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November 04, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 11-4-1924

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VOL. XXXV. No. 37






"uoiesa From iHell and Should
Return to Headquarters," !
Satys Speaker

Roosevelt Not Fo
Nations De
In reply to certain statements made
by Dr. Irving Fisher with respect to
Theodore Roosevelt's attitude on, the
League of Nations, Mrs. Douglas Rob-
inson, sister of the former president,
issued the following statement in an
interview yesterday:
"Mr. Irving Fisher's statements in
his pamphlet on 'America's Interest
in World Peace' as far as the para-
graph referring to my brother, Theo-
dore Roosevelt, and the then pro-
posed League of Nations is concerned,
*are misleading. Mr. Roosevelt did
outline suggestions for a possible Lea-
gue of Nations both in 1910 and in
1914 but as the World war pro-

Blares H is Sister The following statement con- rimto
out of war,' Mr. Roosevelt regarded yesterday by attending physi-
Mr. Wilson's 14 points and tentative FIc ians c
suggestions for the League of Na-j "Yesterday (Sunday) the Pres-
tions as largely 'rhetoric.' ident developed serious throat
"Mr. Fisher in his paragraph called complications with a swelling
'Theodore Roosevelt' quotes part of IILLIONS HEAR PRE-ELECTION I of the lymph gland. There are I.
Mr. Roosevelt's last article written ADMONITIONS OF AV evidences of improvement in his
on Jan. 3 for the Kansas City Star WOMdENIhG Enn.
just a few days before he died. If OOLIFGE No change in condition was re- WWOEN WILL HOLD iANQU ET
he quoted it at all he should have ported up to a late hour last AT CONiGREGATIONAL
quoted the whole and not only the SEE BIG VOTE night. CNURCI
lines in which Mr. Roosevelt said,__
'Mr. Taft hasrecently defined the Expect Fair Waier to Bring Out 12 TEAMS CHOSEN
purposes of the league in a way that Ex ecFrdWPollier to Brn t
enables most of us to say we very Middle WestiTotil
heartily agree in principle, and can __d _ WeaIlsiToICoe.ctA utImIbikleRaces
without doubt, come. to an agreement Lo Raise Enthusiasm Of
on specific details.' Washington, Nov. 3. (By A. P.)- 1Participants
"Tht ar o M. Fshr' qot- The presidential campaign was

