THE CHIGAN DAILY ESSI~ERWAR ~' igrton Lai, 'D3h ;hn ci x P1 tht have fallen to the lot, of (off cial" Ill ? rlin) l, y ; l>ngeast Jfldianl who, .1Advance alt'r haV'n1 trav led1 twelve thou-1 ----- ~51. (1 miles a cro_ ssthe Mediiterranian "IRICHIN OSIS SPRE",ADSJ ai the Atlanticitocean tto enter" --___ .t !~Iii i' l s allowed to remain et :vry precauttion to 'eliar in t"e t !d States but three days,t gate thruhy tefuttu n hnol in transit. caseos oftrich~inosis, which. .ar thought ;'n iass;red his papers for ad-t to have been caulsed by thele Aing(A of1 l tai fliptheUniversity in the fall of poorly-cooked pokinUbaa f192 a trn out with a iner- th1e ime 'of teo illinois>-M ichigan IUtfmhshoeow arieln game, Dr. Johna A. W 1singerc ity Ictii(:), , Mexco,*uay 4of this year.1 heath ffier ere isincomunia- ~utSecion2~of the immiigration law t io11 with i e.State al1 th Comils- pr. ):oii ts 1we adision of aliens from ~ inner of Ilslioisand the o cai lheailth A°sialvia ctheMexican gateway and offiit!cias'of !in an ceffo rt to pr it)aesroexcet ion of students. ven n] 'I-y further ;11spra of the di- I oneunl Prita n was held onl sese jthe bord er, zremaining in -a little Mexi- Wiring ;has lbeen soil by Dr. Wo- cntw;ars ro iPs, Txa, siner o al o th vaiou eaingfor almlost 10 months. About October piges ad bardng lubsin nn _r,;I. oval '. Copeland, '89M, United borurgng he totak secil creStates senator from New. York, be- 4inth thtoroughi cookiing; of all pork came interes=ted in the case andi in whlich mecat the dl eadly paraites throug:h his good offices the Depart- are fouznd. me'at abor permitted Pritam to ~' "Pork contfaining the parasites imay cross the U tnited States upon the fil- r easIly pass fthe gvrmn eti-Iin,'of a $1,000 bond to, enter Canada, .-pection,declatred Dr. Wessinger, from w t hich ontyhi asprtwl asit would requnire a col etec r o- amthim tfo the United States. . copie exnamlinatfion to detect thiei. 'The b iond was furnished by Prof. H1. One might test "is i kyofToay Sa. at _OC to $1.1') RAY-MOND HITCHCOCK tuced tday tha his hiarious "JHichy" Himselt it; doubtful.;..,(,;DUM B ASa FOX For E ts Tatleae'Flk A~ Come toth vvs feep Hindu iteri ng Upiv ersi ty may be-0 adMitted to the United States Uas a studenit for a period of one year upon the filing of a bond for $1,000. With regard to the bond Professor if h cold fnd ny wy fr an . o !"It would seem that this 19 year old renter the United States to attend thei boy had been put to- a sufficient University of Michigan. iHe, being a amoun1 t of suffering by being held 10 symnpatheti c old gentleman, asked for months on the Mexican border, and instructions by long distance fromi that there ought to be no difficulty th;e New York Immigration station, in secuiiig half a dozen or more citi- "They advise~d him to issue a non- zens of Ann Arbor who would be will- quota vise for me, because thoeeis1i ing to jointly go in such a bond as norestriction for bona-fide ttdentsj surety." Eentering fo . when I arrived at Port Huron, Mich., rthey asked mee to appear before the. 1special board of inqiry. They put section 23 on me, althoughl this seec- m tion is applied in Mexico only. The board is going to forward to-Ms , Iday to the Secretary of Labor all the papers of the consular vise, copies re- lating to my l)assing in transit, through the United States to Canad. The inspector at Port Huron does naot give any kind of assurance hout simplly says that there are nine chances out of ten for may admission to the UnitedT yStates." In concluding his letter, Pritam5 said: "If I am refused admission to the United States~ this time niy life willj !be ruined, and I will not be able. to go anywhere on earth, even° to Hell.0 I have suffered so many troubles in coming to this country th at I cannotF say and mny penf cannot write. I have very hard luck, where I go, I amt al-a ways refused. "It was the first time I left lndi' about a year ago, and (luring. this time I did not see a single friend of mnine. 