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September 26, 1924 - Image 1

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XXXV. No. 4






Thonas W. Spauldng, '2, Leaves
Bonus Check to university Library
For Books
The Board of Regents at their first
regular meeting of the school year
last night made nine appointments,
awarded five scholarships, and accept-
ed several gifts to the University. Two
advancements from instructorships to
assistant professorships in the medical
school were made, Dr. Ruth C. Wan-
strom being appointed assistant pro-
fessor of pathology and Dr. John B.
Youmuans given the same position in
internal medicine.
Ds. Nathan Sinai was made an in-
structor in hygene and public health
and Alfred Schultz was made an in-
struqtor in men's physical education.
Appointments to the staff of the new
University high school included: Miss
Irene Hayner, Librarian, and Miss
Eunis Northrup, director of music.
Three appointments were made to
thse staff of the Betsy Barbour resi-
dence, Miss Jeanette Perry being re-
appoointed social director, Mrs. Elroy
Jones to the board of governors, and
Mis Bertha Marshall being appointed
business manager.
Henry Strong scholarships were
awarded to five students. Thoserchos-
en were Mary Lauphln, '25, Francl.
King, '27, Charlottee Blagdon, '25,
Howard E. Crowell, '25, and Beulah
L. Harms, '26, Hakom Lund was ap-
pointed to the International Educa-
tional Board fellowship of the grad
mate school.
Among the gifts which were offics
tally accepted was that of Thomas M.
Spaulding, '02, who gave his govern
ment bonus check to the University
library for the purchase of books. A
set of surveying instruments was oc-
cepted from Miss Agnes L. Fessendon
of Romeo.. It was also officially an-
nounced tat the University and Al-
bfon College are the benefactors of
the eta., f Mr.adloi, n L. Turner,
'72, the first woman to graduate from
the tniversity
Further announcements were to the
effect that the American Physical so-
ciety will hold its annual meeting
here Nov. 28 and 29 and that a course
in anaesthesia will be established in
the medical school.
The Regents will meet at 12 o'clock
today to complete the business that
is scheduled to come before the Sep-
tember meeting.
Federal Action
Asked Against
Broadway Success
New York, Sept. 25.-Federal action
against thekBroadway success "What
Price Glory" as a violation of the
national defense act was talked of by
the U .S. district attorneys office to-
General Robert L. Bullard, com-
mander of the second corps area, U.
S. Army, and Admiral Charles Plunk-
ett, commandant of the Brooklyn Navy
Yard was declared to have demanded
that immediate steps be taken against
producers of the play.
According to members of the Fed-
eral attorneys staff the general an
the admiral, complained that the
drama with its profanity-besprinkled
portrayi of life with the Marines
aboard during the world war "cur-
tailed enlistments and in that way vio-
lates the national defense act."

Catholic student activities for the
year will be opened- by a dance which
will be held from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon in the assembly
hall of the Union. All Catholic stu-
dents are invited to attend this mixer,
especially the first year students as
this will give them an opporunity to
become acquainted. Kennedy's six of
diamonds orchestra will furnish the
music for the occasion.,
Many activities are being planned
for Catholic students by the commit-
tee in charge of this work for the
year. With the dedi'cation of the new
chapel on the corner of Williams and
Thompson streets, which will take
place during the latter part of De-

Mallory's Thirteen Year Old
Daughter Enters University

CG TTACKSDazzling Beauty
Of Campus Girls

Addresses Smoker

N V L 91AID T O N J f N E

Enrolled as a freshman in the Uni-
versity before her fourteenth birth
day, Miss Cynthia Mallory, daughter of
Prof. Herbert S. Mallory of the rhet-
oric department yet insists that she
is just an ordinary girl, blessed with
splendid health and given excellent
home teaching by her mother.
She still enjoys dolls and reads
fairy tales, which she could spell
out for herself at the age, of four.
She speaks French and inclines to
specialize in the Romance languages,.
The English classes, she says, she has
no use for, but she admires Booth;
Tarkington's "The Crisis," and has

read Seventeen about seventeen times.
Her favorite picture is "Monsieur
Miss Mallory's chief delight is in
out of door sports, particularly swim-
ming and riding. She has had pets ali
her life, including canaries and crows,
lambs brought up on a bottle, a shet-
land pony and a saddle horse, pedi-
greed Scotch collies and a snow white
Angora cat.
Miss Mallory is modest with regard
to ier accomplishments. "I'm just
hurrying through school, you see,"
she smiles, "so I can do what I really
like afterwards."