INO $1,800 TODAV



Money Raised Will be Distributed
Among Different Student

Mr. Fred B. Smith, the second gressed he became more and more
speaker on the University service pro-) convinced of the difficulty of the prac-
gramr speaking in Hill auditorium tical application of such a league; he
g also became more and more insistent
Sunday night, denounced those who that if America should enter such an
maintain that war was brought on association, her entry should only be
this earth by a divine power with a a supplement to, not a substitute for'
motive. "I believe," said Mr. her own national preparedness and
I universal military training which he
Smith, "that war comes from Hell, 1 strongly advocated.
and should be sent back to headquar- "Mr. Roosevelt had no confidence
ters." The speaker urged that stu- whatsoever in Mr. Wilson's utterances
dents take religion more into their and after the latter's .failure to pre-
lives, letting it rule their emotions4i pare America during the World war,
He cited the case of Harry Lauder, after his failure also to hold Germany
who, when his son was killed in the to the strict accountability which he,
war, felt the impulses successively had promised and after the insincere-
to turn to drink, suicide, and finally, ity of his slogan to re-elect himself
God. president in 1916, namely, 'he kept us
"I am one of those believing that
we are on our way to universal re-
ligion, with one prayer, one God,
expressed a belief that segregation of I
creeds and cults could not exist I
eternally, and at the present tine
there were indications of breaking
down of the sharp lines of dogma.'
"The acid test of religion," stated Pledges Signed on First Day Exceed1
the speaker, is not its literature. Usual Number; Price is E
Elaborating on this statement, he $5.00 Now
said that he found other religions
having literature equally as beauti- TO OMIT SPRING DRIVE1
fli as the Bible; that Christianity____
had no monopoly on floods; and that
there even existed a religion whose , Pledges signed yesterday for the
whale made Jonah's craft look like a 1925 Michiganensian subscriptiont
minnow. Secondly, the acid test is drive far exceeded in number those
not theological definition. The speak- signed on the first day in any for
er admitted the blunders of the Chris- m . sd
tion church in trying to establish mer campaign. Tables were placed t
itself. "The process may be slow, lut at the engineering arch, the center ofY
one noticeable fact about Christian- the campus, the northwest corner of
ity-is that it never ceases," said Mr. the campus, University ball, and Ini
Smith. He indicated that there could the entrance to the library. The table
be no such thing as a chosen raceoy at the entrance to the library was the-
or that a favorite group could exist, only one which received cash pay-,
"I do not believe in a man who has ments, the others merely taking sig-
pets; any ,rman who can pick a fa- natures on pledge cards.
vorite child from his own family is a A reduction of 50c is made to all,
pagn.", people who sign during the campaign!
1i closing, the speaker said that and who make their payment before!
Christianity thrives on opposition. December 19. All persons who fail to
"Give it a battle and it'll thrive every eign the pledge cards, or who sign s
tnme;" he said. "Christianity has a and neglect to pay for their subscrip-a
zone If you wish to keep your re- tions before the Christmas vacation ;
igin, stay, in your zone. Go to will be charged $5.50. The price of
curch. Let religion govern you. $5.00 may be paid at the 'Ensian of-l
in h be afrigof it. The men who fice after the campaign providing the1
bav'e ben throagh then ill know that pledge cards have been signed,'
iehiea n betrusted. Those who otherwise the additional 60c will be
t;l orhicap u God on the golf links charged.
t y morsng Gwho study science This will be the only campaign for<
r nca n ;wh be trusted. Those who 'Ensian subscriptions this year asl
shut n tlca selves up astd read good there will te no spring campaign as
sokt they will lose cut, and at the heretofore. A person either pays1
ed ; ofthif, or when a crisis comes, $5.00 by signing up this week duringI
they will find that they have lost. the 'campaign or $5.50 at any later
.-.t with tha, . divine rower- time.

