THE WEATHER PROBA1iUlY UNS!.TiLED TODAY Sitr ilx MEMBER ASSOCIATE PRESS I "i'S t XXXV. No 44 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, __ , KELSY EEACHES NEW YORK AFTER $PENT LARIE PART OF TIME EXCAVATIG iNS OF Backi U. S. NOTED JOURNALISTS'CONGRESS TO TAKE Sousa's Band To Present New Marches At Concert Tonight ,;T 90HSS SIXTH, UP ARH E95HES CH91HM9N-o John Philip Sousa and his band ofimarches as encores, and as he did a hundred instruments will make their last year, "The Victors.''" annual appearance at 8 o'clock tonight After the concert a banquet ,will be in Hill auditorium. Several soloists given in honor of the famous leader will also be on the program, include by Alpha Epsilon Nu, honorary mu- E T EEing Miss Nora Fauchald, soprano, sical fraternity, at the Union, to which EDITOR OF NEW YORK WORLD I MELLON IIEETS WITH COOLIDGE;; who sang here last year. Robert Governor Alex. J. Groesbeck and OTHE'R~ REPRESE :-TATIV AND OTHERS WILL CONSIDERS TAX QUESTION Gooding, saxophone, and John Dolan, Henry Ford have accepted invitations. LITERARY CLASS SPErK tUNTIMELYdA'E TI PLANS NEW TRIP ABBOT TO TALK Kent Cooper, Assistnat Manager Associated Press, Named on Program NEW I.AW CA U§E Data, Secured to be Used for Papers For Archaeological Meet in Chicago Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the La- tin department arrived in New York on the Leviathan Monday, after hav- ing been in Asia Minor nearly a year with an expedition organized by him- self. A large part of his time was spent in the work of excavating the ruins of the ancient city of Antioch, half a mile from the modern Turkish town of Yalovatch. Pofessor Kelsey is expected to ar- rive in Ann Arbor on November 18, and will remain here until Februaryl when he will start on another expe- dition. George R. Swain, photograph- er of the present expedition, return- ed Tuesday morning to Ann Arbor. Find Remains At present excavating is being car- ri'ed on in the ruins of an ancient1 Christian church on what is believed to be the site where Paul and Barna-! Fas preached to the Gentiles. The floor is of mosiac work in five colors, most of it well preserved, and it bears the date of "374 A. D." Tire nave, which has two aisles, is 200 feet long. The party also uncovered a temple which was dedicated to the Roman Emperor Augustus, the ruins of a huge triumphal arch, a semi-circular colonnade, and a triumphal gateway 35 feet high, which was over the prin- cipal entrance to the city. Both the gateway and the arch had military figures modeled in relief. Professor' Kelsey believes that the arch was thrown down by an earthquake. I To Present Papers . Direction of the work of excavation has been done by Dr. F. W. Robinson of Johns Hopkins university, assisted; by a staff of six men. Permission forj the work was obtained by Sir William', Ramsay of England, who is regarded as one of the formost authorities on' ancient documents and monuments of Asia i\Iinor. The data secured from the expedi-, tion will be used in part for papers which are to be presented at the meet- ing of the American Archaeological society to be held soon in Chicago. of Plan to Hold Extra Meeting March 4; Uncertainty Is Evident After ei s .ousa wit con uctn is band in several new marches of his own composition, as well as other heavier pieces such as Strauss' "Don Juan" and "Carnival Night in Naples" by Massenet. Another new number will be a jazz' fanatasia by Sousa called "Music of the Minute." It' is expected that he will also play several of his more famous I At hIS banquet Sousa will De macie an honorary member of the fraternity. Sousa and his band gave two per- formances in Detroit Wednesday and Ann Arbor will be the next stop on their annual tour. The concert here will start promptly at 8 o'clock and the audience is requested to be on time as the doors will not be opened during the numbers. Prof. Francis W. Kelsey Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the La- tin department, who arrived in New York Monday, returningrfrom an ex- pedition to Asia Minor,, which has brought to light many important archaeological facts. Professor Kel- sey has been engaged with the expe- dition for nearly a year. TODAY SEES [ENDOFU MEMBERSHIP, DRIVE Three of 'the most prominent news- papermen of the country will address the sixth annual Michigan Press con- ference here Nov. 20, 21, and 22, it was announced in the complete pro- gram given out yesterday. These are Kent Cooper, assistant general mana- ger of the Associated Press, Herbert, B. Swope, executive editor of the New I "York World, and Willis J. Abbot, edi- tor of the Christian Science Monitor. Prof. Edwin Burrows of the jour- nalism department will open the con- ference here on Thursday afternoon, speaking to the delegates, more than 200 of whom are expected, on the sub- ject of "Teaching Theory and Prac- tice in Journalism." M. L. Cook of the Hastings Banner will speak also on "The Place of the Community weekly in Modern Newspaper Development." Walter de la Mare, British author! who is giving a University address in I Natural Science auditorium that after- noon, will also be heard by the dele-, gates. Washington, Nov. 12. (By A. P.)