WEATHER Bk U I RAIN; POSSIBLY SNOW FL URRIES -Ixt ,SUPPOF '1 I 1 .- 1 VOL. XXXV. No. 40 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, i REPUBLICANS WIN CONTROLOF HOUSE; SENATE DOUBTFUL Denishawn Dancers To Appear In Novel Program, At IT, hitney L ATE REPORTS SHOW GAIN 21 SEATS, GIVING THEM WORKING MAJORITY. OF WARREN RE-ELECTED Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn, J This number has no accompaniment t known as the greatest American ex- save its sister art of color. It is in ponents of interpretive dancing, to- essence the pure art of dance which attempts to demonstrate that dancing gether with their company of Den- is essentially a visual art. It aims to ishawn, considered as one of the focus the attention of the audience world's outstanding ballets, will ap- onf te essential means of expression, pear at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the the human body and its movements, White hae.Ter'efrac hItney theater. Their performance without the accompaniment of music. here, the third in three consecutive The Denishawn work has for years years, is the outstanding Terpsichor- wn the plaudits of critics, everything dian 'event of the year. Ithey do seems to be touched with a They will present a program of bal- fineness that characterizes great art. lets and solo dances which is entirely While the ballet depends largely upon new. Outstanding numbers on their the coloring, scenery, and lighting, program are the New Algerian Dance still Miss St. Denis and Ted Shawn Drama, the Cuadro Flamendo, and a have prepared a program of novelties Spanish Ballet, but the chief inter- which wlildemonstrate that the dance est centers in their new silent dance, is itself an independent art without TraJica, which Miss St. Denis and need of leaning upon either music her husband are introducing this or color for its effect. year. - -R. G. R. i i ,! . , ' . , ,a STUDENT COUNCIL S UB-COM iTTEE NAM EDFOR YEAR JUNIOR CLASSES TO NAME HOP VOM)HTTEEMEN NOV. 12 PLAN FALL GAMES Iowa, Minnesota, and New Mexico Are Still Uncertain; Brandegee Vacancy Unfilled Washington, Nov. 6. (By A. P.)- On the same tide which swept Presi- dent Coolidge back into office, the Republicans have come into actual as well as nominal control of the next House, of Representatives. Whether they will also have the whip hand in the Senate still depends on the out- come in several states. With a single House district still in doubt, the Republicans have cap- tured 246 seats in that body, on the face of unofficial returns. This is an increase of 21 over their recent strength and 28 above a majority. Leaders of the party regard this marg- in as sufficient to leave them in con- trol, particularly as to organization, even in the face of any coalition be- tween LaFollette insurgents and the Democrats such has tied up the or- ganization of the present House for many days and successfully challeng- ed a number of administration pro- posals. With belated returns showing the re-election of Francis E. Warren in Wyoming, the Republicans in the Senate had increased their majority from a bare 49 to 52. Included in this number, however, were Senator La- Follette and at least three others of his supporters. In the face of this situation it was conceded that to have a workable majority it would be necessary for the Republicans to win in at least one of the two contests in Minnesota and New Mexico and fill the vacancy in Conneticutt at the special election next Montl which was called after the death of Senator Brandegee. Burton Makes Steady Gains After spending another good night, President Marion L. Burton continues to show improvement, according to a bulletin issued by the attending physi- cians last night. Mrs. George R. Stewart, Jr., daugh- ter of the President, arrived in Ann Arbor from Berkeley, California, on Wednesday night and was allowed by Ihe doctors in charge to see her father for the first time on Thursday eve- ning.,. AMOUSAIR POTS MAY SPEAK INCITY Ann Arbor audiences will hear ad- dresses by Lieut. Lee Wade, member of America's around the world flying squadron, and Lieut. Mac Ready, pilot of the non-stop cross country plane' later on this year, if the Aeronautical. society is successful in their attempts to engage them. According ,to Ralph Graichen, '25E,; president of the society, one of these fliers will probably speak sometime in December, and the other one after the Christmas holidays. The program of the Aeronautical so-; ciety for this next week includes a William Kerr, '25E, to Direct Iowa Meeting; George Moe Gives Megaphones Pep BALDWIN NAMES 191 CABINET MEMBERS1 'ENSIAN CAMP iGN WILL CLOSE TODAY Selection of Winston Churchill Chancellor of the Exchequer Comes as Surprise as Editors to Enter Yearbook in Crafts Guild Contest This Year 2,000 SIGN PLEDGES Art KING GIVES APPROVAL London, Nov. 6. (By A. P.)