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November 16, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 11-16-1924

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XXXV. No. 47






- .:_,_


Elshuco Trio Wil
Concert Oi
The EIshuco trio will present the
third concert of the Matinee Mu-
sicale series for this year, at 8:15
o'clock tomorrow in Pattengill audi-
torium. The three members of the trio
are William Kroll, William Willeke,
and Aurelio Giorni.'
Mr. Kroll, the violinist was born in
New York, and received his musical '
education in Berlin. He studied for
three years under MViarteau at the
Hochschule. At the beginning of the
war he returned to New York, and
continued his studies with Franz
The pianist, Aurelio Giorni, is a na-
tive of Italy, a graduate with first
honors from the Academy of St.
Celcilia in Rome. At fifteen, he began l

l Present
n Musicale Series,
to study under Busoni, also an Italian.
William Willeke, the third member(
of the trio, is a Dutch cellist, who
was the violoncello of the Kneisel
quartet during the last twelve years
of its existence. At one time he was
first cellist with the New York Sym-
phony orchestra
The program will include the trio
in C minor, opus 101, by Brahms,
Allegro Energibo, Presto non Assaf,
Andante Grazioso, Allegro Molto:
Litaniae, by Paul Juon; trio in B flat
major, opus 99, Schubert, Allegro
Moderato, Andante un poco mosso,
Scherzo allegro, Rondo, Allegro
Tickets for the performance are
$1.50, and will be on sale at the door
tomorrow evening.

Excavate Near Ancient Antioch; Find
Church Where Paul' and
Barnabas Preached
Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the La-
tin department who arrived in New
York Monday on board the Leviathan
will arrive in Ann Arbor on November
18. He has been nearly a year with
an expedition which he organized for


Burton's Health
G a ins Steadily
Physicians in attendance on Presi-
dent Burton issued the following bul-
letin last night:
"President Burton has made notice-
able improvement in the last twelve
hours, and has had his best day so
Minnesota 20, Illinois 7.
Chicago 3, Northwestern 0.
Indiana 21, Wabash 7.
Iowa 21, Wisconsin 7.
Michigan Aggies 9, South Dakota 0.
Quantico Marines 28, University of
Detroit 0.
Dartmouth 27, Cornell 14.
Penn. 0, Penn State 0.
Harvard 7, Brown 0.;
Army 14, Columbia 14.
Washington and Jefferson 10, Pitts-

Winners Show Power by Two Touh-
downs in Second Period and One
in Third
Minneapolis, Nov. 15.-Harold "Red"
Grange the Illinois backfield star, suf-
fered injuries in today's game with
Minnesota that probably will disable
bim for the rest of the season, attend-,
ing physicians said tonight. Physi-
clans at the University of Minnesota
hiealth service tightly taped Grange's
right arm and he departed for Ur-
bana, with his teammates. Grange
was quick to resent any intimation
:hat unnecessary roughness on the
part of the Gophers caused the mis-k

By Wlliam Im . Stoneman
Ohio Stadium, Nov. 15.-Fought to a standstill for three quart
trailing at the end of the third period, Michigan's stars staged a
comeback this afternoon and downed the Buckeyes 16 to 6 in one
hardest fought gridiron games in the history of the two institution
took the lead on the third play of the game when a long pass, a
resulting 45 yard run by Cunningham took the ball across the i
goal line. Hunt failed to kick goal for the extra point. Michigan f
gain the lead-until the opening of the last period when Marion
through for the lone point that gave the Wolverines a working marl
In the middle of the period Rockwell booted a beautiful 40 ya
from placement and a few minutes later tore .four yards around ri
for the final Michigan counter. On the try for extra point Roe
kick was blocked.
The Buckeyes kept up- a great attack through the entire game
the last period, with the score 10 to 6, a 55 yard run by Hunt put t

apolis, Nov. 15. (By A. P.)-
ta stopped Red Grange today
inois' Big Ten Conference
nship aspirations went tumb-
a rejuvenated .Gopher eleven
its way to a 20-7 victory over
the realm of improbability
pher's snatched a victory
the brilliant attack of a back-
ose pacefwas set by Clarence
left half, and an all roundl
:hat was superb. Only in the
Lod did things look black for
,a, for in that period the
red Grange made a 10 yard
und his left end for Illinois'
chdown. After that he was
.enace which did not materla-
he close of the third period
r when he was tackled forced1
ut of the game but long be-

