s K'c .ead The Daiy r"Classified" columns1 ----------- r IPIORE WOMEN TD Il ENTERTAINED AT TEA Gizf t Erksh0 Preparatory. to the opening of the ' FtESIIT Christmas workshop, the social ser- - lRADJuST HOU SE RULES RED SAL RECORDS A Com plete Album of Red Seal Records SopThomore women who are inter- vice committee of the Y, W. C.A.I ested; in any form of writing or in will hold a meeting at 2 o'clock to-; I1!1- AI -;im are iiivited to a tea a t 4 morrow in Newberry hal to make ar- o'clock tomorrow at Betsy Barbour rangements before the formal open)- house. ing on Tuesday. Women on camipus publications wiVl I Dolls and scrap books will be act a,, h:stesses for the occasion and made at this meeting to be used as staff members of the various publi- models for the remaining meetings of cations' will serve. Miss Jeanette Per- the workshop which will be open ry, diretor of Betsy Barbour Diouse from 2 to 5 o'clock Tuesday, Wed-i will pour and Mbiss Jean Hamilton, nesday and Thursday afternoons ua- d10an1 of wiomen. Mrs. Amy Hobart tit ChIrstmas vacation.' anti Mfiss Grace Richards will assist Detroit merchants have given ma- in receiving the women. terials and supplies for this "work.E Upon investigation of the interests 'There are 150 dolls to be dressed of University women in various activ- during, this time, at the workshop. ities, it was found that a greater num- All women interested are urged to ber of wvomen were interested in some attend the, meetings on one of these form of newspaper or magazine writ- dates. in~ than was expectecd. Campus pub-j The social service committee of the Ilt:,tions take care of only a limited Y. WX. C. A. is as follows: Esther. numbel r of thiese women who swish to I Anderson, '25, Jessica Megaw, '25, express themselves in this form. The ! Virginia' Simmers, '25, Anna Arnold, tea, therefore, will be held in an ef-1'27x,. Ruth Kahn, '27, Lida, Thatcher, fort to draw the women with a com- 125. Amendments a the present hour( on at the joint ii ot R-'ep resentativc Tlf7 ?r'tnrJIof SL 11A ed readjustments of erules will be votod j neeting of the Board es and the Board 'ofI Women's League to zSymphoij° ny it INor ("l nititshed- 1 t Moveilelt, 6 4 9hart 1 aid Part 2 (Schubert) St.okowski and Philadelphia Orchestra 'Sympnti-1y i-3B Mior ("Unfinished")-1st )Movement, (4 4 6 Par :mlnd2nd I ovenient, Part 1 Stok:owski and Philadelphia Orchestra f ~vinp:i i D3 Minor ("Unfinished") -2nd Mfovement, C 4ti 1 F and I(Part 3 Stokowski and Philadelphia Orchestra 'The imnimor _t Unfinished Symphony of Franz Schubert. Three rec- ords Lu cess ark Lo giveo iti"n full. It is a masterpiece of music, and a matriceo eorig nd the conductor, tie orchestra, and thec V ictor Copany ave r~tl laid a work before the public witl 1sl1(:c;LOr5 01 Me lie held soon. A discussion concern- I i E t ing the questions to be brought upfly t this meeting was held yesterday at a Board of Representatives meeting. The Board of Representatives con-' sists of all presidents of organizedl houses while the Board of DirectorsI consists of a body of students elected by all women at the spring campus elections. $39.50 C~harm In1Y simple top- coat of nuyShagf- In r; o;,. Con-ertable cla. Flare back. 17'w-burttont front fast- enig.Rag1lansleeves. IHaif, lined with peont wee cygne. Can be -worn with or- without belt. SECOND FLOOR 'I. ' will meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow at Newberry hall. Women who have signedl up forI rifle practice will meet at 4 o'clockj today in Barbour gymnasium. Buenos Aires, Nov. 1.