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November 07, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-7-1924

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Once Coach A nd Pupil

Individual Work Stressed by Coaches
In Stiff Practice Session
Coach Little and his assistants yes-
terday afternoon varied the program
that has marked the practice of the
Varsity squad since Monday when
hey discarded the Northwestern plays
hat they have been demonstrating,
and ran the gridders through a drill
lesigned exclusively to correct mdi-
vidua1 faults and polish up the ac-
ion of the Wolverine eleven.
The workout consisted of what the
coaches termed a. "pseudo-dummy
acrimmage." The freshmen opposed
:he Varsity while the Michigan plays
were checked over and the capacity of
ach man on the team considered.
'he work of the team as a whole, the
0ersonal performance of each man,
apd the function of every individual
n every play were all dwelt upon at
.ength. The result was evident at
Ee end of the practice when the team
Was going through its plays with al-
post perfect co-ordination. The Wol-
terine squad is at the peak of its mid-
eason form, and new plays are run
>ver as easily as the age-old forma-
ions that are known to be pets of
.he Maize and Blue. Numerous forn-
ttions have been added to the string
ince the Minnesota game, and will be
unleashed against Northwestern
hould the Purple resistance be stiff
nough.. .
Today's practice will be something
f a repetition of the drill that was
n yesterday's program as Coach Lit-
1e is anxious that each man be as
well-versed in the intricacies of his
osition as possible. The first string
eceived a thorough going-over yes-
erday .more attention being given to
he various points of individual per-
ormance than has been on schedule
ince the Illinois game. Coach Little
evoted his attentions to the backs
nd center, while Coach Wieman work-
d with the line. Coaches Barker,
xmery, Hayes, and Blott took the men
ide for individual instruction. ,
Tomorrow's game will probably see
he same lineup for Michigan that was
used against Minnesota except that
Captain Steger will be at his old place
t half, and Walt Kunow will play
ackle instead of Babcock. Steger is
n perfect shape, having recovered
rom the injury to his foot sustained
against Wisconsin, but Babcock's
and is not in good enough shape
o warrant his being used tomorrow.
The Northwestern squad will leave
Evanston early this morning, and will
tay in Jackson overnight. The Pur-
)le aggregation will reach Ann Arbor
t about noon tomorrow. A short drill
n Jackson this afternoon will top off
heir preparation for the clash to-
norrow. The loss of their two ends
eaves a bad hole in their line, but
Chistlethwate's charges are confident
f their ability to hold the Wolverines
nd possibly to win.
tars from Fast and West Opposed
In Plans for Benefit
Walter Camp, Grantland Rice, and
Walter Eckersall, foremost among the
ootball dopsters of the country, have
uggested players for two football
eams to take part in an inter-section-
J gridiron contest at Cleveland, 0.,
)ec. 6. The greatest players of the
Fast are to oppose the gridiron hero-
s of the West.
Two prominent coaches from each
ection will prepare the teams. A

:ommittee of sport writers will de-
ermine the final lineups from the out-
tanding stars of this season and
rom All.-American stars of recent
'ears who have retained amateur
tandings. Inter-sectional rivalry will!
nsure a battle.
Eastern colleges to be represented
,re as follows: Brown, Colgate, Col-
imbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard,
fohns Hopkins, Penn State, Pennsyl-
'ania, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Rutgers,
3yracuse, Washington and Jefferson,
Vlest Virginia, Williams and Yale.
Selactions will be made from the fol-
owing Western schools: Michigan,
,alifornia, Centre, Chicago, Illinois,
ndiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, Northwestern, Notre Dame,

