frip aht33 I MEMBEF ASSOCIATE * PRESS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CHORAL U TO S Tnht 'OVER TWO HUNDRED COMMISSION PLANS "FIGARO" TONI6GHTI ArEOMEET HEREAGRICIULTURE NEEDS Students Pay $30,000 To See Out Of Town Football Games "The Marriage of Figaro," Mozart's well known opera, wvill be presented at 8 o'clock tohight in Hill auditor- ium as the next number of the Choral (Union series, by a company under the direction of William Wade Hinshaw. Mr. Hinshaw, who was formerly a member of the Metropolitan Opera. company, has' devoted himself to or- ganizing opera companies which pre- sent the famous opera in an authticj and artistic style. Last year his com- pany gave a performance of "Cosi Fan Tutte" which was well received by the audience at that time. The cast includes Madame Clytie dine, as the Countess, Editha Fliesch- er as Susanna, Pavel Ludikar as Fi- garo, and Celia Turrill as Cherubino. All of these singers have been mem- bers of the various royal opera houses of Europe. The piece will be conducted by Er- nest Knoch, who conducted with sev- eral opera companies and was with the Quilin Mozart and Wagner operas world tour. The English transla- tion of Mozart's opera has been done by H. 0. Osgood, an English comopser 'and music critic. The opera is a se- quel to "The*Barber of Seville" by the same composer and is said to be one of Mozart's most charming pieces. AlEXANDERWILL READ ORATOICL BANQUET Ray L. Alexander, -'27L, president of Delta Sigma Rho, has been select- ed as toastmaster for the first all- campus Public Speaking Banquet tor be held the evening of Dec. 4 in. ther Michigan Union. Charles B. Warren, '91L. ex-ambassador to Japan and Mexico and holder of a number of important diplomatic posts, will be the guest of honor. This banquet, the first of its kind,. is being sponsored by the. Oratorical association and proposes to bring to- gether all the students on the cam-, pus interested in public speaking and oratory. Each of the four publicl speaking socities, Adelpi, Alhpa Nu,{ Portia, and Athena are cooperating' with the Public Speaking department in the literary and engineering col- leges in completing the program for the. banquet. Tickets will soon be placed on sale at $1.50 and an announcement will be made as to where they may be se- cured. ANNOUNCE 0DM MITTEES~ FOR EDUCATION CLSS Junior education students held a meeting Monday afternoon in Tappan hall, at which the collection of class dues of $1 was announced for Wed- nesday from 8 to -12 o'clock and 1 to 3 o'clock; a table will be placed in the hall of the building for that pur- pose. The following class committees were announced: advisory, John Os- born, chairman, Jean Carrabin, Mary Horn, Thomas Edwards; social, Vera Wigglesworth, chairman, Neva Nye, Elmon Vernier, William Carden; auditing, Maizie Vanderbeck, chair- man, Frances Kellogg, Charles Van Riper, Wilmot Sanford; finance, Jack Clifford, chairman, Virginia Spain, Norma Barlow, Richard Babcock. Dueren, Germany, Nov. 18.-Duar- luminum, an alloy of aluminum, in en- tering largely into the construction of motor boats in Germany. ARCHITECTS OPEN CONVENTION TODAY, I North Central Section For Luncheon Union Will at dIeetI EXPECT 100 DELEGATES More than 100 architects of the north central section of the American Institute of Architects, meet today for a luncheon at the Union which will be the opening sessiorgf the regional convention which stalts in Ann Arbor today. William H. Steele, Sioux City, Iowa,. will be the principal speaker for the meeting this afternoon. The convention today marks the first time that the north central re- gion of the national organization has held a general conference for all members. The meeting will be con- tinued and concluded in Detroit to- morrow. The delegates will be tran- i sported by automobile to Detroit late this afternoon for a banquet tonight at the Detroit University club. The American Institute of Archi- tects is the national organization of architects. Every leading man in the architectual field in this country is a member of the institute. Charles Hammond of Chicago, director of this region, will preside at the meeting this afternoon, while Prof. Emil Lorch of the architectural college will give an address of welcome to the visiting architects. Yesterday the directors of the na- tional organization met for confer- ence in Ann Arbor. Luncheon was given at the Barton hills club. Charles Harris Whitaker, Editor of the Journal of the American Institute of Archi- tects, spoke at 3 o'clock in Alumni Memorial hall to the student and faculty of the architectural college on tendencies influencing architectural history in the future. The Detroit chapter of the insti- tute has arranged an exhibition of architectural drawings and models for the delegates. A model of a proposed building for the architectural college, made by the seniors of the college last year, will be a part of this ex- hibition. 