THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY ofessor Slosson On The League By Preston W. Slosson SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Sts. Martin, Hailer U 1. In the present political campaign many votes will be determined by party affiliation, personal merits of! the candidates and domestic issues.1 Every man must see things in his own way, and I write for those to whom 1, the question of foreign policy is of paramount importance. That would not always or usually be the case., Until 1898 the United States was very largely a self-con- tained nation and its foreign policy consisted largely of avoiding foreign complications. But we live now in a completely changed world. No maxim of foreign policy from stage. coach days-even from men as emi- Monroe-is af much applicability in the whole world in their course. The present situation is this. In domes- tic affairs we have attained a degree of security and prosperity, a new and higher standard of living, quite with- out precedent either in America or any other country. Nothing that nerIt. as Washington, Jefferson, or Messrs. Coolidge, Davis or LaFollette! con4.. do, checked as they are by I Congressional conservatism, could greatly enhance or diminish this* prosperity. If the United States were thie whole world the result of an elec- tipn would not at this time be of first importance. But our prosperity and security live under one continual threat-the dange;r that it may be swaraped by the poverty and In- security prevailing in less favored countriles. Ten years ago out ofhthe distant Balkans, in which we had as little a direct interest as in any part of the whole earth's surface, rose a storm cloud which eventually - cost us' m-any thousand lives and billions of our wealth. If after that, anyone can. dream of national isolation as even. a possibility or speak of any Euro- pean question serious enough to tfhreaten war as remote from our in- tprests-well, I envy the brand of opium. that he uses, that's all.t Two international agencies; cos- ly connected with each other, have heen created to prevent a renewal of tbe catastrophe of 1914. One, the Court of International Justice, takes care of "justiciable" cases, that is of quarrels open to a legal decision. The otler, the Council and Assembly of the League or Nations, takes care o1 those equally important and peril- onus cases which have passed the or- dinary resources of diplomacy but definite code of international law which cannot. be referred to any since they concern interests as well as rights. Both types of mediation are obviously essential to any security of world peace. The only conceivable alternative is the permanent possi- bility of war. The United States be- longs to neither the Court nor the Council. It stands an "outlaw" (in the literal sense Hof the word) among the nations. THE Issue ? In this article, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history depart- ment presents his arguments favoring the entry of the United States into the League of Nations. Widely known as an authority on this subject, Professor Slosson makes of the League question the real issue of the presidential election to be held Tuesday. It is with the hope of broadening the scope of student thought with regard to American political affairs that The Daily presents this article. To a certain extent partisan, it represents one side of a controversy, the other side of which is treated elsewhere in this issue. of the League have lost their places already, others may do so this year, and two years from now a definitely friendly Senate is within the bounds of possibility. Democratic Furniture Rugs (Continued from Page Nine) Coolidge has remained essentially pro- vincial and unimaginative. He has shown no qualities of political leader- ship. He has been slow and hesitant 112 East Liberty St. Presenting a group of com- fortable, well-designed chairs We Are Featuring the English Styles of Imported Woolens In Tuxedos Sack Coats and Overcoats A. C. BARTH -CUSTO TALOR19 E.William (7) By the same act the League defined the meaning of "act of ag- gression" so that there is no longeri the former uncertainty about the i scope and intent of Article X whichi frightened many people away fromf the Covenant of the League. (8) By this time five years exper- ience has made clear how unjust was the misrepresentation of ar-; ticle X in 1919-20 when it was al- most universally stated that this4 article flxed the boi'ndaries laid t down by the Treaty of Versailles and prevented -any changes in the! future. Many peaceful frontier readjustments have been made since that time. All that is actual- ly forbidden is aggressive interna tional warfare. (9) If the League infringes "nation- ality" some one ought to informl the fifty-five member nations of the' League of that fact! None of them seems to realize that its indepen- dence and national sovereignty have disappeared. (10) As for the special question of America's position in the world many of us think that the country would occupy a position of more power and influence if seated in th(. Council of a world-wide Confeder- acy instead of squawking with panic and scuttling for cover like a hen in front of a Ford whenever the bogie man of, "European diplomacy" comes in sight. Many will say: "I agree as to the about making important decisions, (and I may add Shotwell) have con- o tributed mightily to the improvement and utterly powerless to forge the dis-! cordant elements of his pry i of international relations. Nor do I a unt cpleofdirectes party nto a uit apale f drecedaction. He; think that President Coolidge is in- a give no deceo psing dividually prejudiced against the spossessing League. But unfortunately the Re- large political policies. He clings to publican party is bound hand and the past and present and seems to foot by the attitude of its Senators i feel no responsibility whatever for1 and the tradition of the future. His speeches are devoted andth trdiionofthe old fight t clbrtn pteehesy artudesoe against Wilson. So long as President to celebrating the homely virtues of Coolidge insists that our joining the economy, thrift, and decency,-wis- I League is "a closed incident" it is dom of a sort. But the President of self-deception to hope anything from the United States needs other sources him and his party in getting into the of inspiration than Poor Richard's League. Four years ago many people Almanac and the sap-bucket. I voted the Republican ticket on the Davis has from the beginning of pledge of Mr. Hughes and others that his career been a man marked for a vote for Harding was a vote for the eminence. His position as head ofj League with reservations. Four the bar association shows him to bel years have passed and no "association recognized as a leader in the profes- of nations" has been created as an sion, and a man of rare intellectualF alternative to the League and we vigor. le has had actual experience have yet to take the first step even with the post-war world. As Solicitor to join the League, no matter with ;General he was in the thick of the what reservations. struggles out, of which the new era As for LaFollette any internation- has come. As Ambassador to Great! alist should be ashamed to vote for Britain lie has a first-hand knowl-' the Senator who was a "bitter ender" edge of foreign affairs. 