rNOw PRfWflS ITTRICTfIMMITEE WILL MEET I YE 11 ,.,, ... ;:::.. f :. :." ..:%: Vomen' Table in University Hall htiows Increa e of Neurly e10 S11lbscriptioI S FIRST DAY TOTALS 500 Returns for the second day of cam- pigning for subscriptions to the 1925 Michiganensian show an even greater Sale than that of the first day. Thie pledges signed on the first day this year numbered over 500 which is 200 more than the number signed on tiLe first day of any former year. Tues- day's sale from the women's table in University hall showed the largest increase with nearly 50 Mnore pledges signed than were signed on Monday. If pledges are not signed during the campaign period which ends at 4:30 on Friday the price for anyone de- siring an 'Ensian after that time will be $6.00 By signing the pledge the cost is only $5.00 unless payment is not made before December 19 when : the price for those signing pledges goes to $5.50. This year's 'Ensian will have many new and original features. The women's section is to be enlarged and more closely grouped. Pictures in the Senior section are to be ar- ranged with the panels vertical in- stead of horizontal and 12 picturesI will be on a page instead of 14. .3.. - " lir d I. core lHomval KV Gore, assistant secre- tary of afi culture, and Republican nomince for governor of West Virgin- ia, is in (1aarge of the departmeat of agrienltur2 util a successor is nlamfed to ia late henry C. Wallace. The President is not ex')octed to make the ap' iftment hr some time. no"Ii T -oirnr r fWet rgn- RUBBER CULTURE EXPERT fllfEffEf flUllfl AnnAb polled one of the largest votes in the history of the city yes- terday, according to a statement made Demoralization of the rubber indus- by Judge John Thomas. The judge try in the region about the Amazon stated that "due to the three amend- was discussed by Carl D. LaRue of ments which were before the people; the botany department in a meeting this year, considerable feeling was, of the botanical seminar yesterday created which drew votersesecially afternoon. His subject, "The Rubbery women to the polls who otherwise Situation in the Amazon Valley," was$o thenpollshwo oth"s base tion is orklas yer wit-h ould never have voted." esd upo iea r of a gost ye ;ih tJudge Thomas notes that unmarried wom i S ofhAgerNmentLa- ben between the age of 21 and pedition to South America. Mr. La- 25 did not come out. to vote, whereas :;rue was a specialist in rubber cu- married women and elderly single rty, ssladies turned out in unprecedented He made a comparison of thrty.th- numbers. The vote this year h'as been4 ois of handling, the relative condi- about evenly divided between men os of growthng, anthe rket of- and women in Ann Arbor. Many more bns of grow ithhathe market o. women have voted this year than usual aInd it has been predicted that Dr. LaRue spoke of the apparent age ti ilb on reo h onr of these trees stating that some oftsawllefos te ofas hencAnr. _them which still stand give every in- as a whole as well as'in Ann Arbor. _,ication of having been full grown tr ees at the time Columbus discovered London, Nov. 4.-Dr. Michael Gav- America. rilovich, Jugoslavian minister to Great Britain, is dead. City Council To -- ---_ Hear Bus Report Proposals have been nade by theI 1 T~er°it United Railwavs to urchase ; f i qu uuuuu L I I I11 IIIU I LU -- BYp'ADIORETUNS TEACmSCANDIDATES Candidates for teaching positions Union, Majestic, and University Club in the fall of 1925 will meet at 10 Filled To Capacity By Students o'clock Saturday morning in New- And Townspeople berry hall auditorium to discuss the form of application and to enroll with. USE UNION BALLROOM the bureau of appointments of the University. Miss Margaret Cameron,! Large crowds filled the ballroom of secretary of the bureau, will address the Mihgn Union, teMjetctthe group. Michigan Uthe Majestic h Plans have been made to distribute theater and the University club last temporary enrollment slips so that night to hear reports from the pres- students will understand what will dential elections which came in over be expected of them in filling out the{ the radio at these places. The Union permanent blanks at the office ofthe had horns placed on the orchestra bureau in Tappan platform in the ballroom and a largebreumT pn hall next week platfor inrd the allro nd a large The general character of th appoint- score board beside it on which re- inent service and responsibilities in- turns were posted for the candidates curred by enrolling students will be as they came in. First reports began madecarafrthpelmnyi- to arrive at 8 o'clok and continued e clear; after the preliminary in-! until a late hour. ; structions have been given out, ques- The Majestic's midnight show was tionswof dividual students wil l e crowded to capacity and returns, re- T ceived over a special Western Union he meeting on Saturday w l be wire were announced. A radio set was the only one held before formal en-~ also used to report the voting during rollment begins. Next week the office the picture. Waring's Pennsylvanians of the bureau will be open every day were en the regular program at the to receive applications. A fine of $1 midnight show.., will be charged for registration after The University club on the lower that time." floor of Alumni Memorial hall drew a Seniors and graduate students are large crowd of members to hear the radio reports. The American Associa- tion of Engineers installed the set at! PIA N PIPE this place. Returns began to come in early and the club stayed open for a' several hours. q1 PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS A Special Course for advanced IITIEfl tr-rin ~ students who