THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OVEAT ,d every morning exc~ept Monday t niversity year by the Board in EStudent Publications. of Western Conference Editorial~ n.. ,ociated Press is exclusively en- lie use for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news pub- ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate granted by Third Assistant Post- n'eral. tion by carrier, $3.50; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Editorial, 2414 and 176M; busi. EDITORIAL STAFF ephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER .John G. Garlinghouse or.............Robert G. Ramsay Night Editors Davis Harold A. Moore Ienry Fredk. Y. Sparrow, Jr. . Keller Norman R. That itor........William H. Stoneman ;itor......... Robert S. Mansfield Editor..........Verena Moran" araia... ... Robert B. Henderson Iditor......William J. Walthour Assistants rley Winfield I. Line 3rlow . Carl E. Ohlmacher Bennets William C. Patterson ly r. lilelen S. Ramsay .rosby e egina Reichmann L. Davies Alarie Reed Fernamberg Edmarie Schrauder Gartner Frederick H1. Shillito iouseworth C. Arthur Stevens S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet Liebermann Herman J. Wise BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER ....E. L. Dunne .J. 3.Finn . ..H.A.JMarks ....... .H. M. Rockwell .Byron Parker . R. C. Winter ....... .John' W. Conlin Assistants old W. L. Mullins dussi K., F. Mast urris H. L. Newmann Thomas Olmstead tz TTD. Ryan . Rosenzweig 'reehling Marggret Sandbuirg maker 1. K. Schoenfeld r S. H. Sinclair 'amer F. Taylor Kramer AY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924 |ditor-HAROLD A. MOORE states such as New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania which it is feared will extend to all Atlantic seaboard commonwealths. On the face of the facts it would appear that the voters of Massachu- setts have hastily rejected a law which was bound to redound to their benefit. Everyone has heard so much about the cruelties of child labor that any instrument designed to alleviate the conditions would be placidly ac- cepted by the average individual. Nevertheless, there is a distinct basis for their feelings. In the vigorous campaign which carried on previous to the election, it was pointed out that a Federal law was too extensive, that it could not possibly cope with conditions in all states where indus- trial conditions assume a variable as- pect. In the roster of those opposed the proposal is found such names as A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Har- vard university, Samuel Wesley Smith, president of the Massachusetts insti- tute of Technology, and other promi- nent educational and public leaders. The statement issued by this group, presents the following argument: "The ratification of this amendment would give to Congress undisputed power for all time to control and prohibit the labor of every person up to 18 years of age, on the farm and in school. It would enable Congress through Federal agents, thus to inter..- fere in the discipline of every house- hold, and take away from parents the right and duty to educate and guidel their children. It would go far to des- troy our Federal union, founded on the principle of local self-government. It would enormously increase the pow- er of Federal bureaucracy. It would be a national calamity." This is an extreme stand and should not be considered to apply to all leg- islation of this sort. The fundamental idea behind child labor laws 'is right even though this specific instrument appears to have gone too far. Social legislation of this sort is necessary to combat the evils growing out of our modern industrial system and workers for this reform should not be discouraged by the reversal. Theyl should now bend their efforts toward the enactment of more moderate laws in the individual states, which will cope successfully with local condi- tions. ideal.. Education of the sort offered by the School of Religion will go a long way toward providing this re- ligion. A GROWING POWER IN THE LEAGUE A special assembly of the League of Nations according to a news dis- patch, will'probably be held at Geneva some time this winter to vote in Ger- many as a member of the League. It is believed, the dispatch declares, that) the German negotiations will have pro- ceeded so far within the next few months, that definite formal steps can be taken toward ushering Germany in. The very fact that people are dis- cussing the possibility of Germany's becoming a member of the League, and) are looking upon such an eventuation as entirely natural, is indicative of the rapid recent growth of prestige which the League has enjoyed, not only among Europeans nations, but among the people of the United States. It is the strongest sort of indication