tion is true. It is quite untrue that brought to a novel and dramatic con- 1OLI L U LU LIII U LII 71fOpening tonight with a banquet in Tonight will mark the launching of
Mr. Roosevelt ever said mn reference thIalr fte ogeainlt
M.Roeeteesadireee c lusion tonight with an audience of the parlors of the Congregational the annual drive for finances; of the.
to the league proposed by Mr. Wil- Snmpeaker is exmhtAnh nssdenorfto MexAchurch at which women prominent A. n wich fiv fnded me
son, 'Let us enter such a league.' Mr imillions listening in their hoIes to ard exA mbassador to Mexoi the work on the campus will S. C. A . in which five iundred men
Wilson was so careful not even to election eve addresses by two presi- Posts d tspeak, the Y. W. C. A. will begin its ofthed eas P eein
let the senators of the United States denial nomineesgfo annual drive foi funds which will . a ass eei ber the
know exactly what kind of a league n atfo ord sTed Ih entire campaign force will be held in
knweatywaIido ege A far flung network of radio ta-I WILL ADDRESSBA Q E last for four (ays. The drive, which the Methodist church at 5:46 o'cloc.
he was fathering that Mr. Roosevelt j Lions took command of the airt WI LBANQUETIhopes to collect $1,800 from Univer- Fe M toii, 'hori a uhor
said as his last utterance 'For the mo- carry to the country the final pre- sity women as their share of the f"
mettepin nwihweaems I yype!of "The Victors," and Col. rW H.Miller
ment the point on which we are most election admonitions of President Charles B. Warren, '91, ex-ambas- $4,500 needed for the budget of run- of thengrndeCar.me.tH.illr
foggy is the League of Nations. Mr. Coolidge, delivered from his study in sador to Mexico and Japan, holder of [ ning expenses for the organization, addr s engineering department, will
Wilson's utterances so far as they are the White adousedresn important diplomatic ,ytg.
arIsilWnilsaesonht-: h Wit slusand of John Wi mrrtnipoai posts, and ac- will be conducted by the teams of At this time all necessary instruc-
reported are still in a stage of rhet- cording to some one of Michigan 's women who will be the of the tions will be issued, and for the first-
oric.' Davis, speaking from a radio studio ng esse timus will be e xhibit
"Inric esm.ls'rtcewrte cb nNeok iy most distinguished alumni, will be Association tonight. Miss Daphn
tietecpaasil"In th'e same last article written by in New York city. the guest of honor at they first all Doddsmfield secretardsofithebWomxh'bted.
Mr. Roosevelt he states as his final Never before had the voters wit- campus public speaking banquet to b Dodds, field secretary of the Women's . To the winner will be given the choice
nessed so near an approach to a c e a o League, Mrs. John. Sundwall, chair- of four loving cups. The cups have
(Continued on Page Two) ;hndeecssendheasemsoromofnearofte ansoy omiapproach ee ienh , .toIvsman
joint debate, a few hours before the the Union. a y man of the Advisory committee ,of the been given y Mr., M. A. Ives, mem-
opening of the polls, between the. two Aithough this event will be a new Y. W. C. A. and Jane Gibson, 25, ber of the S. C. A. board, and an un-
uttanng r of the camhypresident of the student association, named citizen f Ann Arbor. Other re-
! o esRg *one on the campus is it planned by will speak.Iwrsttem inldseasups
Never has so great a multitude been the committee in charge, of which will edi. wards to tear prlude steak suppers
able to hear, as from one platform, Merle Parks, '25, is general chairman, The ctmpaign which will be heldn tma theater party.
the voices of two men who have been an le y cd 2L assatonnection with the S. C. A. will be For the first time in the history of
lifted to the highest pinnacle of party nchairmanllenNlu to have the ban27Lquet corres-sistant conducted in a different manner this the two Christian associations at
leadership. g t n e p in ohe e banuet es- year. Twelve teams of ten women Michigan, they will co-operate in their
Momentarily the spectacular jostled publications banquet. each will be organized.
TO G T R T RSFad hp iw tepondicain s bne t. teana ahwl eognzd._______________
ItnisAbanuettwillcompetition has been
University Club Pns Showing for claims of victory that emanated in the Icbrg together a the studens on t hethe nethod for raising tPRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
.emibers; Woumen Invited to b$in8togtherall he stdenttontheis
e ; on finl1 h'ours of the campaign from the campus from the different schools and $1800 which is the goal set this j
!Lulon 4headquarters of all parties. It over- classes who are interested in the art year for the finance drive of the.iY. The Student Christian associa- I
shadowed for tonight even tomorrow's and practice of public speaking. First W. C. A. Twelve teams composed of tion and the Young Women's
USE RADIO AND WIRE election itself, at which the nation year students will be invited and will 10 women each have been organized Christian association of the Uni-
will choose between Coolidge, Davis, be introduced to the various forensic for the work and each team has versity represent principles and
Returns from the presidential elec- and LaFollette, will elect a new, activities for which they will be elig- 1 chosen the name of a well . known programs which are of major=I
