.THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1924 fl 2 I D O D C Tell Proper Wa M lnnhI lR I an invocation offering Thianksgiving mE ~ ~ " ' 'To Use elp o eworld through the sacrifice of the Am- Telpho e 111 L erican soldiers. Rev. Father Com- Asnanaid 'owardbettePtelehonemand will .deliver an lnvocation con- anaOR owrdbete tlehoe if I b ll secrating America to, the great work FUP OM ii0M NB servce, the M1ichigan Bell Telephone 00 9 IM_511 ECI 99 f h ftre coinpany fer h suggestion thatd The National Guard and the Naval BuceyeWolerie atte I Ceterk he ubsribr ue he ronncitio IPatriotic Organizations of City to Buckye-olvrine.BatreIs Cnte th suscrier se he ponuciaionReserve will attend the service in a of Interest; Committees Plan.o.o an uler htistuh Unite in CMelnatlon; Public ofy etue NProgranmnubesPlannedaugt body. The arrangements for the Arm- _____ tool~eator. --istice Day program are under the di- The letter "o" should be pronounced BL'SE SE K rcinofCp.I .Hi fteU.#S.- ROAD TO B MARKED M quite long. The final "n" in the fig- FL K____TOSP A Army. tnofCpLC.Hloth I re' one should be held. "R" is roll- _____________- (Special to The Daily) ed and the two "e's" in three are A'rmistice Day will be celebrated } ______________- Columbus, Nov. 7.-Ohio State is held. Four, seven, and nine 'become this year by a union of all the patriotic mustering all its forces these days in words of two syllables. Thc other organizationis in the city. An Armis- -~ numbers are pronounced as usual ex- preparation for its Forty-ninth Annualf cept that they should be pronounced tice Day program at the Chamber of' Homecoming, main interest in which more distinctly than in ordinary con- Commerce luncheon. Tuesday noon, centers about the Wolverine-Buckeye versation. will start the day's activity. At this clash in the stadium on November 15.A luncheon all civic organizations inM Under the guidance of an executive Chicago, Nov. 7.-- Plenty of good-I the city will participate. Willis committee of three prominent stu- seed corn will be available for the Blakeslee will speak on the mean- dents, ten subordinate committees are coming season, accco .ding to a surv ey ling of Nov. 11, to veterans of all wars. working to effect an organization for comnpleted by the American Farm Bur-j A mass meeting will be held at 8 the busy week-end. Chief amnong the{ eau federation. o'clock in Pattengill auditorium of the for the incoming crowds, establish- London, Nov. 7.--Dancing and high be paid to the boys who gave theirtak sindaelsigo om n ro ihsho.Tiuewl ment' of information bureaus, and thinking are mutually incompatible in lives in France, and the significance completing plans for the Michigan the opinion of George Bernard Shaw, I of Armistice Day will be explained. headquarters. famous author. Rev. Merle H. Anderson will deliver 1 ignts 5oc to $2.50 GARRICK Wed. Mat. -5ct0$L50 The SELNVYNS Present E CHANNING POLLOCK'S U"fTh. Fool"! l STUDENTS: We announce this fall a high quality line 'of Suits and Overcoats at $24.50 and $29.50 Tailored to your individual measure' with the guarantee of complete satis- faction. Also, Waterproof Topcoats from Small Deposit with order. $1 2.00 to $30.00 INTERSTATE TAILORS, American Hotel Call or Phone 123 for Appointment ILAL University e9~en.. 3 usually follow traditions, 'bur--.. all rcn., do the, samc.' ithen-, they1 Consider their appearance. and 'that- is why they appreciate..' 5wandord for e9~en- for a-'! uatrter of a &ntury. VAN BOVEN, CRESS &L THOMPSON j tate St. and S. University It i LEA-FLIETS OF MICHIGAN',SONGS ... 