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VOL. XXXV. No. 41
-------r -------- .
Expression Through Dance Art
Of Future Says Ruth St. Denis
By Norma Bicknell and Valentine I sented so-called interpretative dances,
Davies using the greater symphonies as her
The setting was nothing extraordi- musical foundation. Her choice of
nary. The writing room of the Whit- a name was unfortunate, for immedi-
ney Hotel, Ruth St. Denis at the desk, ately the music critics and composers
sundry salesmen smoking cigars began to froth at the mouth. 'Music,''
seated in the room-enter two eager they said, 'is an art sufficient unto
interviewers. With a gracious "Sit Itself. It needs no physical interpre-
down, children," she banished our tation.' In our studies of this type ofI
resitancy. , dancing we chose the word 'visualise.'
"About the silent dance," we sug- We merely attempted to visualise thex
gested, "Which we noticed on your music rather than interpret it. We
program,....." She put her pen merely translated from the language,
down and turning toward us began of music to the language of dance.
to speak. Her introductory phrases "It soon became evident to us that
were lost to us. Her personality held the music was inadequate, that it was
our attention, her effortless, yet vivid not written to dance to. Dancing is a
charm. She was not at all the theat- progressive art. Music tends toward
rical person we had anticipated. the repetition of a theme so in order
"Our silent dance is a progression to express ourselves more naturally in
toward the advancement of the dance," our 'dances we abandoned music.
She told us. "Isadora Duncan created Hence our silent dance."
much discussion when she first pre- (Continued ion Page Four.)
M. A. Ives of Anti Arbor, Donor
Silver Cup To high Man
In Drive
"With more than $4000 in cash and
pledges actually reported and assured
at 10:30 o'clock last night, the suc-
cess of the financial drive of the S.
C. A. is certain," stated Earl Sawyer
"The goal set for the drive is $6000,
and although the drive officially ended
last night, nevertheless soliciting will
continue until the entire amount sought
is raised," said Perry Hayden, Pres.
"We have been well pleased with the
amount of the individual subscriptions
which have averaged in the neighbor-
hood of $2.00, and with 50 fraternities
still to report and 2500 independents
we feel confident that we should go
over the top the first part of the week."
jHigh man in pledges and actual
cash is John C. Allen, '26, with $115.
Highest fraternity ip to last night
was the Chyron with $113.50, closely
followed by Theta Chi with $109.
Although the drive officially closed
last night, nevertheless a clean up
squad, composed ofthe best solicitors
will continue to call upon students,
who have not been given an opportun-
ity to contribute
The amount raised in the financial
drive of the S. C. A. last year was
$4300. This has been increased to
$6000, due to an increase in the en-
tire budget from $23,000 to $28,000.
The balance of the addition will be
raised among alumni, faculty and
friends, under the direction of Donald
E. Williams, '25L, who has been added
to the S. C. A. staff this fall as field
A choice of a handsome hammered
sterling silver pitcher or any one of
three beautiful silver loving kcups,
which are now on display at Lane
Hall, which are the gift of Mr. M. A.
Ives of this city, will be awarded to
the solicitor bringing in the highest
amount of acutal cash. Due to the ex-
tension of the drive, the winner will
not be announced until next week.
James Inglis was elected president
of a student council which has been
organized for the University high
school. home rooms served as voting
precincts for the election; nomina-
tions were by petitions. Two coun-
cil members have been chosen from
each home room, making a total of
ten student representatives on the
council. The three faculty members
are Prof. Raleigh Schorling, Mr. .
W. Stephenson, and Miss Edith
The council held its first meeting
Wednesday morning from 8 to 9. A
discipline committee within the coun-
cil for the solution of general rather
than of specific problems was de-
cided upon. A general discussion was
held upon the use of the council as
a means'of establishing group self-
control and good citizenship.
Band May Not Go
To o. S. U. Game
In spite of the fact that the at-
tendance at the annual Band Bounce
held Wednesday night in Hill audi-
torium, was the largest of the last
three years the Band failed to clear
enough money to make possible the
trip to Ohio State a week from Sat-
The early hour at which it was nec-
essary to start the program is given-
as one of the reasons for the failure
to fill the house by Arthur Smith, '25,
the Band manager. Unless some un-
forseen aid is given before next week-
end there is absolutely no chance for
the Band to go to Columbus accord-
ing to Smith.
