THAMICHIGAN DAIL'Y [I TS' EXHIBIT DISPLAYED HERE ade Centr~l Feature of Amateur Art Week. Faculty Members Among Contributors CAL ART DISPLAYED al artists are exhibiting oil paint- models, batiues, and other work I e was awarded the first 'John Quincy lm Adams foreign traveling scholarship I'l in 1908, following which he traveled Among the best known men whose }U}D~lA portraits have been painted by Mr. A P A .Makielskci are Robert :Frost, Prof.. Warren Lombard, formerly of the art department, Harry B. Hutchins, presi- (otne rmPg n. dent emeritus of the University, Dean The program will lie : IMortimer E. Cooley, and the late Louis 1. Overture-"Maximnilien Rlobespierre, Boynton, architect. on, The L:^..t Day cif the Reign of Myron Chapin, who came to the Terror"....... .. ......... Litolf University this fall as an Instructorl Sousa and his band. in the art department and Mrs. Chap-1i 2 Cornet solo-"Our Maud". .. . Short ISSUES PUBLICATION LIST Iof INE,11ROSICALSTAFF with this department, and, the Posi- tion which they now occupy -rare also listed. Publications are listed for G 3 mem- bers of this department, 5 o, ho are on the present staff. DAVE YOU SUBSC'RIBD 1'1;'1' ICH ,RD CROOKS, TerIIr 4QNO Ex lIAL1-RUSI, is- , 1L' MAN A', EWrISH B1] E I)GAR 'NEIA~ (CliICA(CO) ACCOMPANIST W dnesday, Novemiber 12, . . I NORMAL CONCERT COURSE, Ypsilaui 'r'ickets-lPease _Auditor~l im )oars. $.51) ,LL4ADS ltI L t 5 Publicationjs from the mineralogical laboratory of the University for the period 1904 to 19324 have been listed in a bibliography which has been is-' sued by D~ean E. I11. Kraus, director of the laboratory. Present and past m embers of the staff have contributed 5 textbooks,* 64 papers, 72 book re- views, and 1,965 bstracts on this sub- ject.I A brief statement of the various professional activities is given under the name of each author, Who is on the present staff. In the case of for-j mner members of the staff, the years during which they were connected II I SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUM LUNCH 712 Arbor' Street N~or State and Packard S1g. I i cn b deigntedas reaivein, have also displayed some of their h cn b deignte ascretiv ,work. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chapin havef 1Alumni Memorial hall this week. received honorable mention for work exhibition began yesterday exhibited in Detroit. Mr. Chapin, in will continue until Sunday, Nov. addition to his studies in Chicago, [embers of the faculty of the Uni- where both he and Mrs. Chapin re- ty are among the contributors. c eived training, studied in a school of ton W. Angell, of the freehand camouflage in France. ing and modeling department is Alfred. *G. Pelikan, instructor in ar-,igbsrleanotrmdl. ingbasreief, nd the mdel. hitecture, and Mrs. Pelikan, dis- e Bernard Kirk memorial in the,!r r 3. Suite--"El Capaitan and His Friends" ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Sousa. Sousa and his Band. 4. Solo-"Maids of Cadiz".....Delibes Dora Fauchald. 5. Symphonic poem-"'Don Jan". ....Strauss Sousa and his Band NMR=M= N! it feldhous wa don several paintings. Mr. Pelikan gell. He has studied in the Chicago received his education at Columbia, institute, and has exhibited his; Pennsylvania, and the Berkshire sum- rk in Detroit, where he received mer school,.lHe has traveled and stud- iorable w~ention. Mr. Angell came jied extensively in Europe, and has the University as an instructor 'Written various articles for art maga. ee years ago. A bust of Fielding :zines. Yost, one and one half times life Amateur art week, of twhich this , is now being done by this artist. j exhibit makes the central feature, is rof. Eliel. Saarinen, exchange pro- sponsored by the Ann. Arbor art as- sor in architectufre has contributed sociation, of which Prof. "Warren ne of his drawings. Designs for the 'Lombard of the physiology depart- posed civic development for the menit is the president. The membership- roit river front have been made, of the club includes about 200 people. Mr.. Saarinen. The plan which wasAny local artist is eligible to present npleted and submitted for the ap-1 his 'work for exhibition. wval of the authorities is one of the' st complete in the world. Mr. Saar-I Kalamazoo, Mich\, Nov. 10.-Bobbed na studied in Finland, and has ex- j hair is not going out of style with ited in Europe more often than in the girls of Kalamazoo College. Just scountry, having come here only' 111 of the 145 girls in the school now er he won second prize for his de- wear their hair' in the' abbreviated n for the Chicago Tribune building. style~. The seniors hvave the largest Jrs. Saarinen who has studied in proportion with bobbed hair. ris has also contributed to the ex- it. Two dresses in batique, madeI Berlin, Nov. 10.-Max Hoelz, Ger- :h the help of her daughter, have many's "Robinhood" now serving 'a n included. Mrs. Saarinein makes sentence of 20 years in the peniten- ,y nmodels of most of her husband's tiary for brigandage and insurrection, igns. heads the Communist' list of candi- 'ortraits and landscapes by Leon, dates at large for. the Reichstag. Makielski, of tjae drawing 'and .ating, department, are also dis- Mrs. Trimble Bradley, of New York,j ,yed. Mr. Makielski has been an in- can write a play, cast It; stage it and uctor in the University since 1915. direct it. t I Sousa and his bandl 7. Saxophone solo--"Valse F+antasie" .OGurewich' Robert Gooding. 8. March-"Marquette University"... ... . . .. . . . Sousa-'. _ Sousa and his band 9. Xylophone solo-"The Pinwheel".. ITngtOl .......... George Carey i figitOl George Carey "H 10. Finale-"Carnival Night in Naples" ..... .. .... Massenet Sousa and his band TT A ( BINDS" Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 10.-Coach3 Iverson, under whose tutelage last Also- season the Gophers took the confer- 11 A BLACK" ence hockey title, is looking forwardl ItAoe ly al Roach Comedy tthe development of a champion-' 4ship ice team again this year. j,1111 ItIt ~1111 11 I l l 1 11HZ 111111 L. THE .e C _ ~ Establishied in 1,199 Meals $7.50j Per Week t - $6.00 for Two Meals Breakfast from 7 to 8 Lunch from 12 to i =. Dinner from} 5:30 to 6:30 Single Meals "TASTES " LIKE 1HOME"T .tIIIII.1I[IIiC0IIIJIIIIifIiIIIIIIII 'W i Fri The Slickest Coat i on the Campus!I 4'k ~ -'pt .tY "." { , ;.. ,.N :f:f : . ::;., r.. ;: ;:tip :{r:: C":} :v}i: } . . i k , I,. _. ...- ,, , , IV Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books, Typewriting and Pound Papers, Candies, etc. Students - secure your supplies from us. I1 1 I South. University Ave. Phone 11I60-R adjo Equimen W~ether it is. tone quality, ' dlst :rce, selectivity or vol- 4 u<