7MER 15, 1.92 1 [BER 5, 124 I HMICFIIQ-AiN DATLY ___ _d._. _ ._._.__... e - V ' k ffm lolv A& BESIABOI SN Chaperons for the Ohio State game will be: Miss Helen. Bishop, Mi\rs. Russell I ussey, Mrs. Arthur Aiton, Miss Grace Manson, and Miss GraceI Richards. ium, must sign up at Barbour gym-I Social WIorkers nasim beoreSaturday morning. Houses are asked to give up dinner Attend Confer, INTEir~TN LBFAiT u .1ENTS lO IL LI) re Queen Of ~uroean ink M ~IAUHNOR POINTS BeItsyE 'a:rboir house holds the chmnht. I 7trip in interhouse hockey as ,as i s r th e a ff'a ir. T h ell b a n q u e t w ill b e,. ojo n t o all foreign 'istdete andl.the em bers of the va rs cominAtteesr. A( Chritn ag party to be given in i~~prto ithhe fore.igntwOmen Dora loge, 25, wasneleNted ef- tarvy f th'ewrdflosi omt ,and E sther lMahtffy, '25, Nwaysputl in Charge TCof the eCharnge 'songs which Nvill be a mI~diin of fellow slipy be- tween@1the foreIgn wvom.en andI the otheiPr Mich4 ian w ome.. emeso£f'the Iworld fellowhlip cominltt'. of the Yt W.(C. A. are as frllows;~ Beryl Sh~affer, '25, chairmanl, 1I Ien l zel(;, '26, Beata Wagi~ner, '25,, Eshe M~hfly,'25, SnaDavis, '25,, C( drude Turner,'2'. Dora Dodge, '25, i oth1 pencer26, Mar y Beeman, '26, CeorI -in ('oklinI', '._'), Margaretl'(, t.. will b ed t4:1 'lokWd ..dy N1bry a] TO Ik# IBUAL UU L ouse t aurnam..ent, which was played - F LA Li e es3r) n i12",_'_TKa}1ppa ',amma. Betsy Barbour!- r, "I RLA1 1 i ANx} AtLT W mdethre oa 0,(,th fr:t half, but Mrs. Amy Hobart will speak on PO:INT_ 9j,1j)- SJashwe t 'tUi"(1 Aoi'l(in',"BIocks to TBuy and Books to Borrow,"I PAE t 'ceefl1 hlfad hei m nded. at a meeting Monday of the Fedoera- tion of Wonmens clubs in Benton Ilar- Athletic 1)onor points-,are to tbe On the Be~tsy; arlhour tam Olga1bo.Temtigsudrheiec aaddto individual houses for ath-1V cclp tc~: 'aue n tkLion of the Extension division. letics in accordance with a system leiflnsC. KatheQi'ine Wilcox, '25, andl____ orothiy Younig, '23, s';arcedl on the Al ooite ut eotthswe which is being worked out by the de-Alsoriesmtrprthswek partment of physical education in.! hrwal~r go~ ah akinglebyCaoln to the Y. W. C. A. office in Newberryj connaection with the W. A. A. Thi te olwsmd yCrln hail what ever Christmas plans they A record of the, achievements of Woostalerh c '28. I , t, have mnade for poor children in Ann each house as a unit and of the indi-! Arbor. vidual members of the house will be played skillfually for Kappa Kappa ____ Gamma but missed two good shots for kep i evryeletie sor. Fr n-goal. Ronal el Lee, '25, right full-, Women who have not signed for in- stance, in hockey, each house will ne- !laclc, by her defensive wo ?c was re- door gymnasuim work should do so cei,..., a.,cewri . n ti niu nv±- ui. j ?tIii _ iamii7ieia~n7eiyr in narnou er ninsium.r Washington, D. C., Nov. 14.-Ap- pointment, of former Admiral H. I. Cone as general manager of the Fleet' corporation was announced today. I SENIIORS, ATTENTION I Senior pictures will be on 1 gale at the 'Ensian office until IThanksgiving. After this date - jno pictures will be sold. Several local women attended j oint meeting of the Intercity con ence of the Michigan district of Children's Aid society and the 'erican Hospital Association of Sc Service which met in Grand Ra last Saturday. .Among those who tended were: Mrs. Eimie W. Ni ory, (lirector of the Social serv Miss Dorothy Ketcham, of the S4 1service, Miss Gladys Hlylton, me(: social service worker; and Mliss Fish, of the maternity hospital. Just a Reminder When you are looking for Value in Millinery at Moderate.. Prices POPULAR PRICE HAT SHOP 333 South Main } . for participation, andl a ;proportional- ly greater number of po(ints 'for thse sponsible for keeping the score clear for Kappa Kappa Gammra in the sec- ond hMali. All women who are planning to at- No less anu!'ioj.'ty than Cki Lcitehgreaistot British femidnine gotespredict , the Mlle. Sihnone Thie (I IaChaumre, 15-year.