THE MICNIGAN DAILY S 1T-rRDA , HOVE, MBER 8, 1924 THE MIC~IIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1924 p - -.---.---.----. - _ blished every morning except Monday g the LT,,,versity year by the Board in rol of Student Publications. embers of Western Conference Editorial catiOn. ie Associated Press is exclusively en- I to the use for republication of all news tches credited to it or not otherwise ted in this paper and the local news pub- :d therein. tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, higan, as second class matter. Special rate ostage granted by Third Assistant Post- er General.mal Ascription by carrier, $3.30; by mail, fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Street. hones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi. 96o. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER or.............John G. Garlinghouse s Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay NgtEditors rge W. Davis Joseph Kruger mas P. lienry John Conrad neth C. Keller Norman R. Thal its Editor.......William H. Stoneman ,day Editor......... Robert S. Mansfield men's Editor............Verena Moran ic and Drama.....Robert B. Henderson graph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants ise Barley Winfield H. Line ion Barlow Harold A. Moore lie S. Bennets Carl E. Ohimacher ma Bicknell William C. Patterson rman Boxer 11elen S. Ramsay th Cady jr. Regina Reichmann lard B.Crosby Marie Reed etine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder es W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito ph O. Gartner Fredk. . Sparrow, Jr. uning Jiouseworth C. Arthur Stevens -abeth S. Kennedy Marj'ory Sweet abeth Liebermann Frederic Telmos ncis R. Line Herman J. Wise t i en communication have been received They are scarcer than spare tires on at The Daily office, most of them con- a campus ford. The Daily has attempt- tribiting nothing to the question un- ed, in its feeble way, to paint a pic- der discussion, and taking, on the ture of the embarrassments, the dis- other hand, a most belligerent and comforts, which the paucityof these bellicose view of the whole business. inexpensive objects can cause the A number of the letters have been so student. In one editorial was described bitter in their attacks on the motives graphically the predicament of a stu-' which ;have actuated preceding com- dent who is forced to sit for a full munications and they contributed so hour in an overcoat which is damp and little to the matter in question, that dripping with snow. A particularly it has been found necessary to re- striking paragraph was devoted to a, turn them. chronicle of the efforts of a student We believe that the Campus Opin- to take notes on a lecture while hold- ion column has very real possibilities ing his overcoat on his knees and a as a forum for the sane, intelligent hat in his left hand. discussion of current questions; but Recently a number of the Buildings we believe that correspondents should, and Grounds moguls admitted that in their letters, observe the ordinary the problem had been puzzling them amenities of civilized communication. not a little. The problem, they ex- It is perfectly possible to attack the plained is not so simple as it seems arguments of another without indulg- upon first notice. There is the ques- ing in libel, and it has never been tion: Shall the coat hooks be placed the policy of The Daily to aid private in the corridors, in the rooms? The individuals in venting their personal possibility of studding the walls of animus against some other individual. the corridors with them was rejected When an author stoops to vitupera- because experience has proved that tion of replying to constructive argu- the student body is not wholly free ment, when he hurls insults in place from thieves. It was also decided not of logic, and relies wholly upon ex- } to put them in rooms, first, because travagant phrases for his reasoning, they do not harmonize with the ar- he succeeds in injuring no one but chitectural scheme, and second, be- himself: he confesses himself defeat- cause a great many of the rooms havej I U. itI MUS IC AND Personal Christmas Cards T)RAMA THE DENISHAWN DANCERS A review, by Robert Henderson. There are two tasks trat falbergast a criticism: a production nearly good and a production superlatively gnpd. To estimate an all but perfect per- formance can result in nothing save extravagant enthusiasms, which none, barring those actually in the audience will even begin to believe. The program presented last eve- ning at the Whitney theatre by the I Denishawns was little less than fault- ness; number after number with ka-j laedioscopic versatility each main- tained "a height of artistic accuracy;j but to make you believe the fact is1 impossible. In our present age of sophisticated ennui, no one will admitj perfection.1 Picture, if you can, the production, dance following dance. First came the' musical visualizations: the open- ing ensemble ballet. Ted Shawn's nude conception of a Chopin Etude, (consider, too, the effect of such an interpretation in the politer Hill audi- torium,) the beautiful hoop scherzo by. Doris Humphrey, the beautiful Scriabine Prelude with Ruth Austin and Charles Wiedman, and finally Ruth St. Denis herself in the very, very beautiful Schubert Waltzes: at the very outset, you see, one runs amuck a hopeless mass of superla- G RAHAH 'S Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk ! -- q 16 1 i 1 ' i NOVEMBER, 19-04 ....... _.