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November 16, 1924 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 11-16-1924

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Upon the Campus of a Woman's College

Four Republicans Precede Democratic Member

By Edmarie Schrauder
always thought that the West was
iventional but the West seems
more conventional than the
says Anne Cllbreth, '26, a
r Smith college woman who
ed the University this fall.
h girls can wear flannel shirts
ass if they desire and go about
ampus whistling and yelling; no-
would think a thing about the
r. Such action would be im-
>le here. At Smith one always
luces friends by their first
le Miss Gilbreth was unwilling
aw any comparison between the
ve merits of a woman's college
a co-educational institution, she
ll about the women's activities
nith where there are as many
nts as there are women at Michi-
and left the comparisons to be
i by the Michigan women them-
lith college has a well organized
nt government. The first differ-
one notices on Michigan's cam-
s that non-student government is
so strict," said Miss Gllbreth.
ents are much harsher with one
er than are members of the
.y and it is hard to take punish-
from one's friends. All dis-
tary uses go to the, student
11 and the judiciary board fixes
ith girls live in houses each
imodating between 20 and 60
nts. The closing hour is 10
k every night and any infringe-
of the rule is reported to the
at councileeitherby the offen-
ir by a ,friend who is at liberty
port; the house matron does not
f the breaking of any rules. In
cases the penalty is a severe
robably compelling the offender
in the house at 9 o'clock every
ig for a period of two or three
ere are hardly any men seen
d the campus during the week
t the week-end the place looks
co-educational institution. Of
e the social life is very different.
ly Saturday evening dances at
tudent's building begin at 7:30
k and end at 9 o'clock; an or-
*a of college girls furnishes the
. The one big general social
ont of the year is. an informal
beginning at 2:30 o'clock in the
toon and lasting until 9:30
k. The junior prom which only
s may attend, likewise, begins
afternoon with a garden party
he prom proper is over at 1
cause th social life is somewhat
d, the students spend many of
Ak-ends away from the campus.
men are permitted six week-ends
tr, while upperclass women are
3j as many as they can take
Lt overcutting Saturday classes.
body has Saturday classes but
g classeais a esimpledmatter:C
ts pr, year are allowed .each
it while the student with a B
e may cut whenever she
a. The list of students with a
rage is posted regularly for that
connection with athletics Miss
tl remarked on Michigan foot-
prit. "No eastern college ever
o carried off its feet by football.
pnearly oversome by the pep
ig. One does not find that spirit
East. A professor leaving town
ursday to attend a football game
unheard of situation there.
never reaches such a pitch over)
allege contest; once Smith girls
hieering for Yale and the next
for Harvard, depending upon
riliation of one's escort at the4
ular game."
mbership in clubs at Smith
a a great deal," Miss Gilbreth1
. "Besides having a high schol-

