1 HE MICHIGAN DAILY FA FA r vA ) I MICHIGAN PRESS WOMEN TO HLD CONNIODN 3ICHIG A UNION TO BE HEAD- QUARTERS FOR ANNUAL CONVENTION Press women from all over the state of Michigan will hold a convention at the Michigan Union Thursday, Fri- Sday, and Saturday of this week. The program of entertainment will include discussions and lectures on journal- ism for women and social functions. The president of the association is Mrs. Grace G. Browne, of Jackson; the special functions hostess is Mrs. Frederic B. Stevens, of Deroit, and the chairman for local arrangements is Mrs. William D. Henderson, of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Fred L. Vandeveer has charge of the program. The convention will open at noon on Thursday. After luncheon there will be a meeting and social hour. Friday will be taken un with meetings, ad- dresses, and a joint dinner with the University Press convention. It is in affiliation with this association that the women meet annually. Saturday morning's program will consist ofna board meeting, reports, the election of new officers, and the formal closing of the convention. In the afternoon the women will attendl the Michigan-Iowa fotball game. M MIS LESLIEBLNCAR WILL SPE _AT Y ,WCA, Miss Leslie Blanchard, executive secretary of the National Student di- vision of the Y. W. C. A., will speak on the National Student work of the Y. W. C. A. at 4 o'clock this after- 'noon at Newberry hall. Miss Blanchard is a graduate from Leland Stanford university and was Y W. C. A. student secretary at this school.: Later she became affiliated with the national staff of the Y. W. C. A. student department with particular responsibility for co-operation with the Y. M. C. A. and with relation to the world committee of Student Chris- tian Federation of which she is a "meomber. Miss Blanchard will meet the cab- inet of the Y. W. C. A. at a pot luck supper at 5:30 o'clock today to talk informally on the work of the Nation- al Student division of the Y. W. C. A. Columbus, 0., Nov. 17.--The state senate will have two blind members during the next session of the assem- bly. THE CHUBB H O USE _ Established in 1899. Meals $7.50 a Per Week $6.00 for Two Meals Breakfast from 7 to 8 Lunch from 12 to 1 Dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 Single Meals "TASTES LIKE HOME" [Ilfni11tiilt1 InIuiiniaiiu1iniiiiii W.A.A. Entertained At Open House By Ohio Women More than 30 members of the Mich- igan W. A. A. and of the faculty of the department of physical educa- tion were entertained by the W. A. A. ANNUR HOCKEY SPRA TO BE HELD TOIT dents is shown by the fact that 1,042 The time for the meeting of Unt- women subscribed this year in com- versity Girls' Glee club today has been parison with 835 who subscribed last! changed from 4:30 to 4 o'clock. All year. members are urged to be present and to bring the proceeds from the tickets, already sold. O TICE SThe committee which is working on N O TICES fthe W. A. A. point system will meet fat 4 o'clock tomorrow, in Barbour _________________________________gymnasium. Michigan Dames will hold their All houses wishing to enter the in- regular meeting at 8 o'clock tonight terhouse basketball tournament must at the Faculty Women's club.- I sign up immediately in order that houses and coaches may be assigned. a Sigma Delta Phi will meet today at 4:15 o'clock at the Theta R7hl Alphaj The executive board of the W. A. A. Sandwiches-lOo Corn Beef Bologna Tongue Pastroma Hard, Soft or Clear Salami Cgars Cigarettes Candy From 9-12 P. M. Smokes Cold BARNEY- Kosher-Oeticatessen 640 HAVEN Phone * - IXLC T'V~ rr'vX~Ta AND APPU1'PV. I nt Uhkl 1, tAEK's IIPA:11:1r CHAMPIONSHIP TO BE AN- NOUNCED GR of Ohio State Saturday. In the morn- Serving will start promptly at 5:30 ing a faculty-student hockey game o'clock for the hockey spread which . will be held tonight in Barbour gym- was played, in which the Michigan ( nasium. All University women are in- women took part and were provided j vited to attend, and tickets will be on with maize and blue jackets made by sale at the entrance to the large gym-j the Ohio women. nasium at the price of 50 cents apiece.I Following the football game, an The ali-campus hockey team, con- open house entertainment was held sisting of star players from each of for the Michigan women in Pomerene the classes, will be announced at this hall, the new women's building. Tea banquet. Prof.. Margaret Bell, of the was served beside the fireplace of department of physical education, will thei: living room, and the Michigan Iawardthe interhouse hockey trophy women were given an opportunity to to the winner of this year's tourna- meet the members of the physical e-i- ment. Championships in interclass ucation department of Ohio State. hockey, in tennis, and in archery will' Marianna Smalley, '25, president of ialso be announced house. Independent senior and junior wo- men who registered for Pan-Hellenic ! tickets may obtain them from 11 to 12! o'clock tomorrow at University hall. The price is $4. The