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(XV. No. 48
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IfiN L
liange, 1lwants and Rotary lus
Co-operate In Arranging
1 members of the Varsity football
1, the reserves and the freshman
will be the guests of honor at a+
ball banquet to be given by the
). at 6 o'clock next Tuesday night,
25, in the main assembly half
he Union. All men students on the
pus may attend the banquet.
nice 1920 the. Exchange club has
California Citizens Block Los
Angeles Water Supply In War
Bishop, California, Nov. 17. (By A.
P.)--Fifty additional citizens left to-
day for Alabama waste gates, 50 miles
south of here to reinforce and relieve
the Owen's valley citizens who yes-
terday seized that section of the Los
Angeles water supply aqueduct and
opened the gates divErting the waters
to Owen's lake.
Occupation of the intake canal of
Los Angeles's water supply by citizens
was indorsed and approved in a reso-
lution made public today by the Cham-
ber of Commerce.
The resolution reviewing difficulties
between the Owen's valley people and
the Los Angeles aqueduct officials
declared that Los Angeles had
promised to submit a dependable plan
for settlement of difficulties from time
to time, but that its tactics were de-
DEC. '
PLAY To 28,000 j
Bill Mill's Orchestra Of Flint
To Play At Publications D
Music for the "All-Campus Publica- replicas, in miniature, of
tions Dance" to be held in the new and between the dances
Masonic temple on Friday, Dec. 5, will be presented. Featu
will be furnished by Bill Mill's ten- will be furnished by thec
piece orchestra of Flint. This is one The Masonic temple is
of the orchestras that played for the completed now, and the N
J-Hop last year. ( quite spacious and the flo
The dance, which will be formal, is I polished. Lighting effects
a social event which was prominent ed so that any degreeo
here in the years preceding the war from the dimest light
and is being sponsored this year by Pi moonlight to the very bri
Delta Epsilon, national honorary be had.
journalistic fraternty. A limit of The committee in cha
225 couplee has been set. dance arrangements is R
A number of special features are I grim, '25, chairman, Halse
being planned by the committee in 1'25, Clifford Pratt, '25, an
charge. The programs will be exact Kirschner, '25.
The Daily,
short acts
re numbers
just being
ball room is
or is highly
are arrang-
of intensity
ightest may
rge of the
Ronald Hal-
y Davidson,
d E. Arden
Says Congre s Has Supreme Right
To Issue Emergency Orders
of Preference
Talked At Yale, Johns Hopkins, Smiilt
College and Wellesley On
Present Trip
of 19th Annual Production
Have Special Train on
2,0004 Mile Trip
"Tickled to Death," the 1925 Michi-
gan Union Opera, will be seen in 11
cities throughout the middle west
the football team a banquet at Washington, Nov. 17.-(By A. P.)-
only members of the Varsity Congress has the constitutional right
e club were present but this.to authorize the issuance by the In-
was decided to make the din- ter-state Commerce commission of
en to the students and to con-
t under the auspices o. the preference orders for the use of ;rail-
Business men of Ann Arbor road cars in times of emergency, the
-operating with the Union and supreme court held today in an
s cluthe Echangclub are opinion delivered by Justice Holmes
nmittee of arrangements. in a case brought by Edward T.
les the banquet there.;will also Avent, Jr. of Union City, Michigan,
umber of speeches by members from the federal district court at
team and business men and In
inment will also be furnished. Cincinnati, Ohio. That congress has
nmnodations for the banquet will such power "no longer admits of dis-
ited because of the size of'the pute," the court declared.
)ly-all. Because of the fact that Congress did not exceed its author-
ill be the last opportunity that ity the court declared, when in the
s on the campus will 'have to I transportation act of 1920 it author-
a football banquet they will ized the commission, whenever it is
m the preference in purchasing of the opinion that shortage of equip-,
cfrom 2 o'elock tomorrow to ment, congestion of traffic or other
ck Thursday, after which time emergencies exist in any section of.
may purchase tickets. They the country to suspend its rules as to
iced at $1.50. car service and to make such reason-
tickets will be placed on sale able rules with regards to it as in the
main desk of the Union and it commission's opinion will best pro-
necessary to show a member- mote the service in the public inter-
ard to receive a ticket. ; est, and among other things to give
- - directions for preference of priority
mn : in the transportation or movement of
19A1EFRun TRAFFIC traffic.
