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November 14, 1924 - Image 1

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No. 45






Bursley Approves Of Plans
For Annual Sophomore Promj

UNION DRIVE N ETSPublications Dance Revived;
800 NEMEMBERS; viinWill Be Given Friday, Dec. 4
Reviving a social event that flour- exact replicas, in miniature, of The TO SEN 0BN
1 shed on the campus in the years pre- Daily.
ceding the war, Pi Delta Epsilon, na- Before the var, this dance was.
tional honorary journalistic fraternity, among the most popular events listed



Approval was given last night by
Dean Joseph A. Bursley to the majorj
plans for this year's Sophomore Prom.
The annual affair will be given in thel
Union ball room on Friday, DecemberI
112. The Stromberg-Voakum, ten-
piece orchestra of Cleveland will fur-
nish the music for the dance, which
will continue from 9 to 2 o'clock.
Tickets, which will be five dollars,
will be granted only to sophomores
who have paid their class dues for
both this and last year. Applications
may be secured at the Union desk
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
November 19, 20, and 21. All appli-'

cations must be returned by Novem-
ber 26.
Willard B. Crosby, '27, is general
chairman of the prom and the remain-
ing committee members are: Robert
Y. Keegan, '27, W. Calvin Patterson,
'27, Frederick S. Glover, Jr., '27,
Helena Knapp, '27, Phyllis Haehnle,
'27, John H. Lovette, '27E, Andrew W.
Kramer, '27E, Howard L. Preston,
'27E, Paul Starrett, '27E, Joseph Vogt,
'27, Stanford N. Ptelps, '27, and
Thomas R. King, '27E.
The selection of patrons and pa-
tronesses and other announcements
will be -made soon.




First School of Rind in Country;
Classes Will Begin
Next Fall
A Michigan School of Religion,
which for more than 20 years has
been an air castle, is about to be-
come a reality, according to a state-
ment made by Prof. L. A. Hopkins of
the engineering college last night.
This was made possible by the es-
tablishment of a three year endow-
ment of $25,000 per year to finance
the institution through its experimen-
tal stage.
Dean A. H. Lloyd of the graduate
school has been named acting dean
of the new institution. The faculty
will be composed of faculty men from
universities throughout the country,
who will come on a leave of absence
basis. This is done because the new
school is the first of its kind in the
country, which necessitates a long
period of experimentation. r
Professor Hopkins, and Prof. Le-
Roy A. Waterman of the semitics de-
partment are arranging the faculty
The idea of the school of religion
was first propounded by Prof. R. M.
Wenley more than 20 years ago, and
since that time there has been no
single year when there was not an
interested group among the faculty.
Actual procedure started when Prof.
C. F. Kent of Yale university, during
his visit here last year, set up the
original organization.
At this time a finance committee,
made up of several business men, was
appointed to secure financial back-
ing for the proposed school. This
board consists of Lyman Goodenough
of Detroit, president; Frederick W.
Stevens of Grand Rapids, vice presi-
dent; Stanley g. Stevens, Ann Arbor,
secretary; and Kirby W. White. De-
trQit, treasurer; and six others.
The advisory council, , correspond
ing to the Regents, includes Prof.
Campbell Bonner, Prof. George F.
Meyers, Prof. Henry Sanders, Prof. I
R. M. .Wneley, Prof. J. F. Shepard,
Prof. H. L. Wilgus, and Prof. A. .
Wood, all of the University faculty.
The purpose of the School of Re-
ligion is to offer courses in religion
which will complement and augment
the work already offered by the Uni-
versity. Like the School of Music. it
will not be an integral part of the
University, but credits between the
instiutions will be exchangeable.
Classes will begin next fall, al-
though during the current school
year a number of special courses will
be offered, announcements of which
will be made shortly.
Trout To Conduct,
Business Courses
Announcement has been made of
the appointment of Prof. A. L. Trout,
of the engineering school, as part-
time associate professor in the School
of Business Administration. Profes-
sor Trout will continue his associa-
tion with the engineering school
throughout the year but at the same
time will 'conduct classes and have
charge of, the program and realty
management in the School of Busi-
ness Administration.
Tickets For O.S.U.
On Sale At Union

Team Two With Total Of 102 Leading
Field of 19 Teams; Silver Cup,
For Winner

-"_ on the year's dance program for the
has announced an "All-Campus Pub- campus, although it was started pri-
lications Dance" to be given Friday, marily as a gathering solely for stu-
December 4, at the new Masonic dents working on the publications of
temple. The dance, which will be the University. It's growth was so
rapid that a strict limitation of the
formal, will be limited to 225 couples. tickets was made necessary.
Several features are being planned The committee in charge of arrange
for the evening by the committeein ments for the dance is Ronald Hal-
charge. Special musical numbers and grim, '25, chairman, Halsey Davidson,
short acts between dances have been '25, Clifford Pratt, '25, and E. Arden'
arranged, and the. programs will be Kirschner, '25.