lthat the League is not, as President Coolidge has called it, a dead issue, something to be tossed into the ash can of party politics along with free silver and the slave question. On the other hand, it is pretty definite evidence that the League is coming more and more to be regarded as the medium throtgh which, fuiture in- ternational differences are to be set- tled. When Germany is formally admitted to the society of nations, there will re- main just one first class nation out- side of it-the United States. The United States, to put it buntly, will then be the only country which defi- nitely rejects an institution which, although it has faults, is the only existing instrument which can even hope to put a stop to war. It has de-' cided that what it falsely believes toj be its own good shall come before the good of the world. When the League was formed, it seemed a forlorn hope; and the coun- tries subscribing to it subscribed only in the hope that time would bring to it a greater measure of influence and the confidence of the world. Although it still leaves much to be desired, it seems to be forging slowly toward its ideal: the recently passed disarma- ment protocol, if carried through in June, will be a great step forward. M U S5 I'C AND DRAMA TODAY: The Marionette Players present "Uncle Wiggley" at 3 o'clock and "Robjnlood" at 8 o'clock in the High School auditorium. TONIGHT: Roymand Hitchcock in "Dumb as a Fox" in the Whitney thea- er at :15 o'clock. THIE NEXT COMEDY CLUB PROGRAM Comedy Club will present astheir second monthly production "The Red Feather" by A. A. Milne and "Episode" from "The Affair of Anatol" by Arthur Schnitzler, Thursday evening, Novem- ber 20, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall on or about 8:15 o'clock.I "The Red Feather" by Milne is a fantastic costume operetta in two scenes. It concerns a band of travell ing mummers, the impressario, a sing- er, and a dancer, who, quite tired of their hand-to-hand existence, drop blissfully into the first convenient castle. As plays twist luck, it hap- pens that a widow, not yet too plump, and her daughter, not yet too old, are the matrons of the manor; the conclusion, of course, is inevitable: the impressario marries landlady mere, and the singer-handsome, nat- urally-marries landlady fille. But there is still the dancer left, an odd, half-forlorn creature'. The author somehow has forgotten her in his matting, and so as the curtain falls she goes slowly down the road to play to her audience once more: eternally, pitifully, beautifully. In contrast, the Schnitzler "Episode" is brittlely modern. Molnar, Wedekind, Maugham, Porto-Riche, the whole coterie of modern sophists have never approached the exotic piquancy of "The Affairs of Anatol," and of them all, save perhaps ;the final affair, "The Wedding of Anatol," "Episode" is the most brilliantly clever diver. tissement. Anatol meets Bianca, his single ser- ious'amour, years after... . .year after. . . . and Bianca has forgotten all about hira. Ie is insulted, his soul and honor are insulted, and he leaves in a rage. Bianca, left alone with the faithful Max, finally unravels it all: Iat the time, she had been a circus- rider in St. Petersburg, a prettty, dainty circus-rider with a pineapple bob and in a box sat a distinguished looking gentleman, who asked her to dinner after the performance. oh, well! . . . ,. * * A CHILDREN'S CONCERT Next Friday afternoon, November 21, at 3:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium Mr. Guy Maier of the Piano department of the University School of Music will give a concert for young people, lit- erally, "of all ages." Those who have heard him give ex- cerpts from this program in his In- terpretation classes realize how mon- I chalantly fascinating he can make _- PersonalChristmas Cards --.. n ss i . u s w .r.7............ ----------... ".------------ .th Ends of the Diaganal WaLe il NOVE MTBE R, 1924 S M T W T F S 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .; Notice We clean and reblock hats and caps and do it EIGHT. You will appreciate having your hat done over in a clean and sanitary manner, free from odor and made to fit your head. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) Read the Want A ds~ a1nts 50c to z so' GARRICK Pplr Mat. -0CtO ~ A Play of Today Sat. Mat. -,Oc to k; RAYMOND HITCHCOCK Hilarious "Hitchy" Himself in DUMB AS A FOX" A" SHINGTO > . ._. ._ 11 , I mm I ,I' I,, ;, .4* , Shoe: C med in 3kGn rnd Tan V k n; nd Brown Scotch Grain Stab le Wlntr Oxfords ahr's She Store I)w.i T ow. 108 S. Main Best Show in Town Saturday and Sunday BENNETT'S MUSICAL COMEDY CO. This Week a New and Enlamged Company-An Entire New Chorus ~)fl0 ker' ~ I ~* )Iff . ENMENT PATERNALISM AND A STUDIED RELIGION Encouraged by'this new step, and the tIE CHILD LABOR LAWS Michigan is at last to have a School fact that so large a percentage of the more than ten years contin- of Religion. Years of effort culminated world's nations see in it some hope ffort on the part of various in the present movement, expected for future peace, an ever increasing s throughout the country in I to be national in its scope, and out number of Americans is beginning to of Federal legislation which of the midst of ambitious schemes believe in the efficacy of the League. regulate child labor Congress for endowment and indefinite plans At some time i the future, the ques- y submitted for ratification by of administration there has at last tion is bound to be given a fair hear- tes an amendment to the Con- appeared an embryo institution near ing by our national parties, and, we n which would empower Con- the University. believe, when that time comes Amer- o limit, regulate, and prohibit The connection with the University ica will go on record as heartily in )f all persons under 18 years Is not yet certain. It has been hoped favor of joining. only to have the proposition that exchange of credits similar to .elming defeated in the recent the arrangement with the University! i by a majority of 400,000 voters School of Music can be arranged. The CAMPUS OPINION sachusetts, a hotbed of agita- school has, however, sufficient en-' A nonymnus communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- r the movement. Supporters of dowment to carry on for a three-year cants with however, be regarded as nendment are still trying to experimental period. A dean has been' confidential upon request. from this fatal blow to their chosen and a faculty will be secured, for national ratification. Even the pick of qualified men in the uni- RAILROADING CO-ED RULES st ardent workers now admit versities of the natiop. Indeed, every To the Editor: ere is little chance of its be- effort is being made by the execu- Theoretically, it is the privilege of cepted by the necessary num- tive to initiate the movement properly. every Michigan woman to express her states. It will remain only for the students opinions to her House President and >us reasons are assigned for the to do their part. The men on the ex- that official is honor bound to bring he principal of which is the ecutive committee have given their up the question at the Meeting of f Parents to regulate the life time, have worked unceasingly in the House Presidents and to vote accord- r children. Agitated fathers and! belief that there is an essential inter- ing to the decision of the House. Cour- s, believing that the govern- est among students in the problems of tesy and consideration are due the vas seeking to extend its iron religion. They are convinced that the speaker and if facts are made known .to the home, united in a sweep- majority of students will take advan- which were previously not known or vement to convince to national tage of this means of making a scien- purposely kept quiet, there should be nent that it had taken too radi- tific study of religion and its signifi- no cause for derisive laughter. tep. Suffice to say that in the cance for the present day. One cannot It is a fact in my experience, that hich last February by an un- help but admire the whole spirit some houses on this campus are s vote memorialized Congress which prompts them. They see, as ,closed and locked at eleven o'clock g in favor of such an amend- every intelligent person must see, that and tho a person, from such a house, the people overwhelming re- present day religion fails to appeal to might die in her tracks, the door re- he same proposal. Not a single the younger generations. They know mains closed until it is opened again ven where industrial workers the need for spiritual inspiration in for the dancers at one o'clock. There the majority gave a plurality our lives and believe that such an in- are people who have classes on Sat- proposal. And it is said that stitution as the proposed School of urday but who might enjoy a few bmission of the question to Religion will provide the impetus to hours recreation on Friday night but husetts voters at this time was consideration of religious problems, such relaxation is barred from them, ed by advocates of the amend- resulting in the formation of definite for at eleven-thirty or twelve o'clock, a the belief that the large in- ideals which will broaden our con- they cannot return to their houses I vote would give them an ceptions. but must walk the streets until such elming victory which would Along with this admiration, however, a time as the house is again opened. the needed impetus to /ratifi- there is a feeling of doubt as to the Why laugh-? It is a fact and a fact by three-fourths of the state ultimate prosperity of the