AY, NOVEMBER 8, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Tifl. TEACHER'S BUREAU., TO OFFER SERVIC Prospecte't eachers 'To vMeet Tioday In ewberry halt,; Classi 'ica tionE Kiovem ber 10-1,) JUNIORS MAY ENROLL Imphortnt information in regrardl to teachling positions to be eoelnx V(ebruary and next Septembehr, will. be given to prospective teachers pct a ueeting to bheld1( at 10 Wolc this morning, in Newberry 1,0alIluitorium render the auspices of the University' buireau of appointments. Ca dd tsmo ,i st u to a n dinistrative positions, will be present to discuss methods of applicatilon and{ general serviece, remideredT b) the coin- inittee,. lMiss iMargazret Cameron, sec- retary-of 1the0appointment bureau, will distribuate temporary enrollment blankm s and explain the procedure, to bie followed at the regulanr enrollment next week. Trhe officenor the bureau in Taippano hanll will be open Novembe r !0-15, when seniors and graduates may co)'i- plete their- enrollment. Ulnder special Norway's Futfure King Palis IWit whic will offer ample opportunity ' - tor golfing ski.ljdue to the diversified PURO hLLS CLUBwhich. will lbe located on a, IA f SEridge of land, giving it a good view Iiof the rolling country around Anna P L1 i~SC UiF ~0 Varbor, will not lie started until early' '1 im f! 'o(urse to be LGocatfedl Th directors of the new club are: lBt 5, een: tsl entaii and tiRegent.. E.Beals, who is also vice-I j t.