Conference Rule Prohibits
Association From Sendi
More Than Teae

Secured Passage of Education Act of
1918; in British Service
Since 1912
Right Honorable Herbert A. L.
Fisher will deliver a University lec-
ture at 4:15 o'clock today in the audi-
torium of .the Natural Science 'build-
ing on "Leaders of English Liberal-
ism, Gladstone, Morley, Bryce, As-
quith, and Lloyd George." The speak-
er is a recognized leader in educa-
tional reform in England.
While president of the board of edu-
cation, under the Lloyd George minis-
try, Mr. Fisher succeeded in securing
the passage of the education act of
11918, which completely changed the'
English educational system.
Mr. Fisher also served as a mem-
ber of the Royal Commission on Pub-
lic Services of India in 1912. During
the World War he served on the gov-
ernment committee on German out-
rages. He is a graduate of Winches-
ter and New College, Oxford.
While serving as a tutor and later
as a Fellow in New College he estab-
lished a reputation as an historian,
making a special study of the effect
of French Revolutionary ideas in Eu-
rope. At the time of his entrance into
Parliament in 1916, Mr. Fisher was
serving as academic head of the' Uni-
versity of Sheffield.
Washington, Nov. 13.-President
Coolidge declared in an address to-
night before the annual meeting of
the association of land grant colleges
that the government would omit no
efforts to prevent a repetition of re-
cent misfortunes involving agriculture,
but asserted that the farmer must
also re-adjust his methods of produc-
tion and marketing, "until he comes
within sight of the new day."
It was the first public address Mr.
Coolidge had made since the election,
and was devoted to a discussion of ag-
riculture, which is the principal sub-
ject before the college representaIves.
The president expects to outline his
views of farming conditions more ex-
tensively next Monday in opening the
conference of the agriculture commis-
sion, which he recently appointed to
formulate recommendations for the
permanent stabilization of the in-
"The immediate problem," the presi-
dent said in his address tonight, "is
to bridge over the difficulties result-
ing from abnormal and war stimulated
surpluses." He added that preparations
must be made also for the fast ap-
I proaching time when "we are likely
to be one of the greatest of the agri-
cultural buying nations."


