IE MICHIGAN DAILY MMTATAW MMY A! d 90 -I; IP + 4 c { i JUNIOR O N MEET HOORRYFRATERNITY, TODISCUSS PLA ELNS: ELECTS NEW MEMBERS Comedy, beautiful color effects, and Theta Sigma, honorary journalistic clever dancing will form the basis of society, met at 8:30 o'clock Wednes- the twenty-first annual Junior Girl's day at the Theta Phi Alpha house. Program Features ards,'26; the stage of tlhepast P o r t i a M eeting., jug, Evelyn 1urr1ay, '27; theso inf'luenice of modeorn drama, I ''Mls f l: te hu a i odern Drama" was the topic 0of stage lie, Phllis Turnbull, '26. he program which featured the reg- uar meeting of Portia Literary so- Cambulridlge, Nov. G.-M-arvard's ,iety last evening. The speeches in- CcI' teamn cenly cated Conme chided: the drama today, Inez Rich- * margin of3 to t. WATIN REPORT Y.W. FINANCE DRIVEI 11 porls of the finiance driveWv'e miyl:.A tailuncheoan ymstcrdaoy givenl 'by the Y. . ('. A. a ebryhall for)vtilo team memb-I!1er: of (the cail-' i ir.. hi ttal 1r 'ontIras re'achedi thev$1,081.v5 mrk. T. heo al this I year i'ha; been r ]aised (1from $1,00 to $1,800 A f1inllncheon will he hcldE toa'for rll ftean memers ~i>at Nim- berry hail., GienevieveSpar, '2,chimno of $10.x0 Nwhi-h placed this ear in th"e leaid, the Paige car congl sec- ond xi Wh $122 as announced by Alic h,:ad 'subsc ribed up lto 'ThrsAly noon thus mnakingy the averag"e sub1scripltion, $122. fAy wmen have not yet been reached by the solicitors but it: is hoped,1that (every womLanl student 1 iwill 1br al(ldrn~b Nvemer7, 1the final1 f heC rof .1r iesofi easisa Cado ihla, $.1MO,50 a leneve, '25; aigeo, $122, Alicehcs Art Section Of Faculy Club Meet Sl~e. b e, 's C£t c atrt section of the Pau ty Womien' S Club m7et Tuesday1 ; Fay. "Fie wor'k inl t1:5 S :setil( _C'CX- s tudying dcorat.ive househld ~ arts, aLnd of .oth:er activities in lhanderaft, Lec.tarcs are la nnedl by the group indcoaiv ousehld arts. All membhers of' the Faulty Women's club ~io aie inteested i the st ion re invited( to join. The next. meeting will b1e on Nov. 18, at thehlome 'of MrsMF:lbLesie, Traver road. Mrs. JI. B;. *X,',te is chairmnan of the group. c fi , ' ', , . Mummiers Initiates 18, New Members difl~VC~3 rainatic society initiated I8 _iie , I71;11)i ntoits or"ganlization ~s ~~"'helld'Puesday at the Gammwa Phi Beta house. After the ini- tiation 4. comedy entitled "Overtones" rcpresenting, two women in lively con- v ersation whose real thioughis how, NMFOR RONTESHOW1 For the purpose of benefiting theT educational fund of the University} hospital a Marionette Show will be given Nov. 15 at Pattengill auditoriumn. .Two performances will be held. "Uncle Wiggily" will be presented at 3 ,o'clock and "Robinhood" at the 8l o'clock.t AnArbor is one of the few laces n the t. Ti71dIS'ates wh2ei' ta- c areI," i rkidefor rchildrf;en ccn'ined''~eT1 t]L es fa iQhv"11: Tr .;(ojfl cildre n are dt' a Cidlit re in the l' ij[tl for periodsa,, long aslt three yar.It ifncssr , hre-I fore, tha~t som e m eans of ediucatonn wpo i eheo h s ch l r. , t.hat they may be ab~le to co iu their education after lekaving the,, hos- pital. A sale of tickets for the MAri]VOnei>. havetiuerson sale. ;'tron es, e for tho affair include: irs. MerlehII. Ancerson, I"T -,. R. T. Doison, Mrs. Mortirner C()o-, ! rs. C. T: Johnson, Mrs. arc 1.1cVi all ory. Mrs. Otto Ilaisley, Mrs. IZlr:JhCA-r- tis, -Mrs. .Julius Beal, Mrs.. Jhn 1 atr- ence, Mrs. W. R. M~cLaron, rs A. VV.1 :Vahr r. Eleanror tilc'cler, Mrs.I 'lugh ;Cabot, Mrs. Leroy Waterman, ,Mv;s IL. EdwardISayles, VMrs. Omar I I3 4 Price The 3 1~ Iof 1 l'ex-o Idi ill---O icrti re Victor Sym phony Orchestra "tasaietlit>- (Overt nrc} Victor Synlpfiony Orchie ;tma 'Il'lU ucre (Sli un an) ark Anrrdews Aildleimo ,(Vd win TI. Lemare) Mar;k Andrews No One KiiouwsWhIthis 1AllAbout Frank cmunit Oh! i d n,(i U111 uFrank Crumit 'Ihte 11,0 11;lh.tjli(veld Stole the Gal that I Loved Lewis James Thle Ten C (onlnundmlenfiq of Love Lewis Jaines Idi .11 d IPid dlin' Powers and Family Olid Joe Clnr Fid dlin' Powers and Family November Ic~ 11 ''I jo Coats SCHAEBERLE & SONT, Music Reuse M Sut t -1 t kiM. iiV#'!bi't[a YIPw.ti4!l ;K t 1 oR .4. i For Women and Misses C $1975_$59.50 $89-50 $125.00 o 4 L _.