AN, NOVEAIER 15, 19 24 TEMCIA AL THE 'CHI IA" r r r ra r wr ww+.rriw.+ tiri/a+Y. M .._= r r rrrrriwr nn n.wnrWr .. _... i ;: (Special to The Daily) Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 14.-WNith only a 7 to 7 tie andt no w;ins toit credit, the University of Mlinnesota's ' football team is determined to add one more upset to the season's total by defeating Grange and the fighting Illini here tomorrow. Clarence Schuttte, hard plnging back, was again in Football togyes- terday and seemed to have lost none of his powver in his short layoff. With Schutte batk in his old poistion the prospects of a win against Illinois were considerably brightened. Sm of the brightness occasionaed by; 'lchutte's return was swallowedtup in the dark cloud of mrisfortune tha-,t hasj been hanging uncertainly over the Gopher camp and whichi todlay des-I cended in the form of an annaounce- nuent that Carl Lid1berg's injuries would keep' him out of the Sucher struggle. The squad was to hold a light- sign- i al drill this afternoon, andti en re- tire from the campus until just before j game time. Illinois wrill arrive to- night or early tomorrow morning. (Special to The Daily) Minneapolis, -Minn., Ndov. 14.- Theo Illinois football team arrived here to- day on the Pioneer limnited from ('hi-j cago, and held a light workout inl the stadium this afternoon. KVmnef-Ma B EnotoFac ton WA. Angell, of the department ofI E. C. Perry, whose profession is to Ir.a,(raigadmoeig n draw rapid sketches of operations for l'ro. EielSaaine,(echange pro- a hospital. Casts of models by Vaughan 1 < so in ,!rchlit.ct~ure. Th e list of wo-;: mencontriutos ncldesMrs ~.A.Slocuzm are chown ' including a bust Makiclski, Mrs. M. R. Chapin, Mrs. of Prof. Tobias Doekhoff of the ro- lilSaarinen, and Miss Iii C. Perry.' manse languages department. Prof. "Warren 13. Lombard, formerly Douglass lall, who is exhibiting of the IrLhyfllgy department, is dis- models of animals done in soap, is play ;ing etchings and pencil drawings. stLudying at the Art Institute of Chi- Landscapes are, being shown by Miss ceago.. Marion,;. Nov. 14.-The condition of Mrs. Warren G. Harding wvas an- nounced by Dr. Carl W. Sawyer, this morning in an official bulletin which follows: "Mrs. Harding had another very restless and. painful night." Rome, Nov. 14.-Italy celebrated the king's birthday yesterday. WATCH THE GRID-GRAPH DO IT NOW Write the Prize WVS /inning, Lette- on "The Church I Would Like to Fin. Three Student Prizes-$2 5.00, $1500 10.00 Send to Box 34, Michigan Daily See Campus Bulletin Boards for D etails . .. For THRILLIS and more KICK in College Today 0;1'3 Ha tinee Today. GEO RGE ASH alid LEA BACRD In Cluapter Four of "INTO THE NET" V; w l be the~;t bassa1dor to 11r00 in 1P.e (e;nt thWat negtat?ions looking i()wa resumtion of l(0 rela.tio,ns betw!n+. U'. a n dI_.. Fram ''ineare siic- T laORg U tx ' ISOLAT OBAY DRIB ENCI cars for renta self. Drive Take -down Phone. VEA LSED and drive your- i , AFT to the garnes. the ftnmer 1 069-j THIS fNe .t: Thie ('ode co the WDi"d1 nes X7 FOOTBALL RETURNS t lam.n,.an7,4wwainwn.m-A,. tbwfl.n't r y:' .. , _.. . , ; r" s .u' r . , 4" .f ' . .ice' , use . Last Time Today Ado i .. _ r ;. , b , Y ,+ r last Time Today 'I'%. Gran'g% the versatile, .un topab1e Ann Arbor art wveek, *the main fea- Illinois back, may be forced to-take a tr:,of wicistt , the exhibit in Alumni hack seat ini tomorrow's contest d.111 1!einoial bally local amateurs, will to tihe sogginess' of the playinield.c ose toorr ow .The exiblit will be Coach Zuppkeo has been groomingo Brii ;t- pu tdsvandluoorow , both in thee ton and his reserve backfield m:Jenin fit WI Lo od ve"ning. the art of hitting the line, sotht o mog t faclty,'contributors ar- will have something to fal, bck1 on n A. 'Maf< p . ' ^ ' g5, { r EIE H FIil yb y yp? y irngY bdI idi csc'ha' E 1a With T-O 0 ml x "1% Usua Screen Program~o I IN Addition tsvn cw i Alves "and W :d re mid Aftper tbe G a 71 "WINNING HIS WAY" All Sats, 35c JAGHOLT' OFl ' ToFTHE 661Z 4IIT AN JIWI N" PIC"TRES -In- Cml.SudyJHNN NES ijl LITTLE JOHNNY JONES" ".mtyHnds I III Igo= NOin m Flat a a i . > - =mope a I I.' I SCENI-20'.AO MARRIAGE OF FIGARO EDITHA FLEISOHPE R "Susanna" in Marriageof'Figaro CELIA TURRILL "Cherubino" in marriage of Figaro In OR1lEV@NTAL(E3 I- AND 'the Memorable Stage Comedy Y 1 , c 4F .,_ r, , ? _ t tl A '' ills First Feature $ ~ Length Comedy . r ENOW~ED TR LBR"EC3' ,} @o^ ST-MTING SUNDAY (- V 1W I i . . , .2 r ; :5 y, ?, c " ' ; s a s} y ? : a,:. ; '' ' yi { ' X . r ,, t: ,. n C .;; ,. k . ;: < , , } r : ,. 4 ; s ' - s: .< . :.s.. ' 'i.r. -n :2; u i' ;:: .,..' .??s +:. k-._ ' s{ c ... v4y.',:t.. wx :a .'^t ,,.ry . '.3 :a,<.:R... k '"f' _ ' rr gi r.,... c._. in' s : ,. v '