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November 09, 1924 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 11-9-1924

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9, 1924





*** *+*

The Cauldron
ByWI. I. S.


And He Is Not Hesitant About Admitting It



Victory in a football game is not
* F ' I T oThe Editor: I see by the papers, the ast. managers could run out on
always as pleasing as it might be j ' in witch the writer will not Dane to the field and nail him. That is 1
e~mpy bcaue o inidens cnnet-!S Iwrite that Red Grange the Wheaton 1 ay and it is a dandy as the saying
ad with the game which may or may;,:, lF $}_,:J<'":?' v
nottak plce n te gidion.~t .....*~*.* Iflash cannot be stopped by anybody goes only they is only 4 asst. mana-
wo6rks the other way too. A defeat >":.;;. <:...:{.:,:; Yj'"r;>;;?:s .:,: , }# this side of the internal and that he p er. Or prehiaps some smart coach
May not sting at all when everything will never be stopped so long as he will think up the method that has
connectocd with the game is pleasant " is Abel to see the ball without the?^4,7ort ;;beinhsauhsmndfr ay
Nete.ihiarWscni oHI~*~ assistants of a pear of horn rim gar- be nti uhr idfrmn
eltch easureiganot Wsofnhe g ot H~~mo.le could plant a few imulberry
Mur pago eoto tegm gles. Well all I got to say is that ms
araoat -Madison. The 'Badgers I %vSV Ft s they is 1 born a minute, and when I uhsha n hr ntefed
thuhJ abyte:ws1br amnt behind witch he could hide a member
togtthat there had been a shady L Is yJ":" ,L was abyte a onamnt
decision'and the Wolverines were dis-I*.'*' but not like te is now dy because o i 1 hnRdcmsfyn
;;teydas down the pike he will at Dnet be
satisfied 'simply. because Wisconsin i ? they had brains in the days when I arse
St..=*'.3 was born and don't think they didn't, arse by the sight of this bit of
ha.? 11 Q" scnr adi h sthe oielvn
~as. ~ S....'R}.;.. $Mr. Editor because they did. seeyadi ei
°Just the opoiewstu inte-7 I As a matter of facts who is Grangequelathatormkshmot
thatst wstuei teW to be, he will stop for awile and play
case of.,Minnesota., A Michigan team :}" i r :=a:". ; " S* J: x:*ta he cannot be stopped, I ask. Only a game of ing around the mnulber
was eve asmuc satsfid wthL when I say this it is libel to mean tree. The tackler who is hid behin
game as it was with that against the .....,,......... adiferet thing from the way 1 thuhcnte na pbhn
}r }: }:. ~r ::::..;: ?F ?::;:::;_ . ?": " >;},::}>:.:. ?:;: oah said it about 10 min before the
Mi1nnesota team a week ago rester- :.': ";;:....::coac ;j G :}";>: ?r;.},; the Wheaton ice man as I call him
\"tYMi...eapolis. Everything con- '..i "..}:r:;?:..z"".>',:}>::;>.Wheaton Ice Man as I affectionatelyansmchi ovrterutwha
L""te,.ith:thetrin, te1recepion of .......... * ..;..... cal.imropedthouh.is ea l jug, nd this will not be resented by
et a efoeteamfte before.::;'and ":'after,<.}the:.}}game,,.:?: ::;..me.: going:':.throughe oig arog crowdwdofofby babysm t gin, the" Y.Illin.?: ise.,.lads....if tetheyois iss fsportssrt
Mic:>.igan. gives:.;Minnes:::ta Jasa}warm:,.,;.><... :, ivingofaw dafre thsampl esymoingsot,,hy.ae enoin:ron
Jii } :?',"drugFstore the?.day}they is because look at Michigan and Minne-
" . recetion when the Gopers come tp '°" "" " tobacco. wt u ntergmsfrmn
AmArbor next year as it received "': .* ? ,Y The idear is this, I have figrdupys
1 t weck, 'history will be made for ( ~~several ways of defectively holding f If Illinose was playing at Mich.
tlsection of the country. the big bumn in check and it would; nextyrthtakwudbsipeo
' i behave any team that it is going to; the extreme. The Ann Arbor police
YXy on ethsyr. to try foling force is so hot for nailing the speeders
The trip to tfhe game was handlednlvIiosets
'..ec.yThefod hicte ea them up. This is the straight Mahaffy that the Sucker flash as I call him
eonl l the trip was the best in the !dope, Mr. Editor, and it means the would not have a chanst. The minute
f?, same as any other dope which it is# le started one of his runs down the
frid. The Thursday evening mreal gvnotb h rtr o ntefed fie rod rOfcrCo
cnsisted of 70 pounds of steak, baked '- Xr f Y ie u y h rtr owi h'fed fie rod rOfcrCo
Maoer rolls eewhich were adalot iebetter being ~~.~. ~pable lcto teget ahol f the Wheat- ofthor dashing steed .andwol give the hopco
t n othr eer ade an ic cram on ice man as I affectionately call man the ate be 4 he got twenty yds.
t at was really made, from cream. f Quarterback YoemaiisI Red and they is only one way of doing If this pan was adopted, the Mich.
;hen the team arrived. at its desti- The Army pilot has been playing great ball for his team,.lie is an ex- ti n ilgv hswyadcahscudee e oeavn
ntion ,It was taken to the Curtis' cellent field general, and a flash in action. Critics are comparing him with thsmenotheswthatgig hiprove inecoagestilcaueecpould hvngt oeale