'WILL LD PEP ME 'IN TAP ROOM TOMORROW There will be a pep meeting for all men on the campus beginning at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the Union tap room. This is the third pep meet- ing to be held in the tap room this year, and will be the most elaborate of the three. An orchestra will furnishmusic for the meeting and in addition a vaudeville act has been scheduled. All men on the campus are invited to be present. NOTED NEWSPAPERMEN TO TALK BEFORE PRESS CLUB CONVENTION STARTS TOMORROW Faculty Men Included in Program; Many Groups Send! Delegates More than 200 state journalists are expected to attend the sixth annual meeting of the University Press club which opens for a three day session} tomorrow at the Union. Chief among{ the speakers will be Kent Cooper, as- sistant general manager of the As- spciated Press, Herbert D. Swope, executive editor of the New York World, and Willis J. Abbot, editor of! the Christian Science Monitor. Registration will start at the Union at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and I will continue until 12 o'clock. At thatj time the different bodies represented at the gathering will meet for lunch- eons in separate groups. Among these will be the Michigan Daily Press As-! sociation, Michigan League of Home j Dailies, Michigan Press association (weekly publishers) and the Michigan League of Press Women, which body is also meeting in conjunction with1 the men's convention. Burrows To Speakj The first general session of the conference will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, at which time A. L. Miller of Battle Creek will give{ the President's annual review and } forecast. Prof. E. G. Burrows of the journalism department will speak up-f on "Teaching Theory and Practice in Journalism." Mr. M. L. Cook of the Hastings Banner will also speak. At 4:15 o'clock the gathering will adjourn to Natural Science auditor- ium to hear the address by Walter de la Mare, noted English author, upon "Robinson Crusoe."' The annual Press club dinner will l be held tomorrow night in the Union assembly hall, at which time Prof.. William A. Frayer of the history de- partment, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Swope will speak. Deanf John Effinger of thet literary college will preside and the University Glee club will give several selections.f To Elect Officers On Friday the gathering will be ad- dressed by Stuart H. Perry of the Ad- rian Telegram, Prof. Herbert Good-! rich of the law school, Mr. A. R.' Treanor of the Saginaw News Courier, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves and Prof. Joseph Hayden of the political science de- partment, Mrs. Charlotte P. Gilman, Secretary Shirley Smith and Mr.! A b b o t.0'1 Saturday morning will be given over to election of officers, decision of con- tests and award of trophies, reports of committees and discussion. During the afternoon the delegates will beI the guests of President Marion L.f Burton and the Athletic association at the Iowa-Michigan football game WILL BE MORK ASSEMBLE DATA Congress To Delay Legislation Until Report of Committee Is Available Washington, Nov. 18. (By A. P.)- The commission appointed by Presi- dent Coolidge to solve the problems of American agriculture, began today to shape its program of work so as to take advantage of the coming short session of Congress for any remedial' legislation which it may by that time have concluded to be necessary. After an all day session behind closed doors, the commission an- nounced, however, that it would be impossible to complete its work be-I foi e Congress convenes next month, and after its session tomorrow and pending the assembling of data ong which it will base its work it would take a three or four weeks recess. As one of the most pressing prob- lems, Robert D. Carey, of Wyoming, chairman of the \commission, an- nounced that the cattle industry would be one of the first subjects studied. Meanwhile Representative Tincher, Republican, Kansas, a spokesman of the farm bloc, announced tonight af- ter a conference with Senator Curtis, of Kansas, the Republican whip, that all pending farm legislation would be held in abeyance until Congress had the benefit of conclusions reached by the agricultural commission. He said that, in fact, he did not expect the enactment of any farm legislation' at the short