FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY sLNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1924 + .University Women ++ * a .wwm -- ..r. j but later when the number of womenj had increased, it became necessary for the sophomores to substituteI Traditions In The Life Of Michigan Women some less expensive entertainment. SOCIAL The dinner was replaced by a formal party in Barbour gymnasium in which the sophomore women escorted the Traditions among the Michigan air theater erected on the campus. freshmen. The custom of a dance+ with light refreshments has continued Alpha of Sigma Alpha Iota held a women have been growing for many Only plays successfully produced to the. present time, formal musicale on Monday evening years until today numerous and varied elsewhere have been given with the I f... tiii,.n.n. at which the first of a series of his-j NOTES ternoon. Faculty, Alpha Phi parents l and alumni were present at the re- ception in the evening. Mrs. H. R. Thornton of E. University ave. entertained the residents of her honp and ton Chi7AC Ctl i d t t western guests over the week-end. Open house was held after the game. customs greet the newcomer. At exception of one written by Professorl the present stage in the development John L. Brumm of the journalism thepresent tagetin thes deopment department, who has been director of these traditions, it is sometimes ifor seven years. diffeult to realize the slow change in One afternoon in 1904 the junior! the sentiments of the women, and in girls gave a morality play in Barbour some cases, -of the 'men of the Ugymnasium to entertain the senior eoai ng came to taeke a definite place among the activities of Michi- gan women in 1922 when a point de- bate was held with Ohio State univer-. sity. Michigan lost the decision for1 both its affirmative and negative teams but last year the University teams won the debates both in Colum_. to Bi rical programs was given. Mrs. R. ishop Canfield was hostess.# Delta Gamma entertained eight) s guests from Northwestern this week- , end, and several members of theidI Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Putnam, ofl i ulul~u . Pity which have helped to bring them about. The largest and most representative of the women's traditions is Lantern fight. In 1910 the University women decided to dedicate their new athletic fie , which had just been presented to them through the generosity of Mr. George Herbert Palmer in memory of h4-wife, AiicQ Freeman Palmer, '76. At first only the dedication services Swere to be held but the class chain- pionship games were to be played off so a field day program was finally ar- ranged. In the afternoon the various class finals were played as well as the archery, tennis, and quoit tourna- ments. The upperclass women gave a maypole dance while the freshmen took part in several folk dances. Later everyone sat down on the slopes of the amphitheater and ate a picnic lunch. As soon as twilight fell the different classes formed in marching lorder,. the seniors carrying lighted lanterns and the juniors flower qOcked hoops. The long lines march- ed in the amphitheater ending in a huge block "M". After each class had sung its songs and the athletic awards had been announced the sen- iors marched past the juniors hand- ing them the lighted lanterns as a symbolic passing on of senior respon- sibilities. The juniors then handed down their hoops to the sophomores signifying the entrance into a new phase of college life and activity. The whole group marched around the field forming at last in a circle about a great bonfire. By the leaping flames the field was dedicated and the League officers for the coming year were sworn in. More wood was piled on the fire and everyone joined in singing college songs. Lantern Night was fast becoming the finest and most idealistic of the women's traditions when in 1913 there was a change in the athletic policy for women, and it was abolished. In 1919 at the in- stigation of Dean Myra B. Jordan it was revived amidst great enthusiasm and again the athletic contests, award- giving, dances, and picnic supper fol- lowed by the passing down of the senior lanterns and sophomore hoops to the lower classes took place. Every year since then the same program is carried out. Last year under the leadership of Miss Blood the freshman pageant was substituted for the usual Maypole dance and the folk dancing. The