THEI MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, ed every morning except Monday he University year by the Board in of Student Publications.] rs of Western Conference Editorial on. Associated Press is exclusively en- the use for republication of all news s credited to it or not otherwi se in this paper and the local news pub. erein. A at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Sas second class matter. Special rate ge granted by Third Assistant Post- ,eneral. iption by carrier, $3.50; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Building, May- eet. : Editorial, 2414 and 176.M;i busi- EDITORIAL STAFF lephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER .......John G. Garlinghouse ditor...........Robert; G. Ramsay Night Editors W. Davis oseph Kruger P. Henry John Conrad SC. Keller Norman R. Thai Elitor........William H. Stoneman Editor........Robert S. Mansfield S Editor....... .. ..Vereria Moran nd rama . .... Robert B. Henderson h Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants Barley W infield HI. Line Barlow Harold A. Moore . Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher Bicknell William C. Pattersons Boxer iielen S. Ramsay ady r. Regina Reichmann l3.C rosby" Marie Reed. e L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder . ernamberg Frederick 1,.Shillit 0. Gartner Fredk. - Y. Sparrow, Jr. iouseworth C. Arthur Stevens i S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet hx Liebermnann Frederic Telmos R. Line Herman j. Wise older men to make room for younger engineers. He explains that this is-the reason for the present publicity which has created an articial demand for men in this profession. Turning to the situation in the oriental countries, according to John Wellington Finch, mining geologist and engineer, of Denver, who has just completed an exhaustive survey of the Far East, there is very little oppor- tunity for any surplus supply , of. American engineers to find a profit- able outlet for their abilities in these countries. The investigation revealed that until American capital is willing to enter the Far East in Turkey, China, Siberia, Siam and Persia, 4japan is entirely independent of out- side aid at the present time,) graduates of the engineering colleges of the United States have no opening there for their talents. A large employer of engineering graduates is reported to have made the statement that 90 per cent of the work is of such a nature that it can bej acceptably done by young men with little or no experience, provided with a good technical education. In the face of such a situation, many en-I gineer go out into the field only to be4 given some simple task to perform for which they are paid accordingly. There seems to be but one plausable solution for the problem, one which is suggested by Mr. Barbour and has to do with the policies of the engineer- ing schools. He advocates that these institutions require more of their grad- uates thus limiting the number who shall be graduated. A broader course, Including two years or more of prere- quisite literary work, would make the men more highly educated and thus more able to command the higher executive positions in the field. Along with the tendency to increase the amount of literary work in every other professional field, the engineer must eventually fall in line with a similar program. i , a.i.,,,,,,,nnWqAflflhMWnflAWfl.wflflflhA2,~ -. ! r t _- DICTATED BUT NOT READ -a 11 MUSIC AND 11RAMA PersonalChrisma Crd . I I ' Lil 11 I' Boy it isn't very often that Cowles.i dictates his rolls-you know that, 1 don't you boy? Well when he does, boy, it's a column! Don't you forget THAT.! . * Hot dog said Rodney, leaping light- ly over the garden wall. , He was a tall, slender youth of some seventeen summers, and beingf the eldest was the natural leader of the party. What party, you say, gentleI reader? The party, dear friends, was still' on the other side o' the garden wall. Who was the boy in the back of the room that said 'That's the way with parties'? Speak up, sir! Well pretty soon the rest of the party came over. (Rodney had whistled thrice-that's how they knew it was O K and they should come ahead.) Rodney wheeled. "Follow me," he muttered archly, and tiptoed toward the old Dutch Colonial house in the offing. The T-Muggins' were just finishing dinner. Mr. Leopold T-Muggins care- fully wiped the banana souffle from his weary moustacheand said to his wife "Is' there anything more, my dear?" "There is not, Mr. T-Muggins," re- plied his faithful spouse. "It seems to me that you might stop asking that question after you have downed the dessert and coffee," she added gently. "Very well, my love," said Mr. T- Muggins, pushing his chair back from the rich mahogany table. The happy couple walked into the salon-arm in