P r o f. C harles E. Whitmore Fills
Place Left Vacant by Accept-
ance of iPhillpine Post


Paul Whiteman's Group Will
Again in Bill Auditorium
October 7



Prof. Harold P. Scott, formerly of
the rhetoric department, is now in
charge of the English department at
the University of the Phillipines. He
left Ann Arbor on August 20 to go
to his new post. It was through Dean
Maximo Kalaw of the University of
the Ph'illipines that Professor Scott
was persuaded to take the new posi-
tion for two years. Dean Kalaw was!
in residence here last year as an ex-
change professor and he gave a num-
ber of lectures at this year's summer
A s P r o fessor Scott's successor,
Prof. Charles E. Whitmore has come
here from Harvard university. Pro-
fessor Whitmore was in the English
department of Harvard for seven
years and for the past five years he;
has been doing personal literary
work, He is the author of a number;
of books among them being "Super-
natural and Tragedy." Articles of
his on aesthetics and general philos-
ophy have appeared in the leading
magazines from time to time.
Professor Whitmore is a graduateI
of Harvard and he secured his Doe-
tor of philosophy degree there In 1911.
At present he is instructing in rhet-
oric 31 and he may take up more
work next semester.
Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 25.-Although
A. E. R. Schneider, general manager
of the Margaret steamship company
owner of the whale back freighter
Clifton was still hopeful tonight that
the vessel with 28 aboard and more
than 72shours overdue at Detroit
would show up, lake men here prac-
tically have given up hopes for her
safety. Steamers which have been re-
quested to search for the vessel in
Lake Huron and Saginaw bay in hope
that the Clifton would be found in a
sheltered cover safe behind a pro-
tecting island have found no trace of
the Clifton tonight.

Paul Whiteman and his orchestra,
it has just been announced by the
Ann Arobr branch of thve American
Association of University Women, will
appear for a return engagement un-
der their auspices Tuesday evening,
October 7, in Hill Auditorium.
Paul Whiteman. has recently gain-
ed special fame on account of his
patronage of modern American music,
j particularly the more advanced
forms of syncopation. His concerts
last year in Aeolian and Carnegie
Hall, New York City, met with the
greatest enthusiasm from the critics,
and his appearance here late in the
spring caused a furor in Hill Audi-4
t o r i u m w h ich has seldom been
All seats for the Paul Whiteman
concert will be unreserved as before,
and will be placed on sale tomorrow,
morning at Graham's, Wahr's and I
Slater's book stores, the University
Music House, and Schaible's and
Grinell's music stores. The entire
main floor and the first four rows in
the balcony are priced at $1.50, while
the remainder of,the seats in the
house will be $1.
The committee in charge urges pa-
trons to buy their seats in advance to
avoid the inevitable last-minute rush ,
at the box-office. The committee also
wishes to announce their apprecia-
tion of the co-operation of the Uni- i
versify School of Music and Mr. Sink,
through whose courtesy the concert
has been made possible.
The entire proceeds of the enter-
tainment will be donated to the pro-)
posed Women's League Building.
Antiquated Art
Presented For
Entrance Credit
Humorous bits of correspondence
helped to make the routine and irk-
some work of the officials in charge of
registration last week more bearable.
A letter was received in one of the
offices which shows that an ancient an
antiquated art is returning to its own
in one of the far western institutions
of learning. It was a letter contain-
ing the credit statement of a young
woman desiring to transfer from that
institution to this University. Listed
in this statement was a course en-
titled "Elementary Clothing" for
which three hours credit was given.
The description of this course showed
that its purpose was to teach the
members of that course the ways and
means of dressmaking. Credit for this

