E. Moonty, F. J. Goellner, C. D. Green, J. H. Landre, C. F. Anderson, M. H. Lince, II. M. Preston, and C. W. Martin. Milton M. Maddin. LY OBULLETIN Ion in the Bulletin is constructive notice ter all members of. -ersity. Copy received by the Assistant to th Preeident until a. (11:30 a. m. Saturday 5 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1924 Number 08 - -_ _ __ __ _ _ r { WHfS GOING ON' COMMUNITY FUND burden, protection of the public, in- surance of justice, and provision for the year round efficiency. Further) this plan prevents overlapping and overlooking, promotes education, stim- ulates community planning, and builds community spirit. ANNOUNCE FINAL DATE' FOR DROPPING COURSES WVILL Ell IHAIN1 TIOKETSAT, UNION A Ann Arbor Railroad Representatives To Arrange for Accommodations to Columbus SPECIALS TO RUN .ere will be no conference of the Deans on Wednesday, November 5, X. L,Burton. ersity Extension Advisory Committee: ere will be a meeting of the University Extension Advisory Committee y (Wednesday) at 4 o'clock in the office of the Graduate School. W. D. Henderson. ign Students: i foreign students who entered the College of Engineering this semester equested to meet the Committee on English for Foreign Students Thurs- Novenber 6th, at 8 o'clock, in Room 306 Michigan Union. J. Raleigh Nelson, Chairman. nistry Lecture: e public is"cordially invited to attend the lecture by Dr. Gerald Wendt, 1 of the Iepartment of Chemistry and Physics, State College, Penn., to iven Thursday, Nov. 6th, at 8 p. m., in the Chemical amphitheater. The ect of the talk will be "Chemistry as a Fine Art." is lecture is given under the auspices of Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary tical society. Eghert K. Bacon, President. bman Engineers: an Edmund E. Day will speak at the regular weekly assembly held' in 348 East Engineering Building at 11:00 Wednesday, November 5. The i for collection of class dues will be open Wednesday from 10:30 a. in., 30 p. m. J. C. Brier. 'e To Students of Public Speaking 31: e students in Mr. Brandt's and Mr. Crocker's classes in Public Speak- 1 will meet at Lane Hall November 5 at 7 o'clock for review of Acres amonds. Lionel Crocker. mical Seminar: ets Wednesday, November 5, at 4:30, Room B173 N. S. Building. Paper D. LaRue-"The rubber situation in the Amazon valley." B. M. Davis. gbt Organ Recital: ' lier Christian, University Organist, will play the following numberte at rwilight Organ Recital Wednesday afternoon, November 5, at 4:15 ck in Hill Auditorium: ntasia in G minor (Bach:) Aftonfrid (Evening peace) (Hagg:) Rondok ccio-(Demare) Sonata IV (Guilmant;) Cavatina (Raff:) Marche Russe. nin!ce.) Charles A. Sink, Secretary. rical Board: ere will be a meeting of the Oratorical Board this afternoon at 4:30 k .ln the Board office. Several matters of importance are to be -brought Millard H. Pryor, President. Production Plays-Tickets: studchts having unsold tickets for the Play Production plays should n them at the door tonight. Albert Wagner, Treasurer. rsity of Michigan Band: ort at Hill Auditorium at seven o'clock tonight. Full dross, uniforms' capes and' black shoes. . Arthur 31. Sitn . e to All-Naval-Reservists: e weekly meeting of the University Unit will be held Wednesday, Novem- at 7: 0 p. m., in the R. O. T. C. Drill Hall. Lt. L. C. Llever, Commanding. ard and Blade Fraternity: Scabbard and Blade will hold its semi-annual smoker in honor of the appointed cadet officers of the R. O. T. C. at the Michigan Union Wed- y evening at 7:30. Several prominent reserve officers have been select- relate their experiences in the late war. The following officers xpected to be present: P. N. Young, 0. G. Oliver, E. R. Wrightian, 'P. Trion, C. H. Beardsley, W. V. Owen, M. E. Oliphant, J. W. ,Hlckinan, T. evens, M. H. Levy, J. M. Detwiler, R. N. Cross, G. O. Hoglund, P. S. M. S. Meyer, W .C. Groff, E. F. Cardwell, G. A .McBride, F. W. Cron, J. Notices to appear ini this colusna must be left in"the box at the Daiy office provided' for that purpose before 4rceigtedyo u ~ N-O E vo' etock preceeding thie day of issue. WEDNESDAY 11 :00-Dean E. ". Day addresses Final Drive for Collections Will be freshman engineers in room 348, East . Started Nov. 16; Prelitinary Engineering building,. Work This Week 4 :0-University extension 'advisoryW -kTs--- committee meets in office of Gradu- WC 4 ate school. WILLCOLLECT$,000 4:00-Masques rehearsal, act .3, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. 