-Stanley Baldwin, the new Prime Minister, has lost no time in drawing up the, list of his new cabinet which was sub- mitted to and approved by the King tonight. The King will hold a Privy council at Buckingham palace tomor- row for the transfer of seals of office from the old to the new minsters, who will take the oath and comply, with other necessary formalities. The cabinet positions announced were: Winston Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Earl of Birkenhead, Secretary for India. Lieut.-Colonel L. C. M. S. E. Amery, Colonies. Austin Chamberlin, Foreign Secretary. Ne- ville Chamberlin, Health. Sir. Arthur Steel-Maitland, Labor. Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame,. Board of. Trade. Lord Eustace Percy, Education. Sir Doug- lass M. Hogg, Attorney-General. Mr. Baldwin's official position will be that of prime minister, first lord of the treasury, and leader of the House of Commons. Other appointments were: Presi- dent of the Council and leader of the house of lords, Marquis of Curzon; Privy seal, Marquis of Salsbury; Lord Chancellor, Viscount Cave; House secretary, Sir William Joyn- son-Hicks; Agriculture, Edward Fred- erick Lindley Wood; first Lord of the Admiralty, William Clive Bridgeman; War, Sir Laming Worthington-Evans;, and Air Ministry, Sir Samuel J. G. Hoare. It is understood that the list of 19 ministers constitute the cabinet, although it is officially announced that ,it isnot necessarily complete. The other ministers and under-secre- taries will be named later, and the government is not likely to be com- pleted till next week. The. cabinet ministers will be able to follow custom and attend the Lord Mayor's banquet Monday in their of- ficial capacity.I On the whole the new cabinet is, likely to be well received by the coun- try, but Premier Baldwin supplied two first class surprises, the first in killing the fatted. calf for Churchill, a newcomer to the ranks of Con- servatism, which he deserted 20 years ago, and the second, which is gener- ally held to be. a consequence of the first, in the exclusion of Sir Robert' Stephanson Horne. Today is the last day of campaign- ing for subscription pledges to the 1925 Michiganensian. The opportunity of securing a yearbook at the re- duced rate of $5.00 instead of $6.00 ends at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. At that time the price automatically advances. With a total of 2,000 pledges signed by last night, 1,000 more must be se- cured today in order to reach the goal set by the sales management. The first two days' sale broke all pre- vious records, but the third day saw a large falling off in the number of' pledges. Yesterday's campaign open-' ed with less than 1,500 subscribers, the rest being obtained in the one day. "Make ,the .1925 'Ensan different," is the slogan adopted by' each mhem-! ber of the staff. Practically every section will be changed in this year's book and many new features will be added. It is said that $25,000 more will be spent on art work alone than has ever been spent before. The de- sign has been changed to that of a Gothic mottif, which will comply with the style of architecture of the new buildings on the campus, particularly, of the .new Law club. Even the cover will have a new de-' sign this year. Many plans have been submitted but so far none have been accepted. The fraternity section will be arranged differently, as will the I senior and women's section. A five page section of four color views will be included. The''Ensian this year will be en- tered In the Art Crafts Guild con- test this year for the first time. This organization Is composed of the en- gravers who htndle the art work and engraving for 200 annuals of the larg- est universities of the country. Every university of over-300 enrollment and every state university is included in the contest. Last year the prize was won by the "Gopher" of the Univer- sity of Minnesota. Award is made for the most original and well prepared book. In the campaign so far 150 persons have taken advantage of the table at the entrance to the library which re- ceives cash payments. Others who have signed the pledge must pay be- fore December 19 in order to get the $5.00 rate. After