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November 09, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 11-9-1924

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VOL. XXV. No. 42






President Makes:
Favorable Gains
President Marion L. Burton passed
a day marked by steady improvement
yesterday, it was reported late last
night. There has been no interruption
of his recovery since the setback onI
Sunday rwhich necessitated operations
on the parotid gland.
Attendant physicians issued no of-
ficials bulletins regarding the Presi-
dent's condition yesterday, but it was
reported unofficially thatindications
were favorable for his complete re-
iivri riiTNn nr iv



Famous Halfback Staves off Defeat
With 80 Yard Run During
Third Half

4.t, y
'tE 1
} ++1

Chicago, Nov. 8.-In the most start- H Lt iIu rt
ling upset of the 1924 western con-
ference football race, Chicago held to
a 3-3 tie by Ohio State, forced Illi-
nois, outstanding favorites to cap-i O UU
ture the championship, to a 21-21 tie
today in a game that for sheer cour- His Animal Groups Being Placed
ageous battling never has been equal- In Museum of Natural
ed on Stagg field. History
The Maroons, expected to fall rath-
er an easy victim to the super Illi-
nois eleven, as Michigan and Iowa
elevens fell before them, unleashed a
cyclonic attack at the very start, in- Carl E. Akeley, big game hunter,
stead of attempting to find a way to inventor, and animal sculptor, will
stop th'e famous Harold "Red" Grange. lecture on the subject, "Big Game
Before the game had been under Hunting in Africa," appearing as the-
way five minutes the Illini, forced on third speaker on the Oratorical as-
the defensive, had reason to believe sociation's season program at 8
they were fighting eleven "Red" o'clock Tuesday night in Hill audi-
Granges. Austin McCarty, 178 pound torium. He will accompany his talk
fullback who ripped the Illinois with slides and pictures illustrating
line to pieces momentarily wrecked native and animal life in Africa.
the morale of Zuppke's warriors and Mr.- Akeley 'has been characterized
had smashed his way over for a by H. F. Osborn, president of the
touchdown after a mrach down the American Museum of Natural History,
field almost before Illinois knew as "the sculptor and biographer of
what it was all about. Then the Ma- the vanishing wild life of Africa.
roons repeated the drive and Thomas Through sculpture, Carl E. Akeley is
went over for a second touchdown recording the vanishing greatness of
on the first play of the second period. the natural world of Africa."
It was all a part of Coach Stagg's Formerly a taxidermist, Mr. Akeley
strategy of feeling Zuppke's offensive has so combined his knowledge of
thunder and pounding the ball into this art with his sculpturing in
the Illinois territory istead fo play- bronze as to be recognized as ,the
ing a defensive game and waiting for foremost animal sculptor in America.
a chance to stop Grange. C His bronze animal groups are now
Grange played an amazing game being assembled in the African and
both offensively and defensively and Roosevelt Halls of the American mu-
was the stumbling block that prob- seum. His groups of; the elephants,
ably averted defeat for Illinois. He rhinocerosi, and gorillas represent
scored all three of the Illinois touch- his unerring portrayal of the char-
downs and played a brilliant game acter of the animal and his sympa-
defensively stopping the Maroons a thetic admiration of their finest qual-
dozen or more times in his role of ities._
safety man. Ile also displayed i'e- The speaker will be introduced by
markable ability in heaving for- Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology de-
ward passes throwing perfect shots partment.