pageant told through interpretive representation the old Greek myth of Persepone and Pluto. It ended in a triumphal procession of all the char- acters carrying a long chain of flow- ers up the hillside to the temple. It was so well received by the specta 3 tors that it has been incorporated in the Lantern Night traditional pro- gram. Every year sees Lantern Night take a firmer hold on the hearts of Michigan women for it has become to them what Cap Night is to the men. Senior breakfast is the oldest of all the women's traditions originating in 1898 when it was called "the lemon party" and lasted all night. In the morning a breakfast would be held at which a plate of lemon and a lighted candle would be passed around. All the engaged women were supposed to announce publicly the fact of their en- gagements by eating a slice of lemon, and all the married women were ex- pected to blow out the candle. When in 1907 the senior women had be- come more numerous it was decided to hold only the breakfast. From that time to this the custom has pre- vailed. During Commencement week all the senior women assemble at Bar- bour Gymnasium and hold the tra- ditional "lemon" breakfast just as they' have since 1898. The tradition of having the senior women entertain Commencement guests with a professional play dates back to 1905 when it was decided toe present Shakespeare's "Midsummere Night's Dream" on June 19, the day of the Senior Promenade. At the lastI moment when merely the final touches were needed, the Ben greet Woodland, Players announced th t on May 27 they would give the same play. The senior.women dared not hope to com- Pete with professional players two weeks later so the women had to change their plans completely. They determined on "She Stoops to Con- muer" which was in great vogue at the time, and worked so hard that the play was a great success. It became ciis- tomary from that time for the Senior Play to be given during diommencej ment Week. At first it was given in women. So much enthusiasm was bus and in Ann Arbor. The tie will evinced that next year the junior be settled by the outcome of the de-1 ' women gave a more elaborate pro- bates to me held Dec. 5 of this year.j duction written, staged, and acted by Members of the Michigan teams are themselves in Barbour gyninasium. chosen from an intercollegiate debat- IBy 1908 a minstrel show was given! ing class. which was so well liked that some- j The Women's League and Inter- thing on the type of a musical comedy church Bazaar was begun three years was given thereafter. Take-offs on ago when the campaign for the Uni- prominent professors, Michigan men, versity of Michigan League building and Michigan customs became a part was at its height among the under- of every play, and women of the uni- graduate women. At that time the versity looked forward to seeing the I League believed it advisable to corn- annual production which dared to say bine with the local church auxiliaries and be what it pleased. In 1912 "In In a joint bazaar rather than attempt1 old Bagdad" was given in Sarah Cas- to compete with a number of smaller well Angell Hall. Members of the ones. The Bazaar is now held an- faculty,including President Angell nually a few weeks before Christmas, and Mrs. Angell, and Dean Myra B. udisplaying ,for sale many kinds of Jordan attended, voting it most orig- , needle w ork and miscellaneous ar- inal and entertaining. Professor (tiles. A tea room, fortune telling Brumm took over the coaching in booth, candy sale, and special tunts 1915 when "The Comeback" wasl have been features of the bazaars in staged at the Whitney theatre. For the past and will e continued with the first time the senior women wear,- slight changes in the 1924 bazaar. ing caps and gowns were escorted The traditionfl of the Panhellenic to the play in taxi cabs. Since then Ball is a new one, as it was given for the Junior Girls'. Play has become a the first time last year. The women campus event. Despite strenuous ob- fthe ivrsity listye in number jection on the part of the Board of of the Unversity, limited in number Regents and members of the faculty, because of the size of the accommo- after several years of heated discus- dI s, ivited their guests to a for- sion, men were allowed to attend in mal dance at Granger's academy. s . menT ee allowed gtois attenin Breakfast was served at many of the 1923. The opening night is