It ,
t t t
Detroit, Nov. 5.-lichigan gave
first placo. to the Republican party in
th-e election yesterday. The state's
support of that party had come to be
an axiom in political circles until the
election two yaas -ago- of Woodbridge
N. Ferris as Senator on the Demo-
cratic ticket upset all precedent. At
1:30 o'clock this morning, it was as-
sWcd that, the party had returned to
its position as returns from yester-
tay's election continued to pour into
tabulation headquarters' here.
James Couzens, 9f this city, Repub-
lican, and one of Michigan's senators,
whose right to continue in that office
was cl'llenged by Dean Mortimer E.
('looley of the Un rersity of Michigan.
wa leading Governor Groesbeck as
a vo-gctter early this morning. The
senator was in the lead 46,550 to
1 ,556when returns from 173 pre-
cincts had been tabulated. Governor
Groesbeck, on the face of returns
from 182 precincts, was leading Ed-
ward Frensdorf, his Democratic op-
ponent, 45,385 to 19,320.
' Teturns on other .state officers
were slow in arriving, but the Re-
rublican candidates continued to hold
their majority. returns from 247 of the 2,775 pre-.
cincts in the state, President Coolidge
hold? an over-wheming naority over
the combined vote cast for his op-
pnents. The vote was: Coolidge,
66,153; Davis, 15,091; LaFollette,
10,882. Most of this vote came from
the rural sections of the state, few
returns were available from the bi
industrial centers, such as Grand
Rapids, Flint, and Lansing.
T'ie heaviest vote in Michigan his-
tory today clogged the state election
machinery, with the results that only
62 precincts mostly' in rural districts
dad reported up to 10 o'clock tonight.
Ueual Republican Majorites were
shown in early returns.;
Presidential returns later from 168
precincts out of 2,775 of the state
give Coolidge, 44,372; Davis, 10,135;
LaFollette 7,991. United States sena-
tor 110 precncts give Couzens 29,-
976; Cooley, 9,888. Governor: 119
precincts dive Groesbeck, 99,460;
Fensdorf, 12,651.',
Fur Short Plays
To Be Presented
Professor Hollster will open the
sixth semi-annual Play Production
series this evening with a production
of four one-act plays in University
hall at eight o'clock. The program will
include "For Distinguish Service" by
Florence Knox, "Martha's Mourning"
by Phoebe Hoffmian, "The Imper-
tinence of the Creature" by Gordon
dosmo-Lennox, and "Sweethearts," a
two-act comedy by W. S. Gilbert of
Gilbert and $ullivan opera fathe.
Season tickets to the four produc-
tions this semester are priced at $1,
and are on sale at the State street
bookstores and the Goodyear Drug
9ompany, as well as at the door to-
night. Single admissions at 50 cents
may also be procured at .University
hall this evening.
The performance will begin prompt-
ly on time, and patrons are requested
to present only the first coupon,
marked November 5, to the ticket-
The past month hundreds of re-
quests have come in to us, where
to vote, how to vote, why vote,
and the like, we straightened out
the various problems and heave a
sigh of relief knowing that we
have elected a President, etc.
New York City, Nov. 5. (ByA. P.) -At two o'clock this mornin
dent Coolidge was maintaining his advantage in the east and mid
and had established leads in the country beyoud the Mississippi
is maintmined, will give him an overwhelming majority in the
college with a total running over 300 votes. John W. Davis had
credit only the states of the ultra-Democratic south, but was lead
in Oklahorua, Missouri and Tennessee, all carried by Harding in
Republican 1,ndslide. He also had a slight margin in New Mexico
surrendered the lead to Coolidge in Kentucky in a nip and tuck
The Republican manager
claiming a landslide thai
eclipse the Harding victory
nothing. They recall that in
0 country had gone to be on
jnight,believing Hughes i
elected, only to find that t
had overturned their expo
Awn Arbor and Washtenaw ,County Returns from the congressiw
Support Al Republican tions came in very slowly.
Canrdiklatesclock elections had been, re
only in 200 districts. In thai
HOLD BIG MAJORITIES only three seats in the ho
~--- changed political complexion.
Ann Arbor and 'Washtenaw county publicans gaining two in
,vent over-whelmingly Republican in vania and one in New HamI
national, county, -and state elections. No definite overturn has
Complete returns are not in from con- ported in the senate althou.
siderable of the county but from 2000 tor Wood, Democrat, in V
to 8000 majority Is conceded to' alY Re, setts and J. C. Walton, DTh
publican candidates. Only these Demo- canditdate for the seat now
crats without Republican opposition Senator Owen of Oklahon
were elected. trailing far behind' their Re
The vote for Ann Arbor is as fol- opponents.
lows: electors, Republican, 3480; Dem- In New York state, Gov.
ocrat, 830; Prohibition, 10; Indepen- Smith apparently had won a
dent Progressive, 312; Social Labor, 6. tion over Theodore Rooseve
Governor: Groesbeck, 3335; Frens- defeat had been conceded by
dorf, 1130; Johnston, 23; Dinger, 7; publican State chairman.