tion will be received by the Michi- Congress and fill a governor's chair ible in their second year. Coming, 1 automobile. The drive will be con- I concern to every thoughtful stu-
in 34 states. as it does, the day before the women's ducted as a race and reports will be dent. In no narrow or bigoted
gan Union, the Majestic theater and Both the president and hid Demo- debate with Ohio State, the banquet made every day as to the progress. I way, these Associations take a I
the University club in Alumni MemI cratic opponent chose the occasion to will be a tribute to the Michigan teams The teams are as follows: Essex, stand for certain attitudes to-
orial hall tonight. The Union will say a word for a full vote of voting which will debate both here and in Gladys Schrader, '25, Mary Ellen Ap- ward the business of living. They
have a special wire from the Western strength-an objective which kept Columbus the following day. pleton, '26, Margaret Sidney, '25, Has- are not asking any man or wo-
havedetiasspecial wirethr mn fromikthetosWesternr- ...
Union and .eports will be announced party managers great and small busy Full details regarding the other soltine Bourland. '26, Evelyn John-
in the lobby, the billiard room, the throughout the day and far into the speakers to appear on the program ston, '25, Fannie Baker; '26, Pauline I ally, or to conform to any rigidly
n night. f and the sale of tickets will be an- lop, '26, Dorothy MGonigal, '27, established code. They simply
bowling alleystheA forecast of fair eather for vir- nounced later. Jane White, '26, Dorothy Debble, '26, express the belief that those fun-
tap room. tuany the entire country, with dry Helen Young, '27; Hudson, Ingrid damental human impulses for I
In addition a radio is being installed roads in the agricultural section of T Rur s Alving, '26, GladysEastcott, '27, Ada j rightness ofs conduct toward
in the ballroom on the second floor. ;the middle west led to predictions ya m',tnurnd Giles, '23Mary Case, '27MarionIone's fellows which are in'our
Women are invited to use the ball- i that the vote tomorrow will be by E y s Meyers, '26, Dorothy Morris, '25, Eu- minds when we speak of religion
awrmey;are invitediceoE hsenhe ball-atthaa 'Smmerote desrverto pllyanbimportan
room for the returns and faculty far the largest ever recorded in a E. nIce Esehertpl, anSummer-
members and their wives are also in- presidential election. H field, '28, Alice Campbell, '27 Marie- I part in thesguidance of action,
vited to attend. It is expected that re- ___1 eCom eion'ie Van Ossenbrugen, 28, Agnes Sheldon, hey an e ery see that I
ports will start to come in shortly .Chicago, Nov. 3.-Oratory, candi- -I (ContinuedonPageFive)____the encevryemetdesvg
I I I of the encouragement and sup-
after 9 o'clock. The same radio will dates and campaign issues were al- Michigan's reception of welcome tors s
be used that was istalled in the tap most lost sight of tonight in the rush her victorious Varsity came .an hour ortTfMtnhngat-M. L. BURTON.
room for the world series baseball of civic leaders and party workers to and a half late Sunday afternoon. i i r -1MLL._BRTON_
games several weeks ago. K. W.i perfect the last minute plans for get-( Expecting the team to return from
Donnell, grad, and J. A. Barkovitch, ting a record number of middle west the Minesota game at 6 o'clock Sun- I
'25E, will install the set, voters to the polls tonmprrow. day evening several hundred stu- Efinancial drives, oling them simul-
The Majestic theater will have a Citizens were urged from pulpit and dents flocked to the Michigan Central taneously, yet each maintaing its
midnight show, starting at 10:30j rostrum to exercise their franchise1 station at that time, and there learn-' identity. Helen Brown, '25, general
o'clock in which radio will bring re- and in Missouri the governor called.I ed that the squad had reached the - chairman of the Y. W. C. A. campaign,
I ports during the performance and a upon church and factories to toll city an hour and a half earlier than SIuter Plans Fewer Chorus Numbers;I speaking of the collaboration of the
special Western Union wire after the their bells and blow their whistles expected. Miller and Warter Will Do two campaigns, says: "Through co-
platfr. thins e syla s w at 4 o'clock to remind those who had When word was received at the of.. Dance Duets operation with the S. C. A. we hope
playThe University club plans to have not yet voted that the polls were soon (ices of the athletic association Sun-I to build a better Michigan We are
Thi reporsote clu ions re to close. day, telling of the early arrival of the COPY BROADWAY IDEAS glad to work with this body for that
radi reports of the elections received purpose.
at the club rooms on the lower floor Isquad an attempt was made to notify Earl P. Sawyer, '26A, chairnfan of
of Alumni Memorial hall. All mem- 1*Yost as many as possible. As a result, Final selection have been made fo t S. C. A. drive, also expressed sat-
bers of the club and their wives are 4 s xp LaZs when the team reached the city at the choruses of the 1925 Union Opera isfaction in the arrangement. He says
