THE MICHIGAN DAILY ________ ________ arches Chu is to be "fundamentalism and Liberal- ism." The meeting will be lead by Dorothy Kiefer, '26. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church The program for the dlay's services "Jesus the Liberal" is the topic of~ this morning's sermon, the fifth in the series of sermons to the open mind- ed. The student social_ hour and, supper will be held at 5 o'clock wt the Fireside. Chat immediately after. Sl Col. H. WV. Miller will speak at this i L OPEN TODAY tq ยง! Established 181 ---I 9:30 to 1 :00 4:00 to 9:30 I I consist of Hly Comunio at FisFrsyeinCuc o oyCmuina our Education," and special music j~it 1' Reverend John Comin, Moderator of l o'clock, Church school at 9: 30 o Clock, wiltefrihd AIh oina What You vant the Synod of Michigan, will give the and the morning prayer and ermon ture service "An Old Sweetheart of W e u j~ ti sermon at the morning service. The by Reverend Dr. Nichols at 11 o'clock. Mine," the dramatization of the James W e o Want It rglrnoclsewilbhedfDr Nichols will speak at the student I WItcc Rily, poem, will be pre-; aq At 5:30 o'clock the usual social hour htoVVt Will be held, followed by a sacred C (eColwigtesuprato1s ntned on Page Sixteen)1Pm song service led by George Alder, '26. I oclocli,. His topic for this metinig (CniudOLE E RO R h ~K dk d & The religious play "The Hour Glass" will be "The Worthwhileness of Risk j51 6 East William near Maynard phone 865-j t od l will be given at 7:30 o'clock by the in Climbing Mt. Everett in Mounting I Read ",the , Want Xds I Iatronize Daiy auvertrsers.-a~. Presbyterian players, directed by t the Stars,." "'"f'"r''. ~ " l ''"' poer _.yneso,'6an neI Fit Congregational Church - --- __-__m 11 - Week Beginning Nigts, 0ctV.~5 invited. willfeel1POP. MATINE' 0 Trinity English Lutheran Chu~rchuAA c: InnhiG______it_________(S__________________)__ "Cooperation of Home, School, and Redth en d urn1n - o.i a.Di.50t z Church" is the subject which Rev- fall_________________I h lts oet erend L. F. Gunderman will speak on._________________________st styles. Come t fellar= at the morning worship. The subject R Sopyouy~=' for discussion in the Forum meeting eyil; the Arcade Barber Shp-ouP~kC R YMOIUND which follows the Student Fellowship M o a will wilsurely be pleased with the 11p1,,. Hour at 5:30 o'clock, is "Fundamental- R-.epairin RI ism and Liberalism." Dorothy Kiefer, 'nmServH ITC.111C O C 'i '26, will lead the meeting. When yo~aesoehn IUitarian Clh urchi aIIAIIFOUU 1 SHO The ministeit will speak at the in the electrical line which w D !t morning 'worship on "A Plain Ser- ARCIDE BARBERISHOP- mion." Music will be furnished by[ should be repared, call__N-f the male quartettet At 6:30 o'clock _ uet :NCK L R A E1 I Dir. Sidney S. Robins will talk at the n .,Yo1ilro s iclH msl Fireside meeting. His subject will be IN----------------------------------------------- =! S "New Fashions in Old Faiths." get good service. = = In a Nexv 5_ ornc dy Zion Lutheran Church. ISt The morning service will be held FR T R ITJFR at1:0ocok with the sermon by 1lfUI IUII the pastor on "What Impression His J 11ic1 topiccrl fohdscsponatth sudnt________________IDU N BA FX the race of God Made on You.' The'DM~ topi fo dicusion t te sudet I104 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 2814-M A " forum, held from 5:30 to 6:30 o'clock, _________________ _"Famed for Freshness"I - ~By WMI. A. GREW