Don't fail to purchase one of
Committee Named to Consider Plans
for Construction of Men's
I , I
Campaign Terminated Yesterday With
Total of 2,487 Pledges Signed;
Expected 3,000
I o
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, '07L, of the;
Law school, was yesterday named di-
rector-at-large in the Alumni associa-
tion. In addition to the appointment
of Prof. Aigler, the board of directors
of the association, holding their an-
nual fall meeting at the Union, dis-
cussed plans for University dormitor-
ies for men, and authorized the pres-
ident, Mason P. Rumney, '07E, to ap-
point a committee to consider the
The board named Stuart H. Perry,
'96L, a committee of one to draft res-
olutions expressing the board's regret
and sorrow at the recent death of
Henry W. Douglas, '90E, whose post
of director, Professor Aigler was
named to fill. The dormitory com-
mittee will be instructed to consider
plans for both the financing and the
construction of the buildings.
Plans were discussed for the tri-.
ennial meeting of the international
body of the Alumni association at De-
troit next spring. The latter part of
the second week in June was' set as
the tenative date for the gathering of
club representatives from all over the
The board went on record as op-
posing the Union's suggestion that the
back dues of inembers be put into the
hands of a collecting bureau. In
view of the fact that the association
can not undertake the matter itself,
it was decided to lay the matter on the
table until a latter date.
The legislative committee of the
board was also named yesterday.
Prof. G. Carl Huber, '87M, of the
Medical school, Professor Aigler,
Thomas Clancey, '10E, and T. Hawleyt
Tapping, '10L, field secretary, were
appointed.PFlowers were sent by the
board to President Marion L. Burton
with a message of sympathy.
In addition to PresidentyRumney,
Professor Huber, and Mr. Tapping, the
following members of the board were
present: Roy D. Chapin, ex-'01, Al-
len B. Pond, '80, Emory J. Hyde, How-1
ard I. Shepard, '98L, Victor R. Jose,
'10, Fitzhugh Burns, '92, Mrs. Frances
H. Moore, '90, Charles Baird, '95L,
Stuart H. Perry '96L, and Louis P.
Jocelyn, '87.
A dinner was held at the Union fol-
lowing the afternoon session.
Cheering Section
Numbers 1100 Men
Michigan men to the number of
1,100 will assemble in the fifty yard
line cheering section at the game to-
day. The cheering section is compos-
ed of upperclassmen and sophomores
who signified their desire to sit in.
a section at the beginning of the year.
With a total of 2,487 pledges signed
for the 1925 Michiganensian the cam-
paign ended yesterday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock. The drive did not come
up to the expectations of the sales
managers as 3,000 was the goal set.
Although during the first two days
the number of signers broke all pre-
vious records, the last three days
showed a considerable falling off in'
numbers. It is thought that many
who failed to take the opportunity of,
the reduced pledge rate will later se-
cure their yearbook by the payment,
of $6.00.
All who signed during the cam-
paign may pay at the 'Ensian office
the price of $5.00. This must be done
before December 19 or the rate will
be advanced 50 cents at that time.
Others may secure their
The 1925 'Enslan will be different, {
is the claim of every member of the
staff. Everything from the cover de-
sign to the arrangement of the pic-
tures will be changed. The most
radical change has been made in the'
art work. A style of Gothic motiff
will be followed to be in keeping with
the architecture of the new campus
buildings, particularly the new Law
club. Two thousand five hundred dol-
lars more will be spent this year for I'
art work.
The 'Ensian this year will be en-
tered in the Art Crafts Guild con-k
test for the first time. This organiza-
tion is composed of the engravers1
who handle the art work and engrav-{
ing for 200 annuals of the largest!
universities in the country. Last
t year the prize was won by the "Goph-
er" of the University of Minnesota.
Prof. T. H. Reed of the political
science department left yesterday af-
ternoon for Boston, where he will at-
tend the thirtieth annual meeting of
the national municipal league to be
held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
day at Harvard University.
Professor Reed, who is director of
the University bureau of government
and is recognized nationally as an
authority on municipal government,+
is chairman of the p ogram commit-'
tee of the national municipal league.
