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November 04, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-4-1924

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p: LC Ftlt M t 11

such he should determine his action,
and "not act too hastily."1

Published everysmorning except Monday
curing the Urniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
t postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
inaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices; Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
niard Street.
Phones : Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; bus-
tiess, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 17$-i
Editor.............. John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramnsay
Night Editors
George W. Davis Joseph Kruger
Thomas P. henry John Conrad
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
SSports Editor........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor. ;............ Verena Moran
Music and Drama...... Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Louise Barley Winfield H. Line
Marion Harlow Harold A. Moore
Ledlie S. Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
Norma Bicknell William C. Patterson
Herman Boxer ilelen S. Ramsay
Smith Cady ,Jr. Regina Reichmann
Willard B.C rosb Marie Reed
Valentine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
ames W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
oseph 0. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
anning Houseworth C. Arthur Stevens
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
Elizabeth Liebermann Frederic Telmos
Francis R. Line Herman J. Wise
Telephone 960
Advertising............-.....E. L. Dunne
Advertising............. ..J J. Finn
Advertising.- -.............. .H. A. Marks
Advertising................H. M. Rockwell
Accounts....................Byron Parker
Circulation.................R. C. Winter
Publication....... .........John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. V. Ardussi K. 7'. Mast
Gordon Burs H. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz .Ra
David Fox tz Dosenzweig
Norman Freehling Mar garet Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F.- a.Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR.
"The government of the world has
passed Into America's hands! All we{
in England ask of you is not to acv
too hastily."' Such was the .recent
declaration of Cecil Roberts, British'
war correspondent and editor of The

With the approach of the sixth an-
niversary of Armistice day, November
11, it is peculiarly fitting that the
chief executive of our country should
turn from the coming national con-
test at the polls to express his hope
that America's only world holiday be
the occasion for the dedication of herj
citizens to the cause of permanent
peace and the complete outlawry of
war. This is the sentiment which
President Coolidge has stressed in a
recent letter to the national command-
er of the American Legion.
In the celebration. of this day, it is
htoped that the citizens of the United
States will remember the bravery and
sacrifice of those who gave every-
thing in the greatest crisis in the
history of civilization, not in the light
of experiences of pain and sorrow
lived over again, buC rather with the
purpose of entrenching more firmly
in their minds and hearts the desire
for world peace.
Without encouraging any promisc-
ous increase in the number of special
days celebrated in the United States,I
the American people should feel justi-
fied in according to this day a special'
significance. As was pointed out by
President Coolidge, this is the coun,
try's first and only holiday which has
not been of national import alone.
Until the first observance of Armistice
day, our holidays have been in com-
memoration of some notable event
in the development of our nation. But
with the adding of this date to our;
calendar of. memorial lays, a new
significance has been given to the
ideals of the United States, which have
so long been cherished by her people
but are now to become world ideals
celebrated universally on this day by
the peoples of many nations.
To quote from the president's let
ter, "We shall make our greatest
contributions to human welfare, if we
shall on this international anniversary
of peace restored, turn our thoughts
and endeavors to the ideal of'peace
perpetuated, assured, and established
as a universal benison."
With Thanksgiving in the offing and
Christmas but six weeks away, wise
children are trying to convince their
parents and friends that Hallowe'en
was merely an off night.
Most any man can love nature bu
it takes a hero to love the average
student of it.
1. .