Declaring that an emergency which
iRi AT P iHR PATIIonlIV I1required immediate - action existed
Walter de la Mare, the famous Eng-
lish poet and novelist, will deliver
his first lecture of two which he will
give at this University at 4:15 o'clock
tomorrow in the science auditorium,
on the subject "Atmosphere In Fic-j
tion." At his second lecture which will
be given Thursday at the same time
and place, Mr. de la Mare will speak
on "Robinson Caruso."
This is the first time since 1916
that Mr. de la Mare has visited this
country. It was in that year that he
came to receive in Rupert Brooke's
stead the Howland Memorial prize
which Yale university had awarded
to the latter. This year Mr. de la
Mare also spoke at Yale, Johns Hop-
kins, Smith college and Wellesley.
Mr. de la Mare published his firstl
volume of poems called. "Songs of
Childhood" in 1902. This volume is
now considered a rarity. His "Poems"
was published in 1906. In 1910 he
brought forth his novel, "The Re-
turn" which 'wasawarded the first
Edmond de Polignac prize. It has re-
cently been republished in this coun-
Mr. de la Mare's "Memoirs of a
Midget" broughtmore fame to the
author as a writer, and he was named
as "one of the century's few crea-
tive novelists." His latest works in
selude "The Three Mulla-Mulgars,"
"Crossings,", "A Fairy Play" and
uring the coming Christmas vaca-
on according to Homer Heath, gen-
oral manager of the Union. The an-,
ual trip will cover a'distance of overI
,000 miles, playing to ,a total audi-I
once .of 28,000 persons in the 15 per-
ormances that will be presented.
ilwaukee is the only city included
n this year's schedule in which an
pera has not been presented.
The intinerary is as follows: De-
;ember 19, Grand Rapids; December
0, Bay City; December 22, Saginaw;
)ecember 23, Port Huron; December
4, Flint; December 25-29, Detroit;
'ecember 30, Toledo; December 31,1
leveland; January 1, Cincinnati;
anuary 2, Milwaukee; January 3 and
, Chicago. The larger cities will
ave several performances, Detroit
aving four and Chicago two.
Ann Arbor will see the debut of
he 19th annual production of Mimes+
n December 8, when "Tickled tol
)eath" opens its week run of seven
erformances at the Whitney theater.
here will be an interim of severalI
ays between the closing perfor-'
nance here and the beginning of the
oad trip.
A special train will carry the opera
cenery and personnel during its trip
rsyear as in the past. it will con-
ist of three sleepers and abaggage
ar. The cast will makle the Pull-
ians their headquarters while in
:he various cities, as the cars will be,
ut on sidings during the stay. Ar-
mngements are being made in sev-
ral cities by alumni for the enter-
ainment of the company, and it is ex-
ected they will be given opportuni-
ies to visit the various points of in-j
erest in the towns in which the
Opera plays.
Detroit Business
Man Offers To Go
Bond For Indian
In response to the appeal made
hrough The Daily Friday morning,
Prof. H. E. Riggs of the civil engi-
University of Leyden Physiologist,
Also Famous as Inventor, on
Lecture Tour.
Prof. William Einthoven of the
University of Leyden, Holland, one
of the world's most famous physiolo-
gists will address the faculty and
students of the Medical school at 4
o'clock today at West Amphitheatre,
University Hospital. Professor Ein-
thoven came to this country to give
a number of lectures at Bolton and
was invited to visit Ann Arbor by
Prof. Frank N. Wilson of the internal
medicine department of the medical
school. He arrived here Sunday.
Professor Einthoven also has a
reputation as an inventor. The string
galvanometer, an instrument which
has a wide use at the University Hos-
pital, was one of his inventions. It
is of important value in the study of
the heart beat and in the diagnosis
and control of the treatment of heart
disease. It is a delicate affair which
registers electrical currents produc-
ed by the heart beat in the body. To-
gether with his son he has also in-
vented a galvanometer which re-
cords radio signals.
While in Boston he learned that he
was to receive the Nobel prize in
medicine for this year for his work
on the physiology of the heart.