The municipal league exists to pro-
mote efficient and democratic govern-1
ment in city, county, state, and nation,
and is composed of those who are in-
terested in informing themselves up-
on political subjects and in encourag-
ing governmental progress.
Short Session Of Body Beginning Next
Month Will Treat Farm Legislation
And Appropriations Bill
Washington, Nov. 7.-President Coo-
lige does not contemplate at least
for the present, calling the new con-
gress into special session after next
March 4, nor does he now expect to
present any comprehensive plans of
tax reductions to the present congress
at the short session which will begin
next month.
White House spokesmen in outlining
the president's views today indicated
that farm legislation and the annual
appropriation bill would comprise
i the principal subjects of congressional
action at the approaching short ses-
In so far as tax reduction is con-
cerned it was made known that Pres-
dent Coolidge just now does not think
it advisable to reopen the whole ques-
tion of taxation at the short session
with a Congress which has but re-
cently declared its position on the
The President's position on legis-
lative problems was given after a day
devoted mostly -to conferences with
congressional leaders. Senate spokes-
men frankly expressed the hope that
the president would not call a special
session, declaring the country has
shown no desire for immediate addi-
tional legislation,
Washington, Nov. 7.-The Republi-
cans on the basis of revised election
returns appeared today to have gain-
ed an additional seat in the House
bringing their total up to 247 or 29
more than a majority. The upset, in
the first Oklahoma district kept the
Democratic strength to 182 seats as
against 207 in the present house.
On unofficial returns, Wayne Bay-
less, Democrat was winner by a scant
margin in the Oklahoma district but
the official tabulation showed him
143 votes behind S. J. Montgomery,
Republican opponent.
If final returns show Coolidge a
winner in New Mexico, his electoral
total will be 382, as all doubt as to
his capturing North Dakota was re-
moved today when the count there
was practically completed. Loss of
New Mexico would cut the Davis
electoral votes to 136, with Senator
LaFollette at 13.
Armistice Day will be observed by
University high school pupils and
teachers at an assembly to be held
from 8:30 to 9 o'clock Tuesday mor-
ning in the assembly hall. Rev. H. A.'
Jump will speak and Mr. M. L. Byrn
of the high school faculty will furnish
a cornet accompaniment for group
Several assemblies have already
been held. At one Pres. M. L. Burton
spoke on school loyalty. On November
3, a political campaign was staged
with student advocates from each of
the three major parties, and was fol-
lowed on election day with a' regular
election on sample ballots.
Special To Bring
Purple Rooters
One special train from Northwestern
carrying more than 400 rooters for
the purple team will arrive in Ann
Arbor today at 1 o'clock city time.
This special will leave Ann Arbor for
the return trip at 7 o'clock tonight.
A special train from Jackson will
also be run, arriving in Ann Arbor at
11:30 o'clock this morning and two
specials will come out from Detroit,
getting here at 1:25 o'clock and 1:35
o'clock this afternoon. The Detroit
trains will leave as soon as the game
is over.
Stores Of City
ci, l Fnn. (1vizt
Report Shows
Burton Makes
Steady Gains
Preident Marion L. Burton is mak-
ing steady gains from day to day ac-
cording to the bulletin issued last
night by the attending physicians.
A second telegram was received
from President Calvin Coolidge yes-
terday which ran as follows:
"Delighted to hear that you are bet-
ter. Earnestly hope you will continue
to improve rapidly."
Recovers Consciousness After Lapse
of 48 Hours; Periods
More Sustained
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 7.-The
( condition of Senator Cabot Lodge who
suffered a stroke at the Charles
Gates Hospital Wednesday remained
grave tonight, according to his phy-
sicians after lying for nearly 48
hours in a state of coma. Senator
Lodge today regained consciousness
and took a little nourishment. To-
night the bulletin announced that the
Iperiod of consciousness had been
more sustained and that he had taken
more nourishment since noon.
"Senator Lodge's physical condi-
tion remains grave," the bulletin is-
sued at 6:15 o'clock by Dr. John H.