up in the editorial room. I can but
conjecture that members of your staff
must have succumbed to a phase of M U S I C
the extraordinary misconception which AND
has just led the profanum vulgus of
Ann Arbor to imagine it was cele- T- RA M A
brating Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras,
the day before Ash Wednesday) on All'-
-R. M. Wenley A review, by Robert Henderson.
There are pianists like Joseph Hoff-
LOCAL TAXES man, say, who have been playing
To the Editor: spasmodically brilliantly but gener-
Please take notice. The city coun- I ally temperamentally badly for the
, cil adopted a resolution to increase last ten years, and equally famous
taxes and submitted on the election artists-what a confession!-like
I ballot for the people to decide whether Paderewski who, past their prime, are
taxes should be increased or not, and even more boring. The custom of our
we ask everybody to vote no. blind worship of accepted names al-
, The city and state tax is higher I lows accepted artisans to draw dozens
here than in any other city or state j of engagements with impunity, while
in the union. If they keep on increas- the public politely yawns behind its
ing taxes at present rate, they will collective fan.
soon be $50 per thousand. Mr. Maier and Mr. Pattison, fortu-
If the city assess the large property nately, are still far enough from the
owners the full value of what their firmly great to take care that their
property is worth today as they do programs are interesing, artistic, and
the smaller property owners and tax finished. Not for a moment at their
vacant lots full value the city would concert last evening in Hill auditora
not have to ask for increase of taxes rum was the audience tired or fatigued.h
1every year to waste the people's The basic forte of these two ar-a
ever ynyearetoswast tepeoestists, technically considered, is theira
money in unnecessary improvements, complete mastery of the stacatto
-F. Runde. touch and an insistent rhythm. Under-
'-lying all their work these two fea-
A POOR SPORT tures kept the respective compositions
To the Editor: alive and lively. Everything fairly
In the Sporting Section of the Sat- bubbled and glittered; did one now-
urday evening edition of The Detroit adays know the taste, one could say it
Sunday Times there appeared a si gnedwas like the conventional froth of
article covering the Michigan-Min- champagne. Both Mr. Maier and Mr.
Pattison posses the consumate crafts-
nesota game by Frank MacDonell inanship that makes trifles a high art.
Iwhich he states: "It was fourth down Running from piece to piece would
and six yards to go goal and just after be but a climatic series of fantastic
the second quarter opened when Rock- enthusiasms. The Raff Gavotte and
well fooled the dumb Gophers." And Musette was delightfully brittle, saucy,
again later: "Michigan outsmarted the coquettish, everything that a seven-
home club all the way through. The teenth century continental dance
Gophers are as dumb if not "dumber" should subtly suggest. And so were
the three .Scherzos-especially the
than Wisonsin.the article when the whole-tone extravaganza of Saint-
Saens-the Cementi Sonata, and the
edition came out must have been Arensky Waltz.
struck with these uncalled-for state- In Pattison's "The Arkansas Travel-
ments regarding Michigan's opponents. ler" and the "Study in Jazz"-"by the)
y Michigan's skirmishes with Minnesota staid, stolid Harvard professor"-one
s and Wisconsin have always brought caught a new angle of their techni-
forward the best that was in the teams que: a certain pianola nonchalance
d and an era of good feeling has been that smuggly, patly could run on and
built up between these three univer- on machine-wise. This slight satire,
sits. edo not know whor .unv - like a silly secret between the two,
sities. I Mr. Mac- fairly set the house as demonstrative,
, Donell is, but in reading the article at least, as a Choral Union audience,
e he makes himself appear as some anxiously counting the numbers to the
eighth grade amateur sport writer, end, ever gets.
or a disgruntled freshman journalist Finally, there were the three or four
exasperated with the failure of his truly great works, the Brahm's
team to stop Michigan's plays. Waltzes undulating, carressing, re-
t However, that is not the point. It bounding in an eternal one-two-three
e ill behooves any Michigan journal to cycle, the very grethDebussy "After-
hold a Gopher or Badger eleven to noon of a Faun, the Spanish Rhap
s ii.Isody, and best of all, the Racoczy Hun-
such ill-founded ridicule. I do not be- garian March The tremendous, grand-
lieve it is the policy of The Detroit manner surge, especially in these last
Times to allow such indiscretions to two, is all but indescribable: lofty, sin-
enter into its copy. Perhaps this ar- cerely sublime, always crystal clear
tile has been read by Minnesota and the' mounted and mounted to that pe-
Wisconsin supporters. For the sake culiarly indefinite height of genuine
of all that is good in sports, and foot- inspiration. It is an ordinary platitude.
ball in particular, I believe that it is but only too true: it will month on
month, perhaps, before we re-heard
the duty of The Times to repudiate such an intriguing concert.
- this statement through its columns
- and by letter to the Athletic Associa- TlE FACULTY CONCERT
s tions of both Minnesota and Wisconsin. A review, by Norma Bicknell.
Y- e C. L Theoretically, Theodore Harrison
t ,. ._ has the ideal type of operatic figure.
n I _ I-is voice lacks the undercurrent of