Besides his lecture today, Professor
Einthoven will also address the mem-
bers of the physics department, Wed-
.1 1
Believe Kelsey
WillReach City
Late This Week
American Attitude Makes Impression
on Delegates in Conference
at Geneva
Geneva, Nov. 17.-(By A.P.)- An
American offensive launched at the
very start appeared to have impressed
the delegates to the international
opium conference which opened at
Geneva today that the United States
is determined to do everything hu-
manly possible to bring about results
from the international gathering
which has been convoked to strike
another effective blow at the wgrld
evil of opium and narcotic drugs.
After taking preliminary steps for
organization under the presideficy of
Herlus Zahle, of Denmark, the con.
ference adjourned until tomorrow af.
ternoon. This was to meet the con-.
venience of those delegates who had
not yet completed their work in con-
nection with the preliminary confer-j
ence and who desire to frame some
kind of a convention.
Play Wais Written by C. R. Ker
Who Acts Male Part in
Edith Wynne Matthison and Ch;
Rann Kennedy will present
Chastening" at 8 o'clock tonig
Hill auditorium. They will be a
ed by Margaret Gage, the con
consisting of but three players.
The company has appeared thrc
out the entire United States as w
Canada and England. They carr
scenery or lighting of any kind
them. Each community in which
play is expected to furnish wha
setting they want. Their aim
provide any community with se
drama of universal appeal, don
competent actors.
"The Chastening" needs but
scenery for it is a play which
with problems which have exist
long as the human race. Itis
work of Mr. Kennedy who
author of note, having written
eral other well known plays su
"The Servant in the House"' and
Admiral." This piece is the fir
a number which, Mr. Kennedy
write for the same purpose of n
wide production on 'a simple
and- with a small cast.
Miss Matthison is considered c
the outstanding actresses of this
tury, both here and abroad,
she received unanimous praise
such critics as George Bernard
and H. M. Walbrook. Mr. Kenne
as well known as an actor of
as he is a playwright.
The little amount of scenery
pecial arrangements for the hand-
of the traffic due to the Michi-
-Iowa game here Saturday are be-
made by the local police. Sixty
ce officers will be on duty to pre-
t traffic jams and to keep order
mg the thousands which will
mg Ann Arbor for the final game
.he season. The local police force
be increased to 25 men, and 25
:ial police are to be provided by
state. Ten uniformed traffic of-
rs have also been promised from
hief of Police Thomas J. O'Brien
s all townspeople to
:ars at home and thus
irking problem. No
aid in
lace for visitors to park can be pro-
ided in the city, so all parking will
ave to be on the streets. A number
f streets including Packard and
tate will be restricted, and these will
.11 be plainly marked as they were
or the Wisconsin game.
7up Offered Best
Decorated House
Charles Graham, owner of Graham's
ookstore, has donated a cup to be
iven to the best decorated fraternity,
ouse for the Iowa game. All houses
vho plan to enter this contest should
otify W. T. Coleman, '26E, at his
esidence, 615 Monroe or by tele-
)hone, 63, not later than Friday night.
Judges for the contest will be Mr.
Alfred G. Pelikan. of the architectural
department, WNilfred B. Shaw, '04,
eeneral secretary of the Alumni as-
ociation, and Mr. Bruce M. Donaldson
of the fine arts department.
This week's Student Council meeting,
will be held in the council rooms at
:he Union at 7:30 o'clock today in-
stead of Wednesday. Plans for the an-
nual Fall games Saturday will be out-
upon the railroad lines east of the "Ding Dong Bell."
