THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE and both have made some attempt to Progressiveremedy it; the Republicans chiefly in the trust-busting days of Roosevelt, (Continued from Pag o yine) the Democrats chiefly in the first Wil dsonoe administration. Both have now lette did not. Wh ichever was; righ;lt in tic i.I sabg ad lwjb that, it proves a last that given p. Iis ai, hard, slow but tha:t makes it 'all the more inI- is no demagogue, but keeps his word r . in spite of tremendous clamor. Iprtl.. nce it remasenluscd, lao tte In their attack on this problem the Once war was declared, LaFollette prgesvsd otpooIt ue irogressives ado not prop)ose to cur( proved his loyalty by supporting sixty the country by a major operation of the sixty-five war measures broughtI They suggest nothing more radical before Congress. ! than the income tax, nothing nearly One of the five which le opposed so radical as the abolition of slavery. was the conscription act, for which They offer specific remedies growing he wished to .substitute the system out of Present conditions and utiliz- then in force in Austriaia and Can- ing present legal processes. Again ada: another the Espionage act, there is only room for a glance at the which he favored in its first form, but one which has been most severely opposed as it was fnally presented, attacked. on the ground that it would discriin- The Supreme Court has frequently inate against farmers; fourth, the war overthrown laws which had the un- revenue bill, which he hoped to questioned support of a majority amend so that excess war profits and through the country. If the Court's large incomes would pay a larger idecision represented the opinion of share of the cost of war; fifth, the the nine judges, it might be safer to draft provision of the aviation fill,go through the long process of con-! although he supported an appropri- stitutional amendment to put these ation of $640,000,000 for the air forces. measures into effect. But often, as in The attempt to unseat LaFollette the case of the child labor laws, the from the Senate was based on an As- ivote was 5-4. Naturally the fat-heads, sociated Press report which quoted who benefit by this arrangement, do him, on the subject of American en- not want it discussed; and waen the trance into the war, as saying "We sore-heads offer a remedy, tJ fat, had no grievances." The true version heads emit a smoke-screen, bellowing was "I don't mean to say that we about "an attack on the constitution." hadn't suffered grievances'; we had~--_ Now the power of the Supreme at the hands of Germany. Serious Court to overthrow acts of Congress grievances." The Associated Press is not in the constitution. 7t was de- later retracted the report, and even veloped gradually, largely under during the war excitement the Sen- Chief Justice Marshall, who late in ate opposed, 50 to 21, the motion to life suggested exactly the precaution, unseat LaFollette. .Senator Kellogg, legislative review of these Sunreme who introduced the motion, was Court decisions, which the Pro- among those who voted against it I gressives are advocating now. And The war is over now. Ramsay Mac- the method proposed by the Pro- donald, who was imprisoned as a pa- gressives to carry out their plan, a ciist during the war, has since been constitutional amendment, is that prime minister of England. The main provided by the constitution itself. thing about war henceforth is to Progressives offer to let the country prevent another one; and there can ! decide whether they have found the be no doubt of LaFollette'e stand on best remedy. If there is a better one, that. there is. at least no better way -of The progressives center their cam- finding it than by the thorough dis- paign about one issue which the two cussion which would be involved in n(IU nfind iU in "Thoonn- considering such an amendment. Here, then, is an outline, necessar- first appearance this morning at the At the regular morning worship ily sketchy, of the progressive opposi- morning service. The pastor will there will be Holy Communion and tion to the faction in ower. As a speak at this time on the subject the sermon by Reverend Henry Lewis. ,, A joint meeting of the Hobart and matter of fact, progressives suspect "Nippers and Grippers." The discus- A join Geing of the onro teIl Wesleyan Guilds