Up to a late hour last night more
than 800 new life memberships hadI
been turned in by members of the 19
teams working on the annual drive
conducted by the Union. Although this
Inumber is below the quota of 1400
I it is hoped to reach, a large number
of the men ha-d not handed in their re-
ports and it is expected that when the
Author Of "The Servant In The House" final count is taken the quota will
Presents Five Act Drama, jbe passed by a considerable margin.
"The Chastening" i In the latest reports last night
Emory Hatch, '28, was high man with
,ONLY THREE INCAST a total of 42 new members. Seelyj
Chapman, '27, was second with 39
cards handed in, Frank Graham, '27,
The Kennedy-Matthison players will third with a total of 32, and George
present the five act drama, "The Stanley, '26, was fourth with 26. Be-
Chastening," at 8 o'clock Tuesday I cause of the large number of men who
night in Hill auditorium as the fourth had not turned in their final reports
number on the 1924-25 Oratorical as- 1last night these totals are ,expected
to be doubled, according to Harry G.!
sociation program. The play involves Messer, '26, chairman of the drive.
only three characters, one of whom is The high team at the latest reports
Edith Wynne Matthison, who stands was team two, headed by Harry R.
the best known actresses of Haynie, '26, with a total of 102 new
hamong I memberships. Team nine, under Smith
the day.rCady, '27. was second with only a part
"The Chastening" is the first of a of the cards handed in.
series of plays, that Mr. Kennedy is With 800 life members pledged to
writing for the same cast, in all of the Union, more than $40,000 will be
which the emphasis is laid mainly forthcoming to apply on the construc-
upon the acting, the costumes, and tion of the building. If the quota of!
the play itself. Scenery and lighting, 1400 is reached, $70,000 will be ap-
though desirable, are not absolutely plied against the debt. It was made
necessary.s plain by Union officials at the be-
There is no change of scenery in ginning of the drive that all money
the play, and it is not even necessary received from the new memberships
for any intermission between the five pledged through the drive would be
acts. In fact, the advance press reports applied on the debt and that none of
say that the play is more effective this money would be used to offset
if uninterrupted. The central theme of running expenses of the Union.
the action ,is said to be,,built around Competition among the members of
the duty of childhood, the teams working on the drive and
The 'thrree characters who make up between the teams has been made
the cast of the drama are Charles keen the ta ths ee ng mad
Ran Kennedy, a carpenter; Edith ,Ikeen because vi th silver loving cuts
Wy n Knne dy, hiscwife;ne;d ihMar- offered to the high team by Otto
Wynne Matthison, his wife; and r Hans,.'00L, of the Ann Arbor Press.t
garet Gage, her son. Mr. Kennedy is! Yesterday was the best day of the
the author of "The Servant in the tray astheubestodanow me
House,", "The Terrible Meek," and a' three, a larger number of new mem-
numbe, of other well known plays. berships being turned in than the
Commenting on the play, . Ranken total of Tuesday and Wednesday, ac-
Towse said, in the New York Evening; cording to Harry G. Messer, '26, chair-
Post, 'The Chastening' is a most not- man of the drive. As the activity
able and most moving work, noble of the teams during the first two
in intent and admirable in execution, days was limited to seeing the men
whether measured by the canons of on each team member's list, the re-
literary or dramatic criticism. From moval of all restrictions yesterday
any point of view, it is an honor to caused the increase in the number of
the stage." 'cards turned in.
-- ______The "flying squadron," under Harryz
B. Koenig, '26, which has been can-1
vassing faculty members and students
U who were missed by the teams. willi
icontinue its work of rounding up
doubtful prospects over the week end.I
. Members of the committee inE
charge of the drive expressed them-
,Student members of high school selves as satisfied with the showing
publications throughout the state will made by the teams in their three
meet in Ann Arbor for a three day days of work.I

Post Office Wrecked Yesterday Takes
Toll of Three Lives;
13 Injured
Grand Rapids, Nov. 13. (By A. P.)-
Federal agents investigating the pos-
sibility that a bomb wrecked the Grand
Rapids main post office late yesterday
afternoon, taking a toll of three lives
and injuring 13 persons, announced
tonight that.they had in their posses-
sion a threatening letter that might
lead to some tangiable clue to thel
method used and to the parties impli-
cated if a bomb was used.
The letter was found by Ensign
Harold McDonald of the United States
Naval reserves force in his automobile
a short time before the explosion. Al-
though for the most part the words of
the letter are blurred and almost
illegable, the words, "disaster," and
"death" are quiet clear. A man's pic-
ture accompanied the note and fed-
eral agents are now scouring the city
in an attempt to place the man ,under
At noon today a man's leg bone
was removed from the wreckage, Coro-
ner Simeon D. LeRoy, after making
an investigation of the bone said that
it was a portion of a male leg bone'
below the knee and above the ankle.
Another checkup of missing persons in1
the city has failed to give aiy clue.
It is thought that perhaps someone
might have been blown to pieces,
Although federal agents investiga-
ting the explosion are positive the
disaster was caused by a bomb, of-
ficials of the local gas company were
at the scene of the explosion all day
in an effort to determine whether or
not gas might have been the cause.
After exhausting all tests they an-
nounced early this evening that they
did not believe it possible that gas
caused the explosion.
Dos. Annatyn, a post office employe,
is still in a critical condition and
may die, hospital authorities said early
this evening. The other twelve who
were injured by the blast are ex-
pected to recover.
Ann Arbor furnishes a total of 132
names to the 1924-25 number of Who's
Who in America, published last month.
Most of those mentioned are connect-
ed with the University.
Specialists in the natural sciences,
including geology,' paleontology, phys-

After Final
Will Be

Showing Tomorrow $800
Available For Use of.