NOW IS THE TIMVE cet a d'!i THESE LONG NOVEMBER NIGHTS ] k To - ceate alonging for our sweet, delicious- ; INEWYORK CO 137N.Wabcsh Ave.,( !404 a Fancy v-Tenderloin rteak are prov- ' ingr very popu la r as a Sunday night Special at the V' ' r HA R MO N Y CAFETERIA 'WMere th: Best Food Served IS 508 East Williamn St. 1 , . Select Your Winter Overcoats -u Sits Milk' Chocolates Caramels Bon-Bons Bit tersw.eets Chocolate Covered Mints and Nuts MARTIN' HALLER ~ I 112 E. Liberty St. And Tuxedos And a lot of other; choice here daily. candies you'll find 'THE WORLD'S ]BEST KNOWN For the Holidays Come;in and sample our wonderful products. IA. C. BA RT-CUSTOM TAILOR -61 9 EW IIlIn - rrLOW ERS .. fr. BI North University: Next to Arcade Theatre You Nev{ -~ AA ~With the n T READ Nen; pieces of Furniture for the Home ,er Make ra Mistake I Godyear Cord Tire Staoline Durgort's Tire Sales aid. Servile Reliable Emergency Service Day and Night 123 West H[uron Street i Bar Harbor Chair 11 Gasoline 1.1 Phone 161-R Phone 164-R I A real, straight run, high test gaso- line. The finest motor fuel obtain- able. Clear burning, quick starting, RIVALS THE BEAUTY OF THE SCARLET TANAGER Made natur expert of fine willow in the 'al. Comfortable-and in- sive! - _ -$6.75 ,il non-carbon forming. N ThAbotGasoline Company William at Maynard .*----------------tIIIIutIII~t1t11111111111111111.i. 1/1111tall III If IIII 11111111111111111111gas salon "%;II- I NSUEYO r FUR COAT SWe can insure fu Scoats against loss b Sfire or theft for v ery reasonabi+ Samount. M _ _ _ _ IR -I MI -I =1 SI SI q~UALITY. 'S . ........ . 4QUALITY.4 '~ Ready to Go The Black-tipped Lacquer-red Classi c Handsome to Own-Hard to Lose Jewel-Smooth Point Guaranteed 25 Year . F OR an even start this Fall with your classmates--a little ahead of some, and as well equipped as any-take along the $7 Over- size Duofold or $5 Lady Duofold or sturdy Duofold Jr. Every theme you write, every test you take, every lecture you note down, will gain the speed and clearness of this 25-year jewel-smooth point. A pen you can lend without a tremor, because no style of writing can distort its point. The Pen with the Press-But- ton Filler, capped inside the barrel--out of sight -out of harm's way. The pen with the Duo- Sleeve Cap--an extra sleeve for an ink-Tight seal. Its, strong *Gold Girdle was $1 extra--now no charge, due to large production. Whici~ever you say--flashing plain black -or lacquer-red, black-tipped - though we recommend the color, for it makes this a hard pen to lose. At all goo" pen Counters. 'tHiE PARKER PEN COMPANY Manufacturers also of Parker Duofold Pencils to match the pen, $3.50 Factory and General Offices, JANESVLLE,WIS. Red and Wscwk Coto, combioaion 3A'. Trade Mark 9U.S. Pat. Oai. eC rs NVest of Tables is of solid mahogany-Sheraton color-Inlaid - - $30.00 I'. f II II .--I 6', 'I.., 11 ir 3y a e N 11 * 11 s! i Prepare for Thanksgiving We carry the famous Mirro Aluminum Roasters in medium and large sizes. The ideal roaster, excellent too. , Bottom. tray prevents burning and have cut-away corners for, convenience in basting. Steam vents in covers. Prices from $3.50 to' $7.50. We also carry the Savory and Reed roasters. All sizes from $2.50 to $7.75. A large stock, of carving sets. Our Stock is Always Complete. H Library Case has adjustable shelves-mahog- any finish-a convenient addition to the home. - - $42.00 I' :I M1111111111111i 111111 111111