Sir i~&r /. ' atl WESTERN CO }'EI ED)ITORIAL ASSOC.I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1924 EIGHT =PAGES PRICE, FIVI x + 1 Wekoed Back To Rare instrument Republican Fold Sent From Egypt An Egyptian sistrum, a musical in- ;s'rument used especially in the wor- ship . of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, h as been obtained for exhibition > { y rv M1through the efforts of Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the Latin department, %. ",now in charge of the Near East ex- pedition. The instrument is declared to be one of the niost valuable acquisitions of recent years and was presenetd to University by Maurice Naham of Cairo, Egypt. It will be placed in the famous Stearns collection of musical instrumnets in Hill auditoriun. The collection, consisting of some 1,5000 instruments of every description, was presented to the University by the late Frederick Stearns of Detroit. {STUDENTS TO VOTE Detroit Newspaper Extends Forecast On Presldenthal Race To Ann Arbor Senator James E. Couzens, who Testerday received an ovation as he EXPECT LARGE RETURNS vas nominated by .the Republican ___ late ~ ~ o fofh'nie tte e ae oze recentl carried Michiga y opportunity ti expresstheir prefer- .n overwhelming majority in the pri- ence in the approachirg presidential nary balloting, despite his defiant race, when the straw vote which is tand on the party platform and the to be taken at Ann Arbor by a De- ighteenth amendment. troit newspaper begins. The work of registering Michigan's choice will commence as soon as the ballots ar- r.c, probably tomorrow .aftern oon. EO N y' t tyiltbe m ad ttbr ng out the vote here, both in the down- Seao aDIC E , TO uLenGEse whoswilbokp eprt, town district an on the campus. oso topinion of the university roo Btiineg Provisions Will Tend to may be obtained without conflicting a eep America Out Warns Sir with the vote of the townspeople. The vewhl gma yn ttwo will be added into the final total, ntn esplitehwhich will he published by both the stEd AKthpr fom n bethigan aily And the Detoit Tmes SPgEehaSeORd OMeNtONS thatewalloting is.pentorualfe voters and should run far up into the Geneva, Sept. 24.--(By A.P.)-If the thousands.- ETh test vote was extended to towns ea u f nto s w sto E cn Eve untbth i chieanabo h o heno La he hopes that America may some day sollet ernts i Detroitwh ally to the protocol of arbitration Coolidge is manting a slight lead, .n scuit it isnwtyn ohv rotested that the test was unfair, as only the citizens of a large city. .dopted, then the drafting committee Detroit, were allowed to vote. In order rust not make the sanction provis- to obtain greater accuracy, Ann Arbor ons too binding This warning was is now being included. oiced by Sir James Allen, of New ociialsehave foud that thea unit almost as strongly as do laborers, Mission this evening at the close of a office workers, and other groups. It ather fruitless day of wrangling over expected that the Ann Arbor re- he details of they protocol text. turns will dleterminfe how they will Speaking for the British dominions' vote next November. lir James said that they would i:ev Equipment for use in collecting andt ard a moral obligation to lend aid to compiling the returns has been ad- ny attacked states for more bind- vancedl by Shirley W. Smith, secretary :xg than any mere legal obligations of the University, who joins Dean nd they were sure that America Burley and others in hearty support -ould feel the same way if the pro- of the project. ocol were put up to her. If the The Ann Arbor returns will be add- .irists in n t league commission per- ed to the national total by the chain Isted in framing the text which would of newspapers, which are operating in oe the hand of the member states un- sixteen cities. The Michigan total, as uly as regards bringing sanctions to given yesterday by the Detroit Times, ear, he added tha r New Zealand was: Coolidge, 2398; LaFollette, 1242; nou have to mae serius serva aDavis; 389. nl ions deand fhe i di atdo to t e t h i ex ect d _t at_ he_ nnrbore r dominions might well do likewise. myatOa RCHIstsfooeC AiSeveral changes have been made Two new Instructors, both of whom this year in the location of library ave recently studied in European reading rooms. Two new study halls olleges, have been secured for the have been estabalished in the Literary aculty of the College of Architecture Building, the first of these, which is sd are now acting as instructor of located at the south end of the third rchitecture- and instructor of paint, floor, being a combination of the ng and drawing. old library of economics, insurance, Knute Lonbarg-holm, graduate of and mathematics, and of the School of he University of Copenhagen in Den- Business Administration. Professor nark, holds the position of instructor James W. Glover will be in charge. n architecture. He has hadsrcta This is to replace the old economics .xpriecturhefHelashadpractical reading room. The insurance library xperience in the field of architec-. Iwhich formerly was open only to ad- u r a 1 work through professional wihfrnrywsoe nyt d work in Denmark. vanced students, contains the nucleus