__ ,.-....---- S M T W T F S 1 f 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2'1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 . . .. After the --Sunday Dinner Michigan- Notice12:3 to 2 Notice - Northwestern We clean and reblnk hats and caps e Game and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate Come and Enjy iflease Make having your hat done over in a cleanay and sanitary manner, free from odor a Delicious Your and made to fit your head. FACTORY HAT STORE Dinner Reservations 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (W here D U. R. Stops at State)7 3 .es yh 3 9 1 703 E. University _ . Phone 3093-M - «.....-.. II P" PIV N IL h~rf AMll ed. And when such communications come to The Daily, they will be for- warded, without delay, to the janitor. A HIGHER TYPE OF EDUCATION A most representative body of alum-, ni, members of the Board of Directors of the alumni association, came to blackboards where coat hooks ought to be. We did not attempt to discover whether the ceiling had been consid- ered. All these excuses are good enough. But when The Daily commenced its agitation for coat hooks it did not in- tend to be taken quite so literally. There are other means of stowing A TTENTION .l t" I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Ivertiing..................R. L. Di dvertising...................3. J, J vertising.......... H. A. Iv'rtising..........-....H. M. Roc counts...................Byron P irculation................... R. C. W' bliction.............John W. C Assistants W. Arnold W. L. Mullins F. Ardussi K. F. Mast rnion Burris i. L. Newmann Rentz Thomas Olmstead ilip Deitz g D. Ryan avid Fox 1d. Rosenzweig rnan Freehling iargaret Sandb rE. Hamaker f'.K. Schoenfeld Johnson S. H. Sinclair 11. Kramer F. Taylor )uis W. Kramer ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, slight Editor-HAROLD A. MOO ONCE MORE, NORTUWESTER Athletic relations between N estern university and the Unive f Michigan are resumed this a oon at Ferry Field after a laps ve years. Always a respected r e team welcomes the opportu gain to contest on the gridiron te representatives of this schoo In the chronicles of athletic his ere are few games which stand ore in the minds of Michigan rd women than the last one orthwestern. It was during M an's lean days in 1919 when co nce victories were the excep ather than the rule..In the first t eriods of the game Michigan's onents ran up a comfortably b ad, but adherents of the Yellow lue kept on cheering, really exhib hat much-talked-of spirit. Hope lmost gone, when in the last tinutes of the contest the .Mich am started a march down the' hich resulted in a touchdown.' 'as followed by another which he game. That one victory made 3ason a success-it represented ghting spirit of football, that ne ay-die attitude which makes theg orthwhile as a developer of me A team with the same spirit bu tr greater calibre faces Northwes his afternoon. It has shown its al o come back both in the discoura efeat at Illinois and in the g hat have followed. Northwestern as displayed the same moral merging victorious in its game ndiana last week, its first confer ictory in two years. Both teamsI verything to strive for in to ame. Spirit will be the determ ictor in the final struggle. At ate-Michigan is proud again to ome No.rthwestern students an orthwestern team to Ann Arbor erry Field. I Ann Arbor yesterday for their annual 1 away coats and hats. tese SThe second part of the program in- fall meeting. Representatives of more In a number of rooms there areI cluded the gypsy ballet, "Cuardo than 50,000 alumni .and former stu- special chairs with a shelf beneath } Flamenco," the only number present- dents they hold in their hands the them in which garments may be ed last year and repeated on the cur- 5unne destinies of one of the most powerful placed. If the present benches were rent bill. The episode is only too Vell a influences in the ultimate welfare of gradually replaced by these chairs, known, the actors chatter in Spanish, kwell the University. As such there is a defi- this problem, which, in spite of its , the flower-girls, the servillanos, and Vntr nite service they can perform. apparent unimportance, is a very real the Cuardo Flamenco follow one: onlin For the first time many of them see one, would be solved, and the B and ' another in every variation of the La- the changed physical aspect of the G chieftains would have earned a tin tango. Then the Matador and the campus. They marvel at the luxury of place in the heart of every student. Dancer appear, there is the mantilla the new Law club, the magnificence scene, everything mounts to a whirl-' of the Literary building, the utility of __ing, smoky climax, and the curtaint irg the new lbrtre n optl.I falls: colorful, exotic, chaotic. laboratories and hospitals. It CAMPUS OPINION The first division of the divertisse- is not the campus they have known, Anonymous communications will be ment was the experimental silent but it is the beginning of the new disregarded. The names of communi music a icants will, however, be regarded as dance, "Tragica." Withoutmuian and modern Michigan. Thus far the confidential upon request. only the rhythmic rising, falling, picture is encouraging. Many of these surging, contrasting gestures of the alumni leaders will no doubt be