Mississippi river the commission, in _"_ingDogBell."_t
July 1922, when the railroad shop- t
men strike was in progress, issued an '" T erDQD re TO t
emergency order regulating the use 11 . I L
of coal cars at mines. It classified
the different demands for coal; and NILL ILL
provided the order in which ship-" "'
nments could be made to meet them.;
In th'is order the making of gas fell With the intent of organizing a
into the second classification, rifle team to represent the University
While the emergency order was in unit of the reserve officers' training
effect Avent ordered a shipment of corps, Capt. L. M. Bricker of the mil-
coal from Kentucky to Union City, itary science department, has been
upon the representation that it was given charge of instruction in pre-jt
Sto be used by a gas company thiere. liminary training in marksmanship. } P
When the coal reached its destination: Prospective team members are now P
it was diverted by Avent to the Peer- enhgaged in acquiring a knowledge of n
less Portland Cement company which the proper methods of rifle handling of
used it in the manufacture of cement. and sighting; actual target practice a
As Portland cement was in the fifth will begin next week on the R. O. T. a
classification .min the commission's C. practice range. d
emergency order, Avent was indictedi
for fraudulently inducing the rail- it
roads to ship coal in violation of the U
POESR commission's order. die pleaded gullKI S
ty and was sentenced to a fine.a
Later he raised the question of the TCLUB TDOAYb
constitutionality of the order con- L
tending that it deprived him of duec
process of law, was an exercise of Prof. T. H. Reed of the political
power reserved to the states, and that science department will address the
it granted an illegal preference to Woman's City club of Detroit this
places in one state over those in afternoon on the topic of "Paities anda
another. Politics." Next Thursday afternoonv
he will speak to a meeting of the 20th
Century club of Detroit on "The Wo-r
URICCY AlflhI~I~man's Part in Politics."
SIImaProfessor Reed will also representt
the faculty at the Iowa pep meeting
at Hill auditorium Friday night.
theCDINE An ro ulcshosl OMAN ENINER SPAKi
Otto AWHaisley, superintendent of
speak tonight at the Chamber of I nmn £u 15aWIT
Commerce banquet which will be Uf l UON W UILILI I
held at 6:15 o'clock in the ChamberC
of Commerce Inn. This banquet is Dr. Lilian M. Gilbreth, consulting
the first public school program of tengInDr.,ila M.k yiesth cornsingin
- year to be put on by the Chamber,eorm 411 of the West Engineegin,
and will be in the form of a greeting building on the "Place of Motion C
to the new superintendent. Study in the Development of Manage-5
- Profs C. 0. Davis of the school of .ment."
education will act as chairman. noetor Gilbreth took up the devel-
veering department has received an
offer from a Detroit business man to
act as one of the bondsmen for the
admission of Pritam Singh, East In-I
dian, whose case has been before the
immigration officials for some time,
nto the United States.
For ten months Pritam has been
waiting to enter the United States as
a student and now the permission has
been granted by the Department of
Labor, Pritam is being detained be-'
cause a $1,000 bond is necessary for
the first year. Professor Riggs, with
whom Pritam has been corresponding
has written the Secretary of Labor
and is expecting a form of the bond
within a few days.
Although the offer received this
morning is the second to be turned in
Professor Riggs is of the opinion that
there ought to be no difficulty in se-
curing a half dozen or more Ann Ar-
bor citizens who would be willing to
jointly go on such a bond as surety.
Union WillList
Rooms For Game
Word had not been received up to
a late hour last night from Prof.
Francais W. Kelsey of the Latin de-
partment as to whether he would ar-
rive in Ann Arbor today. It is the
belief of his son, Easton T. Kelsey,
'26, that his father will not come be-
core the latter part of the week.'
Professor Kelsey arrived in New
( York Monday of last week on board
the Leviathan and it was reported
at that time that he would arrive in
Ann Arbor today.
Stopping in Ann Arbor will give
but a brief intermission to Professor
Kelsey's travels for he will start out
again either in December or January,
for Rome, where he will do research
work at the American Academy with
the material secured byathe expedition
I which he headed to Asia Minor.
New York Shivers h been furnished by the Orator
In Grp Of Sixty is of the simple variety and will
Die sist merely of a' few flats cov
M ile Gale, 2 Diewith green cloth. The company
not wanteanything in the least el
New York, Nov. 17.-New York 'rate for their presentation. The 1i
shivered today in the coldest Nov. 17 ing effects will be equally unpre
for the city in the records of the weath- tious.
bureau. A 60 mile freezing blast swept "The Chastening" is being bro
in from the Atlantic to put the ther. to Ann Arbor by the Oratorical
mometers at 18 degrees above zero I sociation as the annual dram
at 7 o'clock this morning. number of their program.