'Work has already been started on 4.:1--Palmer Christian plays Tivi- the Community fund drive in Ann light organ recital at Hill auditor- Arbor, it was announced yesterday tun."I by L. E. Ayres, campaign manager. A 4:30-Botanical seminar meets in rooam campaign of all of last year's sub- B-173, Natural Science building. scribers will be made this week over 4:30-Oratorleal board meets in board the telephone, and it is hoped that room. half the budget may be raised before 5:00- Executive board of Women's the time for the final drive has ar- Athletic association meets in Bar-. rived. - bour gymnasium. The main campaign for funds will 7:00-Band assembles at Hlll audi.- start on Nov. 16, and the opportunity - toriuin. to subscribe will be carried to every 7:30-Aeronautleal soclety meets in organization and individual in the room. 319,.Union. city . The work is being carried on 7:30-Scabbard and Blade smoker in by volunteer committees under 'the Union. direction of the Ann Arbor Commun- 7 :30-Saginaw clib smoker In room ity Fund association. It is. announc- 306, Union. ed by the campaign manager that an 7 :30-Naval Rererve unit meets in It. increase of at least 10 per cent in sub- O. T. C. drill hall. criptions will be necessary to coi-n 8si0-Band Dounce in Hill auditor- plete the budget., L'Approimately $49,000 is to be cob- 8:00-Play Production plays liresent- lected for the use of the eleven civic. ed in 'Unjversity i-alil organizations which the Community THURSDAY Fund association embraces. These 7:30--Chistian Science society meets organizations are: Boy Scouts, Co -1 in Lane ball auditorium'. m unity house, Dunbar Civic league, 8:00-Dr. Gerd d Wendt speaks in Family Welfare bureau, Humane soci- Chwmistry amphitheater. ety, Michigan ,Children's Aid society, 8:00-Foreign students - of cngineer- }Old Ladies' home, Public Health Nur- ?g college, meet committee in room sing associatison, Salvation Army, Y. p306, ion. ' M. C. A. 'and Y. W. C. A. The chief advantages of the Com-i T1CTWiCS .iunity fund are the saving 'of time a'useripts for tte firstIsse of and anhoyance, equal spreading of the hi ~msies'will'be receivod: at Press bnilldlr't until' No. 10. Senior' ptetres are on sale at the FRATERNITIES SORORITIES 'Ensian office from 2 to 5 every aft- . Let ernoon ;until Thanksgiving. E All mcanlus rganilzatiohs, fraternuties, CONNIES sororities.' ,ad societies must have MICHIGAN MEN theli, cntrads .for o'ganization Play for that Party. space in te Michiganensian office For Engagement_ Call 284 by NoV_. 41 __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ G EIR.STNDARD CHANE, Prof.',l .' A. Mickle and Mr. C. W.' Good, bhto f:the mechanirdl engi- neering' 'departnient, made- some i ecoimendations th criticisms to' the :Ameican Society of Meehanical J gineem on, proposed, standards -on herring-bpne gears which was pub- I listed snpi. .titne ago. The criticism was pitbli he i n the Qctober' issue of Miechanical Engineering and at' the j. Tj_ present time semis tobe eetin with.. approval. All. th engindeering sovieties rret working togethe'r in an fattempt to establish engineering standards for a' more uniform system of work. Th'is N% one 'of the things that is under consideration at the present time. - Courses in the literary college may be dropped before Thanksgiving, but after that date a grade of E will be recorded for any courses which are not completed, according to the an- nouncement made by Dean W. A. Humphreys, yesterday. Under extraordinary circumstances' Dean Humphreys will make an allow- ance for students who desire to drop certain courses. No new courses can be taken up now as the rule states that such courses can not be undertaken after the first six weeks of the semester. This period ended last Saturday noon. Students who desire to drop courses must secure a blank for that purpose at the registrar's office. They must! secure on the blank the signatures of all instructors whose courses are to, be dropped. This blank must be sub- mitted to Dean Humphreys, who with the registrar considers the petition. If the petition is granted, official notice will be aent by the registrar to the instructors-concerned. Member- ship in the class does not cease un- til the petition to dro the course has' been granted and the instructor of- ficially notified. Temple, Tex.,'Nov. 4.