arm. They 4id not bill and coo on the way, as another couple might have done under the same circumstances. They each faced straight to the front, and preserved such a strict dignity of countenance as to deceive the butler into thinking they were putting on a parade. TONIGHT: Ruth St. Denis with the Denishawn Dancers in tile Whitney theater at S:15 o'clock. * * * THE OPERA OPENS Tuesday evening at the Metropolitan and Wednesday at the Auditorium the American opera curtain was rung up. In New York the performance was Verdi's grand-manner stage-prop, "Aida," and in Chicago there was theE equally verbose "La Gioconda" ofj Ponchielli, the first with Matzenauer,' Martinelli, and Elizabeth Rethberg, the second with Rosa Raisa, Cesare Formichi, and Antonio Cortis. The opening week in New York, with all its romantic scramble among the artists for leading roles, will in- clude "Tannhaeuser" with Jeritza- always such a dull extravaganzya, "Boris Godunoff" with Chaliapin, "Tosca" with Jeritza and Scotti, "La Giocanda" with Easton, and "Romeo et Juliette" with Bori. The same days will present "Tosca" in Chicago with Claudio Muzio, "Le Prophete" with Louise Homer and Charles Marshall, "Aida" with Rosa Raisa, and "Lucia di Lammermoor" with the highly heralded debut of Toti Dal 1 loite. Both the divine Mary and the even grdater Fyodor are evi- dently being held as climaxes for the succeeding weeks. It is all very strange, the continued, increasing popularity of this semi- art. Grand opera is often dramatically impossible, its audiences are shame- lessly impolite and vulgar, the actualI production, especially at the Metro- politan in the last few years, is nextf to the ridiculous, and against the wonderful, half extravagant music there is the highly inartistic com- mercialization of the various artist's eccentricities. Contrasting this, however, there is something very fascinating about the entire system: the frothy guad of the diamondl horsehoe. the glitter and V cth Ends of the Diagonal Walk N0VEMB E B, M T W S 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 1 9 2 4 - F 6 7 8 13 14 20 21 27 28 S X 8 15 22 29 Notice- We clean and rebl(ck hats and caps and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate having your hat done over in a clean and sanitary manner, free from odor and made to fit your head. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D U. R. Stons at State) HAVE YOU FREE DELIVERY From 9-12 P. 1W TRIEDSi.i's Cold Drinks OUR SANDWICHES KSHEkE LdIC Nk Cor Ieef, Blogam 4111g11( or BA RNEY'S Pasiroia ; ilard, $ext or Cleair sahtm . Just call and ask or KOSHER DELICATESSEN nry. 610 HAVEN PhONE 208-N anCI g T0ight And Saturday Night GR Al(A R4 1UIISINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER ertisng..........-.-.... L. Lunne ertisrg... ........J .Finn rtising H. . A. Marks ",rtisng.................. Rockwell ounts....................Byron Parker ulaton................R. C. Winter )lication..............John W. Conlin Assistants W. Arnold W. L. Mullins F. Ardussi K I. Mastvmn dn Burns . L. Newiann Dentz Thomas Olmstead ip Deitz N. D. Ryan id Fox.Rosenzweig 'man Freehling Mar ret Sandburg E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld Johinson S. H. Sinclair H. Kraner F. Taylor is W. Kramer FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1924' \ight Editor-NORMAN R. THAL CI CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous comnications will he disregarded. The names of comnmuni- cants wi'l. however, be regarded as coxllidntiaI upon request. LUXEN E .G LOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN - i 1 ti The SPORT SACK (Four 'Piece) WITH knickers a sport suit-with trousers a sack suit. In woolens of rare quality and rich pattern, the popular all 'round suit. $3950 and $4250 rAT LUXENBERG & BROS. 841 BROADWAY, NEw YORK O Next ihowing at CAMPUS BOOn'ERYqe 3 04 So. St to St., W~v, 20th and 21st Our style memo. book sent free oni request S 141 lAL2 WATINS AND IllS GRAN(AER EI h Tickets ,ata South Univ. AM1e. tain t. - CRANCERNC $ai7 i S4. oodyear brug Store ACTIVITY PLUS Large numbers of first year men are now attending freshman group meet- ings, the purpose of which is "to fost- er a greater class spirit and to fur- nish activity for the yearlings." In an institution such as Michigan the former of these two aims is admir- able, the latter questionable, consid- ering that this activity is biased and entirely confined to athletic activity. The University of today is too large. Everyone admits this lamentable fact,4 but no one has yet found a sure means of discouraging the hundreds who seek education with little preparation of the proper sort and less desire for "learning." With the huge freshman classes of each succeeding year an attempt is made by the Union to foster some sort of