1 leave wasted so much time and nmoney that I cannot say. I hae A n>y not a s:i:3gle hope left if tlie reversle happens;." Recent communication rece ived F t fr~om Senator Copeland bry lPrIWs.or 122 , Libterty$t Riggs iiidicato that the D~epartnmeitllt of La bor htls ruled ithat thbe young man-1n Reed To 'Speak On Nion alElection Prof. T. H. Reed, of the political. science department, will speak at the Cosmopolitan club meeting at 8 o'- clock tonight in Lane hall auditorium. The subject of his talk will be "The Meaning of tho National :Election." .__:... _ ,, _ , Y .. _ r rrrif+r Mr.r r rr .ru:rirrr= . ,.., ,- .. - .- .. Four one-hundredths of rain fell in Ann Arbor afternoon and evening. an inch of yesterday I V R ry. / ){){){ ~ L J age .~ ~' *. . Flowers, as a beautiful way in which to express some senti- menit to a friend, cannot be The hair is the [important part of the U suarpw, med. The facilities and experience of the Ann Arbor Floral Coin- panmy assure the best of service and satisfaction. Smooth, 1ellkept ha is nlow, S7o easy to ae ,a , 4 1 A. - Fiorai k,;o, UTNKEMPT hair was once as nearly, universal as smooth,' neatly-combed hair is today. f course, "well-dressed mend realized then as well as now thai nothing spoils the whole appear- ance so quickly as hair that is out,, of place. But what could they do? DiOd-fashioned pomades only matted the hair and made it4 greasy. Water evaporated within an hour and left the hair drier and' more unruly than ever. TWhere wasn't a thing that could keep the hair smoothly in place from. morning till night..-natural, soft,' lustrous. 'That's why Stacomb was in- troduced. Phone 1630 ago= _. ~ .. _ . ... a ,_ Today and Tomorrow Today and ® Tomorrow At last--a way to keep the hair in place At first known only in California colleges, the story of Stacomb quickly spread. Today, well- dressed men everywhere have found in Stacomb what they have always needed--ad~ easy, nat way to keep the hair looking as they want it to look a times. Perhaps you part your hai the middle. Perhaps on the r side.. Perhaps on the left. hags You comib it straight b It makes no0 difference;~ Stao will keep it just the way you it best. A touch of it in the m, ing, sand your hair will stay the way you want it all day Ic No matter how uncontroll; your' hair may be after bi washed-no matter how dry straggly~ by nature--Stacomnb keep it in perfect order, alv" smooth, trim, lustrous. Women use Stacomb, too. TJ find it excellent to control s' hairs, to make the curl stay in, to keep the hair severely close to head in the prevailing fashion. Use Stacomb tomorrow morn and look your best all day t A icate, invisible cream - non-st ing and non-greasy. In jars tubes at your college, drug store KEEPS THE HAIR IN PLACE zz CI FT 7 j a 3 With , . k TOM MIX S.tteStgreet and Packard MR.Wm. FLYNN In Addition X31 "WINNING HIS WAY ra3oriet £on city please en omf t c O#PE SAII PY i E RV 11, CtENV_ E NitieT F INE Y"OO D THE .1 1FIr TOF 1"HE ". FIGHT A N )..WIN' PVl~TUJRES i < ('onflng Sunday JOHNY HIES i "LITLEJO-HNNY JONES" Don't 'Borrow-Subscribe TodaN, fKa ,I F e ammom GEORGE WALSH7andLEAH BAIRD lea Fp~ ioiro~ INTO) HE NET tt p a . t s , ".t!'r. a .,s' e '". . : .v .- ' .,sa .,w+.c e.;9°a w