Krieghoff, 9. Lieutenant-Governor: Governor Donahey of Ohi
Welsh, 3541; Doyle, 870; Merrifield, Democrat, was in the lead b
24;Elliott, 5; Boyd, 9. Secretary of fight for re-election despite
State:. DeLand, 3580; Jarvis, 797' dicated heavy Coolidge majo
Banta, 22; Heal, 11. Treasurer: Mc- that state. In Illinois Govern
Kay, 3580; Merrick, 839; Essley, 13; Republican took a comforta
Herezeg, 11. Auditor General: Fuller, gin over his Democratic ai
3716; Speredon, 4. Attorney General: In two states, Texas and '
Doughtery 320; Cavanaugh, 751; both women candidates for
Vess, 11. 'were ahead on the face of re
Couzens took the senatorship by akB
close vote. Senator (full term) Couz-I to 2 o'clock. Both of them a
ens, 2527; Cooley, 1953. Senator (short crats and are wives -of form
term)' Couzens, 2592; Cooley, 1829, nors of the state.
Congressman (Second district) Mich President Calvin Coolid
.«9 .Z.a .state. Vermont where h i
Relapse Came Sunday After le was
Considered out of
Physicians in attendance on Presi-
dent Burton issued the following bul-
letin at 9 o'clock last night.
"It became necessary, during the
day, to perform a second operation on
the parotid abscess. An opening made,
externally was followed by relief.
The president's condition, though still
serious, has not become worse. ,The
temperature, pulse and respiration
are satisfactory."
The condition of the president be-
came grave when he suffered a re-
lapse late Sunday night after he had
been considered out of danger. The
first bulletin released Monday morn-
ing stated:
"Yesterday (Sunday) the president
developed serious throat complica-
tions with a swelling of the lymph
gland. There are evidences of im-
provement in his condition this morn-
Little change took place on Mon-
day, and during Monday night his
condition gradually became worse,
.until, at about 3 o'clock " Tuesday
moring, it became necessary to lance
the abscess which had formed in the
parotid gland in his throat. At nine
o'clock yesterday morning, the phy-k
sicians issued their second bulletin
which read:
"President Burton passed a very
restless night. It became necessary
1 to operate on the parotid gland in
Coolidge Cc rries-
Harding Precinct
Marion, Nov. 4.-President Coolidge
carried the home precinct of the late
President Warren G. Harding by a
bigger vote than Mr. Harding did
four years ago. That precinct gave
Coolidge 154, Davis 64, and LaFollette
13. Four years ago it gave Harding
145, and Cox 119.
N. D. Smith, '26D, Will GIve Slight of
Hand Performance; Has Had
Professional Work'
Five ' headline vaudeville acts will
be the leading feature of the annual7
Band Bounce which will be presentedj
tonight in Hill auditorium. The pro-
gram will start at T1'5 instead of 8
O'c 1;c as-wasdprtiouliy -aiii
Busses Will Make
Journey To Ohio'
Motor busses will be available for
the trip to Columbus the wee!-end
-f the Ohio-Michigan football game.
The round-trip fare will be $9. Busses
seating between twenty-four and
thirty passengers can be chartered
for the weekend, beginning Friday at
noon and ending Sunday morning, for
('aptain' and Lieutenants Will Make
Report A 1 1inner At 5:15
07cloclk Tonight . '
Early Returns Indicate Sharp Rebuff:
For All Amendments
Detroit, Nov. 5.-Returns from the
rural sections of the state, received
early this morning here, indicatedf
that the School Amendment to the
state constitution had been defeated
for the second time by a two to one
vote. In 1920, the same movement to
abolish private and parochial schools
was defeated by more than a two to
one majority.