Cunningham and Frederick H. Wins-
low stated. "Since noon he has taken
more nourishment and periods of
consciousness have been more sus-
On arousing from his long period
of unconsciousness today the Senator
drew a watch from Dr. Cunningham's
pocket and looked at it. Yesterday he
was able to speak a few words to
those at his bedside. His physicians
today commented on his vitality
which has enabled the Senator, whc
is in his 75th year, to continue his
fight for life throughout the two day
period through which 'little hope was
held out for him and during which
times death was expected momen-
Megaphones for the use of the
cheering section at the Northwestern
game have been received by George
Moe, who is giving them to the stu-
dents through the Student council
to aid in the concentrated cheering.
These 1,100 megaphones, are of the
same type as used at the Wisconsin
game and will have the words of "The
Victors," "Varsity," and the "Yellow
and Blue" printed on them.
The Athletic association reports
that many applications for seats in
the cheering section have been re-
Freshmen To Plan
Program For Year
All the committees of the freshman
literary class will meet next Monday
night at the Union. The purpose of
this meeting is to organize the com-
mittee work and decide upon plans
for the year.I
Meetings of all the men of the class
of '28, are being planned for Novem-
ber 18 and 20, when captains for the
fall games will be elected and the
class will be organized for the annual
j struggle with the sophomores. These
meetings will probably be held in the
auditorium of the natural science
As the crowd surges from the
gate at Ferry fjeld this after
noon, immediately after the final
shot is fired concluding the
, Northwestern fracas, The Daily
will put on sale its weekly foot-
ball extra. Each play during the
game will be published, as well
as scores from the other lead-
ing battles on the gridiron the
country over.
In addition, a complete write-
up of the morning's cross coun-
try race at Columbus with the
Ohio State and Illinois harriers
will be included. Another fea-
ture will be the Ann Arbor-U. of
D. high football contest this
Harvard vs. Princeton at Cam- j
bridge. !
Yale vs. Maryland at New Haven..
Brown vs. Haskell at Providence.
Dartmouth vs. Boston U. at Han-
Penn vs. Georgetown at Philadel- i
Cornell vs. Susquehenna at Ithaca.
Columbia vs. New York U. at Baker
Penn State vs. Carnegie at State
Army vs. Florida at West Point.
Navy vs. Vermont at Annapolis.
Syracuse vs. W. Va. Wesleyan at
Rutgers vs. Lafayette at New
Wash. and Jeff. vs. Waynesburg at
West Virginia vs. Colgate at Mor-
Georgetown vs. Franklin at George-
Middle West
Michigan vs. Northwestern at Ann
Chicago vs. Illinois at Chicago. ,
Indiana vs. Ohio State at Blooming-
Iowa vs. Butler at Iowa City.
Minnesota vs. Iowa State at Minne-
Purdue vs. DePauw at Lafayette.
Oklahoma vs. Missouri at Norman.
St. Louis vs. Mich. Aggies at St.
Wisconsin vs. Notre Dame at Wis-
Detroit vs. John Carrol at Detroit.
Washington vs. California at Seattle.
U. of S. Cal. vs. Stanford at Los An-
Alabama vs. Kentucky at Tusca-
Texas vs. Bayor at Austin.
Tennessee vs. Centre at Knoxville.
Georgia Tech vs. La. State at At-
Auburn vs. Tulane at Montgomery.,
Cairo, Nov. 7.-Ibn Saoud, leader of
the Wahibis, arrived at Mecca and is-
sued an invitation to all Moslem coun-
tries to send representatives to Mecca
to discuss administration of the Mos-
lem holy places.
EXPECT 30,000
Michigan To Present Strongest Co
bination This Year; North.
western Shifted
Michigan and Northwestern wil
meet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoo:
in what promises to be the moe
warmly contested battle that th
schools have waged on the gridiron
Both teams have been intensivel
drilled for today's contest. Michiga:
will be ready to go the limit in orde
to keep up her winning streak durn
the course of which Wisconsin an
Minnesota have fallen by the waysid
Northwestern, encouraged sty he
victory over the Hoosiers last Wee
her first Conference win in two years
has been pointing for today's gain
since the start of the season and I
expected to give Michigan a hard figb
for the decision. Although crippled t
a cert a eintexntC-4o2getaoinnulil
a certain extent by injuries, the Pur
ple will have several players in it
,lineup who compare with anyone i1
the West at their respective position
and an "easy time" is the last thin
that the Michigan coaches and player
expect this afternoon.