h tel, one of the most modern anid IGeorge Smythe, one of the best backs in Army history. tiveothery1t knowsihat Gr ne-'Gage intobecuthando thewude
ecethinstittis inaedtemaNorthet I made his sinkers 'and coffee this last' would stick him fo* 30 -q v-"
N~t thng w~ sare to aketheby fraternities finishing among the not discourage studies in the interestsumrbfodigcksfiewthteMchtam oud rg 1iI
t~ cmfrabe ndb gmetiefirst ten in athletic competition. of athletics. The combination of ath- is why the writer, calls him the of time for a game a wee& ite.- Jie
fte team 'was not only in good phiysi-I Phi Sigma Kappa won second place letic Activities and scholarship in a Wheaton ice man witch is a affection- 1 1st game and the Wheaton ice man as
.l condition but as full of life andPhIprprmaueaslnbenteamaetr usdbtenRdndheIavdbed edw lde
c~nfidence as ever a Michigan team .inuboth athletficsand scheolarsi.sPhitopoernmedasurhslogTbenMithe im t emuedbenRdandthe I hv ubdRdwudb ern
Mu lph (Snfoia) winerof irs ofmodm eucaors Th Mihign wrltrInclusifvely. Well, what is his finger nails on the bars of his sell
S. lac inscholarship was tenth in ath- 'charts seem to have solved the prob-1 the matter with haveing one of the i when the game was played and Mich.
~The: town of Minneapolis was on letics. i Kappa Nu, third in athletics 1cm.er sideline stars yelp out just as Red I would win hands down witch is a
cge for the game. A city the size of, coatcadatltcrcrso took fifth place in scholastic standing. ScoatcaI tltcrcrso is soring passed "Fifty pounds!" No! expression of this writer, meing
f ~ nneapolis 'seldom gets worked uipI Phi Sigma Kappa holds the best av- ten fraternities selected each year doubt Red would at once stop and easy, dead sure. That is the Mahaffy
o er az football game but, the entire'erage for the combination of the two Ifllow:i look around to see who this customer dope, Mr. Editor and you can 'see that
P 'puilace, from, taxi drivers to college activities during the last two years. 192223 was In order that he might list him it is meat for a man of such a brain
pfessors couldn't talk about any- Winning first in scholarship In 1923-1 Athletic rating Scholarship up for next summer and in that case, power as I to dope out how the great
t ing else but the battle for the Little1 24 and second in athletics during the 1-Beta Theta Pi ..............40
B*own Jug. Friday night the colcge samepeidanseodnbthah12PiSgaKpa..f..f..2 llllIlllllilillIliIIIIlltllllllllllillllllllll111I1I
~tion . of town was literally bedecked l perindsodadsecnin eabot et-, 2-KpiSa Kappaf........... ...2'I111.
w ltic angsholrshpitedearbe-3-KppnNu.............nd
w~t~ Mroo an Ble ad llaie ad fore, the organization -has established 4-Phi Sigma Delta .... ........
B3v lue holors of thle opposing teams. anevabercrd 'etaTuDlt. . . 1 I~
Nopatianhi. a sow t ethr The results of the survey are con-I 6-Phi Gamma Delta .......18 W h e Wm i.
team as far as the decorations were cuieeiec httefaent --Dt a
.bcre.TeMihgntao life of the American university does (Continued Uion ..........43 I =
te :way to, and 'from the field to the - sag~ixen
i tel felt as much support as though. -
er hdbeen any number of Michi- ,H s. il s= s =c 6>I111@ 11191 l = 0
noer s in town. As a matter of a__ an
~four Michigan students at the., Rinog WA~oi --:-
ame and they went in official capa- Iui - '+You'll antan ve=
- U.Mon ER -.
Thursda~y night the entire school Rso t o he fn s
turned .out for a big bonfire and pep Sc0IdP tso tio e
ii eeting on the "Parade," an open C quality, ;'tilr d to C-
sace on the campus. A good sized I~~ S ranton U.&f.and Pit on.t .,
-use was moved to the site and 250 ,1uAur~ t, e on - -m e he ltstde
~llons of oil were poured on it before ~1 t -
it wash set afire. "Dago" bombs kept n itt=
t ip the racket when the crowd ran out rvates of style. A..
qfbreath from singing and cheering. gul Sol a Coke . . . .
I~erybody forgot about election day Min'N 1
~d everything else for the time and 121T
te Gopher team went into the game I IMFIi
ith everyone in the University back ,In efluinl No. 3 Pocahiontas S S I
i.Oeof tefirst tisthe 1= El
band did after its late arrival at the 11ggan2Lm1191 92
fltld was to play the "Varsity." After Mii'
the game the entire crowd staid in the Ons tM~ Tl ~ ~ U~rxrI
stands long enough to sing the Minne- I W es Virginia and Kentucky Coa1l EmIt, -n r F arq a
sto song. In short the Minnesota mti Ui -e
game was the kind of game that made mm East
everyone feel satisfaction. 'The score tol 6$EsLieySretP ne1 3-
it niel hnes 8-Fl ad2207-Office Corntwell Block-
asetrl .a secondary matter. A il'ank
Comes like the one at Minneapolis I "
fluke football more of a pleasure than cum ___________________________________________
mer ely a synonym for hard 'work. m =
______- Cor nwell wn Coal--m Coke
Figures Show Marks EIPR
and Athletecs 1Agree =W he10411n ox,(3