will be held in the that onero th f oalcti rtiesin pow. A a sin classes will meet withaspecial Methodist Episcopal Church. Perry Iishard to tell which one, because i edrs Following the social hour, IHayden, '25, president of the S.CA, neither seems to move under its own Angus M. Babcock '26, will conduct will speak on "Doing Europe Third power. An active sore-head faction toe IounPeople's I~leeting, on theI, S,,b rn can stir the fat-heads to action if ul1tion "s Our Christian Civiliza- diatey after the meeting. they are still alive. If they are dead, Lion Worth Exporting?" a it would not be sanitary to leave tlii___ around too long; and proiary 1 ve3 riny t Eigsl h iLultleran 'liurch IFirst Iiaptist (CIiurie suggest what European countries have Bible S(chool is scheduled at the The subject announced for the been doing lately; put them odecenti y Trinity English Lutheran Church for m orning's sermon is "Man Shall Not out of the wvay and get a more liberal 9 ::0 'elock, The morning worship Live by Bread Alone." Special music group in power. will have as the subject of its sermon has been arranged including a quar- "Religion and Politics." From 5:30 tette and a soprano solo by Miss to 7:30 o'clock the Student Fellowship Dorothy Cozad. Church Bible school St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Holy Communion will be held at 8 o'clock this morning, followed by . the Church school at 9:30 o'clock. His subject at this time will be "T Mission of the Church." There w also be a message from visiting mil isters. Reverend F. P. Arthur w lead the Vesper service at 6 o'clock { Memorial Church of Christ Today is the dedication day for the Zion Lutheran Church Memorial Church of Christ. Reverend The morning service will take the George W.- Knepper of Akron, Ohio, torm of a worship commemorative of will deliver the address at the morn- the reformation. The sermon subject ing worship on "The Supremacy of is "The Living Issue." The topic the Church." The student classes considered in the student forum held held at noon will be followed by a from 5:0 to 7:30 o'clock will be "The Fellowship dinner at 1 o'clock. I Place of the Lutheran Church in His- Reverend Knepper will officiate at the tory." Ralph Ehlers will conduct dedication services at 2:30 o'clock. the meeting. 1 F. L s J { I hour and Forum meeting will be held and student classes will meet at noon, ,TE'm.:g --_---- .. at the Parish hall. '0 E. Washington ;Dr. Waterman having charge of the Ct.The tonic for discussion at this class in Old Testament literature and AI C h rc e { znceln isr'he lace or te uteran "Ar. Chapman, the class in "The Mean- Chsr1, in liistory." Ralph Ehlerss will ing on Faith." At 5:30 and 6:30ow lead tie discussion. o'cdock respectively the Junior and enior B. Y. P. U. will hold their 11!, First ('onregationml ('iurch TShhe Unitarian Church1 meetings at the church. Students'nu The third sermon in the series to llorning worship will be held at Friendship hour will be as usual at ere's a bob style for every type. the open minded will be given this 10:30. leverend S. S. Robins has the Guild Rouse. Refreshments will Our barbers understand their work and morning by Reverend Jump on "t1he chosen as the subject of his address b) served immediately after the meet- can suggest ye Living Spirit of Liberty." At 5:30 "Putting Reliion Into l'olitics." At ing. The Students' Devotional ser- beo m o'clock there will be the student sup- 6:3 o'clock r. Ruthven Speaks will vice will be led by Mr. Lionel Crocker. mostbecoming to you. aome in te mom- per and a programh including special speak on "Has Evolution Settled Free discussion will be held on the i:g-you wont have to wait a bit Armenian music. The Fireside chat Everything?'' topic "Is Intelligence Everything?" w' -which follows will have for discussion - -i n l r f5 f the subject "Should There Be a L W. t. A f INANiES l Church Party in Politics?