Babcock Is Out
The largest crowd that ever wit
nessed a game between the two in
stitutions is expected to be presen
when the whistle blows. More tha
kt30,000 people have already receive
tickets for the game and several thous
'and more are being planned on at th
The fact that- Norhwestern has
won four out of five games so fa
this season, beating So&" Dakot
Cincinnati, M. A, C., and Indiana, an
losing to Purdue only after a bar
tussle, has given the Purple stock
boost and Michigan su'pporters are a
expecting a hard tussle. Northwester
beat the Michigan Aggies 13-9, whil
Michigan won its game from the Lan
sing school by a lone touchdown in th
last two minutes of play.
Michigan and Northwestern wil
both start their strongest lineup
available against one another. Michi
gan will be without the servces o
George Babcock who is out with
broken hand. Either Hawkins o
Kunow, both veterans who have prov
en their worth, will replace the regu
lar right tackle. Captain Steger ma
also be kept on the sidlines althoug
his injury is not bothering him an
more. In case Steger is kept out unti
the Ohio game, Herrnstein will pla
left half again at the position he oc
cupued in the Minnesota game.
Will Shift Lineup
Northwestern's lineup is due'to sal
fer a shift intoday's game from ha
it has been in the past becausea
the injury of Mathews.pBruce may at
so beskept on the sidelines bt Se:
del, stellar end who is regarded va
one of the best in the Conference wi
undoubtedly be in at left tackl
Sieberman will probably replac
Bruce at left tackle for the Purpi
if the latter is unable to start whil
""Red" Cole will probably play th
other end in place of Mathews. For
may also be used at right guard i
place of Cohen who has been on tb
injured list.
Michigan's l4neup from end to en
will probably be the strongest conr
bination which has started a gai
this year. "Red" Miller and Flora ar
both dependable. Neither was at en
when the season started. Miller w
playing a good consistent gamea
fullback while Flora was a subst
tute end. After tthe Illinois gan
when it was apparent that Michiga
needed a pair of big men" on tb
wings Miller and Flora were switcl
ed into their present jobs and hay
held them down better than t
coaches had ever hoped they could,
Edwards, who 'made a permanen
reputation for himself at Minneapol
is a fixture at left tackle for the r
mainder of the season while Hawkin
and Kunow have both had experienc
at the other tackle. Slaughter, on
of the most dependable men of th
Michigan line, will again start at th
left guard job, while Steele who fail
ed to find himself before the Minn
sota game is at right tackle.
Steele was one of the most pleasan
surprises of the 1924 season when I
stopped being a fairly good guar
and became a "wonder" in the gan
Gargoyle Presents One-Man-
Number With Too Much Wales
Brumm To Assist In Direction
Of American School In ParisI
Prof. J. L. Brumm, of the rhetoric sides class rooms, a fully equipped
and journalism department, now gymnasium for the use of the stu-1
abroad on leave of absence, was re- dents. The faculty has been recruit-
cently elected vice-president of the ed from American graduate students
board of directors of the American pursuing studies at Sorbonne or
High School of Paris. His special traveling abroad on leave of absence
duty has been the formulation of a from American institutions.
curriculum equivalent to that of the It is estimated that there are ap-
average accredited high school in proximately 30,000 resident Americans
The Gargoyle, campus humor maga-
zine, yesterday published a John
Parker Lee number. Aided to some
small extent by Halsey Davidson, '25,
managing editor, this young man prac-'
tically wrote the whole of a fairly
passable November issue. Of coursej
the art department had a few con-1
tributions, one or two of which were
good, and some other members of the
staff has some material published, but
essentially the majority of the work
features, poems and jokes. His bestl
effort was a bit from the Prince of I
Wales dairy, which young man has his
many and varied idiosyncrasies, hum-
orous as they may once have been,
brought before us rather too often in
the course of the twenty pages of jokes
and other things in this month's Garg.
The essay on "Roommates" from this
same pen is also clever.
Turning to the art work, the best
contribution one could find was M. B.
Tunnicliffe's "Library Language,"
that is, of course, excepting the cover.