Speaks in Philadelphia at 160th Con-
tinental Congress Celebration
Philadelphia, Sept. 25. (By A. P.)-
Proposal for government ownership
of railroads and other public utilities
was denounced here tonight by Presi-
dent Coolidge, "as uneconomic and I
encroachments upon our rights."
Speaking at the exercises in com-
memoration of the 160th anniversary
of the meeting of the First Cotinental
I Congress, Mr. Coolidge also renewed
his assault on suggestions to limit
the power of the Supreme court and
urged that the people resist encroach-
ment of their rights and liberties
guaranteed by the constitution.
"If we wish to maintain what our
fathers here established," he declared,
F "we shall do well to leave the people
in the ownership of their property, in
control of their government, and up
der the protection of their courts."
Predicts Tax Loss
"It is difficult," the president said,
referring to government ownership of
railroads," to reconsile the American
ideal of a sovereign people capable
of owning and managing their own
government, with inability to own ant
manage their own business. r
"Furthermore" he declared, "it
would mean a loss in public revenue
estimated at $600,000,000 a year with
a resulting increase in the tax on
farmers of from three to 40 per cent.
Mr. Coolidge devoted most of his
address to a discussion of the early
history of the country, 'and the birth
of the constitution after the organiza-
tion of the First Continental Congress..
Defends Constitution
Referring to the deliberations of
this Congress, the President asserted
that, "if we could better understand
what they said and did to establish
our free institutions, 'we should be
le< ,likey tta be mislead by the mis-
representations and distorted argu-
ments of the hour and be far better
equipped to maintain them."
He drew a lesson from the declara-
tion of the Congress as showing "the
superority of moderation and candor
over violence and deceit in seeking a
solution of difficult public questions."
"The constitutions, "Mr. Coolidge
pointed out" is a devise for maintain-
ing in perpetuity the rights of the
people with the alternate extinction
of all privileged classes."
T9 RH 0 T. C, STAFF'
Michigan's R. O. T. C. unit, under
the supervision of Major W. T. Car-
penter, is ready to renew its activi-
ties and from present indications this
year's enrollment will surpass that of
any previous year. To last year's
staff will be added two new officers,
Capt. L. M. Bricker and 1st Iieut. A.
T. Schlosberg.
The personnel of the unit will be
made up of four departments, th
coast artillery corps, signal corps,
infantry and ordnance department.
The band, under the direction of
Wilfred Wilson, director of the Uni-
versity band, will again form part of
the unit.
Full information as to enrollment
'and transfer from other units can

Faint, but insistent, the rumor has
spread about the campus that this
year's crop of feminine beauty far
'surpasses the standard set by other
years. Impossible as it may seem, on
every hand came the query, " Iave
you seen her? Boy, some bim!"
To ascertain whether this unheard
of improvement was merely another
myth, soon to be relegated to the for-
gotten past, along with the Union
swimming pool and other dreams, or
an established fact -this was the
problem. The first man encountered
in the search for inside information
was the great memory expert, Rail-
road Jack.
"Are the girls getting prettier?"
asked Jack. "Well, there was one
queen. Cleopatra, born 68 B. C., was
born beaiutiful, but faded in her last
years, due' to her life of dissipation.
She was the wife of Mark Antony and
had * * * *" And he was off in a
cloud of smoke, with all the oratori-
cal flourishes of the finished mem-
ory expert.
Realizing that these queens of
Michigan were far too young to in-
terest Jack, the search was carried'
farther. A flower shop in the Arcade
was investigated, for beautiful ladies
get beautiful flowers, thus furnishing
a barometer on feminine pulchritude.
Sure enough-"More sales than ever
before," was the verdict. "We have
gotten in five shipments of roses,
totthing 2000 flowers, as compared
with three at this time last ye3ar." I
That the boys at home are missing
these youthful proteges seems to be
indicated by the fact that post office
officials unofficially report a larger
volume of mail, while Western Union
refused to even divulge the secret of
how many telegrams arrive a day!
In a last effort to determine the
truth, a pianist much in demand at
sorority teas was located, and his
opinion sought. And the answer was
"Yep, on the whole they're better,"
was the verdict. "Some real beauties
have been frequenting these sorority
wrestling matches. "But,"-in a con-
f I d e n tial whisper-"a lot of 1 st
year's are still with us!"
Lansing Alumni To Form Club Night
Before M. A. C. Game; Muskegon I
To Hold Outing
Three alumni clubs in different
parts of the country are planning
activities for the near future, rang-
ing from a week-end of duck hunting
to an organization meeting. The Uni-
versity of Michigan club of Muskegon
is staging the week-end outing Oct.
3 and 4, while Lansing alumni plan
to form a club, Oct 10, the night be-
fore the M. A. C.-Michigan game at
East Lansing.I
W. S. Foster, '02L, is in charge of
the arrangements at Lansing. It is1
hoped that all alumni and students
visiting in Lansing that night will at-'
tend the meeting. The entire club of
Michigan men will attend the game
the. following day, a block of seats
having been reserved in the Michigan
A hunting lodge on Blue Lake camp
has been reserved by the Muskegon
club for 80 men to participate in the
outing. In addition to duck hunting
there will be games provided, 'while
a pep meeting is planned following
the dinner Saturday.l
The University of Michigan club of
Elmira, New York, is also planning
a gathering in the next few days. This
will take the form of a combined
banquet with the Cornell alumni club
of Elmira. It will be held at the Cold