Personal Christmas Cards
it"n tt tai 1tttt. ttttt ..................... _ _ - a

Vlkh Ends of the Diagonal Walk




M T W "'T F








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THE Holidays are just round
the corner. Have you or-
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Cards as yet? Don't wait until
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Of beautiful and artistic Christ-
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Nottingham Journal, in an address in
Whether or not this statement has
in it any element of finality concern-
ing the international status of the
United States it should serve to call
us to our duty as one of the potentI
influences in the conduct of worldj
affairs. United States at present is
one of the two greatest nations in
the world. As Cecil Roberts expressed
it: "England and America stand as
the last two units in the trial of
civilization. Our England's sun has
begun to set-but it will be a glor-
ious sunset!"
United States can no longer escape
its role of prominence in world affairs.
All parties, all political leaders know
this. They have each admitted it in
one way or another during the pres-
ent campaign. The question before th.
American citizens is which party
should be trusted with the conduct of
these affairs. Under whose guidance
will America best exercise her re-
It is with this in mind, with this. at-
titude towards our international posi-
tion that American voters should
select their government today. Domes-
tic policies are important, but large-
ly involved in: larger international
problems. Either of the old parties
will insure a businesslike conduct o
national affairs. Both Coolidge and+
Davis are of big enough calibre as
businessmen to solve the agricultural
problem, the tarriff, and the taxes,
always providing their foreign policy
is consistently sound enough to fur-
ther the general prosperity of the
If the voter feels that Coolidge and
Hughes have adopted the logical pol-
icy in the conduct of'the state depart-
ment, that the Republican administra-
tion is essentially responsible for such
definite advances in international
arbitration as the Naval Disarmament
conference and the Dawes plan, that
the whole attitude has been forward-
looking and intelligent, then a vote
for the Republican electors will not be
amiss. If, on the other hand; the vot-
er feels that the Republican adminis-
tration's' policy has been too indefi-
nite, that the nation has lost prestige 4
and influence because of failure to
cooperate with such bodies as the t
League of Nations, then Davis and the
Democratic party should be sup-
ported. If the citizen feels that the

Anonymous coimuncations will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants wil, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
Mr. Ailes' assumption that Theo
done Roosevelt, if living, would sup
port the present League of Nations
is absurd and not based upon any
valid inference. No one doubts tha
Roosevelt favored some general plan
of enforcing by might the decrees of
judges versed in international law,
yet it does not follow that he would
support this particular plan of en
forcing peace, that is, the League of
Nations. It would be as reasonable
to assert that because the world is in
favor of religion that it must favor
some particular form of religion sueh
as Christianity or Buddhism, a condi-
tion which we know to be contradicted
by the known facts. Likewise, it
would be as illogical to assert that we
must all be Baptists or Catholics or
Jews because we believe in some forn
of Christianity.
There are a number of people toda:
who would ardently support an or-
ganization to enforce world peace, but
who see too clearly the evils of the
League of Nations to accept it asa
final solution of the problem of' war.
Yet, according to Mr. Ailes' logic,
they would still be League of Nations
supporters. Ilis definition of a person
in favor of the League of Nations is
one who believes in the solution of
the problem of war by "the creation of
reasonably impartial judges and by
putting an efficient police power--
that is, by putting force in effective
fashion-behind the decrees of the
judges." From such a general state-
ment as this Mr. Ailes has manufac-
tured an assertion that Roosevelt was
a League of Nations man.
Mr. Ailes has a system of logic
particularly his own and a systen
which is singularly well-adapted ti
the passing of a subtle fallacy. Hi;
system of necromancy is also ver:
useful, and I would like to inquire
whether he is a discipfe of Conan
Dolye? Maybe his medium wasn't
functioning properly.