In order to fill the vacancy left in of the library of the School of Bust .ne frdcrlty owfingtthe factyttE.ness Administration. Donald Coney of he faculty owing to the fact that E. the library staff is in authority here. I. Barnes is on a leave of absence, On the first floor at the north ena Myron Chapin has been brought to of the building will be a reading room he University of Michigan to act on devoted to freshman and sophmore h e f a c u Ity of .the Architectural required reading. In addition, . most ;ollege in the capacity of instructor of the books from the old rhetoric Ii- n drawing and painting. Chapin is a brary will be located in this room. ;raduate of the Art Institute of Chi- Mrs. T. Thornton, of the library staff, ago and of the University of Chicago. will preside. Both of these rooms will Ie has also studied in Europe. be open at the regular hours. In the main building, books from V- ew Jersey Goes the uperstudy hall for junior and rssenior required readng, will be moved To Senator Edge to the lower study hall. Riding Club Meets First Time Today Mw aivir wT T SOnt 94-W ith in- 1 . - 2 e_ a a G Baly, Noted Chemist, Talks On Synthetic Sugar Manufacture Dr. E. O. C. Baly, senior professor plants, life on the earth would be of chemistry of the Uinive ity of impossible." Liverpool, England, delivered his lec- Professor Baly -attempted in the 4T UN16N O,,N-CHT tore entitled "Photosynthesis of course of . his lecture to demonstrate. SUBJECT OF SPEECH UNKNOWN; WILL BE OF GENERAL, INTEREST TO ARRIVE ODAY Specall Prominent in Field of Aero. 4iautcs; served in Three Wars Final plans and preparations for the engineering society's smoker, which wil be held at 7:30 tonight in the assembly hall of the Union, were made at a meeting of the society held last night. Rear Admiral William A. Moffett, chief of bureau of the United States Navy aeronautics, and princi- pal speaker of the evening, will ;ar- rive sneAnn Arboratv5:40 this after- oon. He will be entertained at a din- ner party by Dean Cooley at which time the heads of the various engi- neering departments will be present. The nature of Admiral Moffett's talk is as yet unknown, but inthe opinion of Dean Cooley, who is to in- troduce thre speaker, it will be non- technical and of such a nature as to- "raise the students to a higher plane of thinking and convince them of the real service whcih can be rendered in the field of engineering" Rear Admiral Moffett has for some time been prominent in naval aero- nautics and served in the Spanish American war, the Mexican war in 1914 and the Wotld War. Due to the fact that the Navy Gen- eral Board is making a study of he relative importance of the submarine surface ships and aircrafts in the Navy it is thought that the Admiral's time in Ann Arbor may be limited. The Engineering society has pro- vided a number of songs and dances as a means of entertainment. All members of the engineering faculty1 are invited to attend the smoker as guests of the-eng "eriug society and a section of the seatsi will be reserved' for the Camp Davis men who will lead in the singing of camp songs. Dead Languages Fail To Decline , In Pupils' Favor Princeton, N. J., Sept 24.-Inquiry into thte teaching of the Classics, Latin and Greek, made by Dean An- drew F. West, of the Princeton Grad- uate school and president of the A m e r i c a n Classical League, has shown that approximately 940,000 pupils are now sudying Latin in the secondary schools of the country. The investigation also included the reason for the study of these languages as given by students themselves. Forty.. seven per cent of those continuing Latin for a period of four years gave entrance to college as the reason; and the, same per cent said that "I had found Latin helped in English." Pupils were also asked to tender reasons why their friends did not continue with their study of the "dead language." The biggest percentage, 55, stated that Latin was found to be "too difficult." Other stated that it took too much time, or that they con- sidered it of no value. In an investigation miade among 505 freshmen from college who were continuing Latin for the fiftth year, "I liked Latin" seemed to be the most prominent reason for continuation of the subject. Other reasons for con- tinuing the study of Latin by the freshmen were practically the same as those given by the pupils of the secondary schools. College graduates were also ques- tioned as to the values they believed they had received. Out of 763 replies ninety-three per cent stated that it was the "value for the understand- ing and use of English words derived from Latin.. The questionnaire also asked "If you had a son or daughter entering high school next year, would you ad- vise him or her to take up the study' of Latin?" Eighty-three per cent of the replies stated "yes," while quali- fied "yes" was answered by three per cent. Only seven per cent replied in the negative and two per cent a "qualified no," Five per cent gave no answer. Purdue has organized a life say-1 ing corps which is open to all stu- dents who were taking life saving Niaturally Occurring Compounds" yes terday afternoon in the chemistry amphitheatre. After