Other amendments to the state con-
stitution appeared to have sufered4
the same fate from returns available
ener, 3025; H-elme, 8:4. State 6Sen ator °GU, vcii
(12th district) Howarth, 2849; Abbott, and raised,
1600. Representative: (First district) vote today.
Sink, 2586; Gerlach, 994. siderably m
The complete county vote has not: towns and
yet been received. Little change is re- was runnin
corded in those already in. The county John W. Da
vote follows: Governor: Groesbeck, 1 ahead of
3807: Frensdorf, 1522. Lieutenant Gov- New York
ernor: Welsh, 4070; Doyle, 1208. midnight w
Secretary of State;: Deland, 4130; coming slov
Jarvis, 1104. State Treasurer: McKay, states with
4044; Merrick, 1150. Auditor General: votes yet to
Fuller, 4263; Speredon, 7. Attorney in the prsi
General: Doughtery, 3651; Cavanaugh, ! apparently
106. !party leade
U. .S. Senator (full term) Couzens, this way:
3045; Cooley, 2295. Senator (short For Cooli
term) Couzens, 3092; Cooley, 2172. and elector
Congressman (Second term district) IIllinois, 29,
Michener, 4185; Helme, 1130. State :Maine 6 M
LV1L, yr1 ; \
gave him
The presid
nore than h,
cities alre
g five to
avis, and m(
k, Nov. 4. (
ith election
wly on the )
the deci(
be heard fr;
idential cont
won or cc
rs and ne
idge and Da
ral votes: (
Iowa, 13,
Workers in the S. C. A. financial
drive, opened a campaign for funds
following a mass . mecting which
church last night. Sudden illness pre-I
vented Prof. H. W. Miller, the an-
f ,
o'clock as was previously announces. _ 1 I Lut L . " ---, a v,11 ll, V, Al U Il
The complete program which has nOunce sjeaker from atteing, but at 1:30. Senator: (12th district) Howarth, ka, 8, New Hampsh
just been announced by Arthur J. Fred Lawton, '11, of Detroit, author Reports from 261 precincts showed 3342; Abbott, 1936. Representative 45, Ohio, 24, Penns
Smith, '25, the manager of the band of "Varsity," the other speaker on Ifor the school amendment 33,494 (first district) Sink, 3873; Gerlach, Island, 5, Vermont,
follows the program appealed to the men to I ag-inst the amendment, 68,119. On 1476. For-Davis and Bi
Varsity band give their best for the cause which, the income tax amendment 238 pre- The county officers elected accord- Arkansas,' 9, Florid
"The Victorst"y.banElbel he said, was so dear to the heart of cincts showed a yes of 16,276; no, 70,- ing to present returns are: Judge of Louisiana, 10, Miss
the V c Over. . . . .n and DancingPresident Burton, upon whose par- 223. For the reapportionment, a Probate: Leland, 3425; Witherell, 1824. Carolina, 12, South
Ruth Oliver.Singing and Dancing ticular request Mr. Lawton came. movement, largely of concern to De- Sheriff; .Robinson, '3994; Wurster, 20, Virginia, 12, tot
Psorand oto.... Comedy Earl Blaser '26, captain of team 7, troit and Grand Rapids, 229 pre- 2670. County Clerk: Pray, 5114; Bech- Lafollette Hol
(ourtesy Moft ..... Cuerth) y preceded ivir. Lawton with a short ci ts gave a yes, 11,729; no, 62,342. with, 1348. For LaFollette a
MC ray and Earl.. Songs and Comedy talk, and Maurice Rhadcs, '251.., with consin, 13, total, 13
Donald Williams grad, put on an im- *i ww 11 M Kentucky, with its
(Courtesy of J. F#. Wuerth) i R~ ~Wiemember .2-191isoriwih6t
Winifred s an ..W..rac) prompti demonstration of how to sell .f t toW Missouri with its 1:
(Courtesy of J. F. Wuerth)i the S. C. A. M ake Second Ty Democrat W arns its 12, and Oklahon
Cr. Lawton has ben actively con- showing only parti
Lynn and Lorage........ ....Comedy nected with the --etroit cmmn y-~ hour but with an
(Courtesyof J. F. Wuerth)-drive for some years, each year giving Chicago, Nov. 4.-Irrespective of the Washington, Nov. 4. (By A. P.)- Davis and Bryan.
Varsity band - a full week of hiis time to the project. results of today's election, the inde- "Remember 1916" D. C. Hodgkin assist- The number of e
a: "Overture Comique"...Keler-Bela In order that he might be of assist- pendent party headed by Senator Ro- ant to Chairman Shaver of the Demo- stituting a majority
b. "Fun for the Trombones".Fillmore, ance to' the S. C. A. he made a flying bert M. LaFollette will be kept intact cratic national committee said tonight tion is 266. None
Comedy Club 1 trip to Ann Arbor, stayed long enough and will enter the next political fight when informed that several prominent were commenting
Dance by Marilyn Miller to fill his portion of the project, and in 1925 and in the presidential race in eastern newspapers supporting John I they were shown a
N. D. Smith, '26D......Slight of Hand rush again for home where sickness 1928, John M. Nelson, LaFollette cam- W. Davis had conceded the election of dent Colidge at W
Varsity band called him. Upon his departure he paign manager announced tonight. President ,Coolidge. Committee of- known, he would h,
a. Descriptive. "A Hunting Scene". asked that he be sent a telegram an-' The headquarters of the organiza- ficials in Washington, he added, "await until tomorrow. Se:
.... ...... ............... . Bucalossi nouncing the fulfillment of the $6,000 tion will be moved to Washington and confidentially the returns" from west- his home in Madis