invited to be present. The radio is - I 4:30 o'clock, bringing with it the "Tickled To Death" by E. Mortimer " We are glad that the drives are be-
being installed by the Ann Arbor Illinois Gam e Brown Jug, emblematic of Saturday's Shuter, the director. The chorus num- ing held simultaneously.. We want
branch of the American Association F Ysuccessful invasion of the North, it hers of this year's Opera will be dif- Ito co-operate with the women at all
of Engineers. I For ext Year was met by the Varsity band and ferent from those of the past few times, and stand ready to do what we
III____ ___scores of students with cheers. of wel- years, according to Mr. Shuter, i that can to better the relationships be-
game with Illinois ne come. there will be slightly fewer num- tween Michigan men and women."
E[SPyear is being played at Urbana for t At Chicago, it was explained, the bers, but most of the dances will be The S. C. A. budget for the year Is
purpose of insuring a good home sea- coach bearing the Varsity squad was full stage, having the entire chorus, $27,000, of which the association hopes
STllVson in 1926, it was announced by hooked on to the 4:30 o'clock train ponies, grls and nsren. to raise $6,000 on the campus this
Coac1 Fielding H. Yost last n It.fwhich stopped at Ann Arbor4by:s belt n ge da quie tis to be understood that the
spaychereairangemenI. I different effect than the dances in money subscribed at this time will not
Illinois were to play. here in 1925 to- which the pony chorus only took part.
C. F. Campbell, director of the De- gether with Minnesota, Ohio State The chorus dances will be led by for tshe Frsa Aries of eThis mone
troit League for Handicapped, is to and the Navy, all four of these games T FNPhilip Miller, grad, and Daniel Warn- has been apportioned to the. several
be the principal speaker at the Chain- Iwould be played out of town inm 16,INI t1 tUI er, '27, who, as a team, will be re- deparments of the organization, and
her of Commerce luncheon today in Iwhich would leave only one good sponsible for a large share of the will be used strictly in the promotion
the C. of C. Inn. Mr. Campbell has home game that season. dance numbers. According to Mr. of these departments.
chosen as his subject, "One of the For this reason Michigan will en- IUURI FlLU IVI ULUUu Shuter they will do several duet The most prominent of these.are
Greatest Civic Problems," and will il- gage Illinois on the gridiron at Ur- dances, which have been very popu- the University service department,
lustrate his talk with a large num- bana next year, while the Illini will Following a week's trip visiting lar in the new Broadway revues. Iwhich provides the Sunday night ser-
ber of stereopticon views. Prof. A. H. play here in 1926. When games are j alumni clubs in the sixth district of ( The members of the various chor- vices in Hill auditorium; the exten-
White of the engineering department scheduled the place and time are de- the A'lumni association, made up uses are: Ponies; Leo Cannon, '25E sion department, sending student
termined to suit both teams. This ar-IJ-.Dy ?;Cld aemn 5
willo act as chairman of the luncheon.d s.of the central northwest, T. Hawley J. W. Day, '7; Clyde Hagerman, 25; speakers about the state, where they
rangement with Illinois is suitable Tapping, 'L, field secretary of the H. S. Lathrop, 27; J. S. Lawrence, conduct church meetings, and also es-
to both universities and was made association, returned Sunday after- '27; Fred McManus, '25; Gregory tablish contacts with prospective col-
Illinois Rooters for this reason. noon to Ann Arbor. On Friday and Mehivan, '27; H. A. Michel, '27A; lege students through hikes, parties,
Go F r Wih Te m !Howard Oxford '27- Willis Topper,
Saturday an alumni registration bu-,7 Lyar Ofr '7; 'iE . andother group gatherings. There are
Isreau was maintained in Minneapolis '27; Lye Vand Lnser , '2 . 16 of these departments which come
___Junior Research hIer iI Robbins, 26; and Lester Smith, 27.
ha ,Nov. 3.-University ofor alumni who were in town to see Girl's Chorus: D. W. Ball,'26L; in for a portion of the budget.
Club Meets Today the Minnesota-Michigan4game.C. The campaign will close Friday
Illinois students are following their Fitzhugh Burns, 92, was re-elected i ;John Doeman, 26; W. D. Harbaugh,Inight.
4winning football team with little heed , izuh' 27; Donald Johnson, 25; Stanley' _________
to distance. Seven special sections of Junior Research club members will director of the sixth district at the Lewy, '26; Milton Peterson, '25; Chas.To
13 cars each have been chartered to meet at 8 o'clock tonight in room 192 election of officers Friday nght. He Preece, '27; Fred. Proctor, '25; Karl Hull Address
carry students to Chicago, Nov. 8, and of the Natural Science building for will serve for three years. The other Robertson, '25E; T. E. Smith, '27; H. I . .
Ia special train for Minneapolis is also their regular mon theyphhering. Os- officers named were James D. Arm- A. Visel, '25; and Lester Whitehead, iM edical Stndens
being arranged -for the game Nov. 15. car B. Klein, of the physics depart- strong, '96L, president; Stanley Rose- e'27.
meh will deliver a paper upon "Re- water, '08L, vice-president; and Sam- Men's Chorus: W. W. Arnold, '26E; Prof. A. E. Hill, of the physiological