spirit which will pro- mote unity. These have met with a varying degree of success, usually starting with a burst of youthful en- thusiasm and gradually pining away into second semester oblivion. There is a question, however, wheth- er or not these group organizations 4nd their leaders represent what at least should be the ideal conception of University life. There is .too much anxiety that the freshman have some "activity," too little thought of some- thing which will encourage them to devote themselves to their studies. The average freshman will do well if he obtains good grades in his courses. His time should be devoted to that. It is for that reason that he is excluded for the first semester from work on the student publications.. Just incidently it is rather peculiar that freshmen are permitted to play football and exhaust themselves phys- ically so as to incapacitate themselves for serious work while they are not permitted to take part 'in any activity which would provide an intellectual stimulus. Not that they should be per- mitted to work on publications-no one desires that. But why should they play football so hard? Instead of worrying ourselves concerning ways of interesting first semester freshmen in outside activity, the Union, the Athletic association, and any other campus activity should be concerned with their gaining the proper sense of proportion and balance. They should learn to emphasize scholastic achieve- ment as well as athletic ability. EDUCATED ENGINEERS There are too many engineers in America. Oriental nations are not an attractive field for United States en- gineers. it *. * * lailIU1.aa l l, 'a 1 1VC, 411G. , THiNKERS! S cglamor of the singers' personalities; Recently, Ann Arbor was honored e had they left the dining above all, the barker lure of every-f RecetlyAnnArbo wa honredroom when the French window opened by the visit of Prof. Irving Fisher, at the west end of the room-and thing that is artificial in the theateri who, in the opinion of the writer, Rodney entered noiselessly. With equal brought to its most enchanting per- presented a strong case for the League silence he unfastened the Italian andI fection. of Nations,. Scarcely had this distin- Walloon' windows, and admitted a guished economist and League-Ad- crony through each. Then they quietly A" THE THIEF OF BAGDA " vocate departed from our midst ere th A review, by Clarice Tapson. Professor.Hobbs raised a dismalsr "The Thief of Bagdad" is stoppingI Professor ~~~~Rodney issued crisp, orders. "You, i eri o iet xii h clamor as to the accuracy of Professor Jacques, stand there. He indicated Detroit for a ime to exhibit the Fisher's remarks about. Theodore with a slim finger the door to the very last word in sublimated magic. Roosevelt and the League. On the heels pantry. .,You, Henri, stand there." Beginning with a miraculous rope of the Hobbs sophistry came Mrs. He rointed to the door leading into which hangs very solidly on nothing,it Corrinne Roosevelt Robinson (empha- the spacious entrance hall. shows us everything that was in the I sis on the Roosevelt, please!) who also With deft hands he whisked open the wildest dreams of the "Scherazade" denied her brother's ever having ap- drawer of the sideboard. Selecting and a much more. proved the League even in principle. with care and swiftness, he slipped In the Cavern of thle Enchanted The climax was admirable: A Fresh- piece after piece into the pocket of Trees, a tree turns to a man and back man, "R. G. '28" with Senecan flourish his dinner jacket. (Sure he had on again in the conventional twinkling of rhetoric for rhetoric's sake, regard- a dinner jacket. They all did.) Then, of a second; the Valley of Fire, mostF less of the subject matter, presented laying his finger aside of his nose, and gorgeous of screen spectacles, glowers his view! giving a nod, he led his men away and flames against the hero's assaults; I should like to submit that this through the French, Italian and Wall- an idol so big a man can stand withinI whole discussion of "What-Roosevelt- oon windows. (I bet you thought he its eye and extract the eyeball juggles' thought-of-t.he-League" is nonsense. was going up the chimney, didn't the impending destiny with its magic What, may I ask, do we care as to you?) crystal; all these and more fuse into ; Roosevelt's opinion on the League? * * * the romance of this, startlingly imag- It is You that are important and the Gee that's a good story! I doubt if inative fantasy. question is: What do You think about anybody understands it though. You The magic apple that brings the the desirability of our entering such think those guys are ordinary crooks? dead princess to life, the invisible an association? After all, was not Not in dinner jackets they aren't or- cloak that permits the Thief