THE WEATHER, PARTLY CLOUDIY AMD WA:RMER TOI)AY Y 5k 1 an ~aiI IMEMBER ASSOCIATE] r] PRESS 1 VOL. XXXV. No. 51 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE REGENTS RECEIVE $400,000 FOR MEDICAL LABOR! PTO ETROIT yjOMA;singiejers IES HONEFOMR bIniatedlnto e IVlES MONEY[OIwb.d lag YOST TO SPEA K AT OF YEAR TONIGHT iELUIAL ESEAUH OF $400,000 LAIWEST VERSlrITY AS EVER RE CE IV El) M- TO ERECT BUILDING Endowment Will Be iKnown as Thomas Henry Simpson Institute For. 3Medical Research The Board of Regents accepted a gift of $400,000, the largest ever made to the University for medical pur- poses, at its monthly meeting last night. The bequest was made by Mrs. Christine MacDonald Simpson, widow of the late Thomas H. Simpson, De- troit manufacturer, clubman, and in- Oustrial executive, in her husband's name. The endowment is to be known as the "Thomas Henry Simpson Memor- ial Institute for Medical Research." The presentation to the Regents was made by Henry F. Slyfield, Detroit attorney. According to the terms of the be- quest, which were outlined in a letter of presentation, $150,000 of the gift shall be devoted to the erection of a: building for medical research in con- nection with the University. The re- mainder of the gift is to be invested' in securities, the income of which is to be used for payment of salaries of medical and scientific directors and their assistants in conducting the re- search. s or0 study Pernicious Anemia Mrs. Simpson asked that the re- search work be devoted primarily to the study of pernicious anemia, the disease of which her husband died. If a cure is found for this ailment, the A complete railway: system of chalk tracks, and cross ties, toy engines? and coaches, switches, a turntable, ! and tunnels, occupied the sidewalk near the engineering arch at the east end of the diagonal yesterday after- noon as Web and Flange, honorary engineering fraternity, initiated 15 seniors into active membership. The initiation banquet was held at Willits, with Lloyd Maeder, '25E, toastmaster. Prof. Rogel L. Morrison, of the engineering faculty who was received as an honorary member, spoke on university associations. Jospeh Landre, '25E, spoke for the active members and was answered by F. A. Kimmich, '25E, for the initiates., Prof. William C. Hoad and Prof. John A. Van den Broek, both of the' en- gineerin4 faculty, were also initiated into honorary membership. The following senior engineers were accepted as active members: H. A. Sheriden, D. W. Smyser, W. O. Schneider, L. R. Gare, W. S. Herbert, F. A. Kimmich, C. L. GPalmer, K. J. MacIver, J. F. Walker, H. G. Groves, D. C. DeGraff, C. W. Hunter, H. C. Cochran, Everett Vander Veen and R. F. Smith. UL E PROFESSIONAL WHISTLER FEATURE MICHIGAN SONGS REED WILL TALK TO( Band, Cheerleaders and ex-Varsity Man to Add Color To Biggest Meeting of Year Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- collegiate athletics, will be one of the principal speakers at the last pep meeting of the year, to be held at 7 o'clock tonight in Hill Auditorium. This will be the first opportunity the student body has had to hear Coach Yost this year. The Varsity band playing the "Vic- tors," will open the pep meeting. The Iowa game, being the last Con- ference game of the season, and a contest of titular possibilities has aroused in the student body a spirit unusual forty eight hours before a game. Prof. Thomas Reed of the political science department will be the first speaker on the program. At the con- clusion of his speech, Lyman Glasgow, '25, head cheerleader and other mem- bers of the cheering squad will lead the crowd in a few Michigan yells. Edmund Shields, '94, of Lansing will be the nextspeaker. Mr. ShieldswasnI captain of the Varsity baseball team during his senior year at Michigan. He is one of the most active men in alumni circles. Ernest Nickel, a professional whist- ler from Los Angeles will add a new feature to pep meetings. He will whistle Michigan songs for the crowd. SMr Nickel is one of the leaders in UNION SENDS OUT StraYCanines APPICAIOS FR~Will Be Taken 9 IgTIjIntoCaptivity TTS PE A Official recognition of the increas- ing menace of the campus canines has TICK TS O 0P H9It last b)een made. Henceforth all and any dogs which become a nuisance up- MEMBERS OF CAST, COMMITTEES, on the campus in the opinions of AND ORCHESTRA, RECEIVE various employes of the Building and FIRST CHOICE Grounds department, will be taken in charge by these employes and held for OP N ECEMBE R 8 not more than ten days. {OPENS DECEMBER During this period the owner may claim his pet and take him away, Blanks Mailed To Life Members; after paying the department for his Other Members May Apply ,care at the rate of 50 cents a day. Monday That the situation has become acute is proven by