that time the price for pledge signers advances 50c. Attention is called to the fact that many fraternities have not returned cards for their subscriptions to the 'Ensian and that this afternoon the price also advances for them. PO STPONE ELECTIONS IN FRESMADNTAL CLSS Dental freshmen postponed the elec- tion of their class officers for the semester until next Thursday at their meeting held in the lower amphi- theatre of the Dental building yester- day afternoon. . one hundred per cent subscription1 to "The Dental Student," the only national publication for dental stu- dents, was proposed and discussed at the meeting which was attended by about 75 per cent of the members of the class. I Roth the eletion of the officers and Twenty-four men, chosen by the presidents of the junior and sophomore literary and engineering classes and by the Student council, will serve onf the sub-committee oftthecouncil for the year 1924-25. At the regular meet- ing of the council held last night at the Union the following 10 men were chosen to represent the campus at large on the sub-committee; George Ross, '26, Fred Sturmer, '26, Thomas P. Henry, '26, Joseph Gandy, '26, C. M. Stafford, '26, Thomas Olmstead, '27, Stanley Crighton, '27, Earl Blaser, '27, Tyler Watson, '27, and Joseph Vogt, '27.I The following men were appointed to represent their classes on the sub- committee by the presidents, who are automatically members of the sub-' committee. Junior literary class; Richard Doyle, president, Richard Freyberg. Harry Messer and Charles Oakman. Sophomore literary class; Keith Hutchings, president, Robert Keegan, and Calvin Patterson. Junior engineering class; William Heath, president, Kenneth L. Hollister, Harry W. MacDuff, and H. G. Goebel. Sopho- more engineering class; H. J. Bell, president, Carl Grimm, and Walter Kinsel.- The sub-committee is chosen to as- sist the Student council in carrying on the functions of that organization.} It will also consider cases of fresh- man discipline which are submitted from the freshman disciplinary com- mittee. Councilman Robert Hummer, '25, is in charge of the sub-committee. Wednesday, November 12, was set as the date for elections of the J-HopI committeemen in all junior classes with the exception of the junior en-; gineers, who will elect three com- mittee at their regular assenibly the latter part of the month. The chairman of the J-Hop commit- ' tee will come from the literary college this year since the engineering college held that thatthonor last year. The junior lits elect five r~presentatives including the chairman, and other junior classes, except the engineers, elect one each. Eugene Dunne, '25, was appointed chairman of the fall games commit- tee. He will be assisted by Robert Hummer, '25. William Colman, '26E, and Joseph Finn, '26. William Kerr, '25E, was appointed to take charge of the pep meeting' which will be held for the Iowa game. He will be assisted by Kenneth Kellar, '26. 'soC, ..CAMPAIGN WIL C LOSETODAY; i 9 '$3C00SSHHCRIBED WORKERS M A K E EFFORT TO REACH $6,000 GOAL BY MIDNIGHT MANY IN 500 CLUB l John Allen, '26, Leads in Total Sub. seriptions; Theta Chi Lead FraternitIes Reports from the S. C. A. drive, submitted at a late hour last night, show the average subscription per man approached to be larger than those of the first day, being close to $3.00. At that time $3,000 had been raised, leaving as much to go tonight, when the drive will officially close. According to Earl Sawyer, '26A, chairman of the drive, the work is being hindered by 'failure of workers to report every night, so that it is impossible to determine just how much has been accomplished. More than 150 workers gathered 1in Lane'-hall auditorium last night to generate pep for a concentrated ef- fort to bring the $6,000 goal within sight before midnight. Alvin Tolle, '27, led a few cheers and Earl Sawyer, Donald Williams, grad, high man on last year's drive, and Perry M. Hayden addressed the men. John Allen, '26, was high man at 8:00 o'clock last night with a total' of $105. Theta Chi lead the fraterni- ties in subscription with $82.00. One of the popular features of the drive is the newly forming "500" club, which last night reported a member- ship of 300 men. CHURCH TO HOLD STUDENT BANQUET' Fosbroke, DeVries To Address Annual Episcopal Gathering in Union Tuesday PAGE IS TOASTMASTER Plans for the fifth annual Episcopall Student's banquet which is to be held at 6 o'clock Tuesday in the Union ball- room, are almost completed, it wasE announced last night. Dean Hughellc