astic standing the student elected to
membership must have done some-!
thing for the college; thus the liter-I
ary clubs might require the publica-
tion of some literary work. Mostj
girls get into three clubs but no one,"
can belong to more than that number."
Three publications appear on -the
Smith campus. The Weekly, a news-
paper, contains only college news;
The Monthly, contains the literary
efforts of the women; The Campus
Cat appears, at irregular intervals in
the form of a "take-off" of some kind.
Tryouts and meetings for this maga-
zine are secret and the authors and
editors remain unknown until the endj
of the year. An official bulletin
similar in nature to Michigan's Daily
Official Bulletin is issued every Sun-
day and posted in all the houses.
A community Chest has been estab-
lished at Smith to care for all chari-
table contributions. Each student
pledges $12.50 and pays the subscrip-
tion on regular installments at stated
times. This general appropriationI
budget is favored by the women be-
cause it saves the annoyance of pay-
ing money constantly.
Sororities are not narrowing in-
fluences, not nearly so narrowing as1
unorganized groups generally are,
this student from a woman's college
maintains. "Cliques," she says, "are
inevitable anywhere. But sororities
get new members and cliques do not.
A clique grows up with a class and
maintains itself rigidly until the pass-
ing of that class; it is harder to get
into than any other kind of group be-
cause a clique is not looking for new
"I think that every single girl who
goes to an -eastern school, ought to
come out here just to get the different
viewpoint," said Miss Gilbreth. "There
is something different about it. I
felt it the minute I got off the train.
You know the girls in eastern schools
are brought up to think that there
isn't anything. west of the Atlantic
states; that all western universities
are insignificant institutions; and that1
all the good colleges are in the East."
As a final word Miss Gilreth added,
"While I believe that every eastern
girl should spend a year in the West
I likewise believe that every girl who
lives in the West should spend a year
in the East that they, also, may ob-
tain the different viewpoint."
Among the guests at the Zeta Tau
Alpha house over the week-end of the
Northwestern game were: Mrs. J. M.
Collins, '21, of Wyandotte, Mrs. I. J.
Turnbull, Miss Marjorie Stewart, Miss
Margarette Downs, and Miss Latta
Peters, of Port Huron; Mrs. Anna
Mason McPherson, Miss Adelia Hobbs,
'20, Miss Dorothy Mickleborough,
Mrs. A. W. Harper, Dr. V. J. Allan and
Mrs. Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Sted-
man, classes of '21 and '24, Betty
Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore,
and daughter Amanda, Miss Cornelia
Thompson, and Miss Edith Cooper, all
of Detroit,

SOCIAL NOTES (Continued from Page Eleven)
t 1tI A good idea of how spectacular. a
race may become is.afforded by a
review of the individual performances
Prof. G. W. Patterson. assistant Pi Beta Phi entertained with a tea Mihineawin out innexcteSaturday's
dean of the College of Engineering, Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Arthur T. race. Last year this particular
and Mrs. Patterson entertained memn-
ndrs.therosmopolnttanlubatmem~String, representative of their Grand runner ran against M. A, C. at Ann
bers of the Cosmopolitan club at tea; o, Arbor and about a mile from the
last Sunday at their home, 2101 Hill Council, and editor of the Arrow, finish nose trouble which had been
street. the Quarterly of Pi Beta Phi. Mrs. fnihe tro e ih radubeed
________bothering him for some time resulted
Amy S. Hobart, and chaperones and in partial blindness. Two of his team-
Alpha Chi Omega held formal in!i-I presidents of all sororities were in- mates noticed his trouble and running
tiation Sunday afternoon.. The follow- vited. by his side managed to keep him in the
ing girls were initiated: Elizabeth] -- course for the remainder of the race.
Kennedy, '27, Royal Oak; Blanche Mrs. James F. Bourquin and mem- On the final stretch he was ready to
Barton, '26, Ogden, Utah; Dorothy bers of the Detroit chapter of Delta sprint for the finish and only the el-
Spencer, '26, Jackson; and Virginia Omicron, national professional music bows of his teammates who realized
Royce, '27, Ann Arbor. sorority, were hostesses to a gropp of his predicament kept him from doing
school of music women at a tea given so. If not spectacular, this exhibition
One of the most brilliant affairs of Wednesday afternoon at the Barton was certainly one which could only
the fallHsseason was the ball given at il t club be seen once in a lifetime.

the Michigan Union Monday evening
by Dr. U. J. Wile and Mrs. Wile. A
buffet luncheon was served to about
500 guests.

cxtaWVIty UL.
Delta Delta Delta entertained ten
girls from Northwestern Saturday,:
Nov. 8. Among the guests were Gladys