prone THE FRESHMAN GROUPS opposing groups to present its story 1924 to accept the present situation as the To the Editor: i the number ended as it began, a prom- completion of the development of the I was interested to read an editorials ising beginning of an art-form too IRE University. If such is the attitude, "Activity PlIs" in the issue of Friday unique to be fully appreciatel by a they make a grave mistake.. November seventh. It is apparent conventional audience. INI No University can subsist for any from the statements of thewriter that Next came the two oriental dances jrth- # length of time on purely physical ex- he was not thoroughly acquainted with -exquisitely done-the five Ameri- rsity pansion. There must be an accompany- the "group idea" and the gn can burlesques by Eastwood Lane as fter- ing enlargement of facilities for in- of the Freshman class. on a comic relief-exquisitely done-and se of tellectual attainment. Adequate op- Last year the class of '27 was or- nearly at the end a fascinating Chop- rival, portunity must be given the thousands ganized along the same lines, and Vase by Anne Douglas and Geor- unity of students to come in contact with various forms of activity were tried gi Grhm Carryng wimense with great scholars and competent teachers. with the result that some of them whiteg crepe scarves, with constantly withthereslt hat omeof hemshifting lights, they presented a bal- l. It is to accomplish this purpose that were to a certain degree unsuccessful. let artistic, beautiful, and artistically story President Burton recently announced Athletics were responded to more beautiful; one can say no more. out the start of a campaign to procure readily than any other form of com- The concluding dance was the Al- men the "highest type of educator for the i petition, and it is because we can pro-'gerian pantomime, "The Vision of with University." This can only be accom- I fit from past experience and are eager , Aissoua." There was a voluptuous dich- plished as has been pointed out in- to improve our system that the activ- abandon here that literally made one nfer- numerable times by increasing the ity this year "is based on and entirely dizzy, half-drunk. Everything w'as tions salaries of the deserving members of to athletics." It Is significant for the minutely, exactly correct-the lan- three the present faculty and by competing writer to realize also that a hearty at- guage, the cotumes, customs, chore- .op- with other institutions of the country tempt has been made in ever a- graphy. The audience fairly gasped: i y group it was too perfect. Sensual, passion- large for the services of distinguished 1 meeting this week to have men meet ate, fantastic, it presented the full, and scholars. others whom they have not known luxurious abandon of a primitive iting It will be necessary, therefore, as before. Any man in attendance at these people. was President Burton pointed out, to con- gatherings is well able to voice the * * * fe* vince the legislature that the limit on opinion that he derived deep satisfac- I RUTH ST. DENIS igan the mill tax should be removed, thus tion from being able to speak to a few (Continued from Page One.) field making possible a greater annual in- men on the campus when he saw "Isn't this along the lines of Dal- This: come for the University. The Presi-. them next day. croze Eurhythmics or Delsarte's won dent, if his health permits, will do The activity as arranged this year studies?" we asked. "No," she an- e the everything in his power to bring this has been planned so as not to inter- swered, "Delsarte was an opera singer, the about, but he cannot cover the state, fere with the freshman's "learning" who lost his voice and turned his ever- he cannot reach personally every of "with their gaining the proper sense energies toward the scientific study of game member of the legislature. It is here of proportion and balance." There the physical expression of a mental n, that the alumni can help. Many of will be no reason whatsoever why any state. His aim was to improve the ut of them live in the state. These men can sport or any schedule should com- acting of opera singers. Deleroze was stern use their influence with their repre- mand or attract more than a few a piano teacher who found that while bility sentatives at Lansing, can get the hours a week for the time of every his pupils were at the piano they did aging personal contact which is so essential yearling participant. Surely they will not feel the rhythm which they felt ames to a perfect understanding of the sit- benefit from meeting new men and it strongly in physical action. He de- - -,, tLLIUIIinn Imho UIUUonAUUS ofi a m ui u- I_. --- -- -- - EPISCOPALIANS ! The Annual STUDENT BANQUET at the MICHIGAN UNION cA rf wcer . . WE ARE PARTICULARLY PROUD of the type of people that select and drive RICKENBACKERS. WHEREVER PEOPLE OF CHARM and refinement go, there you, will see RICKENBACKER cars. WOMEN PARTICULARLY enjoy driving a RICK. ENBACKER because of the easy steering quaities. ASK THE RICKENBACKER DEALER in your city for a demonstration. You will find him enthusiastic over the merits of this car, but courteous and not annoying. Iv TE.SI)AY, NOV. 11 at 6:04) P. M. Cliff Alien's Orchestra Speeches Cabaret DON'T FAIL TO GO Tickets at Harris Hall and Wahr's i 14 Read the Want Ads Our patrons often1 compliment us on t " 'C Jj, ,_ 0. F. BLAESS a04 South