-low (YflU.LJNAJFrm AES11rt U lnL About the K. K. K.?" Dinky Dean will Continued frm Page Fouriteen) be featured in the motion picture nation-widet movementedicated to . NICKELS ARCADE service at 8 o'clock in "A Prince of a n interests of univerity beomen. Kig"Interest in the ass ociation has becom -411 ___ng. increasingly more important with the --- 1ihbroadening of the activities of the_ Methodist Episcopal Church association to include problems of so- IT HAS ALWAYS been "What You Are" will 1)0 the title Icial and industrial emphasis. of the morning's sermon at the Metho- (The religious element is not to be E our endeavor to maintain ser -nrrO~u cI rT aiu e uii r d1ist Episcopal church. The noon neglected, however. "I feel", statesC'f bible classes will be held as usu i Miss Mary Ross secretary of the local Vice of a character which i CHERW N-WILLIAto Wesley hall. At o'clock the Wes- association, "that the work this yearI leyan Guild will meet at the church. is to be characterized more deeply would establish for us the = -.' It has been planned to make this a than ever before by the desire to make joint meeting with the Hobart Guild, all o the association work in the cabi- continued good will of every- led by Perry Hayden. The Sunday net, the committees, and the general- night lunch at 7 o'clock will be in nembership, the fulfilling of the re- I= one who has ever eaten at the TE DECORATIVE ENAMEL 'Wesley hall. lig'ious purpose oal' the associatiomi -TH EOR TV E A E which ives the Y. . C. A. its unique ==" s ..A durable, American-made Enamel, for painted furni- First Presbyterian Church place among the women s orgaprza-e The student chorus will make its tions of the University." gna-ture,, Woodwork, or plaster=walls 8 5c worth of merchandise to you for ths3 1JC - - 85Ccoupon and - ®= One (uartemr-lint Inireloid - - - - - 3c LUECK Beauty Shoppe ,rotEa - One Special Enaieloid Brush - - - - - 25c One De Lux Booklet in full color - - - - 25c M arcel Wave to a Manicure Ca TOTAL - - COMPLETE STOCKS OF Expert Bobbing by a Maan Barber "Where the =est Picture Moulding-Parchment Shades-Stencil Outfits Open Wednesday and Friday Evenings Food is Served." Brushes-Oils, Etc. Dr , , . . . - 508 E. Williams St. Dr.M'ary R. Mi n-ss Mar _- PININ Every Tuesday and Wednesday - _ _ _-_ PAINTING AND DECORATING 330 Maynard St., Opp. Nickels Arcade Phone 2411-J Ann Arbor Ypsilanti x |1 |11111111111111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 l l Ill11111i i i ll l i1111111E1[111111111." = 1111I1H11UII l1111111111 U11 tliill111111 : :,I 111111111111111111iNt1118| 1111 111911 1 1 i l tll lllllllll ) Ii i11i111i111i1i11111ii i II1i111i1i111 11iii oa pal ues (o noL menonil: -110con- trol of government and industry by private monopoly." It is not a ques- tion of taking away the money of the rich and giving it to the poor, but of making the government stop using{ its power for a few of the rich, at theI expense of the rest of us. The presentl money domination brings not only such dramatic and obvious evils -is purchase of Senate seats, giving away government resources for bribes, and looting the Veterans' bureau. It has results of wider effect upon this na- tion and others: tariff juggling, with We consumer paying the bill; bully- I ing weaker nations to the south of us, under cover of the Monroe doctrine, chiefly to protect the interests of . ,V1erican capital; judicial decisions al most uniformly favoring capital at thie expense of labor. 'This condition has been recognized in: the past by both of the old parties, Attractive Fall Millmiery mun many smart modlels and at reasonable prices, Don't forget that we have mmovedl from Nickels Arcade over to 308 Maynard Street --just two dloors north of the - Majestic. 308 Maynard St. Phone 3070-J 1 i ,.,.._ .... .R. A. .,..a.4 t d., , ,. ,. ...-,. .,.u _.. R.. K...... greater Than Ever- 'I- A W ill Aud o r iu .U U ,g Wed., ov. 5,at8p.m Old students and townspeople know and ap- preciate the significance of a University Band Bounce. For years in the past it has been received with much enthusiasm, so much so that it has become a firm fixture in the really good functions at Michigan. Wednesday's Band Bounce will be greater than ever. Not only will there be the most popular musical selections by the Band-your Band, that has thrilled you between the halves at foot- ball game sby the Victors etc., but also a num- ber of vaudeville acts. These 'Numbers will be gven b Comedy Club, Masques, and Professional J Actors Through the courtesy of Mr. J. F. Wuerth, operator of the Wuerth Theatres in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, "we are able to add to our presentation several professional acts which Mr. Wuerth guarantees will consist of at least one hour of good entertainment. I