Piines 315-3552

Evenings 2446




! 1
-The Washington Post.
There will be much vigorous dissent
from the sweeping condemnation of
private schools as un-American which
was made the other day by Professor
Sharp of Boston university. With his
enconium upon the public school sys-
tem as the characteristically Ameri-
can there can be no quarrel, or with
his high estimate of its indispensable
value. But he will fail to convince
thoughtful minds of any essential in-
compatibility of the two systems,, of
public and private schools, or of any-
thing in the latter that is necessarily
opposed to the poltiical and social
principles of America.
For the genius of America does not
call for standardization in education,
in industry, or in any respect. In in-
dustry we may grant that each work-
er should be entitled to at least a
minimum living wage. But we certain-
ly cannot decree that nobody shall
rise above that standard of doing
more or better work, and thereby
entitling himself to more pay, or pro-
fit. So in education. We may and
should provide free instruction for all
in the general essentials. But we can-
not deny to those who can afford it
and desire it, the additional and spec-
ial advantages which are to be had
only in private schools; remembering
always that those who go to the ex,
pense of sending their children to
private schools continue at the same
time to pay their full share for the
support of the public schools from
which they derive no direct benefit.
T+ is +h '- ^ior^-01 -eo uocrn .y L it

warmth and depth that sustains it in
moments of lightness and airiness.
Perhaps his selections were respon-
sible for the lack of polish evident
in his voice. His singing was restrain-
ed yet effective in a measure. It had an
extreme beauty of tone but lacked
depth. The Monologue might have

for all

been more convincing. . .
It was in "Now Sleeps The Crimson
1Petal" that Mr. Harrison showed the
utter impossibility of his singing I
light tones well. After his last selec-
tion "Aspiraticn, 'To Build is Joy',
we wish the program might have
been longer so that we could have
heard him again. In that one piece They are more ea
he brought to mind the Theodoreyr
Harrison that people talk about. than a basket.
Mrs. Guy Maier played exceedingly They make idea
well the thoroughly delightful pro-
gram that she had arranged. The bags.
"Irish Tune from County Derry" by
Grainger was played with a man's
virility of -touch. The piece itself, de- I
lightfully simple in nature, was given
a tone of emotion made marvelously Books and note
effective by the sympathetic inter- not get lost in su
In direct contrast to the vigour and
swing of the Irish tune was Ganz's
"Pensive Spinner." The beauty and
daintiness, of the number mingling
with the pensive undertone and whir Prices range
of the spinning wheel lost nothing $1.75 to $1
in Mrs. Maier's rendition.
An element, almost jazz, entered the
program in the "Five Cuban Dances"
by Cervantes. The "Danzas" were re- See Windo
miniscent of the Carnival scenes in
Carmen. The growling bass and flip-
pant treble of the "Jealous one" were
colorful: there could be no more ap-
propriate name for the selection. The
two seemed to merge in the final G. CLAUDE I
chord. One wondered if the Jealous
one had been appeased.
Mrs. Maier forgot that she had an Drug and Pr(
audience during the playing of "On Store
the Wings of Song," in which she
showed a renewed strength of touch1 Phone 3
here that was lacking after the Coun-

sily carried
I shopping
papers do
ch a bag

~g1 '
alIn the long, double-breasted box elects
-the very latest in style. All cf thcse
coats are made especially for Tom Cor-
bett. Don't fail to stop in and inspect .
this display
~ ~ ~





I it is the glory of democracy tnat it

-R. G., 28. most practically recognizes the prin-
ciple of "many men, many minds,"
PROFANUM VULGUS and is therefore the very negation and
To the Editor: antithesis of standardization. Its pur-
I am obliged to you for printing my pose is to afford opportunity to alt,
views about the School Ainedment in which, of course, must mean oppor-
your issue of Nov. 1. The item con- tunities to achieve as much and rise




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