institution. cannot be laughed down but instead ures. It is an idea which should have a must be dealt with. One influential proposed amendment was hur- practical interpretation, but which person knows this and has attempted trough both houses of Con- will seem to have little intrinsic worth to point out the error in judgment i record time, there being very for the student who needs the work which has permitted this condition to scussion at the time, as a ma- most. Those who are already think- exist. She has had close contact with of the members had pledged ing concerning religion will need no the girls and knows that the situation ves to their constituencies to encouragement-they will take advan- does exist. labor legislation of this kind. tage of the opportunity offered to Are the girls of the University of rominent legislators made a them. It is to be questioned whether Michigan going to allow themselves protest, but they were sub- 'or not those who now adopt a super- to be entangles in a thick campus- by the great number of con- ficial attitude toward religion will political net? Are they to be coerced n who were certain that fail- be greatly benefited by the movement, by mob spirit to forsake their own ass such a bill would result in Will the students who need the School better judgment and do what the popular resentment against of Religion most be benefittd by its Power Higher Up impose upon them? esponsible. inception? A representative says that a rule has states have thus far taken IThis question, though interesting to been disregarded, that lying has been action if we include this ref- propound, has little bearing on an ! practiced. Each girl knows it is so, i by the Bay state. The amend- experiment of this sort. The School of Is there~ a sorority, league-house, or 'as submitted shortly before Religion is being started with a view dormitory on this campus where active o of the last session of Con- to satisfying what should be a need girls are living that can say that there _b nfS +1n .. n i. V...A - 'G1- IA - -.. e e 1 . C1 I --ON THE SCREEN- "The Dangetous Bae W ith LAURA LA PLANTE Also Comedy ailld Fable Sunday Hoot Gibson in "Broadway or Bust" Coming Monday and Tuesday Return of Your Old Favorites BESSIE MERRY and Her Beauty Buds With Burt Bright and Roy Ieverly A VER TICAL EIGHT-SUPERFINE P eplete WINd many s iK7,ngly original features. Dual Carburetion; Dual ignition; Dual Air Intake; Dual G-con Sy!nm; Dual Manifold; Dual Muffler- Dual Gasolne Feed; DL -iFly Wheels; Dual Reduction in Starter; Dual Car-ock. iMOTOR ITSELF A "DUAL 4" IN DESIGN AND OPERATION I i such descriptive studies. Everything is a story, some weird adventure, and r far from being juvenille it intrigues anyone, no ;matter how mature and conventional; a hurdy-gurdy wails its monotone beneath your window-a ter- rible, frightful tune-and you hurry to throw the old man a penny to drive the racket away; but there is not a single penny to be found, and the music is hardly worth a nickel: so you let it go on and on, until finally it stops blankly on a plaintive, silly dis- cord; doubtless the old man has died because of your neglect, but you are far to busy to look out and see. . . To sound more impressive, one can quote the various respi -ted music critics in their praise of these con- 3 certs. The New York Mail, for one, has said, "The fifty year old children as well as the five years olds listened with bated breath to Mr. Maier's mu- sical tales of chattering birds and whispering devils, the ridiculous pro- i menades of Puck and the marvellous antics of the Juggling Maid. Yesterday one could discover many reasons t why there should be more of these recitals. The only trouble is there are not many persons capable of giving them in Mr. Maier's way." The program will include the fol- lowing numbers: Sarabande and Gavotte........Bach Gavotte....... .............G. luck The Earl King.... . Schubert-Liszt "On Wings of Song"............. .. Mendel ssohn-Liszt The Cricket and the Bumble Bee..... . ......................... Chadwick The Crapshooters .... Eastwood Lane "Puck" .....................Philippe Prelude ................... . Gliere The Hurdy-Gurdy Man .... Gloossens' Perpetual Motion...........Poulenc Juba Dance ................Dett * * * ,1 ;t r , a z t ' j } _ i r + r ! "! . I , - ; E M. 'l . _..e.._ ....w ....+.-.r W rori ...eo. .nnurrsw+r. . i t F. BLAESS 904 Scuth Main Street Phone 3430 mon" I . .,.,:x _ .., 36TH A NNI VERSA R Y CEI EL B R A TI ON f -2p- 1 IV) V 11 (r k; r l . .. . Stunnfing 'ew 's $10 Bewitching styles for wear now and throughoUt winter months. Of velvet felt vetetyn, satin and metallic fabrics. Every smart shape. All the newest colors. Remarkable Anniversary Ce e- bration vadue sn oisale tod ay! NOTE Harry Burnett, formerly a member-