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November 02, 1924 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-2-1924

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Cinema I~ Good clothe sATERaev
TeteThe Wnerli are n t c id s-the library, wl
Thetregoers will find a fine week l r o c i e t
j/ ,g f entertainment at the Wuerth o hs dlcos abcedma®an-Iht crispgolen
tetein the presentation of D .W.Ioftawafflebabcudmetsad
C.rffth's much heralded photoplay I j CO ar th fial"
Rerica b.Cabers.nthe strome 0 clothes aetefia _wiches has been started. Only I Oc charg-
Roe Whrdandes.Thenromillion result of careful tailoring-W ed for the delivery service-orders of six
peopl-that Is the story of "Amey-= cmbioronofmoremat
ea" which critics now declare i8 skill and experience. 'We havemoe accepted.
reater than Mr. Griffith's earlier Pic- '= somethiing you'll like in our cor-_
tre "The Birth of a Nation.", Thepeeslcto ofiptdan
Picture was made not to show in 2~t elcino ipre n
hronological order the incidents ofdoetcwlns,
he war, but ,to portray the spirit o lTwoolencs.e In 1T H
sacifice which encouraged the little! ea b cu n H
and of Americans to defy and conj 440 South State St. Phone 2948-W y
rifler their oppressor. The scenes ex-
:end from the battles of Lexington ~__________
Washington as our first president. i=1 WA IFI
-Beginning PRICES =-
'The Majestici=° 9g1r Nights.. .0C to $1..50E
Those who heard Waring's Penn. = eT .. at. 50.Sc to 1.50 0 1
ylvanans last week will be more Su~d y, No -i___---a.Mt5ct 15
han pleased to learn that they will______
Aapy at the Majestic theatre this week = ----
lso. Their popularity was assured 608 Eaft Libceiy Street Piione 171,34 T i M U NT R T R
from their previous performances in - RU P A T'R T R °
atfnn Arbor but the enthusiasm which ?ziB9BBiEii,6BIlli0BBaBEEi 1EII BBIlI~lBi61tBiBi BBBBB~llhIi ll!iBBBE9BB i i iiBdi!iftiil3iipd' lT he GIreatest liDramatic Success
marked their reception was so great,; ---- .-- ~. . Student Owned and 0O7
~sto warrant any effort to hold v the i cuo er
We". From Thursday on themns' Do t Borrow-_____ _____" _____ _'___ 232 Nickels Arcade, U
eNrnsylvanians will appear, in a re-__ ____.___Diy: 1 3-- x -
luest prrogram. Any selection asked tiltl l l t~~l3ill bl iiE1111 i li131;i:~ ~ 1iu;tillilli~urI ita~iuu1'' 1 Sunday, 4 until 11
for by the audience will be played.
This feature, will be especially ap- c TIL SELW Y7&S PilESENT
reoiated by those who have enjoyed (ANN LO''
their numerous victor records. Thts = iInspiring~ Senstionr"®^lf~:~exPsrJdssr.":
creen attraction for the first of the , 1TC ) _s2L ~ O '
week will be William de Mille's pro- ULT -CUTS
ution ."The Fast Set." The story / ii
sof a husband who saves his wife dA; QULTw CUTS
from a gay philanderer. The situa ,,, t AMcLEA N
Gon is one of the most unique in ma
fin pictures, and as it is handled isMj
elightfully satiric. Betty Compsoui.ab - (;
luhott Dexter and Adolph Menjou ap- 4,a ----_.c
ear in the cast. "Lizzies of the T __--,-- 1he Rid-lelict S
Pld" a Turpin comedy, and an ® : 2 payBrkes a u'lirnnerock: on the heart and 3SSUHSAEs
Aesop Fable Cartoon will complete 4 fg« 3i
ne program. The feature picture for Holdsig 1 Ic Its Heaer Spellbound from
4he last of the week will be "Reckless
~omance." In addition a Christie Curian to Curtain - ag*pca n Cmd iorm
augh Spca n omd iornm ____ _____Vi
Ire also billed. O f -ten.L
The title for the new Paramount iui ;auuzl