the fact that there are Ticket sale for the 19th annual so many dogs and they are so bold Union Opera, "Tickled To Death" has i that it has become a usual occurrence begun. Members of the cast, chorus, to remove the canines from the room committees, and orchestra have re- at the beginning of a class. It is hoped ceived applications through the mail. that this warning will be sufficient They are given first choice for seats and that the owners of the many dogs, for the Ann Arbor performances. will see that they stay off the campus. Applications have also been sent to full paid life members of the Union,1 and the blanks for participating life W members will be placed in the mailsW today. The applications for each group are sent two days apart m order to allow those who receive them the privilege ow of getting a better choice of seats. I __I The mail orders will be filled, in DeLa Mare, Ih Second Lecture, SaysI the order of their receipt, and those "Robinson Crusoe" Remains who desire to avail themselves of this fasterpiece opportunity are urged to return the blanks as soon as possible. The application blanks for the use PRAISES DEFOE of yearly members will be given out . at the main desk in the Union start-| "Defoe's 'Robinson Crusoe' remains ing next Monday, November 24, and a masterpiece. He all but invented will be available throughout the week. g the desert island," said Walter de la Women of the University will be Mare, noted English writer, in the given an opportunity to procure seats second of his University lectures, de- at the box office sale which will take E iee etra feno nNt place at Hill auditorium from 2 to 5 livered yesterday afternoon inNat- o'clock on Monday, December 1. TIs ural Science auditorium. Mr. de 1a sale will be exclusively for the w0- ! are spoke on "Tales of Adventure d R~i b~ninn C~ai Freshmen Elect Charles Johnson Lead in Annual Fall Games nt Ferry Field STATE NEWSPAPERMEN START THREE-DA9Y CONVENTION H[EE ABBOT WILL SPEAK TONIGH To I . II' WOMEN TO PARTICIPATE Sophomores and freshmen will en- Madsen, '27, Of Football Team Taken By Death Edgar Madsen, '27, varsity football end, who was taken to the health ser- vice Wednesday afternoon, died at 8:50 last night of lobar pneumonia. His death was very unexpected as he was admitted to the hospital with what was believed to be a light case of pneumonia but at 7:30 last night his condition became critical. His home was in Fairmont, W. Va. "Madsen's death was notadue to any injury received in football," said Dr. John Sundwall of the health ser- vice. He practiced Monday and felt well. The first indication of his ill- ness came Tuesday morning when hef showed a fever, and was confined to his home for the day." Playing at the position of end "in the Wisconsin and Minnesota games he was changed to center in the last scrimmage. Herbert Steger stated last night that "he was the hardest worker and one of the most conscien- tious and best liked men on the squad. He was always the first man on the field in the afternoon." Madsen was a heavyweight wrestler -star of the freshman team last year -and counted as the best prospect of the wrestlers for this year. He was a member of the track team. He played on the Oak Park high school football team for four years,! being captain in his Senior year. ,or three years he was selected as a, nmem~' her of the mythical All-Cook County football team and was selected as captain for in his third year. During his high school football career he played on the same team with Uteritz, Steger, and against Castle of_ Illinois. The "High School World" selected him as an all-American high school football player. ALUMNI RESERVEUNION All rooms at the Unin have been reserved for several months for this Week-end by alumni returning fe)r the Iowa game Saturday. To aid students who wish to obtain accommodations for friends, and for alumni who are unable to secure r cras in the build- ing, the Union rooming committee has compiled a list of roms available in private houses about the campus. Landlords who have rooms they wish to rent over the week-end are requested to phona the committee 'at the Union to list their accommoda- tions. Karl Crawford, '27, is in charge of the committee handling the room list. "CUTTER PLEADS FOR BE JOURNALISM AT ANNUAL BAQUET institute shall be continued in per- gage in the annual Fall games at 10 Ihis profession; he is at presen p1tuity in the seeking of cures for o'nlo n 'the ling for Victor records ih 1) other diseases, a committee of three o'clock tomorrow morning The singing of the "Yel members of the medical faculty, to field to the south of Ferry field. the Blue" will conclude the he selected by the Board )f Regents, The freshmen will meet at 9 o'clock - to namo the disease or diseases to be investigate. in