"Sivede" 4berlander ,
Last year the Dartmouth star played at tackle and was rated as one
of the best linemen in the East., This season he hins been' shifted to half-
back, and his work hs.s been sensational,.lie is fast and hits the line bar~d.
H~e is among the leading point!.scorers of the Atlantic seaboard:
Grange could be stopped. If you don't
fthink so try it the next time you see Re ad the Wait Ads
-.Ellswoirth Mahaffy.


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-- - - - - - - - - -

11 '11 li ii

at Yxi ant

They contention that fraternity life
apd participation in athletic activities
ate not conducive to good schorlar-
41iip has been shattered by figuresI
disclosed by the Michigan intramural
department. Following a survey coi-
ducted during the last lour years, de-
partmient heads declare that with' few
Qxceptions, the fraternities leading in
~tlletic achievements are among the
*ighest scholastically.
Of the 80 odd fraternities on the
university campus, records were kept
for the ten leading in athletic compe-
tition. With one exception in four
years, all were rated among the first
jO groups in scholastic averages.
Phi Sigma Kappa, first in the inter-
>raternity scholarship competition
Mtood second in the frater'nity athletic
competition during the year 1928-1924,
according to the survey. Kappa Nu,


w n

Aren't you pleased?


Michigan-Ohio State Game
November 15the 1924

find that



launders your clothes that


Round Trip





What is

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They deserve a personal care.

Aran Arbor Railroad

The Ann Arbor Railroad will run two sleeping car trains, one day
Pullman train and two day coach trains. Sleeping car trains will


pit% d-,

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