discussing for a time the gen, eral phenomena of chemical reaction and the three stages involved, Pro- fessor Baly described at length his observatipns of the chemical reactions, undergone in the process known as photosynthesis. "Photosynthesis," Professor Baly said, "is the fundamental reaction of life and involves the manufacturing of sugar in the leaves of plants due to the presence of chlorophyl (green coloring matter) which unites with the carbon dioxide in the air and takes the required energy from the sun's rays in the process. "The by-product of this operation is oxygen which is given off from the leaves in a quantity equal to that of the carbon dioxide taken in. Were it not for this miniature food factory in the possibility of manufacturing synthetic sugar in sufficient quantitiep [to market, basing his theory upon the process in nature which he claims to have dupicated. In place of the sun'b rays he has used ultraviolet rays in his' experiments by which he was able to produce traces of formalde- hyde, a substance found in the first reaction of photosynthesis in diving' plants. Professor Baly revealed in support of his claim a portion of his experiments. T4s was the second time that this has been done', the first being at the convention of the. Ameri- can chemical society, held two weeks ago at Cornell university. Professor Baly is an authority in his line, and his recent researches are regarded as epoch-making. The lec- ture, which was under the joint aus- pices of the local section of the Amer- ican chemical society, attracted some 300 persons interested in his work. 3 BISHOP STUDIES IN FOREIGN LIBRARIESi Represents Library Association A Trip Through Eurppe OnI VACANCIES HERE FILLED Foreign librarians and booksellers have had an opportunity during the past summer to renew "acquaintance with William W. Bishop, head of the library of the University of Michigan on his trip to Europe this summer. For several years past, Mr. Bishop has been carrying on negotiations with these men. Much of his time in Rome, Brussels, and Florence, was spent in searching out the haunts of his old acquaintances among the bookish population. In the library of the Vatican, Mr. Bishop did special research work; and the library of St. Marks in Venice also yielded valua- ble information. As a delegate from the American library association, Mr. Bishop's dutya was to invite librarians of other coun- tries to the semi-centennial of the l Association, to be held in Philadel- phia in 1926. Severalavacancies in' the University's library collection have been filled by purchases which! Mr. Bishop made abroad. After his1 return from Italy through Switzer- land, Mr. Bishop delivered four lec- tures before a libtary school in Paris. At a meeting of the British library association in Glasgow, he spoke on the subject, "Large library buildings in the United States." During the final weeks of his trip Mr. Bishop did research work in the British museum, and other widely, known British libraries. Acting as one of a committee of six, appointed by the American library association, he made a fairly detailed study of the relation between libraries and adult education in England. Though the primary purpose of his trip was re- laxation, he feels that a great deal has been accomplished. In spite of fact that everything was done in a comparatively leisurely manner, and no inmmense or difficult commission was fulfilled. Mrs. Bishop, and Wil- liam Jr., accompanied him on the trip. TOO MUCH AOYICE-30 GET IN WRONG COLLEGE More than 30 students registered in the wrong college during enrollment last week, according to Dean W. A. Humphreys. Most of the students in- tended to enroll in the School of Bus- iness Administration or in the School of Education. Failure to follow the directions of signs placed in the Uni- versity buildings, and taking the ad- vice of friends instead of officials, seems to have been the cause for such mistakes. In such cases students are requir- ed to obtain a withdrawal slip from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts from Dean Humphrey's office. This is redeemed at the sec- retary's office for a slip which en- titles the student to register in the school desired after lie has paid any difference in fees at the treasurer's office. In sime cases students were even classified. before the error on registration was detected. In others the registration officials were able to STATE SENATORSHIP Enthusiasm for Michigan Dean Is High At Democratic State Conventions SUPPORTS PROHIBITION Confidence in the belief that Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of theengineering school has a chance in the senatorial election in Michigan this fall caused considerable enthusiasm in the demo- cratic conventions, throughout the state last Tuesday night. I " the Wash- tenaw convention here in Ann Arbot Dean Cooley was formally offered as the democratic candidate. In .a recent interview the deat de- clared himself in favor of a strict en- forcement of the prohibition law, as- serting that the nation cannot help but prosper through such enforce-' ment. As to the problem of campus prohibition he believes that