front of the Union. At 9:15 o'clock The letter of presentation said that the class as a body will march down Mr. Simpson, during his lifetime. dis- State street to the south wall of Fer- cussed the founding of such an insti- ry field. The yearlings will then form Simpson as a tribute to her husband. which has been chosen as the site It is requested that the building be for the games. Mr. Guy Maier, head of t erected on a parcel of land given to; The games had to be held outside of department of the Universit the Unversityrud 1911 by Robert P Ferry field because of the Conference of Music, is to give a rec cross country race, the start of which young people of the city this a is on the northeast corner of >ser i over the territory usually utilized at 3:15 o'clock in Hill an for ththetl gaonees. ser nuKahn, who has supervised the con- The pupils of the Ann Arb struction of several University build- All sophomores will gather at 9 schools are being sent in a ings, is named as architect. o'clock in front of Waterman gym- attend the concert, and the The Regents made several appoint- nasium. At 9:20 the class will march stressed that it is for adults ments, among which was the naming down East University to South Uni- as children., of Dr. John L. Garvey as chief resi- versity to State street and thence to Mr. Maier's young people'sp dent physician for the University bos- the scene of conflict. The sophomores have attracted marked nation pital and the authorizing of an as- will form in line on the north side of tion, and the press has beend sistant. Robert G. Grede was appoint- the field. enthusiastic in their praise. ed assistant director of the hospital. ! The following rules for the Fall ing each composition with a Mrs. Archibald Diack was named games have been announced by Eu- scriptive story, he leads his; as a member of the board of gover- gene Dunne, '25, chairman of the com- through every field of piaw nors of Helen Newberry residence, mittee in charge of the games. Ten- ture, from the strictly cla Miss Eunice Wead was transferred t.0 nis shoes must be worn by all partici- the very modern. the position of assistant custodian of pants. Slugging and kicking are His program will includ Clements library from her present barred. Tampering in any way with other numbers a Bach Sarab post in the general Library, and Miss the poles for the flag rush is prohib- Gavotte, the Schubert-LisztI Ellen M. Hynians was named assist- ited. the Mendelssohn-Liszt "On ant curater of rare books. The freshmen, at their meeting Song," as well as a group o In addition to the major grant made held last night at 8:15 o'clock in sketches, Eastwood Lane's by Mrs. Simpson, the Regents accept- University hall auditorium, elected shooter's Dance" and Net ed numerous gifts made to the tech- Charles Johnson, class captain. John- Dance." nical departments of the engineering son will choose a number of lieuten- The concert is complimen college. The budget for the Summer ants and will select the men to repre- the audience is requested Session of 1225, amounting to $2 sent the class in the cane spree and their seats on time as the d 837.45, was adopted, and the Regents the pillow fight. be closed during numbers. continued the annual appropriation 1The captain for the sophomore class to the Ann Arbor Art association. I wl ecoe ytemmeso h The Museum was given permission wNill be chosen by the members of the to publish Prof. W. B. Hinsdale's class of '27, at their meeting whichI OY manuscript on Michigan archaelogy. will be held at 4:15 o'clock this after- ma__ _noon in Natural Science auditorium.. jThs o The sophomore captain will also se- ' 1dS rubs4 Give lect a number of lieutenants to aid in ___ FRAYER TAt nt whist- ltroit. j low and program. he piano y School ital for k afternoon ditorium. or public body to, point is as well programs nal atten- decidedly Preced-I short de- audience no litera- ssical to e among ande and Erl-King, Wings of f modern s "Crap- t's "Juba tary, and to be in doors will men and the sale to the general public will not start until Thursday, Decem-1 1)r 4. at the box office of the Whitney theater. . "Tickled To Death" will present its, first show on Monday night, Dec. 8, at the Whitney theater and perform- 'nces will be given every night that week and a matinee on Saturday. Friday night will be formal as has been the trqdition. Those sending in mail orders are requested by those in charge of the ticket sale to give more than one choice of seats as it may not be pos- sible in all cases to fulfill the first request. The prices of the tickets are: boxes and entire orchestra. $2.50; first 4 rows of balcony, $2.00; next 4 rows, $1.50 and the remaining seats in the balcony $1.00. Seats for out-of-town performances of the Opera