- Tax reduction at the coming short session of Congress will not be at- tempted under present plans by the administration, and although some congressional leaders have expressed! a desire to take up such legislation, it now appears that attention will be di- rected primarily to appropriation and farm measures. It is understood that Secretary Mel- lon, who conferred for more than half an hour with President Coolidge to-! day, considers it impracticable to at-, tempt to reopen the tax question at the three mpnths session, with a new law just going into effect. Administration officials point out that the actual results of the new law, relative to the surplus available for further reductions, will not be felt until after Dec. 16, and the benefits of the new rates will not be received until payments are made next year on this year's taxes, leaving oppor- tunity to survey the entire situation carefully before concentrating upon the tax question. What Congress itself may attempt 4 without recommendations from the administration, is regarded as throw- ing to some extent an element of un- certainty into the situation now crys- tlizing, as the December session ap- proaches. Several congressional leaders also are already proceeding for an extra session after March 4, to take up tax reductions and other measures. Expect To Pass 1,400 Quota Night; Team Two Leads Before JAKEEYHEVEALS FISHER TO TAL K ON SECRETSOF HUNT, LIBERALLEADERS] ( AfkIcan Hunter Blames Authors for Noted British Scholar To Lecture Misconception Regarding Wild Tomorrow At 4:15 Animals O'clock CALLS AFRICA BRIGHT HAS BRILLIANT RECORD __ Narrating his experiences hunting Right Honorable Herbert A. L. leopards, lions, elephants, and other Fisher, English scholar and member of wild game, Carl E. Akeley, African Parliament, will give a lecture on hunter and animal sculptor, spoke "Leaders of English Liberalism, Glad- on the subject "Big Game Hunting in stone, Morley, Bryce, Asquith, and Africa" at 8 o'clock Tuesday in Hill Lloyd George," at 4:15 o'clock tomor-: auditorium. The speaker, the third on row in the auditorium of the New the Oratorical association program, Science building. was introduced by Prof. W. H. Hobbs Mr. Fisher is a graduate of Win- of the geology department. chester and New college, Oxford. While In presenting "brightest Africa, not Feter an New college Oo Wle darkest Africa," Mr. Akeley stated thata "too many of the Africian stories are a reputation as a historian, publish- about as true as the old story of the ing a number of studies of medieval ostrich hurrying his head in the sand and modern history, among them one when he attempts to hide." This state- entitled "The Republican Tradition in ment was made in relating his futile ; Europe." He later was made academic attempt to get an ostrich, which he head of the University of Sheffield. considers "the most wary and diffi- ( In December of 1916 Mr. Fisher was cult game in Africa." invited by Lloyd George to become a Mr. Akeley characterizes the African member of his Coalition government, animal as one "who will never trouble just being formed. He accepted and you if you don't trouble him. The became President of the Board of Ed- 'misconception regarding African ani- ucation. While in this position he suc-. mals is due to the people who write ceeded in securing the adoption by about' them." Expecting that the hunt- Parliament of the Education Act of ing of gorillas meant "going into 1918, reforming the entire national darkest Africa after the most danger- educational systems. This act provided ous and ferocious animal in the 'for the establishment of compulsory world," Mr. Akeley stated after spend- continuation education in England, ing two months in their midst that ! and also reformed elementary and sec- DATE SET FEB. 6 Preparations for Annual Event to b, Commenced at Once Charles Oakman, '26, was electe chairman of the J-Hop committee fo this year at the meeting of the junio literary class yesterday afternoon i University hall auditorium. The fou other juniors elected to serve on th committee as. representatives of th literary college are Harry Koenig Richard Freyberg, Edgar Reilly, Jr