Main Street Phone 3436 serving a variety ----... of foods great enough to satisfv every appetite at every meal. Van's Lunch 116 othU.vnd' .. . Y 5 ;illi llIl1i~llll~IIIIIliIIIiIIII 1fli'.:i I~ Underwood Standard Portable Typewriters lI- = 3I The Machine you will Even- j tually Carry. Sold on easy terms to suit every student's t pocketbook. * 1 too e in with rence have day's ining any wel. nd a and dationr etiousancs of aumni un- der their direction can function most all goes back to the adage that a man veloped a study of natural rhythmic gets out of a thing what he puts into expression. While we admire these OPINION-NOT LIBEL The Campus Opinion column of The Daily has recently been swamped with communications purporting to show (according to the side which the writers took) that Theodore Roosevelt was in favor of the League of Nations, or, on the other hand, that he was not. In the beginning, the exchange of views was interesting, although it was of no practical importance. In the light of changing conditions and the complete metamorphosis which the original League has undergone, his opinion of a league still unborn at the time of his death can have littleI weight now. With all due respect to successfully as propagandists. If it. An average of 65 men has been in approached in the right way the legis- attendance at each group meeting and lature cannot fail to realize the need. I am positive that had the writer been The alumni of any university play a an observer he would be inclined to significant part in furthering its wel- change his viewpoint somewhat. It fare. Michigan alumni have a loyalty is improbable that any freshman will and give a service which is known attempt to put in the time on this everywhere. The representative alum- group work that is necessary for foot- ni, in Ann Arbor today in carrying ball of any publication. back the message of the need of an in- Henry Grinnel, president of the creased mill tax will make possible Freshman literary class is heartily in the ideal University for which we all favor of the group idea and has so ex- are striving one in which the intellec- emplified his support by voluntarily tual stimulus will compare favorably attending one of the meetings each with the augmented physical equip- night. He says in part, "I think this ment. group system is just what the class of '28 needs and from the spirit ad- BY WAY OF SOLUTION vance thus far, and from the response Of late the chilly mornings have given at these meetings, I can see only been calling attention to the fact that one result; that is the class of '28 cold weather is going to be here pretty will be greatly benefited from giving soon. Fragile tracery of frost on the its wholehearted support to the plan." window pane reminds us that Jack The writer of this article is eager Frost is in the air, that winter with for any suggestions that will improve its Boreal winds, its sleet and snow the ways of dealing with the new and ice-and with its overcoats- classes, and if a better system is sug- will soon be here. Clothing stores are gested than the group plan, it will doing a thriving business in outer readily be adopted. It is my opinion oament of all inds. Ihowever, that the grounn cn h n nh_ i i two theories we do not wholly follow either of them. I "Havelock Ellis said, 'Dancing and architecture are the two fundamental arts, all others are based upon them.' Because of the conditions of the , growth of civilization, the dance has fallen far behind the other arts. Five hundred years from now I believe that dancing will have reached the stage of advancement that music has today.{ It has- only been in the past twenty years that any serious dancing has been done in America. America is yet in its infancy any-, way. It bases too much on mechanical, tangible things. It ignores the emo- tional and the spiritual. Picture if you can, a group of children-only these children are 40 and 50 years old- playing with mechanical toys, soon tiring of one and turning toward an-I other. I believe in time America will outgrow this and turn toward thej more permanent arts of life. The be- ginning of dancing in America is a turning toward this goal. Our ultimate aim is a theater of our own," she continued, "In which we A. C. STIMSON Second Floor 308 SOUTH STATE ST. Phone 3 oM 5titlttllllttttlililltillttttttlttttt °jl /V Physical Ftes Good athletes are made, not born! Given all the inherent qualities, the star runner, golfer, "baseballer," etc., must be carefully, thoroughly trained-both mentally and physically. So the methods of trainers and athletic experts are of interest to all. And it is significant that an alkohol rub is almost universal as a part of the pro- gram of developing the utmost in physical fitness. Mifflin Alkohol is available to you, too-for this and many other uses! Fine to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool and soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Splendid A:elief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. Cpllege teams and many other athleti' organizations use Miffin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. Special!.I A special dinner will be served today from 11 A. M. to 8P.M. I Price, $.75. Don't fail to stop in- You are sure to be MiffliniChemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sales Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIE& Co., Inc. .2 rn f . 7;1.t 11 Ii