session and added the opinion that, as to a large portion of the agricultural section of the west, the emergency conditions had passed. Chairman Carey explained in his statement that, while in view of the scope of the commissions work it probably would be incomplete by March 4, he thought some phases un- doubtedly would be ready for report before that time. UNIO N TO GIVE DINNER r FOR CAMPA'GN WORKERS" All men who took part in the Union life membership drive will be given a banquet tonight in the main assembly hall of the Union. At this time the cup, donated by Otto Hans, '00L, will be donated to Smith Cady, '27, high man in the drive. The 10 high men will be presented with ribbons, and members of the high team will receive tickets to a Union dance. Harry G. Messer, '26, chairman of the drive, Perry Hayden, '25, presi- dent of the S. C. A. and Thomas Cava- naugh, '27L, president of the Union, will speak. SPEAK ON FICTION Noted English Novelist Will Give Two Addresses on Visit Here IMPOSSIBLE TO END BEFORE CONGRESS CONVENES1 It has been estimated that more ,than $30,000 was spent during the Ipresent football season by students in Ann Arbor for railway transportation to out-of-town games. The Illinois game at Urbana caused the greatest outlay of money, more than $25,000 being spent for train tickets. Three special trains were run from Ann Arbor to Urbana for the Illinois game and more than 13 cars made the trip. The largest movement of railroad cars in the history of Chi-I cago took place on the day of the Michigan-Illinois game when 21 spec- ial trains made the run to, Urbana carrying 273 cars. Because of the length of the tripf no special trains were chartered by Michigan students for the Minnesota game this year. The Ohio game last Saturday, however, drew a large crowd from Ann Arbor, more than 900 people taking the special trains from Ann Arbor to Columbus. In practically all cases where spec- ial trains were run for the students, more than one and often three and four persons slept in the same berth on the Pullmans. Despite the con- gestion, the railroad companies re- port that very little trouble was en- countered.I The railroad companies expect numerous attempts of the students at hese times to ride free, and accord- ing to an official of the Ann Arbor railroad, "We know that they hide under the seats and berths and every conceivable place that will cover a human being, but we don't try to catch them on occasions like this. It1 would be an impossible job anyway." Will Explain Rules of Annual I To Freshmeii at Assembly Tomorrow Rules governing the annual games between the sophomores freshmen Were announced at a n ing of the Student council held night at the Union. The rules, N are similar in form to those of l ious years, will be announced tc com-netine class:aepof a thei r rrn EVENTS NAME I Aotea "utcli Fn slol pint Lectures ; It UCVt, l2 +L 4iLG/d A i[. 7Al7iVfly1'f 4 AiGli G4(A Gil ' Rafarn :#:4 an#c of TnrlianĀ¢ School AUTHOR OF "RETURN" RECEIVED NOBEL PRIZE1 Walter de la Mare will deliver the Prof. Wiliam Einthoven, of the first of the two lectures which he physiological department at the Uni- will give at this University at 4:15 versity of Leyden, Holland, addressed o'clock today in the Natural Science the faculty and students of the Med- auditorium. The subject of this lec- ical school on the "Relation Between ture will be "Atmosphere in Fiction." [he Mechanleal 'and Electrical Ac-1 Mr. de la Mare was educated in tion of the Heart" yesterday afternoon London at Saint Paul's Cathedral in the Medical building. Professor Choir school, and after graduating Einthoven illustrated his lecture from this school worked for nearly throughout with slides. 20 years in the English branch of the Professor Einthoven is regarded as Standard Oil company. He left this one of the leading physiologists of position in 1910 to devote all of his the present time. For his work ont time to writing. the physiology of the heart he receiv- It was in that year that he publish- ed the Nobel prize in medicine for this ed his novel, "The Return," which year. He has been a noted contribu- was awarded the first Edmond de tor to science, having invented the Polign-ac prize. This* book has recent- string galvanometer and, with his son, ly been published in this counrty. a galvanometer which records radio Other novels which have been written ,gnals. by this author include "The Three The former invention is of mu^h Nulla-Mugars,"" ng,"aFryimportance in studying the heart beat' Play" and "Ding Dong Bell," which and in the diagnosis and control ofE is his latest work. the treatment of heart disease. It re- This is the first visit that Mr. de la gisters the electrical currents pro- duced by the heart beat in the body,! 