Sixteen Automobiles Lost As Blaze
Sweeps Paint Shop In End
Of Building
Fire which broke out early Saturday
morning in Weinburg's Coliseum on
f the corner of Hill street and Fifth
avenue, completely destroyed the en-
tire rear part of the building, and
caused a loss estimated at $50,000.,
Sixteen automobiles which were be-
ing painted in the rear of the build-
ing were destroyed, and one of five
horses housed near the painting de-
partment was lost in the flames.
Mr. Weinburg stated that no definite
cause could be given for the fire,
but it was thought that oiled rags in
the paint department must have
caused spontaneous combustion. The
building was insured for $8000 and
Mr. Weinburg is not certain that he
will rebuild. This will put an end to
skating this winter unless some other
building can be equipped to serve the
purpose. It is not known as vet how

All Chairmen, Members of Stage,
Make-up, and Costume Committees
Will Make Trip
Final announcement has been made
of the complete list of the committees
for "Tickled To Death," the 19th an-
nual Union Opera, by John P. Bromley,
'25, general chairman. Several mem-
bers of the, stage, make-up, and cos-
tume committees will make the regu-
lar opera trip. The chairman of the
remaining committees will also be in-
cluded. The members of the commit-
tees are: .,
Stage: Ronald Halgrim, '25, chair-
man. Assistants; Carl Tremft, '26;
Chas. Heinz, '26; Robert Schummer,
'27; and William Bromme, '27.
Costume: William Austin, '26, chair-
man. Assistants; James A. Vickers,
'27; Lawrence Buell '27; H. A. Turner,
'27; Robert Grab, '26.
Make-Up: Eben Graves, '26, chair-
man. Assistants: William MacVey,
'26M; Ward Tolzein, '27; Fred. Hill,
Program: H. A. Hale, '25, chair-
man. Assistants: Carl Kane, '26;
Francis Davis, '26; George Alduton,
'26; Mentor Kraus, '26.
Orchestra: Edward Ritchie, '25E.
Publicity: Paul Einstein, '25, chair-f
man. Assistants: Paul Bruske, '26;
Robert Mansfield, '26; Valentine
Davies, x'27; Smith Cady, '27; Leslie
Bennets, '27.
Practically all the committeemen
have been working for some time now
in preparation for opening night,
Monday, December 8, at the Whitney
theater. Much work has already been
completed on the scenery and the
costumes are in the process of com-
pletion. They are being made by Lest-
er, Ltd., of Chicago, who has made
them for several of the previous
Mimes productions.

weather and the whole party has dis- burgh 0.
banded, probably to be called togeth- Syracuse 23, Niagara 6.
zNotre Dame 34, Nebraska 6.
er again next summer. Bucknell 6, Navy 0.
Professor Kelsey will return to Williams 27, Amherst 6.
Rome either late in December or early Marquette26, North Dakota 0.
in January in order to carry on re- Yale 10, Princeton 0.
search work at the American Academy Centre 17, Alabama 0.
with thematerial secured by the ex- Ohio Wesleyan 24, Butler 0.
pedition. The larger part of this work Vanderbilt 3, Georgia Tech 0.
will consist of translating the inscrip- Virginia 6, Virginia Poly 0.
tions which were found during the
excavating. Notre Dame Wins
Prof. EnochsPeterson of Luther colr
lege who was here doing work for Over C.;ornhuskers
his master's degree last year, and who
was with Professor Kelsey's party is B
now continuing research at the Brit- South Bend, Ind., Nov. 15. (By A.
ish museum in London. Prof. David P.)-The four horsemen of Notre
Robinson of Johns Hopkins univer- Dame and their teammates ran rough-
sity who directed the work of exca- shod over Nebraska in their annual;
vating returned to his teaching duties
in September. game on Cartier field here today,
I eburying the Cornhuskers under a 34-6
The last of the work of excavating' score and avenging the victories Ne-
was carried on in the ruins of an an- braska scored over Coach' Rockne's
cient Christian church on what is warriors in 1922 and 1923.
thought to be the site where Paul and T
Barnbaspreche totheGeni The defeat was the worst drubbing
Barnabas preached to th e Gentiles a Nebraska eleven ever received fromj
This is near the ancient city of An- Notre Dame in the 10 years of foot-
tioch, half a mile from the modern j ball relations between the two univer-
Turkish town of Yalovatch The floor sitoes. The contest was witnessed by
of the church :s of mosaic work in a capacity crowd of 26,000 spectators
Sfive colors and it bears the date of who jammed every available inch of
"374 A. D." The 'nave, which has two standing room.
aisles, is 200 feet long. ddThe famous Notre Dame backfield
A temple, which was dedicated to consisted of Crowley, Layden, Don
the Roman Emperor, Augustus, was Miller and Stuhldrecher. They
also found by the party. Among the swung into action late in the first
ruins were found a huge triumphal period just before Nebraska crashed
arch, a semi-circular colonnade, and over with a touchdown and carrying
a triumphal gateway 35 feet high, the fight to the Nebraska territory,G
which was over the principal entrance slashed off the line for big gains and
to the city. Sculptured figures of mili- ran around the ends as they pleased,
tary personages were on both the in addition to revealing a sensational
arch and the gateway. It is the be- forward passing attack.
lief of Professor Kesley that the arch Coach Rockne followed his prac-
was thrown down, by an earthquake. tice of starting a team of shock troops
compose of second string playersE
but as quickly as Nebraska poundedj
the ball dangerously near close to
Notre Dame's goal he gave the signalj
I ?rto eleven new players to take the
TOiiN TAPPAN FVICES!Lfield. From then on the contest wasj
i one sided.