Belief Prevals That Coolidge Will
Prefer Cabinet of Own
Washington, Nov. 8. (By A. P)-
Several changes in the cabinet by
next spring are looked for in Wash-
ington as a result of reports that some
members intend to retire to private
life for personal reasons and a belief
that President Coolidge after next
March 4, will prefer a cabinet entirely
of his own selection.
Upon assuming the presidency after
the death of President Harding, Mr.
Coolidge requested all members of
the cabinet not to submit their resig-
nations. While he has made no set re-
quest now, with the approach of a
term of four years to which he hasI
been elected by a vote of the people,
he has neither asked for nor received
in any way resignations of members
of the present cabinet.
It is expected that he will urge
successfully several members of the
present cabinet to continue in office
after his inauguration in March. Al-
though Secretary Hughes is under-
stood to have indicated to friends that
he would prefer for private reasons to
return to the practice of law, it is
the general view that the Secretary of
State will continue at his post for a
year, if no longer, while Secretarys
Mellon and Hoover as well as Attor-
ney General Stone are regarded as
Publishers Warn That Book Will Sell'
Out First Day as. Sale Closes
Tuesday Niglt"
Student directories, with an en-
tirley new arrangement in regard to
compilation for the convenience of
the students, will be on sale on the
campus Tuesday morning and after-!
noon. Tuesday will be the only date
on which directories may be pur-
chased as the experience of the staff
in former years proves that every
directory is always sold long before
the day of sale closes.
The 1924-25 directory presents a
very attractive appearance with a
grey cover to distinguish it from,
past years' issues. There has been
some change made in the arrange-
ment of the compilation of the book.
Only a few advertisements jappear
in the front. Names of the individuals
on the faculty and in the student
body l4old the initial and most promi-
nent space in the directory. Orga-
nizations and other data appear after
the regular lists of students and fac-
The business department of the Stu-'
dent Directry wishes to emphasize
the fact that there will be only one
chance to secure the directories and
this will be at the sale on the campus
Tuesday. On account of the Michi-
ganensian drive during the past week,
the date of the appearance of the di-
rectory has been held up a few days.
The staff of the directory has work-
ed since the first day of registration

of students in the compilation of the
names, Especial care has been takenI
to avoid errors in names, addresses,
and telephone numbers. William
Etheridge, '25,. and George Pattee, '25,
are editor and business manager re-
spectively of this year's Student Di-
Armistice Day will be celebrated at
the Chamber of Commerce luncheon
club next Tuesday noon in the Cham-
ber of Commerce Inn, when a com-
plete Armistice Day program will be
carried out.
The Hon. Wirt Newkirk will act as
chairman, and the invocation will be
given by Rev. Sidney S. Robins. Willis
Blakeslee, assistant city attorney,
will deliver the main address of the

Pendleton Library Completed; Swim-
nMing Pool Expected to be Finished.




to Britton and Callivan, while on the
dead run.
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 8.-IndianaI
changing from -her regular crimson
jerseys to black ones, cast a dark
and disastrous cloud over Ohio State's
western Conference championship as-
pirations here today when she unex-
pectedly set the Buckeyes down on
the short end of a 12-7 score.I
The first half of the game was a1
listless affair marked only by ex-
ceedingly poor punting by both teams.
With the beginning of the second
half however, the contest took on al
tinge of real fight and within 8 min-
utes Indiana had scored more points
upon Ohio than the rest of the Buck-
eye's opponents had been able to
do all year.
Klee scored the Buckeye's lone
touchdown when he received a double
pass from Endler on the 7 yard line,
and added the extra point by a drop
kick. Ohio State marched down the
field for 77 yards in the final periodE
but the game ended with Ohio State
in possession of the ball on Indiana's
3 yard line.
Mr. Howard Y. McCluskey of the
education faculty will be the speak-I
er at the meeting of the Men's Edu-
cational club at 7:45 on Monday in
room 304 of the Union. He will ad-
dress the group on "The Neglected
Phase of Teacher Training."
Mr. McCluskey has been engaged in
experimental work at the UniversityI
of Chicago for the past year. In his
investigation of the Cleveland schools
he became interested in visual train-
ing to be had by means of slides and
motion pictures; his talk will deal
with some features and advantages.
afforded by sight teaching.

Indiana 12, Ohio State 7.
Illinois 21, Chicago 21.
Purdue 36, DePaw Ot.
Notre Dame 38, Wisconsin 3.
Iowa 7, Butler college 0.
Ames 7, Minnesota 7.
Cornell 91, Susquehana 0.
West Virgina Wesleyan 7, Syracuse3.
Columbia 40, New York University 0.
Pennsylvania 3, Georgetown 0.
Rutgers 43, Layfette 7.
Lehigh 3, Holy Cross 3.
Yale 47, Maryland 0.
Boston college 34, Marquette 7.
Georgia 7, Virginia 0.
Alabama 14, Kentucky 0.
Penn State 22, Carnegie Tech 7.
Army 14, Florida 7.
Vanderbilt 18. Mississippi A. and M 0.
Pittsburgh 13, Geneva 0.
Dartmouth 38, Boston University 0.
St. Louis university 9, Michigan
Aggies 3.-
Center 32, University of Tenneesee 0.
Carrol 10, University of Detroit 7.!
Princton 34, Harvard 0.
Navy 53, Vermont 0.