meeting of the music section., of the Faculty Women's club is post-' poned from tonight to Wednesday '.ht of next week, Nov. 26. i will meet at 5 o'clock to'morrow, in Barbour gymnasium. Interclass hockey teams will not practice today. Standing of the. various houses in respect to athletics will be posted in the corridor of Barbour gymnasium before the hockey spread tonight. PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS VING RY BILLS. Buy a cash ndry to us if you wish the best t $10 the Michigan W. A. A., reports that the splendid spirit and sportmanship shown by Ohio women was typical of the attitude of people of Columbus, and cites an incident of a man who refused to accept pay for a shoe-shine because he said that the Michigan women were the guests of Columbus. Charity bazaar N e t s $1000 1Marianna Smalley, '25, will act as toastmistress. Special songs and novelI dancing features have been planned.l Contrary to the former custom of serving the hockey spread in cafeteria style, the guests will be seated by place cards, and. members of the freshman hockey squad will act as waitresses. The banquet will termin- ate at 7:30 o'clock. Y. W. Exceeds Total In Finance Drive Complete report of the 'Y. W. C. A. finance drive as made today by H1elen Brown, '25, chairman of the drive, showed that the original quota of $1,800 was exceeded, the total amount- ing to $2,169. This surpassed last year's total by $442. Increased interest in the organiza- tion on the part of the women stu- 10% SA MOE LAUNDRY 204 No. MAIN ST. PHONE 2355 ON YOUR LAUND card and start sending your lau laundry service possible. Frocks of kasha-like fabric in swagger plaids are ,admirably suited to sports and campus wear. Wide leather belts give them added smartness. Re- markable values at this price. BASEMENT GOODYLA R'S 124 SOUTH MAIN HAND WORK Returns from the United Kings Daughters' bazaar last Friday even- ing and Saturday and the Mprionette plays Saturday afternoon and evening held for the benefit of the crippled children of the University hospital amounted to $1,000. This is a consid- erable increase over last year's re-' turns which were $750 and constitu-1 tes one-third of the total goal for the year. ..,. 3c .. See A DRESS Made I t .'4 . .. For Eats That Please Folks Come to the Ferry Field Lunch State Street and Packard iONE HOUR F, to 4. O'clock Today - Man Floor MRS. WM. FLYNN I SNAPPY SERVICE CONVENIENT LOCATION FINE FOOD Living Model Wi1l I On Tuesday, Nov. 18 Our pre-holiday showing of dresse4 will be ready, at our shop, 222 Nickels Arcade. Why not see us about;your day and formal frocks.before the season is in full swing?. Our models are particularly designed for the small woman, and fol- low the latest word of fashion - the straight sheath, the vogue of ostrich, the "Midas" touch. AGNES MelNTYR E Phone 3059-W. One Hour Dresses I Due to the fact that many were unable to see the demonst tion of a dress made in an hour last week, the event will repeated this afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock.. Miss Boomer A, K will make a lovely silk frock within an hour, while a living model displays frocks previously made by this system, within an~ hour. Each Step Will Be Fully Explained As the dress maker demonstrates that it is perfectly possible to make a, smart frock in an hour each step will be explained so that with the aid of the One Hour instruction book you, too, will be able to accomplish this. 4, S Y CO-EDS! ' WALK-OVER'S FIFTI ETH AN N IVERSARY This event has been planned to render real service to the customers of this store. We ) 'I All ready to show you how to make Plasti - Chrome Plaques, Boxes, Candle- Sticks 1APPIe'b Arts 2 Nickels Arcade Opposite Sub-Station are giving those who visit our dress-goods department a new idea of how easy it is 11. I Walk -Over to make their own clothes, and at how small a cost they may be obtainedI This Dress Making Event will help every one who witnesses it to sew for herself those charming frocks in which she delights to appar. Style that walks in comfort I ONE HOUR D RESS I .AONDM"M Order Your without delay. Proper e graving takes time. Sele one of our many attracti and exclusive designs ar n ect ve end Here is the shoe that first showed women how shoe style can walk in comfort. First of all, it is a 'style shoe, smartly designed, made withWalk-Over quality in every inch of leather and every stitch of thread. It Is more than that. It is supremely comfortable, made on that famous Walk-Over last which has made friends with millions of women all over the world. Color Charts Given Free F CfLtada d Yh cfdwh, *r'Tnqin To every guest of the demonstration : color chart will be given free. This chart hay been carefully prepared in order to help you to select the right colors and materials for Free with each pu chase of material ft One Hour Dress Shown in the New Light Tan Calfskin pCLdt0r your One Hour Dress.: .... .r...,,. $10 Plan to Visit our Store from 2 to 3this afternoon and see a dress made in an ho *. -'