Returns to the Varsity band from
the grid-graph -will probably be
doubled ,next year, predicts John
Bradfield, '18, business manager of
the Alumnus, who is in charge of the
finances concerned with the graphI
showings. This will depend% uponl
whether or not the outstanding en-
cumberances of the association art
paid off through this year's graph re-
turns, as expected.
After the final showing of the graph
for the Ohio State game tomorrow,
more than $800 will be available for
the use of the band as their share of .J
the proceeds, says Mr. Bradfield. The
remainder will be used by the associa-r
tion, and as soon as their debt is
cleared, the band's share will be
Complete play-by-play results of
tomorrow's game will be shown start-
ing at 2:30 o'clock in Hill auditorium.
Charles Livingston, '27L, in chargel
of the graph for the Alumni associa-
tion, will again have charge of the re-
production of the game on the board
C as it occurs at Columbus.
Tickets for the showing are now
Ion sale at the Union desk, Wahr's,
Slater's, Graham's, and itston's. The
downstairs section is 50 cents, whileI
the balcony seats are 35 cents. Tickets
will also be on sale at the box-office
in Hill auditorium starting at 2'
o'clock tomorrow, when the doors
will be opened.1
Each play will be re-produced on
the graph, with the men in the play, as
well as the kind of play and the yard-
age gained.
Has Given Three Previous Talks on
"The Origins of the New


Send Michigan's band to the O
State game by doing your bit toda
$500 is the sum that stands as t
barrier to the appearance of t
Michigan band on the gridiron
Columbus tomorrow. The bulk of t
sum necessary for the trip has a
ready been raised through grid gra
receipts, the band bounce, and don.
tions secured at the moving pictui
theatres last night.
It was thought for a while duri
I the early part of the week that tl
1 Detroitraluni body would beable
raise an amount sufficentt to defr
the expenses of the band but thl
group to date has been unsuccesssf
in thiair attempts to finance the tri
Four pails will be placed on tl
campus today at the following place
in front of the library, in the eng
neering arch, in front of the Unic
and at the, corner of North Universi
and State streets. The prime obje
of the collection will be to finan
the band, but should the student d
nations be generous enough the r
serves and the freshman footba
squad will make the trip.
The Student council has sought
forestall as long as possible the rai
ing of funds by such means but st
dent subscriptions must serve as th
last resort if Michigan is to be re
resented by a band tomorrow.
A petition drafted by the Stude
council asking for a permanent ban
appropriation was rejected by th
Board of Regents this fall. The At
letic association is powerless to a
the band financially because of
,Conference ruling which definite
1 fixes the number of men that any uv
versity may send to a game.
Alfred B. Connable, president of th
council, in commenting on the situ
tion said last night that "the Mic
gan band must go to Columbus. Mo
than 15,000 people will represent Mic
igan tomorrow at the Ohio State ,st
dium. It is the duty of every Michiga
student to make some small sacrifi
to support the Varsity band whic
in the opinion of coaches and playe
has a decided effect in strengthenin
the moral of the team.
"The Student council has endea
ored to make unnecessary the inco
vience ,to the student body of a publ
subscription but since no other mea
now remains to raise the $500 need
to send the band, the responsibili
for the appearance of the band o
the field tomorrow rests on the ge
erosity of the student body."

ives of the Ann Arborf
be at the Union this
1 12 o'clock to sell ac-
on the specials for
ter 12 o'clock it will be
buy tickets at the Ann

session of the Michigan Interscholastic
Press association on Dec. 4, 5 and 6,
it was announced last night by Cart
Olmacher, '25, general chairman of
the association:. The meeting will be
held under the auspices of Sigma
Delta Chi, national professional jour-
nalistic fraternity.
Each high school is asked to send
two student delegates and one ad-
yisor to the conference. Talks will be
given by prominent newspapermen,
members of the University faculty, and
student leaders on the campus.
Work Under Way
On Golf Course
Wor'k on the new Huron Hills golf
course, which is to be located on a
56 acre tract of land lying between
Washtenaw and Geddes avenues, be-
gan last Monday under the direction
of Mr. Clifford Williams, of Diamon-
dale, noted builder of golf courses.
The contsruction of a road leading
to the site of the club house will be
commenced next week. The work, on
the clubhouse will not be started un-
til spring.
Mrs. Harding's
Condition Same
Marion, Ohio, Nov. 13.-The condi-
tion of Mrs. Florence Kling Harding,
who is critically IIl at White Oak
arm hore w va norted tonight byI