Brook Country club.
In addition there will be a ball game
in the afternoon between representa-
tives of the two Universities. It is the
hope of the alumni of the two schools
that their alma maters will meet on
the gridiron by next fall. They are
working also for additional resump.
tion of relations in athletics between
the two schools.
Salem, Ill., Sept. 25.-Two squads
of Company I, Illinois National
Guard went to Herrin today to aug-
ment details there during the. trials
in connection with recent disturb-

Rear Admiral W. A. Moffett .
Rear Admiral Moffett last night ad-
dressed a smoker of the Enginering
society in the Union .He spoke on
the subject of "Aviation and the
L e a g u e of Nations Meeting Sees
Strong Japo-Cinese Alliance in
Bid For Qrlental Rights


U p hoIds N a vy and
Make a Highly Effie
Tells of Future



Geneva, Sept. 25.-(By A. P.-In-
dications that the far eastern coun-
tries, especially China and Japan
would st, nd together in insisting on
all of their rights before the League
of Nations was furnished by tonight'sj
session of the League. Japan came
out squarely in favor of granting
Cirina a seat on the council in the!
league as a great Asiatic party,. thus
giving expression to Jpo-Chinese
Persia also backed China's insist-
ence that the great geographical di-
visions of the world, the principalt
races and the chief sources of wealth
should all be recognized in the dis-
tribution of council seats and urged
China be given a seat because Asia
is the largest continent in the world,
containing half the human race.
Through the unanimous adoption
of a resolution favoring the location
of seats on the basis of geographical
division, it would seem likely that the
p r e sent number of non-prominent
seats, which is 6, would be increased
so as to include China and perhaps
some other countries.
Higher standards for pharmacists
and in pharmaceutical training were
emphasized at the annual convocation
of the pharmacy college which was
held last night in the chemistry build-i
ing. Dean E. I. Kraus opened tht
meeting and asked for a greater co-j
operation between the students and
faculty in raising the standards ofr
the pharmacy college.
Members of the faculty spoke on
different departments of the school,
and the importance of the new sys-
tems which were inaugurated during
the last year. Intelligence tests will
be given to all students entering the
college for the first time.
Craftsmen Club
To Hold Smoker,