Two persons, a man and a woman
died as a result of the storm. Ships F
fought their way into port several Final Figures
hours late and wearing coats of ice I
and small crafts were swept to sea Show Increas
with their half frozen crew. On shore
less havoc was wrought with trees In Etnroin] e
and window pains.
Five men were rescued at sea from
an open motor boat, found by the Final registration figures until
coast guard cutter Feminole. complete enrollment is issued la
The heavy winds this afternoon the spring have been given out a
whipped the Greek liner Edison from registrar's office and show an ine:
the grip of a dozen tugs which were of 393 students over the enrollme
pulling the 11,000 ton boat to a North last year. The enrollment inclu
river pier and flung her on the umud the registration of summer schoo
flats of the upper harbor. It was an estimate of 600 registrations
thought she would be floated before ing the second semester is 12,155
night was out. Her crew of 200 was total registration for the present
reported to be in no danger. sionis 9,775.
The White Star liner Adriatic made The greatest decrease is notA
her dock, the season's first ice covered the enrollment of the engineering
boat to arrive, 11 hours overdue. Her l lege which has a registration of
captain reported heavy gales which as compared to a total of 1,73
carried a member of the crew over- Nov. 1, 1923. Decreases are also r
board to his death and smashed four in the Medical school, and the ph
life boats. acy college. Slight gains are re
The Ward Liner Monterey, from Mex- ed in the enrollment of other col
ican ports, arrived several hours late. 1 and schools.
The Fort St. George from Bermunda The greatest gain is reported i
, due this morning, did not get in until School of Education which has a
tonight. .rollment of 434 students as corn
to 283 registered for the 1923
SExplosion Kills session. The figures in the lit
$T IIcollege show a gain of 17 with, a
Two; W recks Two [rollment of 5,542. This total i,
ees the students registered in tl
V Ne Jersey Ship tra-mural classes which total 78
Linden, New Jersey, Nov. 17.-Fire i,:The Law school with a total e
1 starting after an explosion on a barge ment of 528 shows an increase
n of the Lambert Transportation com- over the registration of 478 las
thy r n potto at this, time. The enrollment i
ypan docked on Staten Island sound in the Grduatehschool show a
d here tonight,caused the death of at of 34 with a total registrationc
least 2 men, injuries to probably a against 542 last year. The rep
~- dozen more. The barge and a steam- the dental college shows an in
... _ 1 of l _swth a x..toal. .enro.17~ment.x 0
f_ fe T;a nnrl
d ,SfA1
-A list of rooms available about the
campus will be placed at the Union
every afternoon this week for the use
of students who wish to find accomo-
dations over the week end for alumni,
of friends coming here for the Iowa
game. The list will be at the com-
Taste Of Fros
When the mercury dropped to 16.1
degrees early yesterday morning An
Arbor awakened to the coldest dad
which has as yet been experience(
this fall. The roofs of houses an(
'the heretofore green grass of the cam
pus were coated with silvery frost a
nid man Winter heralded his approach
ship from which it was taking a cargo
of 10 with a total enrollment of ,
Reports from the other college
m,.,itpA deskin the ma~in lobbyhv' ery --'-,,. ~I.
The University of Michigan was
successful in an attempt to de-
feat the Ohio State University in
opment~oftmanagement and the de- afternoonffrom:2e'clock tof5a'clock The maximum temperature was Ut soUie wer Ue LeIUU- as follows: Medical sc
vetopwent of science in management.,[and Saturday morning from 9 o'clock reached at 2:30 o'clock when the The first explosion occured short- against 597 last year, Nur
vi ato12 'clock. It wrill asom be avila- [thermometer read 29 degrees. ly after 6 o'clock and the fire was ing school, 203, showing a
ble Saturday afternoon from 1 to2 still raging fiercely at 8:30. The pharmacy college, 72 as c
Few Box oeats oclock and Saturday evening from i Organize '27 Band flames quickly leaped from the barge 'Business Administration
Remain For Game to 8 o'clock. For Games Today to thesteamship and then to the docks. m
l__________ The only persons on the barge at enrollment of 18 for its firs
the time of the explosion were its .
sg next Harding W idows All sophomores on the campus who captain, Fred Myers of New York, Directories a
ses' 'Z
t yea