and Charles Grube. Clayton Purdy, '26L, was elected a the committee representative fror the Law school at a meeting of th junior law class held yesterday after noon. Dale Darling, '26A, was chose: by the junior architects as their rep resentative on the committee, whit Eugene Buck, '26D, was elected t' represent the junior dental class. The representatives of the othe schools on the campus will be chosci at elections which will be held in the a near future. The general chairman o the Hop was chosen from the literar: college this year, as the chairman las year came from the engineering col lege Preparation for the Hop will be started immediately and the various committeemen will be assigned their special duties. The Hop will be held on Friday Febraurary 6, as it is customary tc hold this annual function between the first and second semesters. Reservations For Marmein Dancers Sent Out Today TO CANVASS FACULTY 'With two days of the drive past and but one more day in which to fill their quota, members of the 19 teams working to secure new life members for the Union had turned in 467 pledges last night. Although the num- her is smaller than last year, accord- ing to Harry G. Messer, '26, chairman of the drive, it is hoped that today will see the quota of 1,400 passed. During the first two days of the drive, team members were limited to visiting only the 20 men on their lists, but today they many see any non-member and this is expected to increase the total number of pledges. Up to last night team number two, under Harry R. Haynie, '26, was lead- ing with 88 new memberships, while Smith Cady, '27, captain of team nine, was high man with 27 pledges to his credit. R. F. Bostelman, '26, was sec- ond with 23 pledges. P. M. Paffman, '27, and Milton Raymond, '27, tied for third place with 15 each. A "Flying Squadron," headed by B. Koenig, '26, is canvassing members, of the faculty and non-members who. are missed by the teams and will con- tinue to work after the drive ends. A silver loving cup, donated; by Otto Hans, '00L, will be presented to the man turning in the highest num- ber of new memberships. The men- bers of the high team, if the quota is reached by tonight, will be made the guests of honor at one of the Union dances, probably the night of the Iowa game. TEN SIESINTIATE INTO MEDICAIL SOIT FRESHMEN TO S1lECT FALL GAMES CPTNS- f I 4 All freshmen will meet on the nights of Nov. 18 and 20, in Natural Science auditorium to select a cap- tain to lead the class in the fall games,- scheduled for Nov. 22. Nominations will be made at the first gathering, the elections following at the next meeting. The captain will select his own lieutenants. The games will be explained, the rules outlined, and an effort made to organize the class in anticipation of! the approaching clash with the sopho- mores. The games this year take place on the morning of the Iowa football game. Paul Burton, presidentof the fresh- man engineers, and Henry Grinnell, president of the freshman literary class, will be in charge of the meet-? ings. Bulletin Reports Burton Improved1 General improvement was noticed in the illness of President Marion L.- Burton last night. The following bul- letin was issued by President Bur- ton's physicians at 8:30 o'clock last night:E "President Burton's temperature has remained normal for 24 hours. He sat up in bed several times during the .day." Paris, Nov. 12.- Reduction of the number of government employees by 2,028 will start Jan. 1. PULCHRITUDE a Banquet Program Dean John R. Effinger of the lit- erary college will preside at the an- nual dinner in the evening at which? Mr. Cooper will speak upon 'Present! Dayr News Handling." Prof. William Frater of the history department will give: an address upon, "The Historian Looks Over the Newspaper," and Mr. Swope will deliver the concluding I speech at the dinner upon, "Is thej Newspaper Filling Its Mission?" The Friday morning session will take up the legal relationships of the courts and newspapers. Stuart Perry of the Adrian Telegram will open the! discussion with "Contempt of Court as Applied to Newspapers,'.' while Prof. Herbert H. Goodrich of the law school will speak upon, "Civil Lia- bility in Libel." A. R. Treanor of the Saginaw News Courier will conclude the morning session with an address on "Newspaper Features and Their' Uses." Other Speakers Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi- cal science department will open the Friday afternoon meeting with' a talkf upon "Domestic Perspectives in For-f eign News." He will be followed by Prof. Joseph Hayden of the same de- partment on "News In and From the Phillipines." Mrs. Charlotte P. Gil-l man will deliver the final speech upon "The Whole Truth in Newspaper Work." At the final dinner of the conference on Friday Secretary Shirley Smith, will deliver an address on "The Uni- versity Today." He will be followed by Mr. Abbot, speaking upon "Headlin- ing Happiness." On Saturday the dele- gates will be the guests of the Uni- versity at the Iowa-Michigan football game on Ferry field.f Courtesy And Parking Space, Is O.S.U. Offer (Special to The Daily) Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 12.