the purpose of excavating ancient
ruins in Asia Minor. Operations were'
suspended because of the winterI


the ,

Gophers threatened to score.
In every department it was a new
Gopher team that brought about the
downfall of Grange and the Illini, and
the 30,000 Maroon and Gold rooters
went frantic with joy as their cohorts.
fought the Zuppke men off their feet.,
Even at the end of the first half,
however, with Minnesota leading 14-7,
there seemed a feeling of insecurity
among the Gopher followers, for they
remembered the Illinois comeback at
Chicago a week ago. But when the
third period was well under way thei
Gophers had definitely marked them-
selves superior.
Enrollment with the University bur-
eau of appointments up to Saturday
morning amounted to 285. In Novem-
ber last year during the official week
for registration a total of 397 stu-
dents enrolled, with 292 recorded up
to the last morning. It is probable,
according to Miss Margaret Comeron,
secretary of the bureau, that fewer
students will be on the committee
books this year than last.
The making of index records will
be begun next week, Miss Cameron
says, in preparation for filling calls
for teachers which will start to come
in next February.

the bocky schedule this year.
The 'fire had a considerable start
before the fire department was noti-
fied, and all that could be done was
to keep the blaze from spreading to
the front of the building. The new
1000 gallon per minute pumper re-
cently purchased by the city was put
into play and performed to the satis-
faction of the fire chief.
Tigers Conquered
By Yale Machine
Princeton, N. J., Nov. 15. (By A. P.)
-The Bulldog cut the Tiger's claws
and blasted his dream of a "Big
Three" championship this afternoon
in Palmer stadium.
Before a colorful crowd of close tol
60,000 and under drab skies from out
of which a bitter cold wind swept
through the big stadium, Yale un-
leashed a mighty machine that smash-
ed its way to victory by a score of
10-0, and toppled Princeton from the

Baud Will Receive $500 or $690 as
Quarter Sbare of Season's
More than a thousand people wit-
nessed the final grid-graph showing1
for the year yesterday afternoon in,
Hill auditorium, when the complete
play-by-play results of the Michigan-
Ohio State game at Columbus were
flashed on the screen. Results, were
also received at the Majestic theat-
er, while the Detroit alumui again
showed a grid-graph at the Board of
Cominerce in that city.
It is thought by officials of the
Alumni association that between five
and six hundred dollars will be the
share of the band from the season's
total receipts as they receive one
fourth the proceeds of the graph
showings. As soon as the encumber-
ances of the Alumni association are
paid off the band will be donated half
the proceeds. It is thought this will
be the case by next year, or at least
the year after.
Charles Livingstone, '27L, has had
'complete charge of the showings of
the grid-graph for the association at
the M. A. C., Illinois, Minnesota, and
Ohio State games this year. He had
been assisted by Jack Bennett, '27I,
who has operated the ball, and Donal
H. Haines of the journalism depart-
ment who has aided in the operationI
of the graph.
Showing of the game yesterday on thej
Detroit grid-graph was witnessed by aI
large audience which packed the Board
of Commerce audjtorium.
More interest was shown in this
game than any other game of the
season due to the traditional rivalry
of the two schools.