1916. Hasadeliveshis utry asqieand it is used extensively at the Un- 1916. He lives in Anerley, a quiet vriy h sia. suburb of London. I-I is a frequent! versity hospital., Besides his lecture yesterday, he contributor to the leading journals in will address the rnmbcrs of the England in addition to his other writ- physics department in the Physics1 ing. ; west lecture room at 4:15 o'clock to- -- _ day. H e expects to leave Ann Arbor E Friday morning. must be followed to the letter or 1 council will discount the event vhich a violation occurs. Meetings Announced All members of the class of '28 v meet at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow nir in University hall auditorium final organization before the strug on Saturday. Members of the Stud( 'council will be present to explain 1 rules to the yearlings so that the 1 will be no misunderstanding Satt day. The sophomore class meeting v be held at 4:15 o'clock Friday aft noon in Natural Science auditoriu At this time councilmen will announ the rules so that every participi ,will be aware of their context, a also of the fact that a violation any event will make it necessary throw out that event when the fi: outcome of the games is determine Start At 10 Wclock The games will start at 10 o'clo Saturday morning on the field soi of Ferry field. In the past the gan have always been held on Ferry fie but the starting of the Conferei cross country race on Ferry field 1 made it necessary to shift the locat for the games to the south field, wh is spacious enough to adequately to care of the annual struggle betwc the underclassmen. Three Events Three events will comprise the F games this year; the pillow fight, 1 cane spree, and the flag rush. Deta Iof these events will be announced j The Daily tomorrow. The council also decided that in future the tossels and buttons. freshman toques and pots shall in cate the school in which the freshn first matriculates at the University STU'DENT COUNGI A-NNOUNCES RULI FOR FALL 6AM SOPHOMORE CLASS WILL HI MEETING FRIDAY AFTERNOON CUTH 'S [Rmeetings which will be held on Th day and Friday of this week. The rules state that every par OIpant must wear tennis shoes. Bi kicking, and slugging are barred, tampering with the poles for the 1^n-^ "- -'- " - ---T. rush will not be tolerated. The r PAYMENTS DUE THURAYSUCCESS PREDICTED FORH Alt~rAI ITi rm flmh1 , l f l . on Ferry field. During all the sessions, discussion will be held upon many topics of cur- rent interest by members of the con- ference. Among the problems that will probably be discussed are publi- cation of the income tax. figures and CMN C D ! the newspaper's obligation in the mat-i ter, propoganda, preparations most - valuable for the beginner in journal- Marion, Ohio, Nov. 17. (By A. P.)-. ism, and similar subjects. Mrs. Florence Kling Harding, was In addition to the above, members reported tonight by her physician to of the different groups represented be in a "critical" condition. There has will discuss problems common to their been no change since this afternoon. publications at the luncheon sessions Tonight's bulletin said "There is no that are planned for noon of each of change in the condition of Mrs. Hard- the three days the conference is in ing since this afternoon. She is still session. weak and, exhausted. Her condition is Headquarters for the entire con- 1 critical." ference will be at the Union., Springfield, Mass., Nov. 18.-Smith ILL GIlE'UTPROM ,& Wesson, arms manufacturers, yes-4 terday resumed operations after a shutdown that began in July. PPICATIONST D or Em phasis On Applications for the Sophomore Prom will be given out from 2 to 5 r Th an Settinds' o'clock today at the main desk in the Union lobby. Sophomores who have ~_~notyet paid their dues will be given Senior pictures for the 1925 Michi- ganensian may be paid for only until Thursday of next week. This is the da'- set as the dead line for accept- ance of the payments. After that time there will be no opportunity for Sen- iors to get their pictures in the 'Ensian. The price of $3 must be paid at the i s i I i r 1 i ,1 s f, a i ' r 1 !. ,i i t' R III lU H11 L L U U11 U111VIL U~I~WILL TEST Indianapolis, Nov. 18.