Rosbroke, of the General Theologicalr seminary in New York City, and Canon7 W. DeVries, of the St. Peter and St.! Paul's Cathedral at Washington, D. C.,I will be the principal speakers of thet evening. Wm. D. Roesser, '25L, busi- ness manager of The Daily, will ad-| dress the Episcopal studentsion behalf , of the student body. Bishop Herman t Page, of the Detroit diocese, will act I as toastmaster. The Episcopal banquet is an annual affair, and is given with the purpose{ of getting the students, and especiallyw the new men, in closer touch withr each other. More than 200 students attended the banquet held last year at{ Harris Hall. Aside from the program already an- nounced, several musical scores are being arranged that will include a "cabaret" number. Cliff Allen's orches- tra will furnish music during the 1 dinner. The committee in charge has its drive under way, and expects to can- vass every Episcopal student on the campus. The banquet will be relatively short in length in order that those stu- dents' who wish to attend the Orator- < ical program at Hill auditorium may do so.1 Baptists Arrange . Moonlight Frolic Members of the Baptist guild and their friends will meet at the Guild house at 8 o'clock tonight for a moon-, light hike. On Deathbed Senate Leader Uncons Hours in Caml Hospital ii I : C tt , 1 z ] 1 Henry Cabot Lodge The senior Senator from Massa- { chuetts and chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee has little hope of recovery, physicians said last night. Senator Lodge has been an ac- tive leader of the Republican party for many years. UION MEMBERSHIP DRIVE HEAD MEET Team Captains Discuss 1ans; Four Assistant Chairmen are QUOTA 1,400 MEMBERS Captains of life membership teams for the Michigan Union life member drive to. start November 11 and -to continue for three days met last night for instructions and discussion. Methods to te used were discussed and each captain submitted the names of the teams he had chosen to as- sist in the work. Assistant chairmen who were ap- pointed at this time are Allen B. Crounch. '26, Lee Ensel, '26, Howard Blake, '27E, and Herbert Proesser, '27. These men will assist HarryG.h Messer, '26, general chairman of the drive. A "flying squadron" will be appoint- ed this year to visit faculty members and all non-members who were missed by the teams in their rounds There are 19 teams this year of 10 men each who will canvass all stu- dents who are not life members of the Union for pledges. In addition to the cup which will be donated by Otto Haans, '00L, of the Ann Arbor Press for the man get- ting the highest number of subscrip- tions, members of the high team will' be the guests of honor at one of the week-end dances, probably the night of the Iowa game. If the drive is a success and the full quota of '1,400 members is received, all the teams, consisting of about 200 men, will be I given a banquet atthe Union. The first step in the drive has been sending letters to all men on the'can- pus who are not life members ex- plaining the benefits and functions of the Union and the payments to be made. Another meeting of the cap- tains will be held Monday to prepare for the beginning of the drive the next day. Several more men are needed to work on the teams and any men who are interested are asked to see Harry Messer or Thomas Cavanaugh at the Union. Hayden Addresses Rotary Meeting Prof. J. R. Hayden addressed a meeting of the Rotary club of Grand Rapids yesterday. His subject was the "Situation in the Philipines. SERIOUS coF FOLLOhWING OUTTLOOK IS U-N'F A SAYS PHYSICI BULLETliN STRICKEN TI Cambridge, Mass., Nov. f P.)-Little hope for the re Senator Henry Cabot Lodge out tonight by physicians been in attendance at hs since he suffered a strol Charles Gate Hospital yest a bulletin issued early this the outlook for his recovery nounced "most unfavorab senator was still unconsciou condition was said to changed. The bulletin which was ri 6:20 tonight announced, "N change during the day. Out unfavorable." It was signed by Dr. John ningham and Dr. Frederick J low. At the time the statement public, Senator Lodge had conscious for approximately He was seized with a stroke 'afternoon which rendered hi scious and his condition pr critical at that time, has v little. Senator Lodge submitted I emergency operation on Jul covering quickly. He agai rapidly when a second opera performed October 20. That be able to attend the opening gress December 1 had been ed assured, Dr. Cunningha viewing his patient's case sa His progress has been