"Naval Aviation has rendered V
Fleet vastly more efficient for thie
fense of the country than ever b4for
said Rear Admiral William A. M
fett, chief of the Bureau of Aerona
tics in the Navy department, in
speech at the Engineering soclet
smoker last night.
"By means of Aviation," said V4
Admiral, "surface ships can o
out their operations over much gre
i er areas with aerial scouts based
Naval ships, and flying from 'tb
decks. By means of ayiatlon, battl
ships can now open fire on an enem
before that enemy is in sight of t:
surface vessels. Aviation carries
threat against surface ihlps whii
demands the protection of arerl
$ for those 'ships. It has greatly I
creased the accuracy of gunfire z
{the battle range at which fleets w
join in future engagements,
On the other hand the operatio:
of aircraft at sea are absolutely d
pendent on surface ships for h
effectiveness. Ships of the Navy
bases 'for the operations of aircr
have given mobility to air operatlo:
that could never be obtained by t
use of hore bases exclus1ve
Quite recently we have heard d
gerbus theories expounded that
day of th'e surface ships is done * *'
that aircraft would take their pla
To act on this principle, to decrea
or wipe out our fleet and to pla
our" sole dependence on aviation wou
be national suicide. I make this stat
ment s a Nay: Iof ';
the Bureau of Arnnautf i' t
3 Navy departent * * * * We mig
dreend ourselves aga ins attacks (
rece-d i. ourr 'lhor but"t he use
ac vrf i a lone it we are co)tennnt
remain on.the defensive, and to s
pinely await attack, instead of ta
ing the offensive.
"However, if we place our sole x
iance in aviation we must surrend
at once our sea-gong commerce, gi
up all hope of defending our isaJ
possessions and submit helplessly
a process of economic starvation
the event of an attack. * * * *9
have chosen the :path of indepen
ence in world affairs, we cherish t
independence above all consider
tions, but we must be strong to mal
tain that independent stand.
"I wish to sound a'-warning nc
in this controversy that has spr:
up in populair circles over the re]
tive merits of surface ships and a:
craft. Our counrty today is- ridd
I with propaganda of every concel
ble variety. Groups, blocks, and w
norities are pouring out a deluge
insiduous propaganda designed to
complish some defininte end. ' T
Navy has been assaulted as an
quted and obsolete. The Navy's
forts to develop aviation have be
criticized and belittled, There b
boen a determined and consiste
effort to convince the public of t
all-sufficiency of the air-plan I
every conceivable purpose-from fl
ing to the moon to tackling the wo
in comtbat singlehanded."

Rochester, New York, Sept. 25.-
Mrs. Florenec E. F. Knapp, head of the
department of economics in Syracuse
university was unanimously nominat-
ed for secretary of state by the Re-
publican state .convention this after-
Mrs. Knapp is the first woman to be
a candidate for state office in Nevv
York on the Republican ticket..
"This has been a fair fight," Mrs.
Knapp declared immediately after her
nomination had been ratified by the
convention," and it has shown that
when women want political office the
men are willing to give it to them
provided they are fit for the job. I am
delighted to run with Col. Roosevelt.
San Francisco, Sept. 25.-The U. S.
army flight around the world nearing


course was not granted the young be-obtained by applying for a bulle-
lady. tin or by a personal interview at the
A quotation from another letter R. O. T. C. headquarters
written by an applicant shows
what people will do when confronted
by the task of writing to those author-
ities in these higher institutions of iritPHHOlDS FIRST
learning. The following is the quota-E
tion: "Please excuse writing andE
stationary as both were unavoidable." MEEI OF SEMESTER
Alpha Nu debating society held its
first meeting of the year last night in
University hall, at which more than
T50imembers and visitors were present.
WIf L OSLUUThe program consi. Ad of impromptu
I discussions of such topics as the de-
t sirability of opening Clements library
Saturday, Sept. 27, closes the reg- to the use of all, the use of pleasure
istrathon for the Student Directory cars by students, and the advisability
and the nam'o of no student who reg-{ of an annual Defense Day.
isters after this date will appear. The a aDy s ,
Dirctoy, whih Eil~ bepubishd Howard N\eitzert, '27, Frances Line,..
Directory, which lls be published '27, and Winfield Line, '27, the team
about Oct. 25, will show several who as freshmen last year won the
changes over last year's, the most Alpha Nu-Adelphi debate were award-
important of which is the doubling ed medals. Norman Johnson, '25, was
and revising of the telephone and elected to represent Alpha Nu on the

' Members of the Craftsmen . club
of the University, an organization
composed of Master Masons, will hold
a smoker at 7:30 o'clock Saturday
night at the Masonic temple. All
new students who are Master Masons
are eligible for membership. Smokes.
and eats will be provided at this meet-
ing. All Masons are invited to attend,
The public speaking department has
turned over offices to the oratorical
board in room 3211, new Literary
building, where all activities of the
board will be centralized. Applica-

President Marion L. Burto
nual reception for incoming
men will be held Monday, Se
29, at the Michigan Union. TI
the freshmen reception will b
sored by the under-class dep
of the Union, of whiclh Wil
Diener, '26, is chairman. The
ers, in addition to President
will be William J. Wilkin
president of the Michigan
Perry M. Hayden, '25, presi
the Student Christian . assc
and Diener.


t. Paul, Sept. 25.-Com
n rofla an1d a i hw- i nma .

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