still re-i sorority houses following the dance. served for the senior women when _s they march down from the Senior The traditions of Michigan women banquet to the Whitney and sing are thus seen to be of many distinct songs between acts. The play is the origins and ages. These traditions, biggest production the women attempt some dignified and impressive, others to stage and it is the desire of every characteristically feminine, have tend- junior woman to be connected with ed to bind together the women of the it. As a result the cast and the unit every year. To many women now choruses have grown to the extent in the University the passing on of! that' last year over 150 women took !these customs is in itself one of the actual part in it. most sacred traditions. For many years it has been tradi- tional for the sophomore women to Willie Ritola, Finnish distance run- give a party for the freshman women, nor, who recently returned from which is known as the Freshman abroad after representing Finland in Spread. When there were only a few the Olympic games, will not engage in women on the campus, the party was, 1 the cross-country championship this as its name implies, a formal dinner, fall. r~ r LUECK BeaUty.Shopp Our Marcel Wave Stays for Days and Days Dr. Mary R. Minniss Registered Chiropodist EVERY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENING 330 Maynard St. Opposite Nickels Arcade 2411-J - - EEEIEEEE~i tuEEEU t~l EH 1E##tEllilit ilt l itittEnttnll t#E11### t#tii #Ettltt #iI tE~Iii Constantine, Michigan, announce the engagement of their daughter, Harriet, '24, to Halsey Davidson, '25. Davidson is a member of Delta Sigma Phi fra- ternity. -Kappa Alpha entertained with afor- mal pledge dance Friday evening. Adelia Cheever house entertained with an informal dance Friday night. The residents of Adelia Cheever house were entertained at a house- party last week-end. at Base Lake. Mrs. Alvin Holen, Ann Arbor, and Mrs.[ James H. Ward, Cincinnati, 0., chaperoned the party. unese su en s at a Chinese supper Sunday evening. More than 150 Methodist students attended the masquerade Hallowe'en party at Wesley Hall Friday evening. The Zeta Tau Alpha sorority en- tertained with an informal pledge dance Friday Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Allen and Miss Mary E. Tuller chaperoned. !Phil Diamond's orches- tra furnished the music. Delta Zeta entertained with a home- coming dance Sat., Oct. 25. Prof. Clyde E. Love and Mrs. Love, Prof J. Raleigh Nelson, and Mrs. Nelson were the chaperones. town guests included, Mrs. James H. Ward, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Ruth Christenson, '24, of Detroit, and Ger- trude Pratt, '24, of Albion. Prof. R. W. Sellars, of the philos- ophy department, and' Mrs. Sellars were the guests of Alpha Chi Omega sat dinner Wednesday night of last week. Mrs. W. A. Donnelly and Mrs. C. 0. Davis were entertained at din- ner Thursday. Michigan Dames were hostesses on Saturday evening, November 1, at a Hallowe'en card party held at the Faculty Women's club. The guests were the husbands of the Dames and all other married men students and their wives. a Viennese Children The chaperones were: Mrs. J. Walser, Mrs. James Inglis, Mrs. Lawrence Bigelow, and Miss Elizabeth Breniser. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers. Prof. P. E. James and Mrs. James, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall were guests at dinner Wednesday evening at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Theta Phi Alpha entertained the pledges of the sorority at a formal dance Friday. The chaperones were Mrs. Mary A. Douglas-Burke, Miss Julia Wilcox, and Prof William A. Mc Laughlin and Mrs. McLaughlin. Sigma Kappa announces the pledg- ing of Olive Walker, '28, of Girard,, Penn. Alpha Chi Rho entertained Sigma, Kappa at a Hallowe'en dance Satur- day, Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Kappa Delta announces the initia- e tion of Constance Eirich, '11, Tulsa, Zeta Tau Alpha announces the Okla.; Margaret Sandberg, '27, Manis- pledging of Mabel Neef, '27. tique; Jeanette Emmons, '26, St. Johns; Helen Loftus, '26, Perry, N. Y. Sigma Kappa entertained at tea last Frances Motz, '26, Pittsburg, Pa.. Sunday in honor of their chaperone, Lunette Starr, '26, Detroit, and Gene- Miss Florence Lyon, of Delphi, Ind. vieve Hall, '26, Highland Park. Mrs. I. Wells Bennet poured. Alumnae