will not be l available until the week of the run in Ann Arbor. ana counson urusoe. "The phrase, a tale of adventure, at once carries one's mind back over a vivid host of memories . . . . In range1 they include, in Stevenson's phrase,f the penny plain and two pence col- ured, and such literary masterpieces1 as the Odyssey and Don Quixote," t said Mr. de la Mare. "Unlike thel novel of manners, lit is not concerned, with social or domestic interests. It focuses its attention, not on what ina man is a little lower than the angels, but on what is nearest akin to the higher animals. "Its chief incentives are hunger and thirst, danger and difficulty, the far- fetched," continued the speaker. "Its usual reward is a handsome fortune. precious stones, doubloons, with a I I charming bride-preferably an heir- ess-into the bargain. "If the tale of adventure preaches at all, it is by way of wholesome practice rather than by precept; and the virtues it instills are those of the ready hand, the nimble tongue, and the quick wits. "In more primitive, less artifical times, lives of adventure must have been the rule rather than the excep- tion. Nowadays we most of us sit at home and share such experiences at second hand. And we welcome every fleeting glimpse of it. "Defoe left his theme unexhausted and inexhaustible," concluded Mr. de la Mare. "Does he not invite us to follow it up? And may we not, brav- ing disaster, follow it into the un- known?" Having concluded his lectures here, Mr. de la Mare leaves today for Northwestern and Chicago universi- ties, and after several engagements ,will sail for England December 9. Editor Of Christian Science Monitor Will Discuss "Headlining Happiness" Emphasizing the need of the coun- try for a better journalistic standard and declaring that the newspapers are responsible for many of the criminals today, Edward T. Cutter, superintend- ent of the Central division of the As- sociated Press, addressed the sixth annual dinner of the University Press club of Michigan last night at the Union. The conference opened a three day session yesterday with more than 150 representatives from the newspapers over the state. Following registration during the morning and an afternoon gathering for discussion of current problems, the meeting convened last night for the annual banquet. Describes Associated Press Mr. Cutter in his speech on "Pres- ent Day News Gathering" opened with a general description of the As- sociated Press, "the greatest news gathering agency in the world, which is daily read by more than 50 million people." He outlined the policies of the service, stressing particularly the fact that the aim was to have the news "honest at the source." "The Associated Press," he declared, "is ab- solutely unbiased, and endeavors to re- cord -ccurately the world news." Mr. Cutter took the place on the program ,f Kent Cooper, assistant general manager of the Associated Press, who with Herbert B. Swope of the New York World, was unable to at- tend. "The yellow 'journals," he pointed out, "are one of the most detrimental forces in shaping the lives of the young people. One of the most im- portant duties of the newspaper pub- lisher is to exclude improper material. For the love of your country, learn to put in honest, straight-forward news you would have in your home. Frayer Speaks Opening the addresses of the eve, ning was Prof. William A. Frayer 01 the history department who spoke upon "The Historian Looks Over the Newspaper." He showed of what benefit the riewsps pers were to the, historian in the matter of furnishir f material, especially from the adverr tising and editorials rather than. in- accurate news. He pointed oul how much attention is being paid by the Clements library to collecĀ°,ions of newspapers, and how imnaurzant they I were, even though thAr news was of- ten rushed too much to be exactly correct.' The third speaker on the program was Arthur Vandenberg, ex-'02, of the Grand Rapids Herald, who also made a plea for cleaner journalism. In the course of his remarks he paid a higl tribute to President Marion L. Bur- ton for his work at the University and expressed thanks to him also foi his co-operation with the journalistp of the state. Effinger Presides Dean John R. Effinger of the liter c , ) Lk 1 ,MYS!LIPYFRTICKETS TO SOPH-PROMi I Today will be the last opportunity for sophomores to secure applica,- tions for the 1927 Soph Prom, which will be held Friday, Dec. 12, in the Union ball room. Applications will be given out only in the afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock at the desk in the Union lobby. Requests for tickets are not con- sidered in the order taken. Sopho- mores will be given the preference, but other students may receive tickets after all the sophomore applications