19*24 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY ---- -~-- - - rA VAM M MVKWA ZU 'CLIJB LEADRSHIP CLASS TO HOLD '-lSGUSSIONI MICHIGAN DAMES PAN CLASSES IN RIFLE OPENl SERIES Of DISCUSSIflS TO UNERIYWDMENi "IA Better 'Mililg ail (;reatcr 1i1 kli;a i" Did you knc th(at the IMILTON EXPLAINSl AIGN ORGANIZATION 11 ACT (ON ('A iPAVI 2 U) W1 ?a f'p' Fqi-rtune Gone, Society Woman Learns To Work 'IUNIOR PLAY MEuING K TO BE HELD TONIGHT "Child Nature" is the subject to bc "Educational Work in China" was! Additional sections ins rifle shoot- (iscussed at the club leadership class. the subject discussed Ily Mrs. Norman ! ig have been arranged foar its order which will meet at 7:45 o'clock to- Wood at the h'st meeting of Michigan I to accommodate more tl,.an 0 women night at Newberry hal. Mrs. Knox! Dames on TuesdAy evening, Nov. 4, at who have expressed thecir desire to Mitchell who has been a leadler in the Faculty Women's club. Mrs. Wood participate in the :;p0 it, accordting to ' jnrnuq('?,miiifv florefl17iztiflflinI ctln.. I 1.r.f at Mlinv enllP~ ein I M issElalb M!.-CriI