(Special to The Daily) Coach "Steve" Farrell, Manager
Evanston, Ill., Nov. G.-Coach This-..
tlethwaite let his squad off wit a Hartwick, and eight Michigan cross!
light practice today, preliminary to country men entrained at 7:15 o'clock
their departure for the Michigan this morning for Columbus, Ohio,I
stronghold. Seidel and Mathews, in- where the Maize and Blue harriers
jured ends, got into the practice for a will encounter Ohio and Illinois in a
short time this afternoon and seemed triangular race Saturday morning.
as fit as ever; Leimert and Cole Captain Shenefield, 13riggs, lornber-
worked in their places when they ger, Callahan, Reinke, Mason, Baker,
were out and will probably start and Iskendarian are the men who will
against the Yostmen. White was still J go to the start for Michigan at 10:30
unable to take his place at quarter, Saturday morning.
Chrisman working in his position. At the present time Ohio State andI
Edmunds the speediest man on the Illinois loom up as the two most
Purple squad will probably be Ralph probable winners of the Conference
Baker's running mate at left half as championship. Both have veteran
he has been showing real class in the teams and with the exception of Cap-
practices this week. taro Marzula of Illinois all are show-
The squad will entrain tomorrow ing excellent form. Captain Marzula
morning at seven o'clock, for Jack- has been troubled for the last three
son, arriving there about noon. A weeks by a strained tendon, but it is
short practice will be held tomorrow expected that he will be in shape for
afternoon after which- the members the race tomorrow. Captain Wickoff
of the team will rest until late Sat- o. S. U. captain is expected to win the
urday morning when they will leave race if he is in his usual form but thle
for Ann Arbor. Mieher brothers of Illinois should.
give him. a hard race if they keep the,
high School Starpace they set last week when they
Of I nesnearly beat Phelps, Iowa, Conference
D l sschampion last year. Callahan and
- 1 Briggs, of the Varsity may be able to
Alva Pardon, one of the greatest dispute first place with these men hut
"athletes ever turned out at Ann Arbor their inexperience will count heavily
high school died:at his home yester- against them when they meet men
day °morning of heart. trouble follow- who are in their third year of Con-
ing a nine months illness, originat- ference running.
ing in a"partial stroke of paralysis, On past showings this year there
suffered in the midst of the 1923 bas- is little chance for Michigan but the
ketball season. way the new men have developed the
Pardon was a star on the 1921 and last two weeks has instilled a feel-
1923 Ann Arbor football teams and. ing of confidence in "he squad that
was a dependable center and guard will make them a hard team to beat.
on the high school basketball teams Coach Farrell believes he has a squad
in 1921, 1922, and 1923.. He was se- of strong possibilities and if they
lected on the official Michigan all- should show as much improvement as
state football team as an end. they did last Saturday over the pre-
Members of the football and has vious weekend it would not be sur-
ketball teams of which Pardon was a prising to see Michigan return the
member will act as pall bearers at victor.

The interfraternity cross country
meet will be held Monday, the twenty
fourth of November. All Fraternity
Athletic Managers should give a list
of the men who expect to represent
their house in the race to the Intra-
mural Department by Saturday the
twenty second. All men who have
not had sufficient. training will not
be allowed to run.


Entries for fraternity bowling are
now tiue at the Intramural office.
Teams are to be of five men each
'rolling three games. The first sixteen
scores will qualify for further compe-
Leighton Stephens, '27, had little
difficulty in winning Ins way to the
finals of the all-campus single tennis
tournament Thursday afternoon \ b y
defeating Nortop flolland, '28, in
straight sets, 6-0, -2. Stephens will
meet Maloney, a freshman, in the fin-
als before Saturday, according to the
Intramural department officials.
Sophomoro literary speeda ll team
clinched the championship of one of
the class leagues Thursday by virtue
of its defeat of the senior lit team,
Madrid, Nov. 6.-An internal loan of
1,200,000,000 pesetas was floated here
as treasury bonds and oversubscrib-
ed immediately.

H A D L )U E F 0 E' EI E
fresman defat i M ,N e arily in a
long hard scrimmage yest rday using
Chicago plays. Both touchdowns
were the result of end runs.
Hall, Mliwain, Slimmer, and
Grange were on the sidelines due to
injuries. Grange, Mlclwain, and Slim-
mer 'will be all right for Saturday,
but the latter will not be at his best,
due to a leg injury. IHall's ankle is
,tiLl had and it is a question whether
he, will be able to pilot the Blue and
wld team against the Maroons Sat-
Although Ray (allivan is promising,
he lack s the seasoned judgment and
s xpeiicnce of Quarterback I al, and
the loss of the vote ran would hamper
the Illinois play.
Zuppke began 10 look aroalnI fou
some more o u;rters and ordered
Jenks broken in. There was a lon;
practice against the six man linei the
Maros to expe".ed to prXse.'t.
The llinois band, 100 atr ong, and
the Illini students will arrive in Chi-
cago Friday night. The team, will ar-
rive there Friday noon.
Read the Want Ads

Captain Kerb Steger and Coach Glen Thistlethwaite
Four years ago Herb Steger, Michigan's star halfback and captain,
and Glen Thistlethwaite, head coach of the Northwestern team which will
engage the Wolverines tomorrow, had little thought of matching their wits
against one another. The above photograph was taken in 1920 when Herb
Steger was a star of the Oak Park high school team, national interschol-
astic champions, and Thistlethwaite was coaching the team.

Everything in the Line of Athletic E-Euipment
and Student Supplies
Derrill Pratt Jack Duntr
SPhones 2939-J 332 South State Street

"'t '
,.. .. .. .. .: . yet'
f :
l 4p

the funeral to be held Sunday after-
Cambridge, Nov. 6. - Parke Cum-
mings, '25, won the Union singles ten-
nis tournament held recently at Har-
vnr niocty

Cambridge, Nov. 6.-First matches
have been played in the squash tourn-
ament which recently opened the seas-
on at Harvard.

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Tie Shoes
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The wid e soft toe
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The last word in correct
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And remember that all of
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these suits are made especial-
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5.00, $6.005$7.00,


$8.50 or $10.50 Sweater


Saturday arnrng at 18:00 A. M.

This is a snap

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