-Gayne Dex- ter, Australian explorer, is planningj an expedition to search for the live dinosaur reportedl seen in Lake Es- guel in the Andes. v Qiiiitttei E Flat _Majr-lst Mlovei iciit and 2 ad 6 4 6 2 -, ThiC ' it (Schumiann) (~spGabrilowitsch with Flonzaley Quartet QU:I~L Ei FFlat _tajor-3rd AMovement -and Finale (,,4 ;y I (ichumiann2) Os i, Gabrilowitsch with Flonzaley Quartet rih(-, ecxtr'aordinary onsamble < records introduce Ossip Cabrilowitsch, internationally, famous pianist, comiposer and conductor' of the Dectr oit Symtphony Orchestra, as a Victor Rled Seal artist. In con- julnction with the Flonzaley Quartet, he has recorded, entire, 'this .noiimental quintet for piano andl strings-an achievement of the highiest musical importance. Comte in and hear these wonderful c< ris Schaeberle OrSon Music House GOOD YEA 1( 124 SOUTH MAIN on interest together ant i icussth ssib~ilties of formng a society I tertained the active members at the rough which they can find an outletJ annual Hallowe'en dinner party', r their talent and desire'to write . Thursday night. tny lid , ))lGnOo Nwmnwho is'in- f 5ea in this form of expression is Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained ro s t 'o attendI the tea tomorrow.1 with a 'formnal pledge dance Friday i0 viirious wvomen on publications night. X11 be present to explain their mndi- lua~ yp'e of wocrk andauges the ;K appa Delta entertained the fol- 1,v~ b wl ich a new woman on lowing guests 'at dinner Wednesday: c~ cmpu s imay enter into publica- Prof. Roy W. Cowden, and Mrs. Cow- I in aivt,rnot only by actually try- den, Prof. Solomon F.' Gingerich, and y> out fo r a staff position but, by Mrs. Gingerich, Prof. Clifford C. Me- 110 South Main St. Re ad The Daily " Classified" Colur TI rlirli in voluntary mnanuscripts t uSe in the (camwpus imagazines. Tb ~pbliatlnswomen extend an Nvita,4,on to every sophomore woman 'I~h a des~ire to write to 'attend thel E~a, alid Imeeft other University womenV1 ho Dae the samnedesire.1 Social ,Notes Ga4 nia Phli Bet.a entertained at a orr~1 leidge d"'nce Friday. Mrs. Iilliam LBrace, !Mr. Iand] Mrs. Bert ~turicr, 11n(1l Mr.and MAors. Nathan Potter chaperoned. Fall' flowers were used ais decorations and the nusie was furnhsled by the Glee. Club nrchc~stra. loche, and Mrs. Meloche. E ngagemeent of Helen R. Sherman, '25, Toronto,; Canada, Alpha Xi Delta, to Foster Poser, '24, Phi Kappa Tau, of Flint, Michigan, was announced at an informal party at the Alpha Xi D~elta h'ouse. Alpha Chi Omega announces the pledging of Maurine Watts, '26, of Jackson, Michigan. Notice i i i of t i Members of the outlaw hockey teami will have their final practice at 4 o'clock tomorrow at Palmer field. Pi Beta Phi ave af d:ance Fridiay. iss Geo Mrll. and' Mr-is. J. 4C.;Upi flowers adwetsm tions. rus'oCeSt formnal pledge rtrule .James, ton, and Mliss Freshman meet in the, nasium at 4 Spread committee will parlors of Barbour gym- o'clock Tuesday. 1 anna -gaVe-a pld:so1 Tf ct-, peronCS. j"I11 Je upI1) oa-j CaptAins and teamn members serv- t 'a fis1hedI ing on the Y. W. C. A. finance cam'- ipaign will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow in Newberry h-all for a 15 minute formal pledge meeting. I Members of the executive commit- P'hi Alphay en- tee of the Y .W. C. A. finance drive 3 >. L: ] Quite the smartest thing is the simple frock of Silk, Kasha, or Velvet, with rather, severe collars and cuffs. Of jil2 l£ ~ III 11111 11111111 i11111111111 .1iIII kilill ioI1 a111 ;IIIIIIlt M MHATINEEEVNG :7:03:00 A4 Sensation Over Night! axWl W4.30 83' - . .r S A - 1NU-' - - -AND- THGE TORY THA AOUEOASTRMODSCS-O . W - W BPRODUCTION a- YW WllAge That It' ________0PEWETRSTE ER OTUUULLV TR - -Inloe! loe-arone-o a roicl ilemiOrltte% Wctri~Il~ oic naNo ii'nhp frsu! Tc~ nndcae hi nvcnetos W~.~ -R 1 H A R p\No voD ims nXinl i hm!Agspn etl W0 d- - A ,--u\ \ "~ vtot qa.- Phone 3059-W these you cannot have too many. Tlhe ir very simplicity, however, de- raands perfect tailoring-the kind that is our specialty. 222 Nickels Arcade Opposite Betsy Ross a.- _.,. ..,..__... _ ___..,_.. a :m r h, s; l"y Pictures Among the newest innovations in pictures are framed tapestries of which we have a large assort- ment at very reasonable prices. Darling ,,& Malleaux I ii