So C A Officials:
Expect To Pass
IOriginal Quota
With complete reports on 125 lists
of students out of 360 compiled by'
the Student Christian association,
and 50 fraternities yet to be called
upon, the financial drive of the S. C.
A. will probably go over the top the
latter part of next week was the re-
port of Earl Sawyer, chairman of the
drive last night.
Every solicitor is urged to turn in
his list of men to Lane hall today,I
whether it has been covered or not,
in order that a clean up squad of 30
picked men may finish soliciting
next week.
The men who will comprise the
fraternity solicitors are Maurice P.
Rhodes, '25L; Rensis Likert, '26E;
Norman B. Johnson, '25; Arthur
Thomas '25M; Lionel Crocker of the
public speaking department; Egbert
Isbell, '26L; Tom Dasef, '25L;. and
Perry M. Hayden, '25. This group will
meet at Lane hall today at 2 o'clock
to discuss plans of calling on frater-
nities this week.
The men comprising the clean-up
squad will be picked from those who
have made the best showing in the
drive to date. They will meet at Lane!
hall Monday at 5 o'clock in the
Camp Randall Field, Madison, Wis.,
Nov. 8.-Notre Dame overwhelmed
Wisconsin here today, defeating the
Badgers 38-3 in a great game marked
by the flashing forward passing of
the Rockne team and the stellar end
running of D. Miller, Layden and
Wisconsin held a second team to a
standstill in the first period but when
the Badgers threatened to score,
Rockne sent in his first team and the
best the Badgers could do was a
Iplace kick.
Notre Dame gained at will through
the Wisconsin line, around the end

More than 3,000 letters containing
booklets explaining the purpose and
functions of the Unian have been sent
to non-life members by the life mem-
bership drive committee, under the
direction of Harry G. Messer, '26,
chairman of the drive. The booklet
also explains the condition of Union
finances and reasons why students
should take out a membership.
The drive will start next Tuesday
and will continue for three days, dur-
ing which time it is hoped to obtain
a quota of 1400 new life members.
More than 200 men comprising 19
teams of ten men and a captain will
work in the drive. The teams have
been given definite territory to cover
in their soliciting and they will call
upon all fraternity houses and room-
ing houses on the campus.
Two new additions have been made
to the Union's equipment list this year,
the first, the new Pendleton library on
the second floor of the building which
is completed and which will be opened
in a few days, and the second the
swimming pool which is being pushed
to completion and is expected to be
ready for use by Christmas.
The regular life membership fee for
students is $50 which may be paid
in installments of $10 a year. If one
payment is made while the student is
still in the University the remainder
may be made later and the $50 rate]
still obtained. After a student has been
graduated one year however, the price
is raised to $100. or this reason a
saving of $50 is made by paying the fee
while the student is still in school
or by paying one installment.
The money received from member-
ships obtained by the drive will be
used to make .payment, against the
$350,000 debt still outstanding from
the cost of building the Union, in-
stead of being applied against running
A meeting of all committeemen and
captains of teams will be held to-
morrow night at the Union to receive
final instructions for the beginning
of the drive the next day. All men who
intend to participate in the drive are
expected to be present at this meeting
and any others who wish to work on
the drive may come to this meeting.
A number of men can still be used in
the work of soliciting.
"flying squadron" will be ap-
pointed to solicit members of the
faculty and those non-members who
were missed by the teams in their
rounds of the territories assigned to
Senior education students assemnbl-
ed at 9 o'clock last night in the Un-
iversity high school gymnasiuni for
very successful party. After a few
games the guests were entertained at
dancing and cards until late in the
evening when refreshments were serv-
ed. Julia Moorhead, '26Ed, gave a
solo dance, and Jane White, '27, did
an impersonation.
Faculty guests of the seniors in-
I cluded Dean A. S. Whitney and Mrs.
Whitney, Prof. J. B. Edmonson and
Mrs. Edmonson, Prof. J. R. Schorling
and Mrs. Shorling, Prof. G. E. Myers
and Mrs. Myers, Mr. T. L. Purdom 'and
Mrs. Purdom, and Miss Margaret Cam-
Work In Rhetoric
Improved By Scott
Work in the rhetoric department has
had a distinct impetus since the re-
turn of Prof. F. N. Scott, departmental
head, who spent last year's leave of
absence in research study abroad.
Registrations in two or more courses
given in the department have in-
creased. In addition 49 graduate stu-
dents are pursuing advanced work;
19 of them'are to take their degrees
in rhetoric. Of these 7 are candidates
for the doctor's degree.

Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 8.-Zona
Gale, well known American authoress
'and playwright, delivered an address



Large Number of Subscribers Indicate
Greater Interest in Association
For Current Year;
Surpassing* their goal of $1,800 by
$330 with a total of $2,133.20, Michi-
gan women went over the top in their,
annual finance drive which was held
last week. The sum is not complete
as some of the teams failed to hand
in their reports. Although the drive
has really been closed, solicitation'
will be carried on this week so that
every woman student will be called
on. If for any reason a woman is not
called on and wishes to contribute to
the association they are urged to
bring their money to Newberry hall
any afternoon after 2 o'clock.
Greater independence . of the as-
sociation has been shown this year
by the fact that their quota was rais-
ed from $1,500 to $1,800 and that the
subscriptions were increased in num-
ber from 835 to 1,017 thus indicating'
a greater interest in the organization!
on the part of the women students.
The Packard car lead the other 12j
teams with a total of $237.25. Evelyn
Murray, '27, is chairman of this team
and announces that this sum is still
incomplete. The Cadillac, which held
a close second with $226.50 held the
first place several times during the
week, Genevieve Speers, '26, is the
chairman of the team and also holds
the place as being the woman who
got the most subscriptions during the
campaign. Miss Speers, leads the list
with 66 subscriptions and $86.50. Lida
Thatcher, '25, is second, having 32
subscriptions and $77.50.
(Continued on Page Five.)

By Carl E. Ohlmacher
Unable to cope with the driving attack of the Michigan backs, a
helpless to pierce the Wolverine defense with any degree of regulari
Northwestern's football team was swept off its feet, going down to a 2
defeat yesterday afternoon at Ferry Field.
The Purple put up peppery fight, and the efforts of Captain Bob Wie
ecke and Ralph Baker kept the victors on their toes throughout the co
test. Weinecke's line smashes and Baker's clever off-tackle drives were
sponsible for the greater part of the gains made by the visitors. Bal
also played an important part in the aerial attack which the Purple i
leashed early in the game and continued until the final whistle in th
desperate attempts to score. Time after time the losers forgot all the u
written rules of the games and passed in their own territory. In the four

Dr. Lacklana Will Speak At University
Service on, "Allying Labor With
Dr. George S. Lackland, "The fight-
ing parson of the West," of the Denver
Grace Community Church, will speak
on, "Allying Labor with Learning,"
at the University service at 7:30
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. He
will also lead the Open Forum discus-
sion on "IndustrialoRelations," to be
held at 3:.30 o'clock today in Lane!l
Hall for all interested in the labor
IAs Dr. Lackland is at present the
Western Representative of the Work-
er's Education bureau of the American
Federation of Labor, a position which
places him in control "f the eight
Colorado Industrial Edudation col-
leges, he is considered to be an auth-
ority on his subject. Grace Community
Church, of which he has been the
pastor since 1918, has long tried to
reach the labor classes, espelcially
through the Unions, and is rated by the
Federal Council of Churches as fore-
most in America with regard to direct
contact with organized labor,
The Open Forum meeting this after-
noon is under the auspices of the Stu-
dent Christian Association and the
Ann Arbor Trades Council, and will be
presided over by Mrs. C. F. Boorom,
president of the latter organization.
Although Dr. Lackland will do most
of the sneaking, the meeting will be
conducted very informally, on the dis-
cussion plan.
Harry C. Clark, '26L, former presi-
dent of the Student Christian Associa-
tion, will be in charge of the Univer-
sity Service. Scripture reading and
prayer will be offered by Rev. Herbertf
A. Jump, minister of the Congrega-
tional church. Wendell Vreeland will!
lead the singing, while Philip E. La
Rowe will play at the organ.