effective: action toward the enforcement of the law can come only from the students themselves. "I have been a Democrat all my life,' said Dean Cooley, who went on to say that all candidates for office must have a ship to sail in and must be loyal to the flag floating above the ship, but that no political aspirant should sacrifice his independence to' gain an office, "The Welfare of the people and the good of the nation is the main consideration," he said, and announced his determination to work for these ends. The dean is now filling numerous Speaking engagements, addressing a combinedmeeting of the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs of Saginaw and an as- sembly in Jackson this week. PASOHEN STYS AT'.HOME, CANCELS LECTURES HEIRE, UPPER CLASSES VOTE WEtD DAY; '28 TO BALLOT WEEI fTLAER PLAN PEP 0MEETIN Lawton, 'll, Auhtor of "The Vit May Address Crowd Before Illinois Game All class elections, with te.ex tion of the freshman, election, wi held next Wednesday, following action taken by the Student coi at their first regular meeting ol year held last night in the Unio full quota of officers for each c will be chosen at this time, R< sentatives from the council will in charge of the elections. The officers for the freshmixan k will be chosen at a special ele< which will be held the week fol By request of the Student co cil, all names of freshmen wearing pots 'should be submitt to the council for further acti until the first class is able to c ganize its self-governing bo These names should be turned at the council offices inthe Uni ing the general elections for other classes. The purpose in poning the selection of officers the class of '28 is to give the students at Michigan a chance ta come better acquainted with the M bers of their class. Edward Fox, ' was appointed chairman of the,< mittee in charge of elections. Dean ,J. A. Bursley. attended meeting of the council and disew the various aspects 'of the new ciplinary power which gives the c cil preliminary jurisdiction over cipline casos. The cquncll will inv gate such cases and make recmunx atons which will be {M in tted to University diselinM' (1)10 .)Htt(aC, r{solu ation. conferring this powi th'tc Sudent Council, w as passe the Board of 1?e erts lau une was formally accepted by he o last night., Irvin Deister, '25, was place charge of the Illinois pep me which will te held on Wedneb October 15, in Hill aqditorium. 1 will - be assisted by Kenneth Ke '26. Efforts are being made to se Fred Lawton, '11, as the print speaker for .the pep meeting. La is the composer of Michigan's , song, "The Victors." 'Ie has been seaker on several occasions and never failed to fire the enthusiasi the student body. The Varsity 1 will help enliven the meeting other features for the program under conside'ration. Jospeh J. Winn, '26, was selects draT up a tentative list of activ for the counci this fall. Iflfl Trein ffmnl Having been recently made presi- RVJ. vu urAn i dent of the Reichsanstalt, a German scientific society, Professor Paschen, who was scheduled to give a seriesI of lectures here, has felt it his patri- otic duty to remain in Germany and head that society. The Reichsanstalt Two new departments are is the institution in Germany which added to the administrative e corresponds to the Bureau of Stan- the Michigan Union, according t dards in this country. liam J. Wilkins, '26L, preside Apparently the situation in this publicity department is to be bureau has become very acute and gurated this year, in place of a the German. scientific world believes licity director. This departmen that it requires their best physicist, handle all advertising and pu to bring it back to the earlier high for the Union Opera, the memb standard it maintained. Paschen was drive and all Union activities. one of the first to be cons dered for The other department is an e the position, however, he preferred ly new idea, called the departm to retain his University position apd complaints and improvements. the Reichsanstalt presidency was of- purpose of this body will be fered to someone else. Both Paschen ceive and act upon all comj and the department made all arrange- regarding any part of the Unic ments necessary for his work here. to receive any suggestions fe Later, however, when the man se- proveineats in the sudent ad lected declined to accept, Paschen tron or nythertent a was urged by the entire body of Ger itraion or any iepartent t man physicists to take over the posi- blng t isehoped hat i tion as a patriotic duty, tend to create a greater inter In addition to his semester's lee- the Union and is affairs, ia tures here, numerous lectures had as any mtebei is free to write been requested by the leading, eastern e9mittee, giving his opinion. and mid-eastern universities. Arrange- munications addreased to the I ment had also been made for a tripj ment of Complaints and Im to California, where lectures at Mt. ments, Michigan Union, will Wilson and the California Institute ceived and acted upon. of Technology were to be given. Paschen is the first spectroscopist of the world When judged by the breadth kliflLlfi nairnair of spectroscopic researches. rnn--- I nnF n a '