IV . O. MXVI .40 U O Y I A" ,
Willabelle Harper, '26, Phyllis I Koetae, and Mathilda Blacker, of
Turnibull, '25, Barbara Allan, '26, Grand Rapids, Janet Mowry, of High-
Kathryn Miller, '25, and Frances land Park, Kathryn Geesey, of Archi-
Stark, '28, of Zeta Tau Alpha were bald, Ohio, and Louise Frieberg, of
guests of the Ohio chapter of Zeta Tau Wyandotte.
Alpha, for the Ohio game.
Kappa Alpha Theta entertained with
Mrs . Archibald W. Dyack has re- a faculty dinner Wednesday. The
ently become a patroness of Pi Beta tguests were Prof. William F. Hobbs
Phi. and Mrs. Hobbs, Prof. Bruce M. Don-
aldson, Prof. Jesse F. Reeves and Mrs.
Delta Gamma announces the pledg- Reeves, Prof. Fred N. Scott and Mrs.
ing of Vera Johnson, '28, of Chicago. Scott, and Prof' Harley Bartlett.

The same runner, entered in the
triangular race at Columbus a week
ago lost a shoe when he was still
four and a half miles from the finish.
He kept in the race however and
running with one foot badly bruised
by cinders and stones he finished
fourth in the entire field 'and first
among the Michigan runners. Any
team which can produce such per-
formers certainly deserves the sup-
port of its school.
Foreign Subscriptions $4.00- pay-
able now.

This very simple idea
-better portraits




Above: Miss Alice (obe'am, 3Mr' 'nhmi Masn jick. Center Mrs.
Mary Norton. Below: 3 -a Jei efte Rankin, Mrs. Mae Nolan.
By John T. Lewing, Jr. gress convened. She later became a
Central Press Correspod;ih'euf! candidate for the Senatorial nomina-
Washington, Nov. 15-Surprise is tion froni Montana, but lost her fight.
being expressed in political circles The next woman Representative
that only one woman was elected to was Alice Robertson of Oklahoma,
the congress which will begin to sit who w'as defeated for re-election in
in March. In view of the success 1 9""
which 'women candidates met wih Ii The third was Mrs. Winifrec Mason
generally throughout the country, in ruck, representative-at-large from
city and state elections, it was be- Illinois, chosen to serve the balance
lieved that the next congress would j of tl e term of her father, Represen-
have a number of women in its per- tative William E. Mason, who died in
sonnel. - office. Mrs. Huck failed to get the
The lone women member of the new nomination for the next term.
congress is Mrs. Mary Norton of New The fourth was Mrs. Mae E. Nolan,
Jersey. Ironically, she is a Democrat. Republican-Labor, of California, who
She is the fifth woman to sit in was chosen to serve the balance of the.
the Lower House. No woman has term of her husband, Representative
ever actually been a member of the John I. Nolan, who died in office.
United States senate. One woman,, Mrs. "Nolan was not a candidate for
Mrs. Felton of Georgia, was a p- the renomination.
pointed, but congress was net in
session during her term of office and Delta Zeta entertained ten mem-
she was never officially seatei. hers of their Northwestern chapter
The four women who precedled rs.I Saturday, Nov. 8, with a buffet dinner
Norton in the House of Representa- after the game.
tives, all of whom have now passed
out of. that body for one reason or Delta Delta Delta entertained Mrs.
another, were all Republicans. Etlie Danforth McAfee, '94, at dinner
Jeanette Rankin of Montana was Saturday, Nov. 8. Mrs. McAfee told of
the first woman to sit in the House, her many interesting experiences in
taking her seat on April 2, 1917, the the near East where she has been
day that President Wilson's War Con- traveling.
Silk Lingerie
Dear to a Woman 's Heart
Give Lingerie this Christmas-and you'll be giving some-



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TI hrough an error intthe an-
ticle, "Traditions in the Life
{ of Michigan Women" published
in the issue of Sunday, Nov. 9,
the gift of Palmer athletic field
( was attributed to George Herbert.
Palmer. The purchase of the
field was made possible through
a donation from Thomas Wither-
ell Palmer, '49, who was United
I States senator from Michigan
from 1883 to 1889, United States
minister to Spain during the
years 1889 to 1892, and presi-
dent of the Worlds Columbian
I commission from 1890 to 1893.
He made many other public
gifts, including Palmer park to
the city of Detroit.










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