4,}# ... FOR BANQUETS F or Sale in Lots of 50-or 100 by ', + ,T' I ii< t Address Orders to Box, 35 , HAVE YOU SUBSCJRIBED YET? Your .Subscription is payable now.'' " A' t - i ,i A NNA HALES R NASER VI CE NEXV LOCATTO 0N, Onc-half Block South of Packard Street COMPLETE E QUIPMEN T, BRAKE LINING, WRECKING STRAIGHTENING FRAMES AND) AXLES AN) REPAIRING 521 South Main St. PHONE 1927 A. C. MARQUARD)T d No at Shiny faces the Dance y Our Shaving of those delicious barbecued meat sand- veCry wiches has been started. Only1 lQc 'x charged for the delivery service, which extends from 9 P. M. to 11 :30 P. M. -OrCders of six or more accepted. i. 1 's '7I I,. I 1w Tr i r Barblecue Inn Phone 2948-W _j1s 440 South State St. Lotion On State Street Read the Want AdsI I U and After- In the Arcade I ONE MANAGEMENT Shaving Powder I I I Gifts- The best Punch in Ann Arbor Call us up. Phone I1800-M 6. CLAUDE DRAKE'S Drug and Prescription Stoge Phone :308 Cor. State and 'N.- Univ. "The Qujar ry" The selection of a gift often becomes ,A perplexing =problem. It's useless to worry though-because at Arnold.'s you will always find the solution. '4 t i } '13. ARNOLD'S The best you ever ate. Served at all hours. Drop in for eats. ARBOR FOUNTAIN fr: STATE 302 South State Street Es-,IL T JLEW ELER Phone389-R I Reare the Want Ads . . . . . . 7-7 - AtI the Sign ,,g Th e Golden Oaks Inn'- ~ y.. -o4 a s; i SOUA dB AND Lieut.-Conuuftnrder John Phiip Sousa, ton, uetpr AN ORGANIZATION OF 1,00 MUSICIANS Thursdlay, November 13, at 8 p. m. M 5. 1 is * ri 11 I Hear SOUS A And His BAND (John Philip Sousa, Conductor) ,Play is Latest Com-, positionrs: "ANCIENT AND HON- ORABLE ,ARTILLERY COMPANY 1ARCHl" (New) "POWER AND GLORY" (New) "CAMERA STUDIES" ** (Suite) "LOOKING UPWARD" (Spite) ''LEAVES FROM 1MY NOTE-BOOK" (Suite) "EL CAPITAN" "HIGH SCHOOL CADETS" "WASHINGTON .POST" "SE MPER FVIDELTS"6 (March of the Devil Dogs) "THE STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER" Hill11Audito rliun =- rinn Arbo r Sousa's music represents the real spirit of America in a ,dignified and intellectual man- nier.-Leopold Stokowski, Conductor of Phila- delphia Symphony orchestra. The humor and -dignity, the delicacy and the vigor, of Sousa's interpretations of his musical numbers, carry* his audiences into another realm from which they are loathe. to return when the program ends. It is not strange: that Sousa's Band plays to the largest audiences the musical world has known. Sousa does that which no other musician has been Able to accomplish. In, the same concert lie brings to the appreciation and enjoyment of the masses' classical music;; and, by -adding a twinkle of -humor with a dash of dignity. to popular music and even to jazz he makes the popular syncopation acceptable to the trained mnusicians in his audience. The Sousa fad gains. momnentum; by year his audiences increase. No. one can take his place; no one can imitate him. He is con- tributing to. America truly American. music and interpreting the best music of all time to all people. through ,him all may enjoy the better things in music. T IC KEtTS- 50 c-$1.00=$1.50-$ 2.00 SEASON ICKETS-$2.00, $9.00, $4.00,' $5.00 admitting to five big concerts including three programs by the DETROIT SYPHONY Olt- CHESTRA, conductedr by GABRILOWITSCH ._a__ aler I -_, .rrw= +srin 'r a nn 6 *AM V .A tits Hear 'SOU SA; And His BAND' (John. Philip Sousa, Conductor) Play His Latst Com- posiins: "NOBLES O THlE MYSTIC SHINE" "PEACHES AND CREAM" (New) "cU. S. FIELD. ARTILLERY": "6SABRE AND , SPt1ItS" "COMIRAD ES OF THE LE4ION' "B:OY .SCOU7TS" "BULLETS .AND. BAYONETS" "THE 4CALLA T "THE IN VINCIBLE EA+GLE" '"THE THUNDEREW' * * *'~ rvr f[ .rr!. .V,.. ii Luncheon, 11 to 2 Dnner, . tor 8 .1 ,' a4fternoon 'Tea i Sunday Dinner and Supper a Speilsty Private, Dining 7Roomn II 1 ! i I I al