to dash Roosevelt a human being and fallible? I1dinary crooks! If you think they are in and out quite unseen by his adver- Will you deify him? Was he a god? you're wrong. saries, the magic chest from which A demi-god? A quarter-god? Has an- You think they're tony crooks? Like he takes all manners of things- cestral worship set in firmly once Raffles, the amateur cracksman? Well, horses, armies, gowns, food-all form more? Is the hand of the dead to guide you might think that on account of the woof of the final magic, always us in the new conditions, new prob- the tuxedoes etc., and on account of magic, carpet that bears the lovers to .ems that confront us? Professor two of them having French names. their necessary happiness. Hobbs, that great American whom you And on account of Rodney wheeling idolize and worship would give you once back there. Tony crooks are all NOVfMBEiR 12 little thanks for your attempt to the time wheeling. Still, he didn't The Player's Club, the new Player's deify him. Mr. Roosevelt would spurn turn on his heel, at that. Club, will give its first program for you, and he is the splendid, red- The fact is they're just borrowing its members Wednesday evening, No- blooded American that most of us t the silver for a bachelor dinner. You bvember 12, in Sarah Caswell Angell carry in our hearts. know what they are, don't you? They hall. The production will be little If ye will a god, why not Christ? have 'em in the movies. No. not in all Imore than an impromtu performance, MONDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 10 AFTERNOON AND NIGHT, NOVEMBER 11-12 r---- The Gilt CECIL B. DIEMILLE' Miahty pectade All'StCast .Ou of Ancient and 5000 People E Modern ,Days- 5000 Animals CENDEIY Prom Jeane Miracles of WONER Macpherso s Pa,st A es story and, with JM~od~ern orchestra Movie of. Art T NTwenty AParamount Production (famous Players- Lasky Corporation) TA HETR E jj i f . . I 11 For guidance in this matter we can safely look to Him. Not a word have I heard during the entire absurd con- troversy as to what Christ has to say. And ye are Christians? Bear in mind that our whole civilization trembles, and sways toward chaos-it seems to crumble slowly but surely to ruin. Must a period of retrogression set In, once more and "men shall learn wis- dom by affliction schooled?" 'Tis the provincal mind that lacks Faith, notI only in the League but in Jesus Christ. Mrs. Robinson made political capital of the G. 0. P. (Grand Oil. Party) when she too threw the league into the political arena. She might have suggested some of the teachings of Christ as a background for the thoughts of the American people ere they came to a conclusion as to wheth- er or not we should enter the League.' If Hobbs had been at Belleau Wood or in the Argonne Forest 1917-1918, he would, I venture to say, have a dif- ferent attitude toward the League. "R. G. '28" was in swaddlings then the movies, but in most of them. When the girl says she won't marry the fella unless he promises to get on the wagon and he always say sure, I'll get on the wagon, I'll never touch an- other drop, why then it's always the bachelor dinner he gets drunk at. He doesn't INTEND to get drunk when he gives the dinner. He's always planning to stay just as sober as sober, and then all the fellas get tighter than you know what, and they all laugh at him, and sick the chorus girls on him with drinks, and then pretty soon his disappointed rival says Ha ha, you're scared! You're' skayered! Little boy doesn't dast to take a drink! And then the hero picks up a bottle of Charles Heidsieck 1914 and empties it a gulp. Then pretty soon his collar gets twisted somehow and his hair gets mussed and he finds himself mug- ging a chorus girl and then he slaps his girl's brother one in the ear. The next day his girl's brother is dead and he gets blamed for it and flees. mainly to select its active members. This, of course, entails something of an explanation. Dr. Moore of the Engineering faculty, the faculty spon- sor for the club, has fomulated the policy of selective membership. All students are eligible to the organiza- tion, as well as faculty members or townspeople interested-upon pay- ment of the conventional fee. There will be another group, however, some ten or twenty active members, very exceptional and, according to the theory, very talented. The former policy of an indiscrimi- nate production of five or six pro- grams a year, finished or unfinished, generally the latter, of course, and afflicting the long-suffering 'public until at last it will positively suffer no more has been preemptorily dis- continued-the idea of killing the golden goose is a little too much of a bad thing. Instead, there will be but one pub- lic production a year of some full- length play with the principle parts I