-old I~rOihgir, above, will seine day reignon E }opes links, I x I I i I i ,' 1 i Mrs. Hugh Cabot } number of gamnes tha uaVinO;. hu The referee for the game was Miss tend the athletic spread at 5:30 o'- i the chxanionx in any sport wi r. Germnaine Cu 0t, of -the physical edu- clock Tuesday, in Barbour gy-mnas- I ._ , -. ceive the highest number but the ran- ~' ondamrn.t ner-up will receive a g icater nuntie ____________ than those who won only one or, two L L~itlt~II~IIJIII~IlI1III~ games. I 4 PErR The chart will be posted next weekS BLUEbu BIRDim n te oitsE=_ won in hockey, archery and tennis fl f T1E [ I~ AIR SHOPPE will be recorded. At the end of thel N O TIUOR I =i year, the house having the highest kt t!I lifl 1 lfl -iE#Mf1#f ;:u ber 'of oints will be declared th:e 'Woien on the campus are takingC best house for athletics, andl the chait. an increasing interest in attending,-Sapoig Ili Desn as a %whole wvill be comp l;ared wit" th the out o' town football gamnes, as in- Sapoig Hir Desn,= scholars;hip chart to dIiscover tile ( icated,( by the numxber signed in the amount of ccnelation between, a th-i office of the dlean of women. For the Manicuring, Scalp and Facial = 1letic activities which demand a( reas- i01to State game today 200 women:= - on ably healthy body, and general I have sgnedl, -197 to go on the special Treatments, Expert Mtircelling hko]arship car, while the others will drive. For j=;r ___ _- 1the Illinois game Oct. 18, 11 7 women! im -I t Intt Theta I signed, 84 going in1 the special c ar. ; Itimnmn1#Ii#11#111ilmiii### I - Th le number attend(ing the M.A. C= Ibids Iitiation gIme c{1n only be judged approxi- I Phone 3168 5 Nickels Arcade - I a:ely. 1Hlowever 100 women signedj T'j Lambda Theta announces thm nleolc.Ec oa safe I : i111#11##i#iIIiiiiiitIiI#11IiI#II# #ii --_- initatin c th folowng embrs:of $1.0(1 to cover expenses of chaper- . M*tHrHon o te Ru', 1- wildgarnicBeck, 1. '5, Chanrlotte Bl1agdon, '25, Lucille Conrad!, '25, Virginia Cronin, '25, Flor- otliy Nent e, '2:5, and P auline Weil;;On,l t- ce Esey 25, Thelma lKnight,'25r,'2,a tixo em ranIEhr i1)orotby M.,..'IFai1e, 25, 7Eli bth 1;A- 'Fried! richl, ('end ia II nyI , I.tI enIt ay, ;'h.roeider, '5 aion Walker, '25, lDor- Lou isaPateso, sscitmembers. WT ZSONA.LY GREETING CARDS NGRAVED OR PRINTED The spirit of the season is beautifully expressed in the personal greeting cards Mayer-Schairer are now show- ing. The assortment is so complete-- the designing, engraving and emboss- ing so beautiful--the prices so mod- erate that every desire can be satis- fied. Place your order before November first and save money.; Cards to be delivered when wanted. IThe Mayer -Schairer or wh~li ric have done i alo wa, adMr.H iabt ieo Compaty, ru LL RACTIb r 1404 ' y. yr . Dean _...ugh.Caboof t he medical 1co",i ometn upon the fu- . Is' s+ ture of m :rhoen in tMy field of meai- 1 1wl c :1ll no hesoroities, are askod to takeb a t t ~ I a ' ts ul He inehuebsebl orne "tis interest("!ing Cto 'Ot o :thati h forwhc atie vistr hsIate pracL(tice f mcine the actulalI AMondaty, , a.Crdin toNii) nElstie ErJ_- number iof wome1n egaedh vnt1 ley. _ (i cased 11 in 5 ., atltugh1the evnen hue hae ireu v number of ,p1qsi .iahs has ~{Iceased Sigine( liup onl theblltnbor i nrnos aid Ms. Cbt Ti Bilrbou1'r gymnasiunliY:, tan i is hoped is but )_t:(?i.1@ 1tie ay ofd pOinlting ouCt that the same number (ofeaditional t50thin .On1cmpeilive practice women ,. al ~ilsig'n u c~othe Opli-ave)ot held their on" -1nIJ o11e0Cra.Alwoe''w "hi os 11ot mean tha :t Cthe num- do I1Ot1~lxgt n aie lioa-'e ben of women(10111,,wrk r('l1ed to tein wll avean ppu I sit toala imediill ha nt incr1esed(, for the (;it th e' u hwtem, 01 ; cb11 s ile tlmerwIiso. The do- ;;;1n ;1..hAvet. re ~."d Ihee-u nm i tihe iFc(ltCi an.md State I ducing 1' 1V ew York s Latest T N1,EIIS-- Jxra ssicre III ai 3 F re it(d hiphrai _[;14;'nand the jniaileM Wf''I dte, 'xt ia ongand 1~lf ve Kraft; 1in41 Ite' all IflCQ, ,J a, pojfll q ied --"Clo ('F-cim 1 , G: ._t .:11#l.v ie o I tm yo'. t a eli omiaoofIi' If" )a ," - .. q go ~1 , a thl e ,no elt v a s n -(lli. A hh: H ie eo ant 1. aidc ey baceso e;bn asoee ai ol i ie i d 0 t ir.#i { :. u:l I o' -m p er V l icdi O t e n t ony w l u te u n w ich wi) llIT )9lO)Rk I'is - [+1 ari ain it I i tmcait 1e g iet,!- ld :iwi:ch wom) en :'1ne V ~ ' ,I rpy i ntttos(ealing wx 'h 'women101 - n hldrnmust have women fphy-A10"S11 Ariicles IMad e d©siias.anbicscothiserion LIII SHOP 303S.Man t Hospital Children i r 11hs ! 12 one o_ thle most inerstigvas the Children7's hospltiital boo,twhre nti-215 South Main cdes madeQ0 by th'ie dr11eICn of the 'hos- - pit'al wrsodAtteseboh J-dwood Standard - -r 1-e (l1blraiTe or}s( - (1.-! _RAn time uunno tue d T'2w1 untl Potal ewrit - flers pit al. The tarom s in charge of rsJ.\.Brmnadt dy- One ,o clock a ight, and still receive =- boothl in car -. 'of r s. . 1.1en- 1o.Cnle eesld at1the bJoohi Te Ma in you will Even- '° Dag t -. te.boW icued tet ut eey su e ts= C the pr om pf t, cou rteou s attentio n fyl and Ifi ' ,'tll i' tosi vry su ets .. .. TheAn Abohghscoo;orhe- hehih uait fodstht.e.ffr... tirt 1- yted from 7 to 8 o' -oel s- torda an .d the P:erry school-ochs A. C. STIMSON tia il urih hemsic thlis aifter-4 .w imn Temainet1so1wl'as Second (Floor "e"" t 1epeetdti feno.Crsn 30s8 SO)UTH STATE ST. 2."vFL~1I~ t ns fr the baaar."hese ill 1w0 Phon1e 3bo0 ,. .t i t te childr'ti h'1ospitl; af ter l' 3@1 iti16161 1 1iI 0lI I 111II 111111,II111______________________________1111__________________________11111111U - t.~ ~ m C.-oe fteafir Fashi'on-Crealtion -StyletFrocks ~225O Not only are you assured of the utmost in style-bout also the utmost in value ! For you can buy a party frock, an afternoon dress, and a class frock-all at the price you would expect to pay for the party frock alone. And this great introductory sale is so timely! Just when college women are caught in a whirl of social activities, seek the newest vogue in winter frocks, comes this opportunity to buy alluring, up-to-the-minute STYILE FROCKS. College women who denpand the utmost in style and quality, 'combined with real value, should see STYLE FROCKS. 11 , ., , F f f' tt: 1 . 1 is 1 ...~ 4 t ' 4 . . ' , t ' a 2 a ! { 5 { i r 'i "k _ >.._ . # , Je $ .. .. y 'R , ( . ! is t... Tunics. Ensemble Suit Effects Coat St Draped Models Side Effects Ensemble Dress Models Beautifully Beaded Emb-oiderted B3Y Many 'Fur Trimmed All the Favored, Shades I I Cerise Sandalwood Coral. Fawi Allsooiisaeaedonor th is week to"') a member CI'of the soc:il sriC0 Comittee of heYVC.A their:' planis for Chm-itmaw;entrt'ain-j -(icuTfor poor ch'lildre n.Thsmyb doeat the Cllitlalswokh. V .. __ Traveling. Clocks Peach jade Salmon Fuchsia 13r ' Brick Cocoa Navy Black REM1 IGTON- Excellent imported movements, elJit day, full jewel, and in genuine leather cases. You will find a wonderful display of these clocks at Arnold's. Prices from. $40 to $50.f MACK'S SECOND FLOOR I, ) 11 )l i III i