-Sucess in the nation-wide campaign, soon to be launched by the American Legion, for UBLISH a $5,000,000 endowment fund for the caring of disabled world waiN veterans Washington, N and orphans of veterans, was predict- ment's action to ed by national commander James A i publication of in Drain, before the annual adjutants' newspapers has conference here today. indictment in t Commander Drain also declared I within a few day that he has received letters from Attorney Gene heads of the great political parties, today that he h expressing their satisfaction at the States attorneys non-partizan attitude the Legion iias ings in "six or i 1tS inC Pdi I,.UA 1ne dc n ;t , business office of the Ensian where a receipt is given. Photographers RBIGHT TO TAX RETURF Tov. 18.-The gove: test the legality ncome tax returns been started, and one case is expec eral -Stone announn bad instructed Uni to institute proce seven" instances, ndicate the newspa Grand Jury prese en ordered. He s ne suit will be fi ell informed quart attorney general will not make appointments, unless i Kennedy Aims F Acting Rathej these receipts are presented. A change in the set up of the 'En- sian pages has been made this year,! and instead of 14 pictures being crowded at the top of the page, only 12 will be used and these will be placed at the side of the page. This panel of pictures will be set in tinted art work. Previously these pictures were set on a perfectly plain back- ground. hTe notice which was placed in the Daily Official bulletin brought in many picture payments, but there is still a large number of Seniors who are risking the chance of not having good pictures in'the 'Ensian, or of not having any picture in at all. The business office will absolutely not re- ceive any payments after Thursday of next week. 9A0, CONNOR WILL SPEAK ON COMMERCIAL AIDS DOHRYTLSFULTS OFE NGINEER TRAINING! R. E. Doherty, consulting engineer of the General Electric company, spoke yesterday in the Engineering building on some of the weaknesses Ehe has found in training student en- gineers for General Electric service. Mr. Doherty said that students get inj the habit of using formulae only in working out problenis given them, in- stead of seeing the basic principles that underlie them. He also showed the necessity for the graduate to study more after he leaves school than before graduation if he wishes to rise in any special line. lieved the indictment may be fort coming within 48 hours. There we indications that it was already undl consideration by a grand jury. Almost simultaneously with i~ Stone's announcement, the bureau internal revenue sent additional i structions to internal revenue colli tor, which will act to restrict t time in which the public may ma use of the inconte tax records. COMMITTEE WILL PROS! FCLA5SDUES SITUATII (he declined to it against which E ments have be however, that o soon, 'and in w it was said the DOWN AND OUT The world has done gone wrong! There's a wrench in the machin- ery somewhere. What is then trouble? Maybe you have lost something or that which you want is missing. If so try a lost or wanted ad. I 4 (} 3 ' Charles Rann Kennedy, who has of a past season. We are able to brought real drama to literally hund- bring a first company which has ap- reds of communities throughout the peared successfully in London and United States, who has played be- on elaborate scenic effects and all fore every sort of audience under that they involve.; every conceiveable condition from the "We emphasize psychological acting I High school auditorium to the Man- rather than scenery and costumes. , hattan Opera house, is a striking per- This is somewhat a new departures sonality. in America, for here the theater has An almost boyish face, continually developed more along scenic lines lighting up with enthusiasm, humor, rather than deeper, more serious act- hardly showing a line; a mass of ing. Henry Irving, with whom I was flowing snow white hair. A voice with priveleged to study for several years, unexplicable magnetism and a mu- was the first to study acting in the an opportunity to do so when making out their applications, as dues must be paid before they may receive a ticket. Applications may also be se- cured from 2 to 5 o'clock tomorrow and Friday, and they must be re- turned to Robert Y. Keegan, 512 South State Street, by Wednesday, Novepuber 26. '1 Arthur B. Connor, chemical engin- eer of the Detroit Chemical Works, Iwill treat some "Problenms Arising in the Manufacture of Commercial ONT LOFM O Acids, ''at :30Thursday nightn Acids, at 7:30 Thrsa An uing . r l TICKETS FOR FOOTBALL 09BNQUET ON SALE TOA Appointment of a committee to in vestigate the matter of collecting an distributing class dues was miade at meeting of the committee, on studen aff airs held yesterday afternooni the office of Dean J. A. Bursley, dea of students. This committee will co: list of Alfred B. Connable, Jr., 'I I Tickets for the football banquet to !be hold next Tusdav yevening in the