icture which is coming to the Arcade { i EXTRA C N E T SRhoes, fraternities and sororities.
lba,"Seofras b aennhsna(g1- rIf ) 'O A fV~CeveIr a'ceHi ll AditariuAuMn Arbor _I We specialize in taking care of ou
fleetly paradoxical sound. Those who w1 ~.- . a htmae hmpretystsid
ave read the story by olive Arden 2tflche statement you Pknow awayitdat akefr s tom gret stimaked.ve
ill recognize its significance and ap-it .1 -mak eer a'u no efr stoget om
rove its retention in the screen play. -- the adivantages a eu LI -.. his U I nothing is lacking in our goods or servic
inners in Heaven" tells the story l2= =iI is--c i-r~ idviul
if a man and a girl who are wrecked 'i- itle ei es that (3ran~rrIer s - quitediofdthe
n ,a tropical island off the coast of A ,~-~ f p lI A j . os ~mef-nnetSlit- ry10 e-*naWn W r ru ucs
Afrcar Dyamc pssbiDynamic Acdeypossibilities for ! 3=Sosa imelf-Einetaolost- nary 10 en-ina Wn-- W ae qit prudof hesuces
Iramatic ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ M inietda era1l 2. - (erful Program of Stirrinig end Thrilling Band Numbers. Tickets 2_______
ieen when one imagines 'himself l-kinsG r ang;Er1" m int is thle . $1.50, $2.00. .thelNVRI{SCOJ FMUC-c,$0,
tranded' thousands of miles from civ- -"SA O IE T IE O C R S~dul ITEMS OF INTEl
lation with his only companion a2 source of delightful danl'ce rS AO IK T FOR FIEC N E T Fresh dul filtered sweet cider.
enson whom he cordially dislikzed. * 1 1p
f course they fal in love and are E musiIC Isfl't thiat aion1e anl SOUSA'S WONDERFUL - Unity Nutmargarine, lb.... ...
harried but what happens next is 2+*C .AA. BAND Breakfast Coffee, lb... .
ecidedly unusual and entertaining. vinduUcementti na kle Mal-DTR I S MP O Y C E TA -
ebe Daniels and Richard Dix are the 2-l 1 itP>:FreshftvegetablesR inYallE vari[tiep
eatured players and the supporting " ge's aa bit22 TlIden CONCERTS BYTHEAllI43iS ruit
'ast is one of extraordinary merit. w ne- cyhWISHHisl table g mrvn ~n treenng f
ho latter part of the week Percy =Withn pples-Sp endi
larmrount will be featured in "The 2 Rich, delicious cocoa, b.. ..... .
,egend of Hollywood" Renaud Hoff- . EIMIN' ENT SOLOISTS AT EACH res buter lb....
,,hi wehcldirese ptred hasslf iand1 the =t Raisins-i lb package. ..12; he
raster dramatist of the screen. With,- -. IBALCHICH RUSSIAN CHORUS 2 The best bulk Green Tea we can buy,
ll the delicacy of a Rembrandt's 2RJUSIA'S GREATEST SINGING BODY Strictly fresh eggs at all times.
)rush he has caught a bit of life and Symphony
)espair and the silver lining that =_ - q
hines forth when hope Is revived 12=m -
azu Pitts adds her ever welcome 2_-U2.00 3.00 $4.00 $5.00- Us
"SAVE YOU S B U t E E SbU11B111111111II11111111{1BE'I11111111ilIIIIIIlif111!i'cB3B3B1BiB3Sli1B11{111i4iC{J1113E111BElBl111IiB11{ll11: " JJI~./~JYETJ_______________________ ___________

ning in
y not a
iake for happiness in
ir customers wants in
No pains are spared
y customer feel that
,e for the good of the
of this plan. '
.. . .. . 38c
for cooking
e for 35c
,id's ,Service



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N flt~a~ wlflcf


just as

A Pleasant Duty
to be. always

A M"'I

A lex

Cooking Up Som-e-
thing in the Way of


... .....

! .

and Quantity
Eat at the R&S LUNCH
605 Church St.

We Find

At Your Service

A Big St
We offer

you a

Well Balanced
behind which is

Has to
In next

It a

_ .._,..m . ......_. _ .....a.._.. _ __ ._._ v_.._.
..,. ,, . .. ... .. W.. ., .. .m. ...... .



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