plan to teach CHMISTWi IL LECTURE: piano is also offered. lrfl~flfflflII Sm~dl-61W .LbryS. E .E DMBORROW NIGHT% t Macom.Apt. 8S'. HEREIiinuv 1~i EMMA FISCHER CROSS Dr. Gerald Wendt, dean of the de-oU et h partment of physics and chemistry at formerly of University Shool ofl the state college of Pennsylvania, Music, head of piano department will lecture tomorrow night at the at The University.of Washington Chemistry amphitheater on the sub- and Bellingham State Normal, ject, "Chemistry As a Fine Art." Dr. Pupil of Leschetizky, Vienna.t Went is being brought here under Phone 2183-J the auspices of Phi. Lambda Upsilon, Register Now national honorary chemical society Dr. Went, although a young man, is one of the leading chemists of thel country. He has been especially in- terested in Radio-activity and Photo- VHITNEY THEA. chemistry. The lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and the public is invited to attend DnireL MeU Q- Denishawn Dancers The finest of foods are often ruined by poor cooking. You will find ffl our meals well cooked Fn.amous Spanish Ballet IA hDivre tissruci nu Wal v o~h l~cr. ol . vaiw ortn "/"'M? oe SePackardGorgeous Costumes Corner State, Pakad an; .Arbor Mabjiffirent, y Phone 1117 Reserved Seats Selling Now by Lower Ibest qualified to apply for teaching positions, according to Miss Cameron. When a junior is leaving school for a year to teach, application may be made, although it is often difficult to secure a position under such' circum- stances. Calls for teachers come to the bureau from junior high schools, high schools, normal schools, colleges, and universities. A few are from for- eign countries, and most of them are widely scattered throughout the United States. New Club Aims At 500 Membership In connection with its financial campaign the S. C. A. has created a new organization, having for its purpose the betterment of moral and social conditions on the campus. This club seeks quantity membership as well as quality, and is extending its efforts to the enrollment of 500,stu- dents who feel the need of such a so- ciety. Membership fees in this organi- zation are five dollars per capita, pay- ment of which is to insure the insti- gators of the plan that all applicants for admission are sincere in their purpose. "A Better Michigan is Greater Michigan" Did yOU know that the aa s. C. A. conducts Freshman Dis- cussion Groups to aid new students in getting started right. Prove.26:20, "Where no wood is, there the fire goethio01 'I Amruiii, aZw WI I L ARILONMAGEMENT The Chicago fTemp Ii, Chicago, lllisois HOLADIRD & ROCHE, Architects Dttw by Hush-Ferriss ' Brewster P. Campbell, '22, manag- jobs" to applicants for office ing editor of The Daily in 1921922, tions as well as for factory w and now with the General Electric company has written an artcle en- Geneva, Nov. 4.- Sir Eric titled "Tests for Shop and Office G Jobs" which- was published in the mond, secretary general of the I October issue of "Management and of Nations, has communicated Administration." ally to all governments, includi In this article Campbell discusses United States, the league's new what the General Electric company col of arbitration. ted by which the company er to determine the position a cant is best suited to underta These tests are given as N .ABuilding a Piafurr"'~0 Co. i 1 TFRE FRI. NO .7 ,ERE the architects envisioned a picture, saw the modern office building in terms of the great art of the Middle Ages-and the result is a demonstration that the utilitarian structure, the modcrn office building of commerce may be as picturesque as it is practical. Vision, imagination, courage and practical ingenuity in stylistic adaptation have enabled the architects of this country to astonish the world with their achievements of today and their promise of tomorrow. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organiza- tion, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. i i.I.- ~~ Mail--Prices $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 Floor, $2.75 OTIS V ELEVATOR COMPANY Offices in all Principal Cities of the World the Ann Arbor city car lines, and to roplace them with sixteen motorbuss- es. Tlle matter has been referred to the railway committee of the common council. The report of the committee will be made at the next regular maeeting of the council which is to be held next Monday. According to tentative proposals of t.he D. U. R., should the plan be car-j ried through, a fare of ten cents willI 1e charged. rF¢nght and Tonmorrow "LILY OF THE ALLEY" A elodrama of the London Slums Last Times , onloght ALL SEATS 2:00-:-7:0.n Presenting This Season's Screen Surprise Event With D - IDB1E E L R 0 H DEDUK "A Better Michigan Is Greater Michigan" Did you know that the 3.r . -. 4 .Kum-. And Great Paramount Cast S . C.A. is~g Publishes the "FROSH BIBLE" Every new student re- ceives one without cost. Prov. 26:20, "Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out." i A DeMille Paramount Production Saecause is o i p theQUCSTION tthePROTION And iby We mean loss pay- ing policies handled through a reputable agent who is going to be here when your loss occurs. A call is all that is necessary. imr. Mundus-With C. LOUIS ANDREWS F AU! U pre..rent~r -ME&RIC4L 1thriin t xor of Love"andJ2omance byO BERT W. CHAJMER2' 4 SUNDAY ma Kirkwood nd Lila Lee I Iv AR ING lS "4 PENNSYLVANIANS ANy' rp~EN- T .WO big favorites in 4 picturization of a fa In a New Program In !addition "ROUGH AND READY" A Mermaid Comedy mous prize - win novel. Screened 'mid tropical Seas. beauty of the So I I SENNETT COMEDY THURSDAY COMING SL-NDAY t4*VT TT Y .T!-,!rv"T.Th £-s.I-'itii WQ' r" W'XT AIT' . 11