-Anounce- ment was made here today by Chief of Police French and Ohio State uni- versity officials that the old Ohio foot- ball field, at the northeast corner of the university campus, has been ro served exclusively for the parking of Michigan automobiles next Saturday. "To gain admission to the lot, the carj must bear a Michigan license tag or the Wolverine colors," Chief French said. Chief French issued special orders to the Columbus police force today, telling them to extend every possible courtesy to the Michigan motorists who are, the chief said, "Unfamiliar, with our rules and traffic regula- tions." Appeal also was made today by the Chamber of Commerce for 100 more rooms in private homes to care for the crowds. Every hotel room in thel city has long since been filled, and nearly 300 visitors have been as- signed to rooms in private houses. GRID-GRAPH WILL SHOW' RESULTS OF OHIO GAM Final showing this year of the grid- graph in Hill auditorium will take place at 2:30 o'clock Saturday after- noon for the Ohio State game. More than $600 has been secured by the showing of the graph at the M. A. C., Illinois andhMinnesota games and John Bradfield, '18, business manager f of the Alumnus, who is in charge of I the finances of the graph, predicts that a total of more than $800 will be donated for the year. Tickets for Saturday's graph repro- duction of the game will be en sale at Graham's, Huston's, Wahr's, Slat-C er's, and the Union today, tomorrow and Saturday. They are priced at 50 cents for the auditorium and 35 cents, for the balcony. SOPHOMORS TO CHOOSE tCLASS CAPTINS FRIDAY UU1 Announcement of 4 o'clock Friday, November 21st, as the time set for the meeting of all sophomores for the election of a captain, and to make ar- rangements for the fall games, was made at the meeting of the sopho- more literary class last night in the Union. Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, Alfred B. Connable, '25, ipresident of the Student Council, and Coach George Little of the Varsity1 football squad, were the principal speakers at the meeting. Noted Biologist Dies At Evanston Prof. William Albert Locy, profes- sor of zoology at Northwestern uni- versity, died suddenly while at work in a laboratory there Friday, Novem- ber 7. Word of his death was received by Prof. Frederick C. Newcomb, pre- I fessor emeritus of the botany depart- I ment of the University and brother- in-law of Professor Locy. Professor Locy was a graduate of Michigan, receiving his B. Sc. degree in 1881 and the degree of M. S. in 1884. He h'as been a professor at Northwestern since 1896. He was the 1 f m. ima n, n n a . antifi nnonova Alpha Omega Alpha, national honor- ary medical fraternity, initiated ten senior medical students at the initia- tory meeting and banquet held last' night at the Union. The new members of the society are: Louis D. Becker, James E. Caraway, Arthur C. Curtis, Robert U. Cooper, Thomas N. Horan,) Elisha S. Gurdjian, Clifford A. Swan- son, Ferdinand R. Schemm, Frank Ferril, and Joseph J. Trombley. y Dean Hugh Cabot of the MedicalE school, who was the principal speaker of the evening, gave the initiatory ad- dress, while the ritual ceremony was given by Walter M. Simpson of the pathological department, who is pres- ident of the local chapter Prof. Albert M. Barret, councilor of the Michigan chapter, Prof. G. Carl Huber, Prof. Carl W. Eberbach, and Prof. R. Bishop Canfield, all in the Medical school, also addressed the fraternity. Prof. Frederick A. Coller was the toats- m aster of the affair. LOCAL SOCIETY TO HOLD CHARI1TY BAZAAR FRIDAY he found them "the most affectionate! animal that I have known." He found that they did not attack even when wounded but ran away with no appar- ent desire to avenge themselves. Included among the pictures and slides with which Mr. Akeley illus-J trated his lecture were views of lion spearing, elephant groups, African scenery, and views of the animal sanctuary region. His pictures ofI gorillas are the only exsiting pic- tira of aniln nt ei 4ah i ondary education. It definitely trans-. ferred education in England from private to public control. Mr. Fisher was returned to Parlia- ment in 1918, in 