-With his wife at his side, former Gov. James E. Fer- guson closed the campaign of Mrs.' Miriam A. Ferguson, Democratic nom- inee for governor, last night, in the opera house here. JOIN THE "500" CLUB Railroad tickets are now on sale at the Michigan Union for special trains to Columbus, Ohio, a week from Sat- urday to the Ohio State-Michigan' game. Representatives of the Ann I Arbor railroad will be at the com- mittee booth on the main floor of the1 Union every afternoon this week andl Monday and Tuesday of next week to sell tickets.1 The round trip fare is the same thisl year as it was two years ago, $6.00. Chair 'car accommodations on the day trains may be secured for an addi-i tional charge of $1.96 for the round trip. A lower berth on the nightr trains will cost $7.50 round trip and qn upper berth $6.00. Drawing rooms will cost $27.00 each for the round trip. Five trains will be run to Colum- bus, two Pullman trains leaving Fri-I day night and three day trains leav-1 ing Saturday morning. The night Pull-, man trains will leave at 12 o'clock' midnight and 12:15 o'clock and will arrive in Columbus early Saturday, morning. The parlor car day .train will leave Ann Arbor at 7 o'clock Saturday morning followed at 7:15 o'- clock by the other two lay trains. They will arrive in Columbus at 12 o'clock noon. The first Pullman train will leave Columbus at 11:30 o'clock Saturday night for the return trip and the sec- ond night train will leave at 12:45. The parlor car day train will leave{ Columbus at 7 o'clock Saturday eve- ning and the two other day trains will follow at 7:30. There will be two Pullman cars re- uenti. The representatives of the Ann A] bor railroad urge that tickets be st cured as soon as possible and be fore Tuesday, Nov. 11, in order tha accommodations may be inalc for the crowd. Amber-Preserved Insects Secured By Geology Museun Insects preserved in amber wei recently purchased by the geolog museum of the Natural Science build ing and were placed on exhibit yes terday. The region about Koenig berg, Eat Prussia, was at one tin covered with great pine forests any the soft resin from these trees co lected in large quantities and was fos silized into amber. While it was soft it trapped insect flies, beetles, wasps, bugs, and eve spiders and scorpions., These delical creatures are perfectly preserved ani may be seen almost as clearly as they were mounted by a careful wor or in Canada balsam for study. Son', of the spiders still hold the egg cast which' they strove to protect eve when suffocating in gum some tw million years ago. "A Better 'nichigan is Greater Michigan" Id yOU know that the Je w 0 A is the home of "The Up- per Room Biblc Class" with 6,900 members. tvtgnts SOC to$2.501 GARRICK: Wed.Mat. - 5C cto $ 5o rSat. Mat. - 5oC to $7.ro' The SELWYNS Present = CHANNING POLLOCK'S !The FoI" IRVIN WAROLTS';Q,, S C GRALUA It, ANVD *' R''GIs'rER*I) 707 N. University-. ~Ai. Phone.,^452 'Prov. 26:20, "Where no is, there tlie fire goeth wood out." .oven Cress & Thompson, Inca. ANNOUNCE Season's Outstanding Selling Event For Men. BECIAL TWO DAY SALE OF. ee Stock of ' ' ' ' ' - ATIONERY AT .: . . .. . , .. .,. .« .. . .,. . ,.. ... .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. Slp-ver Sweaters Wednesday and Thursday WA IS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE November 5th and 6th l i1t l t t11 i1JtNHt1l11. 11t 1flttilt!l1111Ul11 1 illll r111fi1f#1tltili11111111tli1 iti I111 111 tUltii llt lfl#lEiltUll1111: , ' .:. . . ..y A special purchase of 250 distinctive sweaters in the popular slip-over or pullover style makes this special selling possible at prices below ordin- ary wholesale cost. The latest in assorted plaids, checks and solid colors. Special November Clearance SALE We are reducing stock in our small goods department, and offer the most wonderful values from the largest stock ever shown in Ann Arbor. Guaranteed Values to $12.00 SPECIAL AT 5.95 $ TENOR BANJOS........ . ... ...$21.50 BANJO UKES............. UKELELES............. MANDOLINS-Flat Back..... .. ......... 6.00 5.00 13.50 ' :3i:~ "*S'C(I' University Music House Sale Starts Wednesday at 8A. M. at Both Stores 1102 SOUTH UNIVERSITY" STATE ST. at NICKEL'S ARCADE All the Latest Victor Records Always 601-5 EAST WILLIAM STREET PHONE 1799 ,.. I