so tory that it had been expe senator would be able to I hospital next week. ON AFR1GAN Noted Pig Game Ifunter 11 Lecture as Third Numb Oratorical Program WILL BE ILLUSTR A Carl E. Akeley, naturalist, and African hunter, will al the next speaker on the C association program at 8 Tuesday night in Hill auditoi will speak on the subject Big Game in Africa," accon his talk with slides and pie lustrating native and anima Africa. By vocation a taxidermist, ley has, so combined his k of this work with his sculp to be recognized as among most sculptors in bronze. H animal groups are now bein bled in the African and , halls of the American Museu: ural history in New York cit Professor W. H. Hobbs of ogy department, a personal Mr. Akeley's will introd speaker. It was announced at the council I meeting that George Moe had donated | megaphones to be used in the cheering section at the Northwestern and Iowa games. ALUMNI DiRECTORS HOLD IANNUAL METING TODAY! Members of the Board of of the Alumni association their annual fall meeting at today at the Union. It is Directors will hold 2 o'clock expected talk Monday or Tuesday at the Un- ion by Lieut. Harris of Hook field, a TIPSIĀ« visit by members on Thursday after-L STILL O noon to the plant of the Metal Air i Craft corp ,ration at Dt.rborn, andnnoh pe a FSATURDAYS SAME mneetin- to consider- changing the so-f ciety from an open to an hon ,rary organization with membership re- Tickets for the Northwestern game stricted to the upper classes. 'are still available at the offices of the The date of this meeting has not yet ,Athletic association at Yost field been decided. house. The surplus of tickets is the Hharkov, Nov. 6.-The Central Exe- cutive Committee of the Ukraine Gov- ernment has created a new state. THE GREEKS Thought that man was made for earth and that earth was made for man. They expected to live a full, free and unimpeded life. result of a return of tickets from President Marion L. Burton's annual alumni party, from extra seats left in the "M" club section, and from sev- eral hundred tickets that were re- turned from Evanston. In commenting 'on the surplus of tickets, Harry Tillotson, business manager of the Athletic association stated that "the return of tickets from Northwestern marks the first time in three years that we have had tickets sent back to us from a school to which we issued an allotment of tickets." that the majority of the board will be present. A dinner will be served at the Union following the session. The board is expected to elect a successor to Henry W. Douglas, '90E, director at large, recently decease. Among the members who will prob- ably be present today are: Mason P. Rumney, '07E, president; Roy D. Chapin, '01, first vice-president; Prof. G. C. Huber, '87M, of the medical school, second vice-president; L. P. Jocelyn, '87, secretary; Robert Camp- bell, treasurer; Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, general secretary; Hawley Tapping, '11L, field secretary; Fitzhugh Burns, '92, Thomas Clancey, '10L, and sev- eral others, directors. NORTHWESTERN EDTOR TO SPEAKHERE SUNDAYI Howard P. Becker will speak at 6:30 o'clock Sunday night At the Con- gregational church on the subject, "Is War Christian?" Mr. Becker is brought to Ann Arbor by the Student 'Red' Grange To Wales, Is Range Of Gargoyle Subjects; Out To day PATERSON TO61I FOR COSMOPOLUT All foreign students a of the Cosmopolitan club tertained from 4 to 6 o'cl instead of Monday as or nounced, at a tea at the he GeorgeW.Patterson, of t ing college, at 2101 I-ill musical program with va be presented under the John Ackerman, 25E, an new members will be i the club at this time. Dean Cooley I Enjoyed Ca) With election day a past, Dean Mortimer E. -' n i-.1a Clothed in a brilliant maize and blue cover, the year's second Gargoyle will make its monthly appearance on the campus today. Walker Everette, '26, art editor of the magazine, is responsible for the typical football scene that is displayed thereon. Leading the issue is a little tribute and lament on "77, the Number We Did Not Get," in the form of the TIlini flah and star of the Western Chief among the other main contri- butors is Halsey Davidson, '25, man- aging editor, ,whose pen has turned forth a little account of a revised edition of "Innocence Abroad," as well as the perpetual tale of the fresh- man and the girl he was going to look up when he came to Ann Arbor, "Seeing Sarah." In addition to his efforts along the Sine of Leditorial mmnusrifts ThDavi- s Today we may think differently. I