'is large against the League in any form and legal and business connections give who has opposed even such limited warrant that his cabinet and other as- measures of international co-opera- sociates will be, not politicians like; tion as the Four-Power Pact which Pall, Daugherty. Slemp and Forbes, guarantees the peace of the Pacific. but men of affairs and of, command- Radical in domestic matters, Laiol- ing ability. For these reasons lie' will lette is ultra-reactionary in his views give us what we need moat at this of foreign policy. crucial moment, a man capable ofI This leaves only Davis, who is per- being a wise, imaginative and vigor- sonally a warm advocate of the Ous political leader. League and (platform or no plat- ; 11 HI ' "r Read The Daily "Classified" Columns i- i t (. I--------------------------------- general principle of inte co-operation, but why just th Is it the best possible plan it not have many flaws?" Quite true. We have no the particular present syst would scuttle it in a minute ter plan equally certain o adoption were to appear. son that we stand by the instead of any alternativel association is simply ;that exists andlit is easier to impr is than to create what isn't. Now what are the bearin League issue on the pres paign? I quite agree with Reeves that such Americans as Hughes, Dawes, Hoove rnational form) will do all that he can as Pres- i"311111It i111111111t!1l iittttl!ii e League? ident to further its cause. There is n?. Does still the stubborn Senate to reckon ~ with, but many of the chief enemies r brief for tem and. if a bet- Read the Want Ads * f general - The rea- League league om I it nowI- rove what flFRATERNITIESet SORORITIES gs of the CONNIE'S - L ent cam- MICHIGAN MEN I Professor Play for that Party. statesmen For Engagements Call 2S4 or, Rooto John a S Get the habit of Eatig at the - t t I ~i"G oDE A T Sr ay need in the student supply line-come i1 CA FETER IA 609 East Williams St. yAye. Phone ) 160-R Jo - You'll Like It - - * Come and See. 1i I IIIIIIIIIiIiII I I iii: This Boudoir Chair has an attractive chintz for its cover. Not too large, either. Will well grace the guest room or the Misses' rpom. $28.50 4k ~ A Coxvell Chair Decidedly a man s chair. Covered in walnut figured mohair-just right for an easy reading chair. $65.00 -el Overstuffed Chair Built for absolute comfort. Has down cushion-cover is black sateen, piped with mulberry. $85.00 End Table $7.85 .- - r J i , either. , ,. Act now! Let Rentschler make your Michiganensian picture this year. You are assured the very best masteej craftsmanship can produce. You always get something better and different in photography from Rent- schlcr. There's much uncommon excel- lence about them. -Beat that deadline. Make an appoint- ment to-day by phone. Call 961-M. r'I .1 --he deadfine- Its November 26th. You've heard it announced. And not so very far off I.. I 'I I ++l 1 , , 'I I 'I .1_ Portrait Photographer Studio: 319 E. Huron i Phone: 961-M "ky ... . The main reason for this is the strength of the old but now useless tradition of national. isolation and a vaguely defined fear of what is call- ed "European diplomacy." Combined with this is a distrust of the particu- lar organization called the "League of Nations" due to arguments levied against it in the Senate in 1919 and Five years experience have shown many of these arguments to be quite naseless-even granting that they were ever honest. The following facts are worth stressing: (1) All important nations of the world are members of the League except ourselves, Germany and Russia.. Germany is now seeking admission. It is universally agreed that any Russian government ex- cept the present Bolshevist one would at once apply for member- ship. Practically all smixll nations are also members and so far from viewing the League with distrust as a mere imperialistic alliance the: small nations such as Norway, Hol- land, Belgium and Czechoslovakia are the most ardent friends that the League has today. (2) In the five turbulent years since the League came into existence there has been not one si.ngle in-, stance of a war between any two of its members. The only two in- ternational struggles worthy to be called "wars" since 1919 have been Poland against Russia (out of the League) and Greece against Tur- key (at that time not yet in the League.) (3) On the other hand civil wars, which are not in the jurisdiction of- the League, have been very numer- ous-in China, Russia, Ireland, Mexico, etc. The League has never intervened in such a case, which ought to put at rest fears of inter- ference with domestic concerns. (4) Much was said about the separ- ate representation of the British Dominions adding to the voting strength of Englanad. In no instance1 has England been able to marshal a partisan vote against other na- tions by this means. (5) Many threatened wars have been directly averted by mediation of one or another of the League agencies. (6) It is often urged, and with much cogency, thaththe League has been given only the small tasks of dip- lomacy and that the "big things" such as reparations, disarmament the Franco-German disputes, etc. i i I. . ... T;IFJ i+;+ %r II III 11 a Whatever you m to us. We have it. 1111 South Unpiversity ' 1 You Should r ur.urter. rr n+.« sntrna "" er isrrrte" - ea _ s raer .......................... errnrraaerera«sr: :. r r i TWIN At A -A Amw/ i ', ,- ave o insist1 on Photographic Troubles .when the Best You ve a phone And can call Energine Cleaning Us at 458. You Can get Pictures of You buy a motor car that's new To get good service year by year; Your suit will give you service, too, Provided that we clean it here. Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer The games for Your M-books U I Here. - f . !arment £leanino 3 onpan ' The a m oh E n e r i n.e KODA KS CAMERA SUPPLIES FILMS for sale by1 If ICI I