in after the game tod a tastes like home. For quick service andl is no place like the 'FERRY IELD Lynn nt in town, Stop y. Our cooking good food there VFSTA I 9 'AFD RBOR INI1- H qALES EVICE NEW LOCA'TIG N With a Paramount Cast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I roll, Ri'f O n cp-half B lock S u h o a k r r c !OMPLETE EQI'WMND ofBPaKE Ic A WIk 'h i .N ST1.~IEF~FAE N LL: V~ ih. ffi Senior pictures 'will be. on sale3 at the 'Ensian office until Thanksgiving. After this date no pictures wvill be sold. -Also- "WHY HURRY", KINOGRAMS A (Christ ie Comedy ORCH ESTRA 9 ines2:oct , ) e l pc, e; Nighits i:00-s:30, loeg 35c, 0 ' S U"N l)AtY ICH ARDARTrHELMES "CLASSMATES" 521 SouthI iM I S. - aa x ? '. 703 PACK. PIT(s tir E 1927 A. C'. Y, A 1 ' A R I y[ ,:. ,..,sue. _.. ...A.--- AV, , a , ,. _ a-.,u.. St-w.- ..45 r.,a,. , teW.,.tea. I--, An Tuely ORIGINAL, M mism I Amm A "P .fimmft w D AAm N N I' ~, inow 1 (:j i V "The Dance of Sliivi." "The King anid Queen of Hlearts:' 6% PM I W3 21 ow-oq *I IN A-Famth a U - -10- - . ..o... llk T'Oft mowwe I U.,w am IIUA - WNAa-mA dik4ml a - k