1922, and again in 1923. He represents the combind Eng- lish universities. The University offers Mr. Fisher's lecture free, and the public is cor- dially invited to attend. rrini rirrn Lures of gorillas in tneir native haunts iCriabf1rl{L UL I and were made possible by the Akeleyr - camera, an invention of the speaker.1 Mr. Akeley explained his purpose in H following game trails, stating that hit purpose was not only to secure speci- mens for the various museums to More than 200 Episcopalian stu-j which he contributes, but to secure dents at the fifth annual Episcopal1 photographs for his animal sculptor- Students' banquet Tuesday evening in ing, groups of which he is now work- ing on. the Union heard the addresses of Rev. William Devries, canon of the Nation- al Cathedral in Washington, D. C., Dean Huhell Fosbroke, of the General Theological seminary of New York, and William Roesser, '25L, business PPOINTmanager of The Daily, who spoke in behalf of the student body. Bishop Herman Page, of the Detroit Senior education students held a diocese, who presided as chairman, short business meeting at 4 o'clock opened the banquet with a few words t dincommemoration of Armistice Day. yesterday, at which it was decided Reverend Devries speaking on the' that class dues, which are $3.50 this I subject, "The Challenge of the Min- year, will be collected from 8 to 12 istiy," declared that the three cours- and from 1 to 3 o'clock Friday at a es that offer the greatest medium for table in Tappan hall, on the first giving service to humankind are med- floor. Plans .for a memorial to be I icine, teaching, and the ministry. presented to the school were also dis- Roesser in his talk stressed the value cussed, of the use of Christian principals in Committees were announced as fol- the work of students at the Univer- lows: auditing, Cecil BetronClarence sity. Three thousand mail order ap cations are being sent out today the Marmein dancers, to be presen Tuesday, Nov. 25, in Hill auditori by the University Glee club and Ann Arbor branch of the Ameri Association of University 'Women. Reservations for seats may be cured in room 308, of the Union. ' scale of prices is as follows: th center sections on the main fl back to the balcony, $2.50; three ce er sections on the main floor bene the balcony, $2; side sections on main floor, $1.50; first four rows the balcony, $2.50; fifth to eighth ro in the balcony, $2; ninth to twe: rows in the balcony, $1:50; last rows, $1; first eight rows in the ond balcony; $1; remaining rows, $ The Marmneins, Miriam, Irene, Phllis, offer a complete program 18 numbers with full scenic, costu and lighting effects. Their numt range from purely comic divertii ments such .as "The Puppet Trage and "The King, Queen, and Knave Hearts," to highly dramatic scenes "The First Kill' with music by IV Dowell and "The Vengance of K9 Yin." The American Association of I versity Women recently preser Paul Whiteman and his orchestra Hill auditorium successfully,sandr this concert all proceeds from the sociation's share in the presental of the Marmeins will go toward proposed Women's League building IBAIR GOES TO DUHEAU Of STANDARS MEETI1 Prof. E. M. Baker of the chem engineering department left yester to attend a conference on electropn ing to be held by the Bureau of St dards Friday and Saturday, in Wa ington D. C. Professor Baker has wide experience in the indust phase of electroplating, and is a mn her of the Electrodeposition sectio: the Bureau, which will meet with American Electroplater's society d ing the conference. The purpose of the meeting is arouse a more general interest in value and application of research w l in electroplating and is calculated maker possible the cooperation of practical industrial technician th himt y' ,ninn noirna iat f E f at, v u .vu u, v va Whitney, Franl Bracken, Thelma IKnight; finance, George Baker, Hor- ace Glew, William Rider; invitations, Mynnie Uhlenhopp, Elsie Beck, Mary Niswonger, Roy Bahlbery;' publicity, Russell Brumbaugh, Rowena Benson, Burt Baird, Doris Bessigner; social, Thelma Boyd, Violet Peacock, Fran- ces Cooke, Inez Petchel, Philip La- Rowe, Mary Ellen Brown; cap and gown, Leslie Silvernale, Gladys Beyers, Mildred Boyce, Robert Jones. ARCHITECTS' MEETING TO OPENHERE MONDAY~ Directors of the American Institute of Architects will meet in Ann Arbor on Nov. 17, 18, and 19 under the aus- pices of the architectural college, ith headquarters at the Union. Seventy delegates from the north central region of the national architectural organization will meet here for the opening Nov. 17. London, Nov. 12.- The Irish Daila Eireann is said to be ready to adopt a1 protective tariff.J i I