. cent Developments in Bohr's Theory ! uel G. Pickus, '18L, secretary treas- Paul Bruske, '26; H. NV. Dudley, '26; department in University college at
? NetV York Alumn 'of Atomic Structure," and Dr. Mal- urer. Russel Duncan, '26E; H. R. Flowers, London will address the medical fac-
S e fe r s colm H. Soule, of the bacteriology Mr. Tapping visited alumni groups '27; Forrest Heath , '27; Franki ulty and students at 7 o'clock to-
1epartment, will speak upon the "Re- in the following cities: Sioux City, O'Brien, '26E; Oscar Jekel, '25; J. R. I night at west amphitheater of the
,, v Pevi _ ) M, ,nl, adIgnw.'. sPrvr Rn . '21- re lMedical building.

ti contact wimwLuiil v-
Michigan Union
Starts Freshman
Group Meetingsj
Freshman group meetings held by
the underclass department of the
icthigan Unioin started last night with
a meeting of group one. Henry Grin-
nell, '28, president of the freshman
Cl4ss, spoke to the meeting.' Wm. L.
Diener, '26, chairman of the under-
class department also spoke to the
group and outlined the work to be
carried on by these groups through-
out the year.
Groups six and seven will meet to-
night in rooms 304 and 325 on the
third floor of the Union. Groups two
and three meet tomorrow evening in
rooms 304 and 325 and groupsfour and
five will meet Thursday night in the
same rooms.
At the end of the year the Intra-
mural department will award five sets
of numerals to members of the groupsi
who display the greatest interest and
ability in the activities.
Princeton, Nov. 3.- Subscriptions
for the Community Chest fund at
Princeton university have reached the
$10,000 mark.
We spent a glorious end of the
week in fair Detroit and as one
wise sage of the distant past has
so eloquently phrased it, "a good
lia sad hv all". This dear

Harding's Wife
Is Seriously Ill1
Marion, Ohio, Nov. 3.-Mrs. Florence
Kling Harding, wife of the late presi-
dent, who had been ill of kidney
trouble for several weeks, was slight-
ly improved tonight, although compli-
cations have arisen. A bulletin issued
by Dr. Carl W. Sawyer at 7 o'clock
"Mrs.Harding is sometbetter to-
night after resting well today. New
complications have developed, how-
ever, which are yet undefined.
Michigan Men Are
Election Rivals
Special to The Daily
Denver, Col., Nov. 3.-The sena-
torial fight for the short term from
this state will be waged tomorrow
between two graduates of the Univer-
sity ot.Michigan, Rice W. Means, '01L,
Republican, and Morrison Shafroth,
'10, Democrat.
While at Ann Arbor Mr. Shafroth
was a Varsity tennis star playing
for three years, as well as being a
member of Michigamua, Toastmas-
ters, Sphinx, and Druids, campus
honor societies.

Will Hold Dance
After O.S.U. Game
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 3.-Following


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