house entertained with an Martha Cook building held an in-, informal dance Friday, Oct 1. Six- formal dance Saturday, Oct. 25. More teen couples' were present. ithan 75 couples attended. The chap- erones were Miss Zelma E. Clark, (Continued from Page Twelve) best of these. There were several murals in a more conventional render- ing; 'one particularly of a . cavalry troup and another of a peasant group,' whose effect was as brilliant as their handling was capable. It was particu- larly interesting to note the character delineation in the various people pic- tured. The faces in a series of bril- liant water colors were as various and as true as those Covorrubias or Frch might caricature. There were resigns in black and white that hleardsley might have been proud to sign, sketches whose economy of line and emphasis of movement were amazing, others whose delicacy.- and charm were enichanting. There Adelia .Cheever had as a guest thisI week-end Frances Speaker, '24, of Miss Frances C. Mack, and Miss Mary E. Walton. Madlen chaperoned. Delta Delta Delta gave an informal pledge dance Friday, Oct. 31. Mrs. .T. Anderson, and Prof. Clifford Woody and Mrs. Woody chaperoned. Delta Delta Delta held initiation Sunday, Nov. 2. The initiates were Norma Snell, '27, Utica, N. Y., Frances Penoyer, '26, South Haven, Mich., Elizabeth Hastings, '26, Ann Arbor. Pi Beta Phi entertained ten North- Birmingham. Kappa Kappa Gamma held formal Alpha Gamma Delta initiated the initiation Friday. The new initiates following pledges Friday: Jean Cor- are Nancy :Brookes, '27, of Royal Oak; rabin, '26, Detroit; Grace Knoblock, Edna Cantiall, '26, of Springleld, Ill.; '27, Detroit; Florence Cooper, '27, ?Hasseltine Bourland, '26, of Lake Lin- Miami, Fla.; Margaret Cramer, '27, den; and Virginia Spain, '26, of De- Pidgeap; Magnolia Greilich, '25, Tra- troit. A dinner followed the initia- verse City. . . tion Martha Cook building held its an- Delta Zeta entertained with a Hal- nual Iallowe'en party last week. lowe'en party Friday, Oct. 31. The The residents appeared at dinner in house was attractively decorated with masquerade costume. Hallowe'en colors. Members of Alpha Phi sorority en- The active members of Alpha Chii tertained over 300 friends at a house- Omega entertained the pledges at a warming Saturday, Nov. 2, in their formal dance Friday, October 31. Mr. new home on Hill Street. Sororities, and Mrs. Walter P. Staebler, Mr. and fraternity presidents, and student Mrs. Maynard Newton, and Miss Wini- friends were received during the af- fred Ferrin chaperoned. The out-of- were astoundingly well-wrought wood cuts, beautifully lacy silhouettes, bril- liantly colored oils-an ever varying, constantly amazing display. None of these things are done for sale, none for publication. The chil- dren are doing them solely to give ex- pression to the natural desire for ex- pression. Their are is an avocation and can therefore be entirely satis- fying. The theory upon which the work was developed might seem sound enough but no one could ever guess that the results would be so brilliant, that untutored instinct could reach to such perfection. -E. J. K. Have you paid your P)aily ubscrlcp I, .... . .... ............... ........................... ........ .. - ' i - * 12 - 2730 Clementine Fox Trot From Day to Day Fox Trot Herb Wiedof' Orchestra 2731 Worrying Blues Fox Trot That's Georgia Fox Trot Gene Rodemich's Orchestra -e 2733 Mean Looks Fox Trot Tell Me What to Do Fox Trot - Vic Meyers' Orchestra H STOFFLET PHONO SHOPS 616 E. Liberty 110 E. Washington Ir - 9'Ae Ogn 1 ofMA iCal Trese - P H ON OGRAA PHS A ND R EC OAD S __ , -- t + . 11, { ' l C .. ,+ , -_ -: ,u l f ' << Evening fashiOns Dance Into View Good Cleaning , . Science Limousines drawing up at sparkling, canopied entrances. Brilliant lights twinkling down on exquisitely clad women. Starlit balconies, green palms, enchanting music-pictures that hold the stage in all girls' dreams at this time of the year, with the big formals drawing near. In our displays you will find wondrous creations in all the delightful new tones. Prices as low as $35. Have Your Clothes ENERGINED . .. . :.+ i :n The cleaning science we employ For every lady, man and boy Shows how we give themaster touch To little things that matter much. Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer i Main at Liberty 8 Nickels Arcade . (. Garnent Cleanin Go mp aDn.