period, several of

their passes were

attempted within their own goal lin
Michigan's attack was versatile ar
polished. No startling tricks or ne
formations were uncovered, straigh
football being used practically a
through the contest. The Maize at
Blue pass attack, although it did no
result in a large number of gain
was responsible for three of the win
ning touchdowns.
The Wolverines played the gan
without the services of Captain Her
Steger, whom Coach Little decided i
hold in reserve at the last minut
While Herb's injured foot is in goc
condition, the Varsity mentors do no
wish to run any chances of his beint
unable to play against Ohio Stai
next week, and, accordingly, made th,
decision to keep him out of yester
dey's tilt. Herrnstein took his pla(
at left half, with Friedman playin
at the other halfback post. Kuno
was in at right tackle in place o
Babcock, whose hand is still in ba
Michigan's first scoring chant
came in the first period. On an ex
change of punts, Rockwell had a
edge on Baker and Weinecke, whi
handled the booting for the visitor
After Baker had punted to Michigan
21 yard line and two players ha
gained but four yards, Rockwell pun
ed, the ball being downed on the Pur
ple five yard line. Captain Weineck
standing behind his own goal lin
was forced to hurry his punt and ti
ball went out of bounds on his ow
24 yard mark. Marion went throu8
for three yards, and on the next pla
Rockwell broke through left tackl
shook off a Northwestern tackler, at
'dodged through the secondary de
fense for the first touchdown of tl
game. He failed to add the exti
point when the ball struck the go
post and bounced off to the side.
At the start of the second quarte
the Purple threatened Michigan's goa
but after a combined passing and run
Ining attack bad brought the ball in
Wolverine territory for the first tim
j a 15 yard penalty for throwing th
l ball to the ground on an attempte
Lpass took the play back to the North
western 45 yard line, and the chanc
was lost, as Baker was immediate
forced to punt. Shortly after thi
the Purple eleven had the ball on ti
Michigan 47 yard stripe, but thr
plays failed, and another punt w
necessary. After another exchange
punts, Michigan tookdthe ball on h
own 36 yard line, and began 'a marc
down the field that brought the leat
er to the Purple 30 yard mark. Aft
a pass to Flora was broken up, Frie
man shot the ball to Rockwell wb
raced over for the second touchdow
Sof thegame. Rockwell also kick

Through the Cosmopolitan club, all
foreignstudents of the University will
be entertained at a tea from 4 to 61
o'clock this afternoon at the home of 1
Dean George Patterson, of the engin-
eering college, 2101 Hill street. Any
foreign student on the campus, wheth-
er he is a member of the Cosmopoli-.
tan club or not, is welcome to attend
this meeting.
More than 20 new members will be
initiated i'nto the club this afternoon,'
according to Rensis Likert, '25, pres-
ident of the club. A program consist-
ing chiefly of musical numbers will
be presented under the supervision of
John Akerman, '26E.

Dean Hughell Fosbroke, of the en-
eral Theological Seminary in New
York City, and Canon W. DeVries, of
the St. Peter and St. Paul's Cathedral
at Washington, D. C., will be the prin-
cipal speakers at the fifth annual
Episcopal students' banquet Tuesday
evening at 6 o'clock in the Union ball-.
room. Wm. D. Roesser, '25L, business
manager of the Michigan Daily, will
address the Episcopal students on be-
half of tie student body. Bishop Her-
man Page, of the Detroit diocese will
preside as toastmaster.
According to announcement of the
committee in charge there will also
be several musical numbers. Cliff
Allen's orchestra will provide music
during the dinner.
'Cabbage Wagon
Halts Parade

Biologists who have attended the
University Summer Biological station
at any time since it was started In
1909 held a reunion at 7:30 o'clock
last night in the Natural Science
'building.This was the first attempt
to have a reunion of the "bug" camp-
ers and the plan is to make the affair
annual. They called their meeting'
last night "The first annual bug camp
"Gertrude the Governess," by Steph-
en Leacock, was presented as the
feature of the program. Students and


A few minutes after the seco:
score, Northwestern's reckless attemi
at a pass from the 13 yard line i
sulted disastrously when Bake'
throw was intercepted by Ben
Friedman who returned to the 22 ya
line. On the first play, T riedm
passed to Marion who plunged ova
the line for Michigan's third sco
Rockwell's place kick was good, a
the Wolverines were leading, 2(
when the half ended.
Early in the third period, Mich
gan rushed the ball to the Northwee
era 39 yard line after Slaughter i
tercepted Baker's pass, but a pu
was necessary after the backs fail
to advance the ball. Baker puni
after two plays had failed, and Nor
western was penalized 15 yards
interfering with Gregory, who h
called for a fair catch, and it w
Michigan's ball, first down, on t
Purple 34 yard line. Two pass
failed, and Rockwell tried for a pla
ment from the 38 yard line, but t
boot was low and wide, rolling 0
the goal line. The ball went
Northwestern on the 20 yard line, a


A vegetable wagon, a small boy,
and a recumbent horse caused a mo-
mentary halt in the line of march ofI
the, Northwestern Band and its ag-
gregation of Northwestern rooters
yesterday afternoon.
The Band and its following was
coming south on State street; the
wagon with its load of cabbages was!




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