have been filled. All applications must be returned to Robert Y. Kee- gan, 512 South State street, not later than Wednesday. Through an error in yesterday's Daily it was announced that. the dance 8ANQUIET TERMINATES ARHITECTSCONVENTION Last night's banquet at the Univer- sity club in Detroit, given by the arch- itects of that city to the delegates IRIVuE 1MARK . al , The British government has denied the use of Stonehenge to a religious sect who wished to make a cemetery out of' it. of the American Institute of Archi- ary college presided at the bans tects, closed the convention of the while he was introduced by Lee north central region of the institute White, '1Q, of the Detroit News. which opened here Wednesday and addition the University Glee c would last from 9 to 12 o'clock. The was concluded in Detroit yesterday. sang several numbers, including"V Way To New Plan tthe organization of the class for uti battle tomorrow. I(The Fall games will becomposed of To allow changes which are planned three events; the pillow fight, the in several campus walks, and in ac- cane spree, and the flag rush. Each cordance with the program of land event will count one point, the class! scape design which is being carried winning two of the three points be- out on the campus, shrubs planted ing declared winner of the games. h years ago at the State Street end of A new feature will be added to the the diagonal have been removed. struggle by the freshmen women who Shrubs near the law building have will assemble at 9 o'clock tomorrow also been moved. morning in front of the library from In the plans worked out by the which place they will march in a firm of Pitkin and Mott of Cleveland body to the field,; for lanscaping the campus, small All "M" men who will be able to pines, characteristic of the state o serve in the capacity of officials for Michigan, play an important part. the games are requested to meet on - - the field at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn- I I ing. U-N ERSITY OF MICHIGAN With less than $10,000 to go, the aStromberg-Vokoun orchestra which inGeorge Community Fund drive passed the has been engaged, will play from 9 making the celluloid photographic from Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and from the Michigan Union Opera al $39,000 mark yesterday, and offered to 2 o'clock. film practicable until 1889. Michigan, was held jointly between appeared on the program. hope of reaching the necessary bud- the two cities. i During the afternoon gatherit get. All territory in the city has not Sh An architectural exhibit, gathered I which was the first general sessi as yet been completely covered by 'icketSale For Pub icat on by the members of the Detroit chapt- of the conference, Prof. E. G. the solicitors and returns from all OfjEdiInrs er of the American Institute of Arch- rows of the journalism departme (canvassers have not been received.a D ance In Charge Oi Editors tects. featured the meeting yesterday. opened with the first address of tb The volunteer solicitors who have I The architectural college displayed in year's convention, speaking up been giving their time to the cam- ic'this exhibit a model of a proposed "Teaching Theory and Practice paign have agreed to continue the Tice1 for the "All-Campus Pub- This is one of the orchestras that building for the college. Journalism." He outlined the cours work and revisit those who have al- lications Dance" to be held in the played for the J-Hop last year. They -_offered here and urged a closer c ready contributed, in an endeavor to new Masonic temple on Friday, De- will play a number of feature pieces, operation between the Univers p c ent ge f eamounts ce r sand several short acts will be pre- Reeves' Dau htor journalistic department and raise the percentage of thecember 5, may be secured by any sented between dances. The ball will nwStru.eB.AntJ pledged. The. importance of raising student on the campus. Application be formal. iStruck Buto newspapers. Mr. White and E. J. the full budget of $49,000 is stressed must be made to the managing edi- Lighting effects are arranged so that tawsay, '94, editor of the Port Hu by the officials. tr or the business manager of any any degree of intensity from the dim- ETimes-Herald, led in discussion Walter P. Staebler, president of the I of the student publications. The ad- est light resembling moonlight to the Evelyn Reeves, daughter of Prof. 1 this subject among the delegates. drive, issued the request yesterday mission price is $3.50 and a Limit has very brightest light may be obtained. J. L. Reeves, of the political science Mr. M. L. Cook of the Hastin 1'.-.'1- ,'h + rvt hntn I vtb e --'niard at 22; tickets.- nnv- brightest n ip,, department, was painfully injured Banner spoke on "The Place of 1