on the Michigan 20 yard line a
gave the Michigan team a scare un
Slaughter intercepted a pass on
own 12 yard line and ran the I
back to midfield. Michigan's forwa
pass attack was used to the limit d
ing the entire game and althou
none of the touchdowns cane on I
ward passes, the aerial heaves help
indirectly in both of the scores.
Once the Michigan team got un
way in the second half the eni
squad displayed great form and
the end of the third period look
like a winner. The line, from Flora
Gruhe, was almost perfect in its
tion and every one of the players w
up to his best form of the seasor
Both of the ends played their b(
games of the year and smeared pla
before they got started on several
casions. Grube took two success
forward passes from Friedman fo
gain, of 29 yards In the third qu
ter, the first two aerial attempts t
were completed by Michigan. It w
Flora who stopped Hunt after 'his
yard run in the final period a
caught a 29 yard pass tliat gave Mi
igan position for the second tou
down of the game.
Edwards again gave a great ex
bition of blocking and t.ckli
throughout the entire game. Timei
again he snagged the Ohio backs
losses and got almost twice as mi
tackles as any other one member
the team. Hawkins at the other tac
was another mainstay in the line a
smothered several Buckeye plays
their infancy. The two guards li
up to their respective reputations
every respect. It was Butch Slaug h
who spoiled a fine chance of scor
thwt the Buckeyes had 'in the fi
quarter. Rockwell punted to H
who caught the ball in middle fi
and started down the side line beli
what appeared to be perfect int
ference. Two Buckeye backs w
leading the way and hsd spilled i
eral tacklers when Slaughter d
over them and nailed the run]
Steele was through the line on alir
every play and on one occasion sto
ed Klee for a ten yard loss.

The Dean and faculty of the School
of Business Administration are mov-
ing into their new offices in Tappan
hall. Dean Edmund E. Day has trans-

Maroons Nose Out
Northwestern, 3-01

; ,

heights of greatness it had scaied only
a week ago by crushing Harvard. Ann Arbor art week, the main fea-
Yale's triumph by a margin even ture of Which is an exhibit by local
more one-sided and complete than amateurs in Alumni Memorial hall,
the score indicates came as an upset will close today. The exhibit will be
almost as startling as Princeton's open this afternoon and evening.
transformation against the Crimson, Among the outstanding contributors
for the Tiger had entered the fray a are Herbert A. Fowler, instructor in
favorite. decorative design; Carleton W. Angell,
Yale concentrated all scoring today of the drawing and modeling depart-
in the third period, when Harry Scott met; Prof. Eliel .Saarinen, exchange
booted a remarkable drop kick for a professor in architecture; : Leon A.
field goal from the 44 yard line and Makielski, Myron B. Chapin, and Al-
Josh, giant linesman, scored & touch- fred G. Pelikan, all of the drawing andE
down on a forward pass from Kline painting department, and Miss E. C.E
after Phil Bonnell had put the pigskin Perry, whose profession is to draw
within scoring distance with a brilliant rapid sketches of operations for hos-
45 yard run. pitale,
English Idea Of Education
Unlike Ours, Says Whitney!

ferred to his new headquarters and C
expects that the faculty of the school Chicago, Nov. 15. (By A. P.)--The

will be completely moved by the mid-
dle of this week.
Registration in the School of Busi-
ness Administration took place inI
Tappan hall last fall but the offices
were vacated immediately afterward
to' allow for the remodelling that has
been in progress since that time, Dean
Day stated. The alterations consisted
in converting rooms 108 and 201 into,
an adequate set of offices for the
members of the school faculty and
were just completed last week.
Dean Day has been occupying hisI
old office in the Economics building
but there has been no headquarters,
for the members of the faculty since
Iearly last -fall.

Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth, consulting
industrial engineer, will speak at 9
oclock tomorrow morning in Room
411 of the West Engineering building
on the "Place of Motion Study in thek
Development of Management."
Doctor Gilbreth is considered an.
authority on the subject of time and
motion studies and the elimination
of fatigue in labor. She has written
a number of books on the subject and
has colaborated with her husband in
a larger number. She has received
honors abroad as well as in this coun-.
try as tributes to her knowledge.
Senior Education
Dues Half Paid

and entered the game overwhelming
favorites were barely able to nose out
a 3-0 victory over Northwestern Uni-
versity here today in a western con-,
ference football game. Ralph Baker,
fleet Purple halfback played a sensa-,
tional game while Northwestern's for-
ward wall succeeded in holding Aus-
tin McCarty, the Maroons touted full-
back, to small gains.
j Chicago's score cane in the final
period when Curley was injected into
the game and drop kicked from the 27
yard line after Chicago marched al-
most the whole length of the field on
straight line plunges, but they fought
for every inch of ground, Northwest-I
em stubbornlycontesting.
After playing on virtually' even
terms in the first half during which
Northwestern had a slight edge on
Chicago, the Purple came back in the
third period and swept Chicago off
their feet and marched to the shadow,
of Chicago's goal where Baker's drop
kick missed by inches.

Iowa Takes Game Brown was more than a match for
renowned Ted Young and recove
From Wisconsin a Buckeye fumble in the final per
Tod Rockwell led the scorers
Madison, Wisconsin, Nov. 15. (By A. the day and kicked his first field g
P.)-Iowa ruined Wisconsin's home- of the Conference season for Mic
coming here today 21-7. The chief gan from the 40 yard line. H-is pt
kill-joys for the Cardinals were Capt. ing was good and he.-had a good n
Perkin, Scantlebury, Hancock and gin on the Buckeyes in the kick
Graham. Friedman's passing was nearly p
Parkin lead the attack of the Hawk- feet and in the second period he s
eyes, a beautiful 63 yard run in the several well placed heaves directly
second period which paved the way several of the other Michigan ba
for Iowa's first touchdown. Doyle Har- only to have them fumbled. He
man overtook the speeding Iowa cap- was one of the biggest ground gain
tain, downing him on the one yard line in the Michigan backfield. His w
IScantlebury went over on the second on the secondary defense was
I try and Hancock added a point after- only thing that keptthe Bucke
ward with a place =kick.onytighaketheBc
Iowa scored again in the second from making their downs sev
half when Parkin returned a Wiscon- times and he intercepted a pass f
sin_ punt 24 yards to Wisconsin's 37,1-Hunt in the second quarter.
yard line. The Cardinal line faltered Captain Herb Steger showed the
at a smashing attack which ended in fects of his confinement to the
a 24 yard run by Parkin for a touch-.I'lines for the past two weeks andf
down. Hancock again kicked goal. ed to get away for his usual g
Again in the last minute of play' but his work on the secondary
he raced 17 yards for a touchdown fense was good and he was respa
and Hancock added the point. ble for intercepting one of the (
Doyle Harmon, McAndrews, Captain passes. Herrnstein, who reph
Harris and Leo Harmon were Wis- I Steger in the second and last per
consins bright stars, Once with the I also played a steady game on the
ball on Iowa's 17 yard line Iowa held: fense. Marion and Stamman did we
I for downs. Again McAndrews, Mc- the fullback job and Dutch
Givern, and Doyle and Leo Harmon (Continued on Page Six)
worked the ball to Iowa's 4 yard line
with the goal to go in four downs. .. , .".

"American democracy has exactly re- #Because of the growth of science
versed the traditional English aristo- and of German and French supremacy
cratic conception of education," Dean in scientific achievement the newer:
A. S. Whitney of the School of Educa- universities 'have been established.
tion states. "Here much attention is i Scholars of the old type were valuable
given to the educational life of the national assets in legal and profession-
student, with no restriction, practic- al circles but they could not compete
ally, upon his home life; there rigid for Britain in the fields of invention!
requirements apply to daily routine of and economic efficiency. The move-
student life, while every freedom is ment toward an education for the nid-
allowed in the acquiring of the educa- die classes was vital and so set up its
tion itself. Customs of the two peoples own institutions'."
and traditional national virtues make "America would be the better for a
English and American institutions and few Oxfords," in Dean Whitney's


Unchanged in their condition, the
four University students who are suf-
fering with trichinosis are resting
easily, according to officials at the
University health service. It is ex-
pected that they will be confined to
their rooms for some time.
Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city health of-
ficer, states that he has received no
word from Illinois health officials on
the case. He is taking no further


Tau Sigma Delta
Selects Members

Tau Sigma Delta, national honorary
Architectural and landscape design,
Prntrniy n nnAd +t'Alecton toen

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