20, 1924 THE ',MICHIGAN DAILY PAGIE I ESTABlLISpH TINO; PLANT I uExpends $,OOO?00 pfor Publication Maga inte t O of ll'quip T' ISSUE OCTOBER 91 teemnt'1(,(l f]1(fin 1the plant. In wf1i Di esig-n 2Tickets dir, will bf a siwall job resa pr'fues nd sev teral ca .s of type. .For 0. S. L. Gam Thi latrwill oen!!)l2 ho Abunnuls to have mu ]]ch more variaion in heads lI tha.n ]a_; been] possile heren-to-fore. Thickects printed in three colors, lrjurjtli; fct JJIF lzCd a .fter a custom of many years ago, ia y the general offices here. The plant s being set up at the present time in ooms provided by the University. Twelve hundred feet of floor space' ias been donated, as well as the tower necessary to run the presses .nd linotype machine. The entire pack of the basement section of the 'hysiology and Piharmocology build- ng will be utilized for this m urpose. 'hese rooms were used last year by he economics department. Magazine Enlarged The first issue of the Alumnus, hich is to appear Oct. 9, will bie ompletely set up and printed here. ,n enlargement of the magazine is Being provided for. Twenty-f ourt a.ges, of the sarhec size as the Out- ok, 8 1-2 by 11 inches will be put ut. The cover of the book will now e done in two colors. The enlargment of the size of the ages in the book now brings it up the usual standard maintain~ed by nilversiy alumni, papers. In all robability there will be two columnns n the editorial and three on tho st of the pages, W'ilfred 13. Shaw, 4, general secretary of the assiocia- on announced. A Mergenthaler linotype, a Kelly ress, capable of printing 300 imnpres- 'ons an hour and equipped wiha, elf-feeder, a Dexter folding machinie tthe latest type, and a Goulding caper cutter make up, the majority of frk , nen- introduction to your campus ;life iigan, procure a "M" Book and Regent Prai~ses Construction Of New uildings IRegent 13I'. S. llan~clett yesterdaIy ez~ires ed great delight in the newl buildin +s rand~ the rapidity in which tlhey are beingj erected. "When our, 'building prog,,ram his completed," he l said,"Mhin will be the leader of all tiie universities in this country." Today Reg;ent 1i [nlchetv"w1ilslnspec the necw building s that ares finished anl theo cons.truction work on thae others. There have been rumors that the new hospital is cracking and crumbling. "'These," he said, "wereI fo iand unfounded for the build-1 iuglhas weathered two winters in an urn fiished0 condition and it is only re- asnal ta the .top dressing should; crack asit w.ill on any large building." To furtih er assure himself, he will carefully inspect it. The regeCnt will be in town a fetw days while his son is convalescing] from a slight operation on his nose. ' begin pasting, your' first, clippings ipf Ann- Arbor into it. You'll, appreciate in after years the clippings that you make now. j. 4 I KATHLXN WILLIAMS AND ROBERTI MC KIM te w iwiwIk LOV S99 AGNES AYRES Memory Books Developing and 'Printin = Xk ADDITION ' JIMMY APRY IN ""THE HAY SEED"4 " A GOi4LDFIH STORY" Withr Agnes Ayres in "When a Girl Loves" - the Orpheum inaugrates its new policy of "clean, entertaining pictures for the whole faml. The Orpheumn will show entirely first, run pictures, with the ex-f ception of the super-specials which. will be ;given a second Ann Arbor showing in theQrphieumn at popular, prices. Thle first of the supver-specials will be announcedl next week. Watch for it.. " Adinki'son lAdults .~ c. Kiddies ..- lc.' shiowing DPaily .,3'7ABL. sT '.L ' 19O5 Matines oil S1u11day at Saturdaly andi 2 and 3:30 -- ..J. r 711 North University v J NO~W NO~W ;j I ' i . ; i I . ' II I I Believed in a Honeymoon for Thre e£mm - What Could He,,r Poor Hus b and Do,? Opening The Fall Season You Can Lead aI .Altar . ". ;, 2 t on Can't Make Il A P~icrIUME wrr FOR EVER.YI Love f uadrang Societ I i A picture that lpresl society of Interest women-old and yo IT HIAS A S CLIMA Flapper to the 4 Fier Love You !'.1 I A TlHRI~L? Oe of Modern . y eants a lpba.se of tto mien and u ng~. rARTLING Hie Fell, Out of Love, and then Fell Right In Agrai-- 11I STARTIN iTOMORROW ). .I, III g iv I'T.Ii PATSY RPTH, MILLER and MATT MOORF±w in / °'\ w . r 1lf ' 'e r s. ' WUERTH VUnder lihe eroa IDireei a (of :NIt'11011AS 1). I 1\1 f, 1 /. r ] !: LIM 1r - 4 ;- 7j JN DJI(ON HAIL RQACH At I IJ ;Presats y, OUR,,, GANG"' 4, w. LI I3 a %ii! I$Eail ! Farina, Fatty, 1!11;171 in their1 m1is ieani. PRICES Wer nf l ley Mlatinlee f - - - 25c4 F'S 11iit 11 +1 1 I. i I ~w -3 - U 1 ,u~ ~j - B U., ~ElIII/f 1, I A t ~X \ It f IL