El Paso, Nov. 13-Campaigns to as- , ics, chemistry, botany, zoology,
sure ratification of the child labor psychology, and astronomy are listed
amendment to the federal constitution ( in larger numbers than from any
and to curb the marketing of products | other one group; 22 men are distin-
of convict labor, were advocated in) guished in those subjects.
separate departmental meetings of Professional men from the law
the American Federation of Labor school, dental college, medical college,
here tonight. and architectural and engineering
The building trades, metal trades, E school, increase the local representa-
nd labh trades de artment were in tion. Others are mentioned as pro-


sale of tickets on the specials1
een unusually small this year
everal of the trains chartered
been canceled by the railroad'

Rules for each event in the Fall
games will be formulated by the Stu-;
I dent council committee in charge of,
the annual class struggle, following'
the action of the Student council at,
its regular meeting held Wednesdayl
night in the Union. Any infringement]
of any rule by a member of eitherj
class will at once make it necessary
to declare the event in which such
! violation occurred void in the final
outcome of the games.
It was also announced that C. W.
Graham had donated a cup to be

Prof. Kirsopp Lake will give the
fourth and last of his lectures on "Theg
Origins of the New Testament" at D
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the au-
ditorium of Lane hall. Professor Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth, consu
Lake, the Winn professor of eccles- industrial engineer will speak
iastical history in the Harvard divin- o'clock Monday morning in Roon
ity school, recognized as one of the of the West Engineering buildii
leading authorities in this field, was the "Place of Motion Study in
brought here for this series of lectures Development of Management.
by the Michigan School of Religion. speaker is well known in indu
In his lectures thus far Professor circles, as was her husband,
Lake has considered in detail the or- B. Gilbreth, who died six months
igin of the first books of the New Doctor Gilbreth has devote
Testament, Mathew, Mark, and Luke, life to time and motion studies
as well as others which have been to the elimination of fatigue in
lost, touching on the minor points She has written several books an
where the books disagree, ;laborated with her husband in'w
The first 15 minutes of his lecture many more.
yesterday iwas spent in answering? Last summer shoe attended a
briefly the question, "Do You Believe conference in Prague to represen
in the Resurrection?" asked of him husband. While there she was

session today, preliminarydto the gen -
eral convention of the federation be-
ginning Monday. While trade problems
were considered in the group meet-
ings, members of the executive council
of the federation continued the work
of gathering and classifying divergent
views on political policy in prepara-
tion for a special report to the gen-
eral conventionon further political ac-
Batavia, Java, Nov. 13.-The Island
of Java have been severely shaken by
earthquakes recently. Already 300
persons are reported killed and count-
less are missing.
The shock extended over Wednes-
ri-v nn nrf f ia v Marv - ntve

fes bo r smeasdeducators, and a few
as librarians and authors.
Plans have not yet been definitely
completed for the convention of the
American Physical society to be held
Nov. 28 and 29, in Ann Arbor. The
illness of President Marion L. Burton
caused his scheduled address to be
postponed and it is necessary that an-
other member of the University admin-j
istration be secured.
Prof. C. E. Mendenhall, professor of
physics at the University of Wiscon-
sin and president of the American
Physical Society, and other noted l
men will address the meeting. The
direction of the plans for the conven-
tion are in the hands of Prof. H. M.

at the preceding lecture.
Professor Lake is the first of several
religious and theological authorities
who will speak here under the aus-
pices of the new Michigan School of
Religion, although the school will have
no definite curriculum until next year.
Prof. Charles T. Paul, of the College
of Missions of Indianapolis, Ind., the
next speaker on the series, will lec-
ture here in January.
Senior Ed Dues
Payable Today

into the membership of the M
Academy of Work, which is the
est honor the Czecho-Slovakian
ernment can bestow on anyone.
are about 10 men from this c
who have received this honor, 1:
is the only woman.
Burton's Con diti



all of you have scratched 9
pper regions in perplexity
a few white and black
es. Well, here's one - that
Al know-Two words that
for sunerior results. DAILY

awarded to the best decorated frater-
nity house for the Iowa game, Nov. 22.
All houses entering this contest must
notify William Coleman, '26E, before

Senior education
their class dues of
near the entrance.

Physicians attending upon
dent Marion L. Burton gave om
following bulletin at 7:30 o'cloc
, night: "Although President B
is making a slow but fairly
gain, it will be some time befc
I is strong enough to resume'his 3

students will pay
$3.50 at the table
of Tappan hall to-'

I day, according to nans made by I

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